Our Secret Place

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~(Y/n) POV~

"ISN'T THIS NICE?" He whispered in my ear. I then looked up at him slowly, nodding. Jack pulled me by my waist, bringing me closer to him. Our chests were now touching. Not breaking our eye contact, our noses were creeping closer together.

"You look amazing (Y/n)"

"You do to Jack". I said smiling at him. I rested my head on his chest as we slowly danced around the room. What is going on? Why is he suddenly acting so strange towards me, and why am I melting away at everything he does? This is weird right? Why do I feel so weird when I'm around him? Once the song was over Jack held my hand, leading me over to the hallway we were previously at. No people had wandered to this area yet, so it felt relaxing, plus it was quiet.

"Jack?" Screw it, my center is bravery, I'm just gonna ask him!

"Yes (Y/n)?"

"Why have you been avoiding me recently?" I asked with a bit of disappointment in my tone. Jack sighed as he looked at me. I could tell he had tensed at my question and now I wasn't so sure I wanted to know his answer, seeing how much this situation affected him.

"Do you want to know the truth?" He asked. Well, I can't go back now. Hesitantly, I nodded.

"I've been nervous". Jack stated, looking at the ground.

"I've been trying to find the perfect way to ask you to this Ball.." He said as I looked at him shocked. Wait, he wanted me to be his date to the ball? That's why he couldn't talk to me? A small smile laid on my lips. How cute can he possibly be?

"Every time I came close to talking to you, I don't know, I froze. I couldn't think of any words, I didn't want to give you the wrong impression." Jack then met my gaze, taking both of my hands in his. My heart sank. I knew he didn't feel that way about me. I need to stop thinking about this. I'm just tormenting myself.

"I even asked Tooth to makes us matching outfits," he said looking down at his tie with a smirk..

"Earlier today, I thought I actually built up the courage to ask you, But when I came looking for you. Y-You had just gotten out of the shower, and seeing you like that, I figured it wasn't the best time" He chuckled and I could feel my cheeks turning pink, thinking of the memory that happened earlier today.

"I waited by your door, but you never came back out, and once the ball started, I figured I must have missed you somehow... And then when I saw you up there with North, I hurried to get to you.. But then that guy got to you before I could- and that's why we had that little accident" Jack laughed slightly under his breath. I noticed his cheeks were tinted with a bit of crimson.

"Is this really why you weren't talking to me?" I asked smiling uncontrollably

"Yeah, it is.." Jack said with a smile growing on his face.

"(Y/n) if I would have asked you to go with me...would you of said yes?" Jack looked at me curiously.

"Of course I would have said yes Jack. You're my best friend!" I said smiling up at him. Jack then hugged me, lifting me up and holding me tight. My stomach began to twist, and I started wondering why Jack hugging me made me feel this way all of a sudden. We've hugged before and I've never had this knot in my stomach then. What is happening to me?

"Well, now I wish I would have just asked you!" Jack said putting me back down and loosening his grip, but not letting go of his embrace around me.

"Hey, do you want to get out of here?" I asked Jack while we were holding each other. He looked at me with a confused face.

"Why? Are you not enjoying the Ball?" He asked concerned.

"No, I'm enjoying myself, but... I'm not much of a people person... and there is A LOT of people here. It's kind of crowded" I said feeling bad for wanting to leave so soon, but I am who I am.

"Yeah come on, where do you want to go?" He asked me while starting to walk to the doors.

"I was thinking since I never really have time to, and now that everyone is at the dance, maybe we could just walk around the North Pole factory?" I asked jack while following him.

"Okay yeah, that sounds fun." He said, smiling as we walked out of the doors and began roaming around the giant building. Then out of nowhere, Jack began laughing,

"I remember before I became a guardian, I use to try and break in here all the time." He said thinking back on his memory. I looked up at him, shocked that he would try to break into a place.

"What? I never got past the Yetties" He said after noticing the look on my face.

"I would have loved to see how that played out." I started laughing.

"Oh, you would have just loved to see me getting thrown out by a big hairy beast wouldn't of you!?" He said laughing along with me.

"As A matter of fact, I would of!" I said as my laugh got softer before it stopped.

"Hey (y/n)? do you want to see something?"

"Sure" I simply stated as Jack took a hold of my arm leading me down another hallway. Just like many others, this one was filled with pictures as well. The difference between this hallway and the rest was that this one had dark blue walls, that looked more worn than the others. There were portraits of Norths ancestors leading down the entire hallway. Jack walked up to a small picture of what looked like a young North and slightly tilted it to the side as the floor below it started to creak open. I looked down in amazement as Jack grabbed my hand as we walked down the stairs. Once both are heads were away from the flooring above us, Jack hit a button that closed the sliding door and turned on lights. We walked into a giant room, that had dark, redwood flooring. The center of the room had a white, fluffy, round carpet and on top of the carpet was a big black, leather couch with a coffee table sitting in front of it. There was a Huge flat screen TV hanging on the wall, and there were bookshelves filled with storybooks covering each wall. There were white Christmas lights hanging up all the way around the room, just giving it that little extra glow to make the place look magical. It felt nice here, a place you could come to get away. I wish I had a place like this while I was growing up, I probably would have never left.

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