Episode 1: The Guardians

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Maze looks up at the school. She hesitates a moment, watching a crowd slowly build around the school's entrance. She takes a deep breath, before joining the crowd, a small bag over her shoulder. The view changes to Nicolas, who is stood with his mother, two younger sisters and younger brother. There are two suitcases on the floor next to him and he is wearing a rucksack.

MRS. THORNTON: Have you got everything, Nicolas? I don't want to have to come back tomorrow to bring you stuff.
NICOLAS: I'm sure I've got everything. If not, I'll have to manage without.

Christine snorts.

NICOLAS: What's so funny?
CHRISTINE: I'm just trying to picture you without your phone. You were glued to it all summer. Smombie.
NICOLAS: Well, all the friends I need'll be here. I won't need to text people anymore.
LOLA (offended and upset): What about me? I'm your friend too, right?
NICOLAS: Of course! But I won't text you. (with a smile) I'll call you. All of you!
LOLA: Every day?
NICOLAS: I can't promise that but they'll be regular calls.
JACK: Will you show us all the awesome fight moves you learn?
NICOLAS: You bet! And one day, it'll be you here at Espoir Academy and me saying goodbye.

Mrs. Thornton breaks into tears.

NICOLAS: Are you alright, mum?
MRS. THORNTON: I'm just so proud of you! My boy, going to Espoir!

Nicolas gives Mrs. Thornton a hug.

NICOLAS: I'll see you in the winter holidays, mum.
MRS. THORNTON: I know, I know... Join the crowd. Make some friends! And Nicolas... Do what makes you happy.

Nicolas smiles, quickly kissing his mum on the cheek before lifting up his bags and joining the crowd. We catch a glimpse of Vaiana anxiously shifting from side to side, staff in her hand and a rucksack. The view then switches to Ashlynn and Hayden. They are both holding a suitcase.

ASHLYNN: Is it just me or is this one of the biggest moments in our life?
HAYDEN: What do you think?
ASHLYNN: It is not just me...?
HAYDEN: Yeah, it's not! I can't wait!
ASHLYNN: Do you think we will be on the same team?
HAYDEN: I know so, Ashlynn.
ASHLYNN: I hope so...
HAYDEN: There is no need to waste your energy. Like I said, I know we will be.

The view then shifts to Eliana, who hugs her parents goodbye.

ELIANA: Promise to look after Orange?
MRS. SAROY: Yes, Eliana, we've promised to look after the fish a thousand times.
ELIANA: Okay, I guess I'll have to trust you. I'll call you.
MR. SAROY: We'll answer.
ELIANA: Well, I think they're opening the doors soon. Is it okay if I try to get to the front of the crowd? I mean, maybe the first ten in get a cake or special dorms or-
MRS. SAROY: We get it.
ELIANA: So, uh, can I?
MRS. SAROY: Please.
MR. SAROY: Good luck.
ELIANA: Thank you! I'll call!

Eliana has already started to walk away with her two suitcases.

MRS. SAROY: I worry about her... She's never really been on her own...
MR. SAROY: Valerie. It's the next step in her education.
MRS. SAROY: I know... But they're all still so young...

The view changes to Amber, who gets off a bus with her suitcase in her hand and is wearing a rucksack, followed by Daria, who has a suitcase and a bag over her shoulder. The view changes again to Adeline, who is with Lilian and Alexander. The two sisters hug.

LILIAN: I'm going to miss you so much, Adi.
ADELINE: I know, Lilian. But I'll stay in touch.
LILIAN: I know you will...

The sisters stop hugging.

LILIAN: You can always text or call me if you're bored... You too, Alex.

Lilian blushes and Alexander shows miniscule surprise but yeah.

ADELINE: We probably should get going...
LILIAN: I guess so...
ADELINE: Hey, cheer up. I'll be back in the holidays.
LILIAN: And I guess you'll be doing what you love...
ADELINE: There you are. Just remember that.

Lilian gives Adeline another quick hug before she and Alexander leave. She then sighs and joins Mrs. Brooke in the car.

ALEXANDER: I don't know about you, but I can't wait.
ADELINE: Me neither.


There is a large crowd. Vaiana ends up standing next to Eliana because that was never going to go well.

