Head Games

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~(Y/n) POV~

I FELT THE COLD AIR hit my hands as I pushed through the melting ice. Not nearly a second after they broke through, I felt a calloused hand, strongly grasping my own. Before I had time to react, I was lifted out of the water, staring into Norths distraught eyes.

"(Y/n)!? W-Wha-" North lost his words as he stared at my silver fin that was now separating, contorting back into legs.

"How did you-?" Jack began but I didn't let him ask his question. There would be time to talk about this later. Right now, my main focus was on Dylan. I struggled, kicking my feet that were about a foot from the ground. Finally, I yanked free from Norths hold, dropping to the ground.

"I need to get Dylan."

"(Y/n), what are you doing!?" North asked as I laid my stomach across the cold ice. I reached into the water. I submerged my arm up to my shoulder before I found his hands. I grabbed on to him tightly, the water making our touch slip. I attempted to pull him to the surface, but I wasn't strong enough. I anxiously looked over at North.

"A little help here!" I yelled, panic wavering through my tone. I felt North pick me up by the back of my dress, lifting me and Dylan off and out of the ice. I watched Dylan's blue scales fade as I saw a quick flash of his bronzed skin tone before it was covered by black fabric from his suit. North carried us both off the ice, setting us down at the edge of the pond. Dylan and I were gasping, our gills sunk into our necks as we tried to regulate the air intake to our lungs. It felt strange breathing now that I had been underwater for so long. I didn't have time to fully adjust to the environment before I felt North yank me behind him. He stood defensively in front of me. What the hell is going on? I thought.

"Jack! That's the guy who keeps trying to break into the factory!" I didn't have time to protest before Jack had his staff pointing towards Dylan, ready to attack.

"No! Stop, he just wants to talk."

"Oh, I've given him many chances to talk (Y/n)..." I ran over to Jack, stepping in front of Dylan. His weapon now pointing at me.

"(Y/n)- Move."

"No, listen to me. Dylan needs our help! Pitch is taking his people prisoner!" As I spoke Jack slowly lowered his staff.

"It's true." I heard Dylan pipe in behind me. Jack linked his arm in mine, pulling me away from Dylan, stepping protectively in front of me.

"Now you speak?" North asked annoyed.

"Believe me, I've been trying to for months. You couldn't hear me before- because- well, because everyone thinks my species doesn't exist." Dylan looked as if he was lost in thought for a moment.

"But- you just saw two merpeople. It must have broken the language barrier!"

"Merpeople?" North muttered under his breath.

"Wait for a second, aren't you the guy that was dancing with (Y/n) last night?" Jack looked at Dylan, squaring up to him as if he was ready to start an interrogation. What is wrong with men? Why can't they just see the bigger picture here? There is literally a whole species in trouble, asking for our help! Dylan just nodded in reply to Jack.

"Okay, then if what you are saying is true, then how could you have spoken to (Y/n)?" Dylan's face looked puzzled, he was at a lost for words and I could tell by Jack's expression that he thought he had caught him in a lie.

"What can I say, Jack?" I spoke up, earning the gaze from Jack's blue eyes.

"I believe in the unbelievable." I shrugged and then it was silent for a moment before Jack cracked a smile.

"You!" North spoke, pointing at Dylan.

"Get in the sleigh. It's freezing out here. We'll talk more at the factory."

"One moment! This can't wait any longer." North rolled his eyes at Dylan's words. He walked over to me, resting a hand on each of my arms. Great, now what does he want?

"Dylan, I think this can wait," I spoke clearly, hoping he would just get in the sleigh. All of us standing out here was beginning to feel a little awkward, especially with all the tension between the three of them. He shouldn't be pushing their limits like this.

"No, it can't. (Y/n)... About that pull I was talking about earlier..."

"We can talk about this later." I retorted, feeling uncomfortable because of the way he was holding me.

"But, (Y/n)..." His right hand stroked my hair before caressing my cheek.

"Whoa-" I quickly pulled his hand away from my face.

"Another time. Now go, get it in the sleigh." I demanded. Dylan smirked as he turned away from me, climbing in the sleigh behind North. As soon as he sat down they took off. As they flew away, Dylan's gaze didn't falter from my frame.

"He's a strange fellow." I heard Jack's voice behind me.

"You think?" I asked, still watching the sleigh that was now just a small, black speck in the sky.

"He was very- uhm... Touchy- with you." I looked at Jack, letting a smirk grow on my lips. Was he jealous?

"No more than you are." I simply stated, curious what his answer would be.

"That's different." Jack defended himself. He seemed to be taking this conversion a lot more serious than I was.

This should be interesting.

"How so?"

"Because we're friends."

"Dylan's my friend."

"You barely know him-!" The urgency in Jacks' voice made me feel bad for continuing the conversation. I didn't mean to stress him out. Maybe I shouldn't have played into this, I didn't realize it was going to bother him this badly. I mean, why should it?

"Don't get me wrong, it does make me uncomfortable," I said, looking at my toes that were digging into the fresh powdered snow, I attempted to ease the conversation and calm his nerves, I really don't like it when Jack's upset.

"Why didn't you tell him that?"

"Because- I don't know? What if that's how merpeople are? What if they are a touchy, feely species! I didn't want to be rude." It got quiet after I spoke. It wasn't a comfortable silence like it normally is between Jack and I. My heart rate quickened. What should I do? I didn't mean to upset him.

"Are you uncomfortable- ... When it's me?" Jack stepped closer to me. My face softened when I noticed the disquiet in his eyes.

"Of course not," I said, letting out a shaky breath. Was I nervous? Jacks hand slipped into mine, lacing our fingers together.

"Good." He smiled showing off his pearly white teeth. He snaked an arm around my waist, fly straight up into the sky, holding me in his arms. I quickly let my wings take form and pushed away from him laughing. I let him fly ahead of me, creating some distance between us. I formed a silver rope in my hand then flung it out in front of me. It wrapped around Jacks body. I didn't give him any room to move, he just hovered in the air, cocooned in my silver sand. He looked very unimpressed, I softly laughed at his expression.

"What are you doing?" He chuckled as he attempted to wiggle free. I flew closer to him, feeling courage flood through me. If he wants to play these head games, then we're gonna play em'! We're just having fun, right? I stopped only a few inches in front of him.

"Just making sure you're comfortable with me being close to you," I said seductively, smirking. I watched his eyes light up in surprise and interest. Not the reaction I was hoping for. I was only playing.

"You could never be close enough." Jacks words shocked me, losing focus, my rope loosened enough for Jack to break free. He started laughing. He tricked me!

"Come on, we should probably head back." He lightly grabbed my wrist, pulling me toward him as we flew in the direction of the factory.

Did he mean anything by that?


(Y/n): 0

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