Episode 11: Fall

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Team 11 is sat, talking.

RENÉE: It's snowing!

Everybody looks outside, where it's starting to snow.

VAIANA: I can't believe that there's already snow! It feels like we've only been here for a couple of weeks.
ADELINE: Really? I disagree. So much has happened...
ASHLYNN: Yeah...
MAZE: What's up, Ashlynn?
ASHLYNN: The sky.
DARIA: Uuuuuurgh.
MAZE: I'm being serious.
ASHLYNN: It's just, I got into an argument with Hayden a while back and we haven't spoken since.
DARIA: Not again.
VAIANA: What were you fighting about?
ASHLYNN: Hayden was being childish, as usual. I've been waiting for her to calm down and apologise but she hasn't.
VAIANA: Maybe you should talk to her?
VAIANA: Why not?
DARIA: That's exactly what Adeline was doing wrong with Alex, after all.
ASHLYNN: Hayden is always stubborn and when she's in one of her moods she's pretty much impossible to reason with.
VAIANA: If you say so.
ASHLYNN: Trust me. The good news is that it tends to end with the bleeding.
DARIA: Wow, at least you're honest.
MAZE: What?

Adeline pats Maze.

ADELINE: It's okay, Maze.


Vaiana and Daria are walking, when Gemma grabs Daria's hand, pulling her to a stop. Vaiana turns around to face her. Daria is stressed.

GEMMA: Daria. You've been avoiding me.
VAIANA: Leave her alone.
GEMMA: Daria can speak for herself. I know she can.
VAIANA: Come on, Daria, let's not waste our time on her.

Vaiana pulls Daria away. They walk away.

GEMMA: Have you told them yet?
VAIANA: You used to like her!?
DARIA: It was... Complicated.


Hayden, Eliana and Nicolas are sat.

HAYDEN: Urgh, Amber's been death recently.
NICOLAS: What's she done?
HAYDEN: Well, she's been dressing up as the grim reaper and stealing your scythe and then pretended sleeping people were dead.
NICOLAS: I always knew girls were weird.
ELIANA: Hayden? What the heck?
HAYDEN: I just realised I said she was death and couldn't resist testing how gullible Nicolas is. Turns out the answer is extremely.
NICOLAS: Hey! So... Has she actually been doing anything?
HAYDEN: Well, she's realised she has a crush on Alexander.
NICOLAS: Seriously? I thought she's been crushing on him since the start.
ELIANA: She has, she just didn't realise. And now, rather than carrying on like before, she's all like "Should I tell him? What if he likes Adeline? What if he hates me?"
HAYDEN: You mean, straight girls.
NICOLAS: All girls...

Hayden snorts.

NICOLAS: I was talking to Cal earlier though. He was saying about how dating someone else from your team is a bad idea.
HAYDEN: As in he likes Pearl but she doesn't like him...?
NICOLAS: No. At least, I don't think so...
ELIANA: Anyway, I've got to go, I'm afraid. I said I'd meet up with Bull and peeps. See you later.
HAYDEN: What's up with you and thim?
ELIANA: Was that him or them? I couldn't tell?
ELIANA (fake disappointment): And you had speaking classes. You're a disgrace.


Team 11 is crowded around Adeline's phone. Lilian appears on the display.

LILIAN: Adiiiii!
ADELINE: I promised I'd call with everyone when the team was back together, so here I am!
LILIAN: How is everyone? Vaiana, how are you?
VAIANA: Pretty decent!
LILIAN: And Ashlynn?
ASHLYNN: Tolerable. Why are you saying everybody's name?
DARIA: Probably to prove she can.

Lilian blushes because she's been called out.

LILIAN: Uhhhmm, and how about the rest? We haven't been introduced yet. I'm Lilian, by the way.
MAZE: Maze.
LILIAN: Ah. So you must be Daria.
DARIA: Indeed.
LILIAN: So... You're back?
LILIAN: Are you guys doing anything fun at the weekend? Like... Battle training? You guys find that fun, right?
VAIANA: Not that fun... Fighting isn't exactly fun. We're just doing what we have to do to help people.
LILIAN: Oh, it's just...
ADELINE: Just what?
LILIAN: Alexander used to make it sound so fun...
ADELINE: Sounds like Alex.
LILIAN: Have you... Told him yet?
ADELINE: No. I'll do it after the call.
ASHLYNN: Woah, the class group chat just blew up.
ASHLYNN: "Reed, can I move in with you", googly eyes... "HAHA, LOSER!"
MAZE: Whaaaat?
ASHLYNN: The purple party won the vote in Louis' area.
ADELINE: Lilian, stop smiling, I swear.
LILIAN: I'm not smiling. (she kind of is)
DARIA: Your sister doesn't support guardians?
LILIAN: It's not that, just some of their other policies... And let's be real, with the purple in power in only one region, it shouldn't have that big an effect on guardians. But they might get some of their other things through, such as equal rights and stuff.
ASHLYNN: Maybe, but-
ADELINE: Okay, can we swoop away from politics please? Thank you.
DARIA (to Maze): Still can't believe you don't have a phone.
MAZE (playing it off): Well, I'm not a smombie.