ELIANA: Hey, I'm Eliana!
VAIANA: Vaiana...
ELIANA: Are you excited? I am! I literally cannot wait! Did you go to a combat school before this? What's your favourite guardian movie? Who's your favourite Guardian?
VAIANA: I... Um... Well...
ELIANA: Have you seen Principal Ferran fight before? She's amazing! What's your favourite weapon? And what's your weapon?
VAIANA: I... Well...
VAIANA: Excuse me, I think I, uh, just saw somebody... Somebody I, uh, know.

Vaiana flees. The view switches to Nicolas, who happens to be next to Maze. Noticing that Maze is a girl, he tries to look cool.

MAZE: Hello.
NICOLAS: What's your name, starling?
MAZE: Starling?
NICOLAS: It's like when people call people angel. It's another thing with feathers and they're beautiful. And it's original. I'm original.
MAZE: Right... I'm Maze...
NICOLAS: That's... Mysterious!

Alexander and Adeline are stood behind them.

ALEXANDER: I hope that's not your standard guy around here.
ADELINE: I doubt it. Hopefully they're all kind of like you.
ALEXANDER: Hopefully.

Move back to Maze and Nicolas.

NICOLAS: So, where you from? A maze? Because that would be a-maze-ing.

Switch back to Alex and Adeline.

ADELINE: I think we should save her.
ADELINE: Join the conversation.

There's a pause.

ALEXANDER: Aren't you going to say something, Adi?
ADELINE: Well, I don't know what to say! You say something. You're a guy!
ALEXANDER (used to this and kind of done with it): Seriously?

Before they can try to talk to Maze and Nicolas, Principal Ferran clears her throat.

PRINCIPAL FERRAN: Good day, old and new students of Espoir Academy. My name, as some of you know, is Principal Ferran. All of you are here for two reasons. The first is that you dream of becoming a Guardian, whatever your reasons may be. You dream of protecting the people and bringing justice to the world we live in. A noble choice, but a tough one. (breathing pause) The second reason is that you are all very talented. You have all succeeded in our entrance exam, one of the hardest in the world, whether it was this summer or in past ones. You are some of the best there are and some of the most dedicated as well.

Amber smiles and Eliana and Nicolas be there too.

PRINCIPAL FERRAN: You have a right to be proud, but don't let it control you. Pride cometh before the fall.

Alexander, Adeline and Maze can be seen, all looking at Principal Ferran with determination.

PRINCIPAL FERRAN: Here, at Espoir Academy, we have the privilege of offering training to some of the world's greatest Guardians. We also have trained some of the greatest.

Ashlynn and Daria can both briefly be seen.

PRINCIPAL FERRAN: We hope you will achieve your dreams of being a Guardian...

Hayden smirks.

PRINCIPAL FERRAN: ... and we will do our best to guide you.

Vaiana sighs.

PRINCIPAL FERRAN: Now, it's time to talk about administrative matters.

PRINCIPAL FERRAN: At half past one, lunch will be served. You are all expected to be present. Lunch lasts until two o'clock, when it will end. Anyone who isn't there any time during that timespan will go without and no, you don't have to be there from start to end, just appear at some point. Dinner will be at seven o'clock. It will end at eight o'clock. Everyone must be sleeping by twelve o'clock. In the morning, at seven o'clock, breakfast will begin. It will last until half past. Sometimes, you may have to adjust mealtimes due to training sessions. Your teachers will explain this to you when you need to know. Now, rooms. Second and third year students can find out their team's room number for the year from Ms. Oswald. First year students will recieve a temporary room number in the actual school - which is where all first years stay - from Ms. Oswald. Only unpack the things you need for overnight, you will probably change rooms tomorrow. It depends on how long your testing to decide which team you're in takes.

Hayden grins.

PRINCIPAL FERRAN: Tomorrow, I expect all first year students to be down here and ready to fight at 9 o'clock. Tardiness will not be accepted. Any questions?

Fred puts his hand up.

FRED: 9 in the morning or evening?

Can we please have one super obnoxious laugh or somebody literally dying of laughter? Either that or "Hahahaha" done really dryly by, like, five people. (Also, Shade is dying of laughter down in the cellar but that's irrelevant since Shade isn't even a character yet)

PRINCIPAL FERRAN: You all have a long way to go but I hope we can provide the support you need to become true guardians.

She walks off the stage. Amber heads towards Ms. Oswald and sighs due to the size of the queue. Ashlynn and Hayden appear next to her.

