A Call From Father

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   I wake with a start and notice I'm laying on my bed. I sit up slowly before being pulled back down. My eyes snap to behind me and I see Dylan has his arm wrapped tightly around me. I never would have thought that after a couple of months of dating him I would be this comfortable with the intimacy but it seems almost right. I shake my head and slowly turn around to face him. He looks so peaceful when he's sleeping.

   I lightly trace my finger along his jawline and down his neck. I blush heavily when I realize that he's not wearing a shirt. I can still feel my now dry swimsuit on but am glad for the yoga pants and too big sweatshirt he pulled on over me. I lightly stroke the side of his face with the back of my hand before giving him a light peck.

   He starts to stir slightly but pulls me closer to himself. I hear him mumble about it being too early to be awake. I chuckle quietly and glance at the clock. 5:30 A.M shone in the dark, It really is a bit too early. I shake my head and turn to Dylan who is back to being out like a light. "Dylan, love wake up." I whisper, tracing the edge of his jaw and down his neck. His eyes finally open and I'm embraced in a warm chocolate brown.

   "Morning beautiful girlfriend of mine, what prompted you to wake me up at this ungodly hour?" He yawns out, keeping a firm grip around my waist. I tap my chin while pretending to be in thought. "Hmm, I think it might have been...you?" I say before a grin breaks out on my face. He looks at me unamused and pulls me closer so our noses are touching. I know he wants a reaction but I keep a neutral expression.

   I see a flicker of frustration in his eyes and almost laugh. Suddenly his hand slips under my shirt and he traces up my spine slowly. I bite the inside of my mouth to keep from shivering at the electricity from his touch. he traces random patterns on my back lightly over the scars. I press to keep my breath even and heart rate down. I know I might be still a kid but these feelings Dylan gives me feel like love.

   I never believed in soulmates but what if there really was some people who were just destined to be together no matter what. When I started high school, I pledged to not date until I was out of school. It never occurred to me that I was breaking something I had pledged to myself until now, with the move I had forgotten all about it.

   "Dylan?" "Yes, darling?" He replies, still tracing patterns in my back. "I just remembered something. When I started high school, I pledged to not date until at least college." I say quietly. He stills and undecipherable emotions swirl in his eyes. Finally, he says "So...w-what does that mean for us?" I ponder how to answer that question as I really wasn't sure myself.

   After a bit of thinking, I respond "How about I tell you this and then you tell me what you think. I have never in my life met someone who makes me feel the way you do. I have never been this open to anyone easily. I feel like...soulmates just might exist." He smiles brightly and pulls me in for a kiss. I gladly return it, eyes fluttering closed. Never in my life have I felt this kind of love before.

-At School-

   It was the beginning of class and I got a call. My heart clenched painfully as I glanced at the screen and saw it read Father. I raised my hand and politely asked to take the call. Dylan looked at me with worry but I shook my head no. I left the classroom and answered the call as soon as the door was shut. 

   "Hello, Father." "Why didn't you answer my call right away?" "I was in the middle of class. What do you need that makes it so pressing to call me? You haven't called in years." I refuse to let my voice crack even when I'm overcome with grief. "You are moving with me back to your future kingdom during spring break." My body locks up and I almost drop the phone. "W-what? No! I refuse to uproot myself again after you abandoned me and my mother in America! I had to move to Paris because of you! Why do you decide to come back after I have found a good life with people who love me more than you ever did?!?!" By now, my blood boils with pure fury and hatred towards my father.

   I look at my hand and see fire starting to ball up in the palm of my hand. I close my eyes and take some slow deep breaths. I open my eyes and face the wall. "I will make a deal with you. Spend your spring break here and if you still want to live with your uncle in Paris, I will allow it. remember after your 18th birthday coronation, you will have four years to go to college and find a suitable husband and king for the throne." I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration. "I'm bringing my four friends and current boyfriend with me then." "I will see you then."

   I end the call and power off my phone. I feel bubbling rage inside me and reel back, punching the wall with all my force. I dump some water on my bleeding knuckles before wrapping them in gauze. I smile in mild grim satisfaction at the cracked brick wall with blood marks and walk back into the classroom, hiding my injured right hand in my pocket.    

   I sit down next to Dylan and finally release the tears in my eyes. He snakes his arm around my waist and I lean on his shoulder, not caring if anyone saw my tears. After class was over, I walked with my friends to lunch. I sat down at the table and picked at my food, having no appetite after my call. I look up to see everyone looking at me with worry.

   "What was that call about?" Marinette asks. I sigh and drop my fork back on my plate. "It was my Father. He is insistent on me moving back to the palace with him and abandon the life I have here. after outright refusing him, he decides to let me choose after spending spring break in my home country but must remind me that after my 18th birthday coronation, I have four years to find a husband or I won't be able to take the throne! And to put the icing on the cake, he never even once says 'I love you'! I mean I didn't expect less but it would be nice to know he cares for me a little."

   At this point I am filled with rage again and pick up the metal fork, twisting it into a jumbled mess to rid my burning desire to set the school alight. They all look at me in shock, mouths agape. I take a deep breath and cool down my internal flames. "Dudette, how?" Nino says. I look at him and say "Rage. Pure, burning rage. It was either the fork or torching the school. I thought the latter was more detrimental." Dylan pulls me into a tight hug and I melt into it, relishing in the comfort surrounding me.

   Adrien speaks up next "I can see how our Fathers are brothers. I mean he didn't have to bring up all of that during the conversation." Finally, Alya jumps into the conversation. "Your dad is worse than Mr. Agreste. I mean Adrien's dad at least is finally acting like one." "Is there anything we can do?" Marinette asks. I sit up and rub my tired eyes with my hand. 

   "If you would like, you are all invited to come with me during spring break. All costs will be covered so it's basically free. Food, transportation, anything you need will come out of the family bank account." I say. They all pull out there phones and ask if they can go. After getting five 'yes'es, I email them all of the details. "We leave 8:00 a.m the first day of spring break. I most likely will be picking you all up in my car at your houses so be ready about 7:30 to be picked up."

   Everyone nods except Alya who says "You can drive? What kind of car is it?" I smirk and say "You will have to wait and see."

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