Alexander is reading a book about advanced combat strategies. There's a knock. Alexander groans and gets up to unlock it. It reveals Adeline.

ADELINE: Hi, Alex.
ADELINE: Can I come in?

Alexander steps to the side, letting Adeline in. He then closes and locks the door which lowkey makes Adi uncomfortable.

ADELINE: Alex, I... I've got something I need to tell you.

Alexander looks slightly uncomfortable, so that makes two of them.

ADELINE: You might already know but Lilian told me... (Alex mentally: Well, that crosses a few things off) Your parents are getting a divorce.

ALEXANDER: All right.
ADELINE: Did you already know?
ADELINE: You're quite relaxed.

LEXANDER: Well, we all knew that it was going to happen
ADELINE: I guess we did... But I always thought...
ALEXANDER: That I was oblivious? Adeline, give me some credit. I lived in the same house. I heard and saw what was going on.
ADELINE: I guess so... Are you sure you're all right?
ALEXANDER: Yes. Can you leave now? I'd like to get back to reading.
ADELINE: Okay... If that's what you want...

Adeline unlocks the door, leaves and closes it behind her. Alexander locks it, then checks his phone. There's a message from Lilian reading Are you okay?


Maze knocks on a door. Brittney opens it.

BRITTNEY: How unexpected.
MAZE: I need to talk to Gemma.
BRITTNEY: Gemma! Somebody's asking for you!

Brittney lets Gemma into the doorway. Gemma closes the door.

GEMMA: What do you want?
MAZE: We need to talk.
GEMMA: Is this about Daria?
MAZE: Yes.
GEMMA: Look, you can't stop her from talking to me if she wants to.
MAZE: Well, she doesn't. (darkly) And don't you dare mess with my team again.
GEMMA: I'd say I know her better than you. Has she told you yet?
MAZE: A, real friends don't force each other to tell each other stuff and b, I bet you're just pretending there's something to toy with me and it won't work.
GEMMA (irritated): You're Maze, aren't you? I'm surprised, she said you didn't seem to like her.
MAZE: I didn't. Not when she was with you.

Maze walks off.

GEMMA: I'm not scared of you, you know.

Maze turns around.

MAZE: You should be. Especially when you're messing with my team.
GEMMA: Well, I'm not scared.
MAZE: Then it's time you were. I challenge you to a duel.

Gemma laughs.

GEMMA: Seriously?
MAZE: If I win, you leave Daria alone.
GEMMA: And if I win?
MAZE: I'm not going to say I'll let you do whatever you want with her. I'm not going to let you hurt her.
GEMMA: Well, surely you think you're going to win. There's no risk-
MAZE: You're not going to convince me by trying to make me big-headed.
GEMMA: A shame. (back to business) I want to talk to her. Just her and I.
MAZE: You're on. Tomorrow. Dawn. The training grounds. Don't be late.
GEMMA: I'll see you there.

Maze walks away and Gemma smirks.


Amber is with Eliana.

AMBER: Eliana... I've come to a decision about what to do about Alexander... I... I need to tell him... Right?
ELIANA: It's your decision, Amber. I mean, I'm just friends with Nicolas despite liking him.
AMBER: You like him... That way?
ELIANA: Wow, with how fast news spreads, I thought you would've known.

AMBER: I didn't... How about I pretend to be a secret admirer?
ELIANA: I think that stuff only works on girls. Besides, what if he likes someone else and assigns them as his secret admirer?
AMBER: Shoot, you have a point. How about... I make him jealous?
ELIANA: Bad idea, Alex doesn't seem to be the type to feel jealous. Unless it's about who's the better guardian or has better grades... (bitterly) Or who's team leader...
AMBER: What? Yes, of course he won't feel jealous. He's too sensible and mature for that and... He probably likes somebody else. Eliana, what if he likes somebody else!?
ELIANA: You know, if you just told him, that question would be answered. And your relationship won't necessarily suffer... Too much...
AMBER: You're right! How should I tell him? Maybe... A romantic walk... At sunset.
ELIANA: It's freezing outside.
AMBER: He could offer me his coat...
ELIANA: You'll already be wearing one. And the chance of him doing that is slim.
AMBER: And then...
ELIANA: Amber!