ASHLYNN: Good day.
AMBER: Oh... Um... Hi...
HAYDEN: What's wrong?
AMBER: Nothing... Why did you think something was?
HAYDEN: You stuttered.
ASHLYNN: Hayden! You know that commoners don't have speaking classes. She is probably just shy or has some speech impairment, in which case it was even more rude than it already was to mention it!
HAYDEN: Are you shy?
AMBER (wanting to melt into the floor): Well... I guess so... So... You two are twins...
HAYDEN: And the prize of being the most observant... Goes to you.
ASHLYNN: So far nothing that she has says implies that she is observant. It is fairly obvious that-
HAYDEN: Sarcasm, Ashlynn, sarcasm.
ASHLYNN: Oh... Sarcasm's stupid.
AMBER: It can be mean as well.
ASHLYNN: Exactly.
MS. OSWALD: Names?

They realise that they're pretty much at the front of the crowd.

AMBER: Amber Michaels.
MS. OSWALD: Room 32.
HAYDEN: I'm Hayden and this is my twin, Ashlynn.
MS. OSWALD: Last name?
MS. OSWALD: Ah, room 59.
HAYDEN: Let's get going.


Ashlynn and Hayden enter. Brittney is already sat inside.

BRITTNEY: Hi! I'm Brittney. And you are...?
ASHLYNN: I am Ashlynn and this is Hayden.
HAYDEN: Hello...
ASHLYNN: It is truly a pleasure to meet you.
HAYDEN: Is it?
BRITTNEY: What's that supposed to mean?
ASHLYNN: It means that my dear sister is awfully prejudiced and will soon throw a temper tantrum because she labelled you as a terrible person based on a first impression which I am sure you're not but she hates being wrong.
BRITTNEY: You two are weird.
HAYDEN: See, she's mean. I knew it!
BRITTNEY: Do you two mind if I throw a party here tonight?
HAYDEN: Yes, we do. Besides, don't you need beauty sleep or something?
BRITTNEY: I'll have you know, my skin's naturally this flawless.
HAYDEN: Sure. Well, you can't throw a party here.
BRITTNEY: Look, I'd suggest you befriend me now. Once I'm part of the in-crowd, I might not be so generous to hot heads like you.

Vaiana comes in, the girls all end up looking at her.

BRITTNEY: Where'd you come from? A forest?

Vaiana blushes.

VAIANA: This is the right room, isn't it? Room 59?


Amber enters and puts her stuff down next to a bed. She lies down and lets out a content sigh.

AMBER: At last, some peace and quiet.

She gets back up, closes the door, opens her suitcase and gets out a book. A few moments later, the door opens and Daria enters.

DARIA: Hello.

Daria puts her stuff down and climbs onto the top bunk of the bunk bed, so that she's above Amber. Amber continues reading. Clara and Mary enter.

AMBER: Can you close the door behind you?
MARY: Just gotta put our stuff down...

Mary puts her stuff down, so does Clara. Then Mary closes the door.

CLARA: I'm Clara!
MARY: Mary!
AMBER: Amber.
DARIA: I'm Daria, not a pleasure to meet you because I'd rather be in a room by myself.
CLARA: Ah, you're one of those... Introverts.
DARIA: It's not another species, you know.
CLARA: It's fine, Mary and I can just talk to each other. You can join us too, Amber!
AMBER: No, thank you.
CLARA: Be like that then.


Maze enters the room, Eliana is already inside.

ELIANA: Hey! ROOMIE! This is so cool! We can be best buds and everything!
MAZE (bemused): Sure.
ELIANA: This is going to be great! What's your weapon?
MAZE: Throwing knives. Yours?
ELIANA: My beautiful, shimmering shield.
MAZE: I'm Maze, how about you?
ELIANA: Eliana. Your name's weird.
MAZE: Yeah, it is...
ELIANA: Let's play two truths and a lie!
MAZE: I'd rather not right now...
ELIANA (genuinely a bit upset): Oh, why?
MAZE: I don't know, I just want to unpack and then eat lunch.
ELIANA: What do you think's on the menu?
MAZE: No idea.


Adeline, Vaiana, Ashlynn and Hayden enter together.

HAYDEN: It's a relief that we got rid of that Brittney.

ASHLYNN: You really don't like her, do you?
HAYDEN: Nope. She's mean, I can feel it in my guts. And my guts never lie.
ASHLYNN: And trying to tell you otherwise is a lost cause. Wanna sit together?
ADELINE: I actually have a friend I want to sit with.
VAIANA: Can we join you?
ADELINE: I'd rather not...
HAYDEN: Fine, we'll sit on our own. I guess we don't just have one terrible roommate!

