Dream and Cimmarian

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When Dream woke up the next morning to Cimmarian full on having a panic attack and Blue gone, he was pretty irritated. He had an idea on where Blue was and he wasn't the least bit happy about it. He couldn't deal with that though, his daughter was practically suffocating on her panicked sobs. "shh, shh, shh cim, it's ok, everything will be ok! i promise.." She wasn't listening, and her negativity was getting to nauseating levels. Stars, he'd never been a dad before what could he do- what did Nightmare do when he was upset? Dream untied his cape and draped it across Cimmarian, the weight of the sun cape she took notice of. She sniffed as tears continued to run down her cheekbones. "there you go, that's it cim, calm down. you're gonna be ok. we will get your mom and sister back." Dream eased as the negativity started to go down. It seemed Dream would have to teach her to control her magic. "C-Cim...?" Dream rubbed the base of his skull. "it just came out, sorry..." Her breathing was evening out slowly. "Th-this is yours..." Cimmarian tried to pull off the cape, but Dream caught her shoulders. "no! no... it's yours now." He took the corners and tied them around Cimmarian's neck. "i'm giving this to you. as a reminder to my promise. we will get lumine and your mom back." Cimmarian... smiled, weakly, but it was a smile nonetheless.


So they waited, hoping for Ink to come. Dream was getting the one on one time that he wasn't expecting with Cimmarian. They played some card games and she helped him with lunch. He learned that she wasn't always all tears and sorrow if he could occupy her. She liked to keep to herself like Nightmare had, but rather than being big into books, she like to doodle. Ink and Cimmarian could get along great in that aspect. But it seemed the artist wasn't coming. He was busy doing whatever it was soulless beings did... or he took of before he could get the AU they were in- either way, for now Dream and Cimmarian were on their own and Dream had to prepare her for the worst. Nightmare would come for her eventually and it was up to him to keep Cimmarian safe and get Lumine and Blue back somehow.


He tucked Cimmarian in for the night, as he'd watched Blue do before. "Was mama trying to get LuLu for me? Was it my fault mama is missing?" Crap, what was Dream supposed to say? He inhaled slowly, yes, he was going to retrieve lumine, but it wasn't just for you. he was doing it for her too. she misses you just as much as you miss her, i'm sure. you are inseparable, so you are both hurting." Cimmarian hummed quietly. "I wish I could see her. Let her know that I'm ok so she doesn't hurt." Dream smiled lightly. "i'll bet that she wishes the same, cim. but remember my promise. you'll be together again, eventually." Cimmarian gave another small smile as she gripped the sun cape. "I remember."
"you should sleep now, your mom would have my head if i kept you up any longer." Dream joked to which Cimmarian frowned. "What?" Dream shook his head. "nothing, nothing... goodnight cim, sweet dreams." She closed her sockets. "Goodnight papa Dream, you sleep well as well." Stars, he was just called papa. Maybe... Dream could be a good dad yet.

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