Episode 5: Move On

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Nicolas is fighting against Daria. The class is watching them fight.

ELIANA: Kick her butt, Nicolas!
ADELINE: Make the team proud, Daria!
MAZE: Yeah!
HAYDEN: I can't believe you guys don't mind her anymore. So much has changed these last few days.
ASHLYNN: Yeah... Well, I wouldn't say we like her... But I think she has calmed down a bit.
MAZE: I'd say I like her.
ELIANA: I'm so glad you two are getting on again!
ASHLYNN: Yeah... It's pretty great.
VAIANA: Thank you, Maze.
MAZE: For what?
VAIANA: For how well the twins are getting on again.
MAZE: Yeah... Thing is... I feel like I still don't really know Ashlynn. I mean, I know all about her relationship with Hayden but not the little things...
VAIANA: Well, spend more time with her then!
MAZE: I will.

The battle ends, Daria has won.

DARIA: In future, try to fight with a sword, not play with one.

Daria walks off. Nicolas watches her go and stands up.


Eliana hugs Nicolas.

ELIANA: You did so well!
NICOLAS: Did I? I lost.
ELIANA: You were amazing! The sword suits you so well.
AMBER: Keep in mind, Daria's been fighting with a sword for who know's how long and you only just got yours.
NICOLAS: Yeah...

Prof. Walson walks past.

PROF. WALSON: Good job, Nicolas. You're making great progress with the sword.
NICOLAS: Thank you, professor Walson.

Prof. Walson walks away.

NICOLAS: Yeah... I guess so...

Alexander starts to head over to Adeline, who's with Daria and immediately grabs her arm.

ADELINE: Daria, let's go. Lunch'll be served soon.
DARIA: Sure...

Alexander watches them go and sighs. Amber walks up to him.

AMBER: Are you okay...?
ALEXANDER: I'm fine.


Adeline, Vaiana, Ashlynn, Maze and Daria are sat at the table.

MAZE: You did great today.
DARIA: Thanks for that but I already know.
MAZE: Wow, that modesty...
DARIA: Generally, when I win, I've done well.
MAZE: Okay, fair point.
VAIANA: So... How are things with Hayden?
ASHLYNN: You say that like we're a couple.

Vaiana blushes.

VAIANA: I didn't mean that. Just, it's nice to see you and your sister-
ADELINE: Oh, shoot!
ADELINE: I keep forgetting to call my sister and of course she won't send me any reminders because she assumes that if I'm not phoning, I must be busy.
DARIA (sarcastically): And the best sister of year award goes to Adeline.
ADELINE: Thanks for that. It really helped.
DARIA: I'm glad.

Prof. Vine walks up to them.

PROF. VINE: Hello, team 11.
ASHLYNN: Good day, professor Vine.
PROF. VINE: Back in the lesson I forgot to mention homework. It's an essay about your experiences as and with guardians.
VAIANA: I have a question, professor.
PROF. VINE: Yes, Miss Evergreen?
VAIANA: Do our teammates count as guardians?
PROF. VINE: Hm... Yes, I say they do.
VAIANA: Thank you, professor.

Prof. Vine smiles before walking away.

DARIA: Urgh, if a teacher forgets the homework, they shouldn't be able to just tell you later. Especially not such a big assignment.
MAZE: But Dar, it's the weekend now, so-
DARIA: Never call me Dar again.


Adeline is sat on her own. She's on her phone and tries to call Lilian. There's no answer. She sighs. Vaiana enters and makes her jump.

VAIANA: What's up?
ADELINE: I tried to call my sister... She's not around...
ADELINE: Uh, yeah?
VAIANA: Try later...?
ADELINE: You're probably right. Have you got any idea what you're going to write for this essay?
VAIANA: Probably why I admire my teammates.
ADELINE: Aw! Vaiana, you're so sweet.
VAIANA: I'm going to have to stop being sweet because I can hear Daria making vomit noises in my head.
ADELINE: Don't let her ruin it for you. Hm... What about your own experiences?

Vaiana grows tense.

VAIANA: I... What's there to say?
ADELINE: Maybe your experiences before and at Espoir? The entrance exam and team assignment.
ADELINE: Uh... Then how about why you became a guardian?

Vaiana freezes. Faint sound of screams and Mrs. Evergreen saying run (from episode 7).

ADELINE: Vaiana?
VAIANA: Sorry?
ADELINE: Why did you become a guardian?
VAIANA: Oh, it just felt like the best thing I could do with my life. It's the only way to save a life.
ADELINE: Do you think so? Hm... With me... I guess it was... It was Alex and I...