Adeline feels attacked but still heads over to Alexander, who is with Nicolas and Fred.

ALEXANDER: Hey, Adi. These are my roommates, Nicolas and Fred.
NICOLAS: Wait, what's your name? I didn't quite catch it?
ADELINE: Adeline.

Nicolas quickly prepares himself to get his flirting game on.

NICOLAS: You went straight to my heart because you're an (Ade)line.
ADELINE: Wow, you've totally won me over with that (Ade)line.
NICOLAS: Really?

The view shifts to Eliana and Maze, who are sat together.

ELIANA: Sword or spear?
MAZE: Throwing knives.
ELIANA: Those weren't an option.
MAZE: I find in life there tend to more options than the obvious ones.
ELIANA: I like your way of thinking.
MAZE: Your turn. Water or Fire?
ELIANA: Depends on the situation. I guess water because you need it to live and all - also, orange juice is way better than water, though I guess it kind of is water - but still, I like to enter with a flare.

Amber, Daria, Clara and Mary approach them.

CLARA: Can we join you?
ELIANA: Sure! I'm Eliana!
CLARA: Clara and this is Mary.

The girls sit down and the food truck finally comes to them and stops behind Eliana.

ELIANA: Ooooh, food! Oh my God, we get to control it ourself? What does everyone want? The options for starters are cream of tomato soup or beef soup.
AMBER: Tomato, please.
MARY: Same.
CLARA: Yeah!
DARIA: Beef.
MAZE: Nothing.
ELIANA: Food coming up!

Eliana passes everybody the food they wanted.

ELIANA: Do you think you can mix both flavours?
AMBER: That doesn't sound-

She's already tried it and succeeded.

ELIANA: So, why did you guys want to come here?
DARIA: Good question. Why does anybody go to a fighting school that trains people to be guardians?
ELIANA: You have a point. What's your name?

Daria starts eating her soup.

MAZE: You know, you could answer a question.
DARIA: I could... But I'm not sure we'll talk again.
MAZE: We could be on the same team though.
DARIA (confident the answer'll be no): Do you want to be?

Eliana tries the first bit of her soup and immediately spits it out. The view changes to Principal Ferran, who is stood in the centre of the room. She clears her throat.

PRINCIPAL FERRAN: I'd like to announce that we've organised some voluntary activities for those interested. For the first years, there is a tour of the school. Anyone can take part in the weapon workshop. I mean, uh, it's open practically all hours, but today there is a teacher to help the new students. So, have fun everybody! I hope you have a great year!

Principal Ferran heads away. The view shifts over to Adeline, Alexander, Nicolas and Fred.

ADELINE (doesn't even need to ask the full question): So?
ALEXANDER (gets it anyway): No. I'm not in the mood for a tour and I'm permanently combat ready.
ADELINE: I know.
NICOLAS: I'm going on the tour and I could probably do with sharpening my scythe.
ADELINE: You have a scythe?
ADELINE (can't quite see it): Wow...
NICOLAS (trying to show-off): Does it surprise you that I'm so... Manly?
ADELINE: A scythe isn't manly. It's just a weapon like any other.


Adeline, Nicolas, Eliana, Maze, Vaiana, Ashlynn and Hayden are on the tour.

PROF. VINE: And these are the open training grounds. There is no need to book them in advance, but you need to make sure you don't endanger other people.
HAYDEN: Want a match later?
ASHLYNN: I don't really like fighting against just you. A crossbow against a bow and arrow never makes for a particularly exciting match and besides, you are my sister.
HAYDEN: I know but I'm sure they have other weapons we could use and we could get our roomies involved. That Adeline and Vaiana...
ASHLYNN: What about Brittney?
HAYDEN: No way!


Alexander is lying on his bed, when Nicolas walks in with his scythe (maybe drops it in the process).

ALEXANDER: How was it?
NICOLAS: All good. There weren't that many people at the workshop. A couple of cute girls. This one called Gemma and another one called Rochelle... But I think Gemma was flirting with another girl...

Nicolas sits down on his bed.

NICOLAS: So, what's up with you and that Adeline? Are you two dating?
ALEXANDER: 100% platonic. Just friends. Have been for a long time now?
NICOLAS: Ah, good, good.
ALEXANDER (thinks he knows Nicolas kind of guys): Does the question mean you're hitting on her?
NICOLAS: She's cute. I might give it a try.
ALEXANDER: If you hurt her, you'll regret it.

Fred comes out of the bathroom.

