Hurting Hero

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Kennedy's POV: 

   The sensation of being weightless consumed my being as I glided through the air without comprehension of what was happening. I slowly corkscrewed down from the air and landed in an empty field.  I looked at myself in wonder and confusion. I was now a fiery red and orange bird the size of a small sports car. 

   Okay, we just need to be calm. There's always an explanation for this craziness right? But that means that my dad never told me that I could turn full Pheonix...or maybe he didn't know? I screamed in frustration but it came out like a hawk call of sorts and then it dawned on me. I can't talk. Oh no, if someone tries to hurt me because I'm a giant deadly bird, I can't tell them that I'm the princess which means if I can't shift back then I'm in big trouble.

   I started pacing in the field and felt my body start to heat up. I glanced at my wings and jumped when I saw they were on fire! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! Suddenly the ground slightly shakes and I whip around to see a giant blue dragon?! There's a swirl of icy wind and Dylan stands in its place??? 

   The adrenaline fades away and stress catches up to my body, consuming my thoughts in darkness. 

Dylan's POV: 

   After Kennedy shifts, I shift and follow her silently. She stops in an empty field and stares off into the distance. A squawk of frustration sounds out from her and she starts pacing. Soon, she bursts into flames and I decide to intervene. I land on the ground and shift back. She looks at me stunned and then is consumed in flames before dropping to the ground as her normal self.

   I run over to her and scoop her up before running through the woods back to the airport. I run inside the plane and everyone looks at me startled. "She passed out. Get your stuff and I'll work on waking her up." They nod and move to the luggage room at the back to collect their stuff. I lay her down on the couch and grab a smelling salt out of the first aid kit.

   She slowly wakes with a groan and says "W-what happened?" "You passed out. We need to get going, will you be okay?" I ask her, rubbing her leg lightly. She nods and I help her stand. I collect my bags and leave the plane after her. A galaxy limo pulls up and everyone silently piles inside. As the car drives through the city, many locals stop and give a friendly wave to us even with the rolled up shaded windows. 

   We finally pull up to the castle gates and Kennedy takes a deep breath before putting on a fake smile. She steps out of the car and walks up to her father who gives her a cold stare. She curtsies and he nods. His lips move and Kennedy turns to us before making a small motion for us to exit the car. We all step out one by one and approach Kennedy and her father.

   I stop and give King Thomas a curt bow. "Prince Dylan. Good to see my daughter has at least some decent company." He says. I glance over to see Kennedy's eyes burning with fury. The rest of the group comes up and follows our example. Kennedy takes a deep breath and the fire in her eyes dampens. "Father, this is Marinette, Adrien, Alya, and Nino, my friends. Adrien is Uncle Gabriel's son." 

   King Thomas nods slightly and says "So who is your 'boyfriend' then?" I step closer to her and slip my hand in hers before saying "I am sir." A slight smile twitches at his lips and he says "Good, for a second I might have thought it was one of the commoners she calls her friends." Kennedy's grip on my hand tightened and her eyes were now fully amber. "Thank you, Father, for meeting us but I think it's best if I show my friends their rooms." Kennedy hisses through clenched teeth before storming away into the palace and dragging me along.

   The rest of the group is running up behind us as she drags me up a flight of stairs and down a hall, stopping at the last room. She flings the door open and lets go of my hand before dropping on the bed. The rest of the group enters just as she hides her face in a pillow and lets out a frustrated scream. Adrien winces at the sound and Alya grimaces.

   "I hate this, why did I even invite you guys?! All he's going to do is be a d*ck about everything and I just, urgh!!!! I want to just punch him in the face and scream at the top of my lungs about how shitty my father is!!!! I never thought I would say this but I HATE my father!! He has no respect for anything I do and I can never be good enough for him!!! I wish that he would just leave me alone!! I had hoped that I could escape him in Paris but he still found me!!!! I just..." Kennedy ranted, breaking into tears at the end.

   I was at her side in a flash, wrapping her in my tight embrace. Her tears slowly soaked my shirt as she cried out all her pain and frustration. My eyes slowly scanned the group as I slowly rubbed circles in her back. most of their faces displayed pity and anger. My gaze dropped back to Kennedy who was now just shaking from the tearless crying.

   She looked up at me with puffy red eyes and tear-stained cheeks. "I-I don't know what to do." She whispered out. The sparkle in her eyes was dead and they were dull with pain. I smiled and said "I'm protecting you no matter what. As long as I'm there he wouldn't dare lay a hand on me, our kingdom's alliance is too important for him." She shook her head but I softly grabbed her chin and had her look me in the eyes.

   "Kennedy, love, let me be the hero for once." I say, pressing my forehead to hers lightly. She takes a slow breath and says "A-alright." I smile before catching her lips in a kiss. She gasps in surprise but responds almost immediately. After a bit, we break for air and a rosy blush dusts her cheeks.

   "Alright Lovebirds, ya done yet?" Alya asks. Kennedy shoots her a glare before saying "Yes miss reporter. But at least I have a relationship. You can't even tell the guy you have a crush on that you like him and yet you pester Marinette. Unbelievable." At this, both Alya and Marinette turn red and the boys look confused.

   Kennedy shakes her head before leaving the room and shouting "Come on now, we haven't got all day!"

-A Castle Tour Later-

Kennedy's POV:

   I flopped down on my bed and let out a tired sigh. Giving a grand tour of the Palace was the equivalent of a fifteen-mile hike. I was emotionally exhausted from the immediate time after the plane ride, physically exhausted from hiking up flights of stairs, and mentally exhausted from spouting facts about the various paintings and artifacts displayed.

   There was a knock on my door and I muttered "Come in." I heard a low chuckle as the door opened. "Tired much are we?" I peeled open one eye to see Dylan with an amused smirk. I slowly sat up as I blinked the sleepiness out of my eyes. "I was almost asleep if that's *yawn* any indication. What's up?" I say, stretching my arms out.

   He smiles and says "you look like a sleepy kitten, absolutely adorable." I blush furiously and look down at my sheets. "Dinner is ready, I thought you might like to eat." I look up and give a grim smile. "Eat or go back to being anorexic?" I say. He grabs both of my hands and says "Eat, now come on."

   He pulls me up from my spot on the bed and downstairs to the kitchen. The doors open to reveal a table set for six. I gasp in awe and shock at the meal set before me. One of my favorite meals is spread across the table and all of my friends are sat down. Tears spring to my eyes as I take a seat at the end of the table. 

   "Y-you didn't have to do this f-for me." I stutter through tears. I can't even express how touched I am by their actions. "But we wanted to girl." Alya says with a smile. I smiled slightly through the tears and squeezed Dylan's hand that was still holding mine. He squeezed back and then we dug into the amazing meal.

A/N: Hey! So this was a bit of a filler chapter, sorry! Next chapter will be filled with action and drama so be on the lookout! Leave comments and have a great day!

- Dragora

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