Adeline sighs.

VAIANA: Why don't you try to talk to him?
ADELINE: He's got his own friends now. He doesn't care about me.
VAIANA: I don't believe that and I don't think you do either.
ADELINE: You don't know Alex though... He's one to move foward. He doesn't dwell on the past. He certainly never has in the past.
VAIANA: Are you sure? Because sometimes you think you know somebody but then it turns out... You were wrong. You never really knew them.
ADELINE: I know Alex, Vaiana.
VAIANA: Okay, I believe you. But do you mind finishing the story of why you became a guardian?

Adeline's phone starts ringing. She looks at the display.

ADELINE: It's my sister...
VAIANA (forcing a smile): I'll get some homework done.

Adeline smiles.

ADELINE: Thank you.

Vaiana walks out and Adeline answers.

ADELINE: Hi, Lilian... Sorry that I hadn't called you before now but I've just been so busy.
LILIAN: It's fine. I miss you so much.
ADELINE: I miss you too. How's your last year going?
LILIAN: Stressful. Everybody keeps reminding us that this year's grades are the most important. In fact... Laura failed last year and she's in my class now.
ADELINE: Laura? You mean...?
LILIAN: Yep, the very one... She finally recognised me today and asked how you and Alex are doing but that's when the bell rang soooo I escaped.
ADELINE: Do you think she's still bitter about not getting into Limedrew?
LILIAN: I don't know... It was years ago... Do you think I should tell her you got into Espoir?
ADELINE: If you think it'll go alright.
LILIAN: I'm not sure... But I'll give it a go. How are you and Alex anyway? And your teammates! I mean, Alex will obviously be one but what are the others like?
ADELINE: We're not on the same team...
LILIAN: Oh... Um, well... Are your teammates nice?
ADELINE: Yeah, I guess so...
LILIAN: How about Alex's team? Is he happy?
ADELINE: No idea.
LILIAN: How do you not know? You two are best friends.
ADELINE: Not anymore.
LILIAN: What!?
ADELINE: He doesn't care that we're not on the same team.
LILIAN: But...
ADELINE: Forget it, Lilian.
LILIAN: So... Um... Made any friends?
ADELINE: Yeah, I guess... My teammates, apart from Daria. Well, not really anymore.
LILIAN: What's wrong with Daria?
ADELINE: She's mean... But I'm getting used to her and she's become more tame. And, we're sarcasm buddies.
LILIAN: That's nice.
ADELINE: Yeah, it is... But... To be honest... It doesn't matter.


Nicolas, Alexander, Amber, Eliana, Hayden and Ashlynn are sat around.

AMBER: Seriously!?
HAYDEN: Yup! He tried to fight us with a hair brush.
NICOLAS: Did he win?
HAYDEN: What did you expect? It was a hairbrush!

There's a knock on the door.

ELIANA: Enter.

Maze opens the door and looks in.

MAZE: Hey.
ELIANA: Maaaaaze! It's been so long!
MAZE: Yeah, it has! I'll catch up with you later though... Right now, I wanted to ask Ashlynn if she wanted to do some battle training with me or something.
HAYDEN: How about the two of us against Maze, how about it, Ashlynn?
ELIANA: Oooh, I can be on Maze's side!
MAZE: Oh, well... I... I was thinking of practicing team moves with Ashlynn.
ELIANA: Oooh, Nicolas, we could practice team moves against them.
MAZE: No, I... We need some time to just practice team moves on our own. Is that okay, Ashlynn?
ASHLYNN: Alright.

The two walk out. Alexander's phone rings. He checks it and looks surprised.

AMBER: Who is it?
ALEXANDER (surprised and confused): Adeline's sister.
NICOLAS: I like Adeline. She's cute.
HAYDEN: That's your opinion on every girl you meet.
NICOLAS: ... Except you.
HAYDEN (entertained): Oi!
ELIANA: I thought you'd be too posh to say that.
HAYDEN (jokingly): Oi!


Ashlynn and Maze are walking.

ASHLYNN: I'm guessing you were lying earlier...
MAZE: Yeah... Ashlynn, I want to get to know you better.
ASHLYNN: But... We've spent loads of time together recently...
MAZE: Yes, but at Vaiana's request I spent most of that time trying to fix your relationship with Hayden so that you'd be happier.
ASHLYNN: Oh... That's why you kept talking about her... Ah...
MAZE: What?
ASHLYNN: It's possible I thought you were a lesbian and told her that you probably had a crush on her.

