To Save Them

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Kennedy's POV:

   I wake up in a hazy room. I look around frantically and try to move. Panic runs through me as I realize I'm stuck. A window appears and it's like I'm inside my own head. Chat's voice fills my head. "Thank goodness! We thought you were hurt, Kennedy." A sickeningly sweet and melodic voice pours from my lips is foreign words. "I'm not Kennedy, I'm Arc Angel!" I hear the ringing of metal and see a sword in my hands.

   "Give me your miraculous!" The melodic voice booms. "No!" I scream inside my own head. A hear a dark chuckle resonate around me and I freeze. 'It's too late Kennedy, I am in control now.' The cold voice says. 'You will get to watch as Ladybug and Chat Noir hand over their Miraculous or die.' "No, this isn't you Kennedy, snap out of it!" Ladybug yells. 

Ladybug's POV:

   I watch as Kennedy, her eyes now a deep purple, smirks and says "I guess we will have to do this the hard way." She raises her sword and suddenly it bursts into flames. "I guess it's time to play a little cat and mouse." She says, a sick smile on her face. She charges and attacks us swiftly, her blade movements almost invisible. 

   We fight her hard and do multiple blocks, mainly on the defensive side. "I can't believe we let this happen to her..." Chat says sadly while blocking another swing from Kennedy. I look at him sadly and say "I know what you mean. I wish we would have tried harder to make sure she was okay." Kennedy suddenly pulls back from the fight and flies high up in the air.

   Chat and I run to a spot to recuperate while she's distracted. "What can we do Ladybug? I don't want to fight my friend. Especially since she is so...lost." Chat says dejectedly. I look at him and nod in understanding. "I know what you mean but this is the most dangerous Akuma that Hawkmoth has ever done."

   "If only it wasn't our friend..." Chat said sadly. We both stood and went off to find the Akuma. As we landed in the streets and started walking, it was deathly silent. It made my stomach churn and anxiety spike. "Is it just me or is it too quiet." Chat whisper-asks. I nod in response and grip my yo-yo tightly.

   The air suddenly shifts behind me and I freeze at the feeling of heat at my back. I hear a dark chuckle and involuntarily shudder. "I finally found the great Ladybug and Chat Noir. It was fun playing a little game of cat and mouse but sadly, it has to come to an end." The sickeningly sweet voice says from behind me. I hear Chat growl and another chuckle comes from her. "What, the alley cat doesn't like it when he's the mouse?"

   I swallow my fear and say "What do you want with us?" "What do I want? Oh, this is funny. Ladybug, the one always with a plan, can't figure out what I want? I'll tell you what I want. I want your miraculous, plain and simple. It's not rocket science." She says from behind me. Chat decides to boldly speak up and says "What if we don't give them to you?"

   "Then I will have to take them from you." She says coldly. How can someone even have a melodic tone while being menacing and cold anyway? I snapped out of my thoughts as the heat disappeared. I spun round to see Chat locked in combat with her. I spun my yo-yo in a shield and shouted "Kennedy, this isn't you! Snap out of it!"

   "I already said, I'm Arc Angel! Kennedy is dead!" She shouted out. That's when the cold realization hit me. "Chat, Hawkmoth has taken full control of Kennedy! If we want to save her, we have to fight!" I shouted out. 

Chat's POV:

   I was locked in battle with my Akumatized cousin when Ladybug shouted out to me "Chat, Hawkmoth has taken full control of Kennedy! If we want to save her, we have to fight!" My gaze hardened and I looked into the cold dead eyes of Kennedy's controlled body. Arc Angel stepped back and took a sharp swing. I yelped in surprise and jumped away just in time. 

   She took another swing and this time grazed my arm, leaving a small cut on my arm. I hissed at the pain but steeled myself and ran at her. This back and forth continued for a while, her catching me only once more and leaving a small gash on my cheek. She then shifted her focus to Ladybug and her eyes flashed slightly before charging at Ladybug.

   Ladybug's eyes widen in surprise and she jumps back from the swing of the deadly sword. I chase after them for a bit but am suddenly stopped by an invisible force. Arc Angel cackles from behind the invisible shield and sneers at Ladybug. "What will you do now without your precious savior cat?" She spits at M'Lady.

   She raises her sword and takes a deadly swing at Ladybug's head. Ladybug ducks and flings her yo-yo at Arc Angel. The Akuma seems to know what she was going to do because she grabs the yo-yo and yanks it from Ladybug's grip, somehow yanking the string from her finger. "I finally got you where I want you Ladybug, now I'm giving you one last chance to hand over your miraculous before I kill you." 

   My blood turns cold at the murderous glint in Arc Angel's eyes. "No, I will never give over my miraculous." Ladybug says fiercely. Arc Angel grins wickedly and says "So be it then." She raises the sword and takes a slash at Ladybug, cutting her side open. 

Kennedy's POV:

   I watched with tearful eyes as my controlled body cut Ladybug's side. I let out a blood-curdling scream and surge towards the glass. To my surprise, I finally can move. I surge forward until I'm right in front of it and start banging on it. With each hit, the glass slowly cracks until it shatters. I'm once more consumed in the blackness before I see blinding light. 

   I now have control of my own body and almost break down crying until I realize I don't have control for long. "Chat, Ladybug, I'm sorry." I say, wiping the blood from the sword. I look at them both and say "When I'm gone, take care of everything for me." I then raise the sword, aiming it at myself, and swiftly plunge it through my stomach.

   I collapse to the ground and give them a weak smile. "K-kennedy, no!" Ladybug says through tears. "I'm sorry..." I say before being once more consumed by complete darkness.

A/N: I'm sorry! Don't kill me please!!! I know that I left this off on a bad part, I'm sorry!!! Have a good day and please don't hunt me down!


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