FRED: Lines like that are pretty useless here. If you hurt a girl emotionally, she may well hurt you physically. They all know how.

Nicolas shudders.

ALEXANDER: Yeah. In my case, the line definitely meant that she'll make you regret it.
NICOLAS: I thought best friends are supposed to protect each other.
ALEXANDER: Adi doesn't need my protection. I think there are better uses of my time and combat skills.


Eliana is on her phone. She calls her mum.

ELIANA: Hi, mum. How have things been since I left? (pause) I know, I know. Do you miss me yet though? (pause) I'd be hurt if it wasn't that way. (pause) Oh, not much. I'm sharing a room with a girl called Maze. I hope we end up on the same team. (pause) Oh... All right. I love you! And I'll talk to you tomorrow! Bye!


Amber and Daria are sat on their beds, reading. Daria looks up.

DARIA: What are you reading?
AMBER: Devil's Scythe.
DARIA: Oh, I hear that it sucks. The scythe is the-
AMBER: Don't you dare spoil it for me!
DARIA: Fine. I don't like spoilers myself.

There's a pause.

DARIA: The scythe is the de-

Daria is hit in the face by a pillow.


Ashlynn and Hayden are sat with Vaiana.

HAYDEN: Well, Adeline ditched us again.
ASHLYNN: Well, if I am honest, I don't really mind. Sometimes it's nice to just be a few people.
VAIANA: I agree...
HAYDEN: But our parents told us to make friends! How can we do it when they keep ditching us?
VAIANA: Well, I'd say we're friends...
ASHLYNN: Aw, thanks.

The view moves to Adeline, Alexander and Nicolas, who are sat together again. Amber and Daria approach them.

AMBER: Could we maybe sit here? We haven't been able to find anywhere else.

They sit down.

DARIA: Our roommates ditched us.

Adeline blushed, realising that she ditched hers.

ALEXANDER (looking at Fred): Yeah, one of our roomates disappeared too. I'm Alexander, but you can call me Alex.
AMBER: I'm Amber...
DARIA: Daria.

Amber smiles at Alexander.

ADELINE: I'm Adeline.
NICOLAS: I'm Nicolas, but you can call me whatever you'd like.
DARIA: Then I won't call you anything 'cause I'm not planning on ever talking to you again.

NICOLAS blushes a bit, looking down.

ADELINE: Rude...
DARIA: It tends to add more interest to boring conversations.

Adeline sees how caught up in thought Alexander is.

ADELINE: Alex...? What's up.
ALEXANDER: I'm just thinking about the whole team assignment thing tomorrow... I wonder what they have in store for us.
AMBER: Hopefully nothing too scary...
NICOLAS: Have you got anybody you'd like to be in a team with?
AMBER: Not really... Though you guys seem nice.
NICOLAS: I think we'd make a great team.
AMBER: M-maybe...
NICOLAS: And Adeline. Don't you think we'd work great together?
ADELINE ("please don't let me be on a time with him, I just want to be on a team with my best friend"): We'll just have to wait and see what happens...
AMBER: Do you guys have any idea how they figure out teams?
ALEXANDER: I think it's based on how complimentary your skills are or something.
ADELINE: I wish I knew...
NICOLAS: So do I. Then I'd make sure that there's no way I won't be on a team with you ladies.

Nicolas winks.

DARIA: I'm glad you don't know.


Adeline enters. Vaiana, Ashlynn and Hayden are already there.

VAIANA: How was dinner with your friends?
ADELINE: It was interesting... Alex is sharing a room with a flirt. Only... He's not particularly good at it.
HAYDEN: Not surprising.
HAYDEN: I've never met a boy who is good at flirting.
ADELINE: Where's Brittney?
HAYDEN: Don't tell me you miss her?
ASHLYNN: She's at some party.
ADELINE: There's a party?
HAYDEN: Yeah, don't tell me you want to go?
VAIANA: I don't get the point of parties...
ASHLYNN: Me neither.
HAYDEN: Good thing I stopped Brittney from throwing one here then.


Eliana and Maze are lying in bed.

ELIANA: Maze...?
MAZE: Yeah?
ELIANA: You know... I was seriously scared I wouldn't find any friends here... I'm glad we ended up in a room together.
MAZE: Me too.

Brief silence.

MAZE: It's team assignment tomorrow.
ELIANA: I hope we end up on a team together.
MAZE: Me too.

Brief silence.

ELIANA: Good night.
MAZE: Good night.

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