Bonus Chapter: Home Again

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The years went by. The girls went from 7 to 13 in what seemed like no time at all to Blueberry. They started to settle in with their fathers, who swapped weeks with them for the past five-six years since they had found out about their daughters. This week was Dream's turn, but Blue and Dream had been discussing... the girls meeting their Uncle. It had been thirteen years since Blue had gone to Underswap. Thirteen years since he'd seen his brother, and after thirteen years, Dream had finally convinced Blue to go home. Let his brother know he was alive at least and the reasoning why he had run away in the first place. The girls were uneasy to know they were meeting yet more family, but Lumine was quick to turn it into a positive interaction. Cimmarian tried to, but she was pretty anxious about it. At least Mama would be there, and if worst came to worst, she was adept at creating her own portals. So the girls packed their bags for some time in Underswap.


Stretch had let himself go. The house stank of cigarettes, there were clothes and dirty dishes everywhere, AND HE STILL HADN'T PICKED UP HIS SOCK!!! So while Blue and Lumine tag teamed the house, Cimmarian went to get this meeting over with and get the guy from some place called Muffet's. Finding him wasn't hard. The lanky skeleton was as much a mess as his place. He smelled of cigarettes, honey, and bad meat. Cimmarian already felt like this was a bad idea, but she paid for the honey bottles that surrounded his skull and tried to drag him out. Stretch struggled as soon as he realized she wasn't someone he knew and pushed her away with staggering steps. "you- you do away! i'm done with this multiverse buuullshi-! go home!" He growled and tried to get inside. Cimmarian crossed her arms and narrowed her golden eyes before stepping into his way. "As much as I would love to, this is my home, so just go home so Mama can talk to you." Stretch blinked and tried to stagger past her, but she grabbed his arm. "My name is Cimmarian. I'm your niece. There, we aren't strangers anymore, will you come with me now?" Stretch looked down at her. Blinked slowly. "... niece..?"


Cimmarian brought him back as Lumine finished the living room. Cimmarian hadn't told Stretch too much, only that she and her twin were Blue's daughters and that Blue was waiting for him. Now they were walking inside, and Lumine was beaming at them. "uncle stretch! it's great to finally meet you! i'm lumine!" She went to shake him hand, and Stretch shook back. He kinda just stared for a minute. "purple eyes..? uh... nice to meetcha... too. where's my bro..?" Lumine immediately gestured into the kitchen. "he's finishing up in there -" Stretch pushed past without another word, in dire need to see Blue after so long. Lumine smiled, regardless. "he seemed nice!" She chirped as she went to sit on the now clean couch. Cimmarian joined her. "He's certainly something. Think things will be better now that he's talking with mama?" She asked. Lumine nodded immediately. "most certainly! mama has that way with people! plus- they are brothers! he won't be sad anymore." They both looked to the kitchen. "His emotions are as much a mess as he is, right now..." Cimmarian noted. "you did a good thing. this is what guardians do, right?" Lumine asked. Cimmarian nodded. "Yeah, I guess. We will make good guardians yet, LuLu..."


Blue was getting the last load of dishes in the dish rack when Stretch came in. Blue looked over when he heard him and quickly went to dry his hands. "Papyrus -" He had a whole plan for what he was going to say to his brother, but now Stretch was staring, and all his words blanked. His brother wasn't doing well. He knew it, but seeing him was completely different. Blue froze as well. "y-yer actually here..? s-sans, yer- yer here i-i'm not -" Stretch stammered, walking shakily to his brother. "I'm Here, Brother... I Am Home..." At hearing his voice, Stretch lurched forward and latched onto Blue, sobbing and mumbling. "p-please don't leave again, sans, please! i need ya bro, don't leave me again!" He screamed and cried, and Blue held him close. "I Am Not Leaving, Brother... I Am Here Now..." They just stood there, embracing each other. Finally, together again, once more.

I was gonna add more, but I actually like this stopping point here. Heheh, enjoy this bonus. If there's anything else, I may just make like- a Guardian of the Twins one-shot book or something. Maybe. That might not be a bad idea. Anyway, have a great day/afternoon/night!

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