Amber sighs.

AMBER: You're right, maybe something else would be better... Hm... How about a poem?
ELIANA: Amber, you're 18. It only works when you're, like, 12. At this age, it's just creepy or overwhelming.
AMBER: True... How about... A good game of truth and trust exercise.
ELIANA: I think we're close enough to upgrade the trust exercise to dare.
AMBER: Eli, you have to help me! When it's your turn, pick me and ask me who I like.
ELIANA: Are you sure you want to admit it that way? That never goes well.
AMBER: Yes. That way if he doesn't... Like me back, he can just never mention it again and that way he won't hurt me.
ELIANA: You're logic's kinda hard to follow but if you think so...
ELIANA: Just promise that if you regret it, it won't be my fault. And you can't say I didn't warn you.
AMBER: I promise.


Hayden is reading. Ashlynn enters and notices her, then hesitates, before walking up to Hayden.

ASHLYNN: Good day, Hayden.
HAYDEN: Have you come to say sorry?
ASHLYNN: You're still upset?
ASHLYNN: You know, the gecko's missing you.
HAYDEN: You still haven't found a name for him? Poor him.
ASHLYNN: I haven't had a good idea.
HAYDEN: Give him a normal name l
Cody or something, that's what I suggest. I don't care. Now let me read.

Ashlynn stays there.

HAYDEN: Alone!

Ashlynn unhappily walks away.


Alex is unhappily looking out of the window. He's not crying, just looks like cr*p. Amber enters.

AMBER: Oh, Alex. I, um, didn't want to bother you... Just... Eliana broke our toliet... Again. But... Are you alright? Well, obviously you're not... What's wrong?
ALEXANDER: How did Eliana break the toliet?
AMBER: Alex, tell me.
ALEXANDER: My parents are getting a divorce... And they didn't even tell me. Lovely reminder of how much they care.
AMBER: Oh, I'm sorry.

Amber puts her hand on his.

AMBER: I know divorces can be hard... From fiction I guess... Which isn't the same as experiencing it... But still... You've got a team who will support you.
ALEXANDER: Thank you, Amber, but I can get through this on my own. Besides, there isn't much to get through. Have you informed anyone about the toliet?
AMBER: You can always tell me if you need some support.
ALEXANDER: Thank you, Amber. (after briefly hesitating) You've lightened the load a bit.

Amber looks happy.


Hayden, Eliana and Nicolas are playing cards when Amber appears.

NICOLAS: Hey, Amber. Want to join us next round?
AMBER: Oh, uh, sure. Eli, can we not do it tonight?
ELIANA: Do what tonight?
AMBER: Oh, you've forgotten. Then everything's fine, I guess. Who's winning?
HAYDEN: Hayden, the ultimate card player!
ELIANA: Oh please, you're only just winning.
HAYDEN: I thought I'd go easy on you but even going easy on you, I'm too good to lose.
NICOLAS: Just wait until you see my hand.
HAYDEN: I know you're bluffing.
NICOLAS: Now you're bluffing to yourself.

Eliana rolls her eyes, quite entertained. Amber sits down. Ashlynn enters with the gecko.

ASHLYNN: Good day, my friends! I have come to announce that I have named the gecko!
ELIANA: Finally!
ASHLYNN: Meet... Cody the gecko! And Hayden herself inspired me!
HAYDEN: I never said anything about a Cody!
ASHLYNN: You suggested I named him Cody or something. So... I named him Cody.
ELIANA: I vote Ashlynn adds "or something" to his name.
HAYDEN: Is this your apology?
ASHLYNN: Is it bad if it is my attempt at peace?
HAYDEN: I said I wanted to hear you say sorry! Amber, you can play with my cards.

Hayden slams her hand on the table and storms off. Ashlynn sighs and sits down.

NICOLAS: What was that about?
ASHLYNN: I forgot to tell her something...
NICOLAS: What was it?
ASHLYNN: It's a private thing... But it caused her to do something... She possibly regrets...

Ashlynn looks at Eliana, Eliana realises that it has something to do with Hayden liking her.

ELIANA: Oh no, don't say it's my fault!
ASHLYNN: It kinda is...
ELIANA: Can you tell me what it was?
ASHLYNN: I forgot to tell her about...