MAZE: How'd she react?
ASHLYNN: She wasn't particularly interested. She's got her eyes on someone else.
MAZE: On who?
ASHLYNN: I'm not telling her secrets.
MAZE: But either way... Can we just spend some time together?


Alexander is talking to Lilian.

ALEXANDER: Lilian. What a surprise.
LILIAN: I know you weren't expecting this... It's just... I was just talking to Adeline and... Well... Would you say everything's okay between you?
ALEXANDER: She's not been speaking to me lately, so no. Naturally I thought she just wanted to get to know her teammates at first but obviously she's avoiding me for whatever reason.
LILIAN: You're correct, I'm afraid. She's under the impression that you don't care that you're on seperate teams.
ALEXANDER: I should've known. Trust Adi to expect me not to care after ten years of friendship. Does she seriously think I'm that little of me?
LILIAN: Of course not! But, uh, well, you obviously didn't show enough emotion or something. There's also something with an Amber, I think.
LILIAN: Yeah, I think Adi is kind of jealous of her.
ALEXANDER: Why? We're just friends.
LILIAN: Which relationship are you talking about right now?
ALEXANDER: All of them.
LILIAN: Okay. That's good. But, uh, I think she thinks Amber is new Adi.
ALEXANDER: And... What can I do about it, since you're the Adi expert?
LILIAN: Um, well, uh, show her you care, Alexander. Let her know that your friendship means a lot to you.
ALEXANDER: Okay. What sort of things should I say?
LILIAN: You should probably figure that out on your own.
ALEXANDER: But apparently I don't communicate things in an Adi-proof way.
LILIAN: Right... Say that you were waiting to see if anything changed but you've waited long enough. Tell her that your friendship is important. Let her know you care. That nobody can ever replace her. That you will be her friend as long as she lets you.
ALEXANDER (bemused): You quoting those romance novels?
LILIAN: Urgh, I told Bella to stop making me read them. Maybe tone it down an inch.
ALEXANDER (ready to finish this): So, how about I say that you've made me aware that this has gone on too long and-
LILIAN: No! Don't mention me!
LILIAN: It'll be much more effective if she thinks that you came up with it alone.
ALEXANDER (toying with her): What happened to cite your sources?
LILIAN: She doesn't need to know I was involved. Adeline needs to know that your friendship will always be safe.
ALEXANDER: But it isn't. No relationship is ever safe because most humans are so flawed and stupid.
LILIAN: I hope I'm not part of the majority...
ALEXANDER: We'll have to wait and see.
LILIAN: I'm not sure how to feel about that... Oh, Alexander?
LILIAN: Can you call me and tell me how it went afterwards...? I don't want Adeline to know I was involved... And it might take a while until she next calls me...
LILIAN: Thank you.


Eliana is writing, Amber, Hayden and Nicolas are playing cards.

HAYDEN: Eli, come and join us! We've got plenty of time for homework.
ELIANA: If I get this done now, I'll have more time over the weekend.
HAYDEN: What is "this" anyway?
ELIANA: Guardian studies homework. I'm just writing down why I chose the path of a guardian.
HAYDEN: And why is that?
ELIANA: Well, guardians are just so cool! I mean, guardian movies are awesome and Yvonne Loudermann is cool and they're just so great!
HAYDEN: Urgh, guardians movies are garbage.
ELIANA: No way! Take that back.
HAYDEN: No. Please tell me there's more reasons than that.
ELIANA: Well, guardians inspired me as a kid... To think I could make a job out of helping people and be remembered for it...
HAYDEN: So... You wanma be famous?
ELIANA: I want a life worthwhile. Maybe that includes fame.
NICOLAS: And with that, I've won.
AMBER: Seriously, where did you learn to play so well?
NICOLAS: Younger siblings.
HAYDEN: He hasn't won.

Hayden shows her cards.

NICOLAS: Urrrrrgh.
HAYDEN (in his face): Ha.
NICOLAS (embarrassed): No need to rub it in.
ELIANA: Why did you guys become guardians?
HAYDEN: I just saw a guardian and I spoke to my bodyguard about being a guardian, 'cuz, I mean, she was technically a guardian, and eventually, after a lot of pestering our parents, she gave Ashlynn and I lessons.
NICOLAS: You had a bodyguard?
HAYDEN: Of course, several. Didn't you all have one too before you learnt how to fight?
AMBER: Uh, no?
HAYDEN: Seriously? Weren't your parents scared you'd get attacked?
AMBER: Not really...

Her hand drifts to her necklace (I want to take this out but I think people should know she has one ready for episode... uh.... 17?)