Ashlynn subtly gestures at Nicolas.

ELIANA: You know that!?
ASHLYNN: Maze told the whole team.
ELIANA: Seriously!? Yet Amber didn't-
AMBER: What?
ELIANA: You can't keep anything secret here, can you?
NICOLAS: Well, I mean, Vaiana at least just stayed within the two teams.
ASHLYNN: You know about that?
ELIANA: Adi told Alex who let it slip to Nicolas, who told the rest of the team.
ASHLYNN: Well, as long as Vaiana doesn't find out about that...


Daria, Vaiana, Adeline and Ashlynn are sat.

ADELINE: How'd it go?

Ashlynn sighs.

DARIA: Where's Maze?
VAIANA: She told me she was going to look up high schools that offer combat training...
VAIANA: Oh, um, well... Adeline...?
ADELINE: I swore on Alex and Lilian's life...
VAIANA: I didn't swear...
ASHLYNN: What are you not telling us? And how did Adeline keep it a secret since she apparently tells everybody everything?
VAIANA: Maze didn't want you to know it... But... She's suffering from amnesia.
DARIA: What!?

Daria laughs.

VAIANA: She woke up in a maze with an ID and... Well... Now she's here.
DARIA: What the heck is wrong with this team!? Vaiana has her story, Maze has amnesia, Adeline is petty and pathetic-
DARIA: Ashlynn is gecko obsessed-
DARIA: - and I'm a hot mess!
ADELINE: The hot part's debatable. But I know the feeling. I reacted the same... I'm still not sure I believe it but... What can you do?
ASHLYNN: How long have you known?
DARIA (to Vaiana but more herself): Do you actually believe this!? It's ridiculous!
VAIANA: Not that long...
ASHLYNN: Why didn't you tell us?
VAIANA: Maze didn't want it to get out.
DARIA: Gemma may have been manipulative but at least she didn't tell outright lies!
VAIANA: I'm telling the truth, Daria!
DARIA: And swords can talk! Yeah right!
VAIANA: Daria, believe me.
DARIA: I believe that you believe it. But I don't believe Maze.


Team 8 are together.

HAYDEN: Why are we sat in a circle? Are we playing duck duck goose?
ELIANA: No, silly! It's time to play... Truth or dare!
AMBER: What! Eli, no, I wanted-
ELIANA: I don't care, I genuinely want to play it.
AMBER: Urgh, fine-
HAYDEN: Are you a wimp, Alex?
ALEXANDER: I just don't want to waste my time.
ELIANA: Come on, Alex. You're our team leader.
AMBER: I mean, if-
NICOLAS: If I can sit through it, so can you, Alex.
ALEXANDER: Oh sure. 'Cause you don't enjoy it in the least.


Maze is reading. Daria enters and walks up to her.

DARIA: Is it true?
MAZE: Is what true?
DARIA: Vaiana... Vaiana told us about... Your amnesia.
MAZE: Did she now? I knew I should've made her swear.
DARIA: She thought we should all know...
MAZE: Well, it wasn't her secret to tell!

Maze is really agitated (like cow juice). Daria knows from her reaction that she can't be lying.

DARIA: So... It is true... It can't be...
MAZE: That's why I didn't tell people. I didn't need them to make it worse by calling me a liar.
DARIA: Aren't you going to... Do something?
MAZE: What can I do? My hands are tied.
DARIA: There must be something.
MAZE: No, Daria.
DARIA: Is it possible you'll just remember?
MAZE: I don't know... I don't think so... I certainly don't feel like it.
DARIA: How can I help?
MAZE: Show your true colours, Daria. You can be nice. You are being nice.
MAZE: Yes, you are.
DARIA: Thank you... How'd we get from me to you though?

Maze sighs.

MAZE: There's something you're not telling us, isn't there?
DARIA: What do you mean?
MAZE: Gemma. The whole situation. She has something on you.

Daria turns away.

DARIA: No. I was just stupid.
MAZE: Daria. I know when you're lying to me.
DARIA: You sound like my parents.
MAZE: Just know. When you're ready to tell us... I'm here.


Team 8 are sat in a circle.

NICOLAS: Alex! Truth or dare?
ALEXANDER: Urgh, truth.

Nicolas grins.

NICOLAS: Who are you texting?
ALEXANDER: Well... I hate this game.
ELIANA: So he is texting someone!
ALEXANDER: Look, it's my girlfriend, okay?
NICOLAS (shocked), ELIANA (surprised) and AMBER (upset): What!?
ALEXANDER: Happy now?
ELIANA: Since when?
ALEXANDER: That's none of your business.
HAYDEN: Well, that thing you told Amber was none of your business!
NICOLAS: What did he tell Amber?
HAYDEN: None of your business.
ALEXANDER: Will you shut up if I tell you?
ALEXANDER: Well, we recently started talking and... Well... She won me over.
NICOLAS: I thought you weren't going to date.
ALEXANDER: Well... I'm making experiences. It'll help me understand others more.
AMBER: W-what's her name?
AMBER: Congratulations, Alex.
ELIANA: Yeah, congrats.
ALEXANDER: Eliana, your turn. Truth or dare?
HAYDEN: Make me proud, Eli!

Eliana's a bit awkward.

ALEXANDER: I dare you to... Lick the wall.
NICOLAS: That's gross, man...
AMBER: What's it with this team and licking stuff?
HAYDEN: Good dare, Alex!

Hayden tries to high-five him, but he doesn't.

ELIANA: I thought you were one my side, Hayden!

Eliana licks the wall.

ELIANA: That actually... Wasn't that bad.
NICOLAS: That's gross, Eli.
HAYDEN: Only I call her Eli.

Eliana is uncomfortable.

ELIANA: I'm fine with him calling me Eli.
HAYDEN: No! I am now copyrighting Eli. Only I may call her Eli!
AMBER: I'm not sure that's how it works...
ELIANA: Amber! Truth or dare?
AMBER: Uh... Truth...?
ELIANA: Who do you have a crush on?

Amber gives Eliana the death glare.

AMBER: Nobody...
ELIANA: You're lying!
AMBER: No, I'm not.
ELIANA: But you said-
AMBER: I was just pulling your leg. Haha, I, uh, can't believe you fell for it.
ELIANA: O-okay...?
AMBER: Right, Hayden, truth or dare?
HAYDEN (couldn't care less about Amber lying): Dare, baby!


Maze is waiting. Gemma suddenly storms at her but Maze hears her and turns around. They have an awesome battle until Gemma is defeated.

GEMMA: You know, Daria'll still come back. She knows you won't accept her once you find out.
MAZE: Find out what!?
GEMMA: I'm not telling.

She's about to leave when Maze charges at her again, leaving a rather serious wound.

GEMMA: What were you thinking, psycho?!

Maze seems surprised herself at what she just did.

MAZE: I... Um... Well...

Gemma tries to stand up but can't due to her leg injury.

GEMMA: And you think you're better for Daria then me! You're like those guardians from stories that get high on fighting!
MAZE: I... I'll fetch a doctor.


Team 8 is eating. Nicolas and Alexander get up to fetch food from the buffet. Once they're gone, Amber moves closer to Eliana.

AMBER: Look, Eli-
HAYDEN: Copyright!
AMBER: Eliana then. I do like Alex... Just after he'd said he's got a girlfriend... I didn't want to say it. So can you please stop ranting at me about truth or dare being a serious game where cheating should be punished by death or something?
ELIANA: Oh. That makes sense. Who is that Lilian girl anyway?

Nicolas returns.

AMBER: No idea. Never heard of her.
NICOLAS: I feel hurt that we were sat in silence until Alex and I left.
HAYDEN: Well, you're just so boring.

Alexander returns.

HAYDEN: Oh no...
ELIANA: What is it?
HAYDEN: Ashlynn's coming.
HAYDEN: Shut up, Alex.

Ashlynn appears.

ASHLYNN: Look, Hayden. I think you're wrong in making a mountain out of a molehill but I miss my clone.
HAYDEN: If either of us is a clone, it's you.
ASHLYNN: Look, I'm sorry. Happy now?
HAYDEN: Not really.
ASHLYNN: Come on, Hayden. I'm sorry I forgot to tell you.
ELIANA: Just forgive her, Hayden. You'll be happier.

Ashlynn is relieved.

ASHLYNN: Thank the stars!
HAYDEN: Thank Eli.

Ashlynn walks back to her table, where everyone except Maze is sat.

ASHLYNN: She's still not turned up?
VAIANA: It's because I told you, isn't it? It's all my fault.
ASHLYNN: I'm sure she'll turn up.
DARIA: Are you? Because I'm not...
ADELINE: You're thinking about what you'd do in that situation but Maze is nicer than you.
DARIA: Thank you.
ADELINE: You're welcome.

Bull runs in.

BULL: Everybody! I just heard an amazing thing! Maze Parks from team 11 broke Gemma Enders leg


Adeline, Ashlynn, Vaiana and Daria are all shocked.

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