HAYDEN: Hm... Well, eventually we convinced our parents to let us train and here we are.
AMBER: In my case... My father always wanted to be a guardian... He would've put it on his bucket list if it had been possible... So... I became a guardian for him.
ELIANA: I'm sure he's proud.
AMBER: I like to think so.
NICOLAS: In my case... Actually forget it.
ELIANA: I want to know.
NICOLAS: Do you?
NICOLAS: In my culture the children have the same profession as their mother... So I had no choice.
AMBER: But are you happy?
NICOLAS: Yes, but... Sometimes I wish I'd had the choice... And I mean... You're all so passionate about guardians and I just see guardianship as the profession that was forced upon me.


Maze and Ashlynn are walking.

MAZE: So... How are you?
ASHLYNN: I'm feeling good. Hayden's finally settled down about not being on the same team.
MAZE: That's good.
ASHLYNN: Hayden told me a joke today, do you want to hear it?
MAZE: Sure...
ASHLYNN: What do you call a gecko who throws a mean rhyme? A rap-tile. Though it's not the best joke because a gecko could never be mean. Hayden knows how much I love geckos though.
MAZE: You love geckos?
ASHLYNN: Yeah, I have 7 back at home.
MAZE: That's a lot.
ASHLYNN: Hayden has been buying me one for our birthday for several years now... I really miss them...
MAZE: Why didn't you bring them?
ASHLYNN: Mother and father didn't think it was a good idea. Neither did Heather. I could have maybe convinced them but not her.
MAZE: Who's Heather?
ASHLYNN: My other sister.
MAZE: You have another sister? And you never brought her up?
ASHLYNN: Yes. She'll inherit my parents company one day. If it weren't for her, Hayden and I couldn't be here.
MAZE: Yeah, uh, I realised you and Hayden are posh and all, but what's up with your parents?
ASHLYNN: My parents are the owners of Vos Industries. It's not surprising if you haven't heard of it, it's not exactly a household name, but we are rather sacred amongst other businesses. Vos Industries doesn't create any products you will have used, but it has the know-how to make the equipment that is required to create a lot of everyday items. In summary, the others get the glory, but we do the work.
MAZE: Like asking somebody for help on homework.
ASHLYNN: Yes, I guess it is rather like that. But it means nobody here knows my background. It is rather nice to be able to blend into the crowd for once.
MAZE: Yeah... I can imagine...


Adeline is doing homework. Vaiana and Daria enter.

VAIANA: What homework are you doing?
ADELINE: Guardian studies.
DARIA: Urgh.
VAIANA: Will you tell me why you became a guardian now?
ADELINE: I guess... There were three of us, Alexander, Laura and I... I'd always looked up to guardians and dreamt of becoming one... Just like the other two. Then... Alexander suggested we applied to Limedrew.
DARIA: But Limedrew sucks.
ADELINE: It was the closest school that offered combat classes... But yes, it does kinda suck.
VAIANA: And you got in.
ADELINE: Alex and I did. Laura didn't.
ADELINE: I'm not sure. She cut us off the moment she found out. Either her grades weren't good enough or all the places were filled... I don't know.
VAIANA: And then you got to Espoir...
ADELINE: Yup. (pause) How about you, Daria?
DARIA: Why do you care?
ADELINE: Daria, why do you always have to be so bitter? We're teammates. Isn't that reason enough?
DARIA: I don't want to tell you, okay?
VAIANA: Come on, Daria-
ADELINE: It can't be that bad.
DARIA: It was because it's the only thing I can do well, okay?! Are you happy now?
VAIANA: Daria-
DARIA: Spare me your pity. I let my parents down, they wanted me to get a high-paying office job.
ADELINE: But Daria... Being a guardian is a noble profession.
DARIA: I know but it's not what my parents wanted.
VAIANA: It's not what my mother wanted either but that doesn't mean I'm ashamed.
ADELINE: What did your mother want?
VAIANA (awkwardly): She wanted me to go into medicine.

Daria's left in the meantime.

VAIANA: She has issues.


Hayden, Eliana, Nicolas and Amber are playing a sort of ludo game. Jackie approaches them.

JACKIE: Hello.

Nicolas immediatly drifts into his cool stance noticing who it is.

NICOLAS: Hey. Eliana, can we stop playing board games? There's a reason they're called "bored" games.
JACKIE: I wouldn't say all board games are that bad. But I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Jackie Hanters.
NICOLAS: The name's Nicolas. The pleasures all mine, dove.
HAYDEN: Oh boy, here he goes again.

Jackie kindly smiles.

HAYDEN: Hey, aren't you on a team with Brittney?
JACKIE: Yes, I am.
HAYDEN: Do you like her?
JACKIE: She's pretty nice.
HAYDEN: Right, I don't like her.
AMBER: Hayden... Where are your manners?
HAYDEN: She got Vaiana put in the hospital wing! Also, I've spent 18 years with my manners. We needed some distance.
ELIANA: Chill, Hayden.
JACKIE: It was an accident...
HAYDEN: Accident!?
JACKIE: Yes...

Hayden's about to implode.

ELIANA: Hayden. Drop it.
NICOLAS: So... You wanted to introduce yourself...?
JACKIE: Yes. I'd just like to get to know my classmates.
NICOLAS: Well, you can ask me whatever you'd like.
HAYDEN: How often do you shower?
NICOLAS: Hayden. What.
HAYDEN: Oh, continue. I enjoy watching you fail to flirt.
JACKIE: I should go...
NICOLAS: No, wait-

Jackie flees. Hayden laughs.

NICOLAS: That was mean!
HAYDEN: Oh please. If anybody's going to end up with a guy like you, you should at least have romantic feelings for her. Though it would be best if she didn't end up with you at all.


Daria enters. Vaiana and Adi were talking.

VAIANA: You came back!

There's a knock.

DARIA: Urgh, who is it?
ADELINE: Didn't you see anybody when you came?
DARIA (sarcastically): Oh, of course, that's why I asked.

Adeline gets up and opens the door to see Alexander.

ALEXANDER: Adeline, we need to talk.
ALEXANDER: I think so.
VAIANA: Come on, Daria, let's go.
DARIA: I'm not moving.
ALEXANDER: Well, there's no reason we need to be alone. But... I was waiting for you to talk to me but it's been too long. Adeline, our friendship means a lot to me and I know that you're avoiding me.
DARIA: I know, I told her not to but she ignored me like everyone always does. Apart from Maze. She's nice.
VAIANA: Daria. Let's just spectate.
ADELINE: But... What about you and Amber?
ALEXANDER: She's a friend but not my best friend.

Adeline hugs Alexander, who is awkwardly stood there.

DARIA: Urgh. Positive emotion overload.
VAIANA: Why can't you just be happy?
DARIA: Well, part of it you already forced out of me today, so I won't say anymore.


Maze and Ashlynn are walking.

ASHLYNN: So... Why did you become a guardian?
MAZE: Oh... Well... It just seemed to be what I was good at...

ASHLYNN: Hm... In my case Hayden and I saw a guardian protecting someone, so Hayden suggested that we become guardians, so we did.
MAZE: Wait, do you even want to be a guardian?
ASHLYNN: Totally.
MAZE: It just seems like you copy whatever Hayden does.
ASHLYNN: Well, she's will, I'm sense.
MAZE: What?
ASHLYNN: She tends to make big decisions for us since she feels strongly about things and I tend to comment on how sensible it is.
MAZE: You can't let her control you like that...
ASHLYNN: What do you mean control?
MAZE: Well... You can't be so dependant on her.
ASHLYNN: Oh, it's not that bad. I have veto rights.
MAZE: I just think that with her, you probably focus on her needs and wishes so much that you forget your own.
ASHLYNN: I don't! Maze, you don't understand.
MAZE: Well... I'd like to understand.
ASHLYNN: I do say no when I don't want something. It's just often Hayden feels more strongly about things and I let her choose.
MAZE: I understand but... Don't get too dependant... One day you might be seperated.
ASHLYNN: We know that. That's why we make the most of the time we've got together.
MAZE: I understand. Oh, Ashlynn?
MAZE: If you ever want to hang out, I've got a lot of free time on my hands.

Ashlynn smiles.

ASHLYNN: Don't worry, I'll remember.


Alexander calls Lilian.

LILIAN: Um, hi!
ALEXANDER: Hello, Lilian.
ALEXANDER: Well, I did what you said...
ALEXANDER: It worked.
LILIAN: Yes! I knew it would! How do you feel?
ALEXANDER: How should I feel?
LILIAN: Happy?
ALEXANDER: Of course, she's my friend. And I'm glad to have her back on my side.
LILIAN: I'm on your side too... But... Who's the other side?
ALEXANDER: I don't know yet but it's always good to be prepared. Well, goodbye.
LILIAN: Wait, Alexander...
LILIAN: Can we maybe talk again sometime?
ALEXANDER: Sure, if you want.

LILIAN: Thank you!

The call ends.

ALEXANDER: Some people are weird.

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