Episode 7: Forgiveness

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Young Vaiana and Young Lorsten are stood in a crowd. Fenick rides through the crowd on his horse, then stops and gets off. Chief Gorst looks at him.

CHIEF GORST: What do you want? Have your people finally given in?
FENICK: No, Gorst. In fact, I'm here to bring the message that they declare war.
YOUNG VAIANA (to young Lorsten): What's that?
YOUNG LORSTEN: It's when two tribes fight and lots of people die. You better work hard, Vaiana, you'll need your healing talents more than ever.
YOUNG VAIANA: Will you have to fight?
YOUNG LORSTEN: Probably. But if I get hurt, you'll be the one to heal me, alright? Promise?
YOUNG VAIANA: I promise.

Scene changes to INT. ESPOIR ACADEMY - ROOM 14 - MORNING. Vaiana wakes up, crying. She wipes the tears away and notices Daria looking at her.

DARIA: Since I'm supposed to be a good teammate now, I'm going to force you to tell me what's going on.


Team 8 walks into the cafeteria and sits down.

HAYDEN: I'm getting food first.

Hayden walks off towards the buffet.

AMBER: You should go too, Alexander, after all, you're our team leader.
ELIANA: Yes, I'm sure there are plenty of things you should do as team leader, as well as things you shouldn't do.

Alexander looks at her for a moment, before heading of to the buffet.

AMBER: What was that about?
ELIANA: Nothing that matters.

Ashlynn approaches them.

NICOLAS: Hey, rose.
ASHLYNN: My name's Ashlynn.
NICOLAS: But your hair's red... Like a rose.
ASHLYNN: Do you do this to my sister?
AMBER: He does it to everyone.
ASHLYNN: Then I'm surprised you're not dead by now.

Ashlynn smiles to herself.

ASHLYNN: Doesn't matter.

Hayden returns to the table and hesitates when she sees Ashlynn. Ashlynn holds up the chip.

HAYDEN: What do you want?
ASHLYNN: A gecko. And a talk.
HAYDEN: Fine, when shall we go.
ASHLYNN: At 4. I've got a team leader meeting today.
HAYDEN: Of course you have.

Ashlynn walks back to team 11. Daria is staring at Vaiana, who's looking at her food. Adeline and Maze are eating.

MAZE: What did you want to speak to Hayden about?
ASHLYNN: She's going to- Actually, no. It's a surprise.
DARIA: Should we be scared?
ADELINE: That's a relief.
DARIA: You're pretty gullible. I'm still scared.
ADELINE: Well, I'm not a coward.
DARIA: Says the person who was too scared to talk to her best friend like a normal person.
ADELINE: Look, I had my- Whatever.


Students flood out of the cafeteria. Eliana grabs Maze.

MAZE: What's up?
ELIANA: It's Alex... I just can't forget that he cheated.
MAZE: Well, you didn't want me to interfere, so I won't say my opinion.
ELIANA: Maze... It's just so complicated.
MAZE: Life can be. Trust me, I know.
ELIANA: How do you know?

Maze just frowns.

MAZE: Yeah?
ELIANA (giving up): It doesn't matter. We probably ought to get our weapons ready for combat class.
MAZE: See you later.
ELIANA: Yeah. See you later.


The students are sat in the spectator area. Prof. Walson walks up to the microphone.

PROF. WALSON: All right, class. These next few lessons are going to go a bit differently. We're going to have a sort of... Tournament. At the start of each lesson we have a round of this tournament. This lesson, all the team leaders will fight against each other at once. The team of the first leader to be defeated will be eliminated from the future rounds, while all others will go to the next round, no matter how they ranked in the battle. In future rounds, the leaders of the teams that are still standing will select the guardian for the next round, one who hasn't yet battled. Well, either way, team leaders, come to the center.
AMBER (to Alexander): Good luck.

Alexander, Mastus, Brittney, Ashlynn, Clara and Bull head to the arena part of the arena.

PROF. WALSON: Prepare... Battle!

The battle starts. Alice, you are needed. Clara is the first out (because nobody cares about team 12), Ashlynn next, then Bull, then Mastus, then Alexander. Alexander looks irritated to have come close but still have lost. Ashlynn is a bit disappointed but handles it decently. And wow, Brittney won.


Storm approaches Daria.

DARIA: Why are you talking to me again?
STORM: Bull told me that the redhead was from your team. He said she put up quite a fight.
DARIA: Yeah, well, she's disappointing.
STORM: Don't you like your team leader?
DARIA: It's, uh, well, complicated. Why am I telling you this? Why do you keep talking to me?
STORM: I'm just trying not to limit my friends to my team and you look like you could do with some more friends.
DARIA: I have a feeling that's something that I can take as an insult.
STORM: Please don't... May I ask you something?
DARIA: What?
STORM: What's your name?
DARIA: Daria. Daria Chase.
STORM: What a nice name.
DARIA: Question is, is yours the same quality as mine?
DARIA: What's your name?
STORM: Storm Nord.
DARIA: Nice to meet you, Storm Nord. I've got to go and be a good teammate though. See you around, I guess.
STORM: Yes. See you around.

Daria walks off. View changes to Eliana and Maze.

ELIANA: I know I wanted to figure out how to deal with Alex on my own... But Maze, I want your help.
MAZE: I've had it stuck in my head all day as well...
ELIANA: Come on, let's go into the library.


Eliana and Maze are sat.

ELIANA: I love how several people just have a conversation in the library even though it literally says to be quiet on the door... Well, anyway, I want your opinion.
MAZE: I think you should reveal Alex's wrongdoings. Taking away his vote, he would have been in a draw with Hayden anyway. A cheat doesn't deserve to be your team's leader.
ELIANA: But Maze... Hayden wasn't necessarily the best of canidates. She tricked Nicolas into voting for her by promising him a vote which she didn't give him.
MAZE: So... She technically cheated on Nicolas?
ELIANA: Gosh, you make it sound like a relationship... And now I'm imagining Hayden cheating on Nicolas with Alex. Oh god.
MAZE: Urgh.
ELIANA: Right... Well... It's all so complicated. Nicolas didn't vote for her because he thought she was the best candidate, he just wanted to boost his chance of winning. I only voted for her because even though I had a feeling Alex was the best choice, Hayden had great potential and she's my friend. Besides, I was pretty sure Alex would win anyway... Which he did.
MAZE: Your team's too complicated. I say you reveal it and throw the win on Nicolas, even though he got no votes, he's the best candidate because he didn't cheat. The question is, can you guys cope with the flirting.


Ashlynn and Hayden enter.

HAYDEN: I can't believe this is what you decided to spend the chip on.
ASHLYNN: Well, I did. I just miss my babies so much. Do you know if the town's named after the school or the school after the town?
HAYDEN: No idea.
ASHLYNN: Hayden, another reason I spent it was because I... Would you say that we were spoilt?
HAYDEN: I mean, I didn't think so but did you know other people didn't have bodyguards?
ASHLYNN: Did you not know that...?
HAYDEN: All our friends growing up had them! Wait, if it wasn't bodyguards... What's made you bring this up?
ASHLYNN: Daria. She's been talking to some girl from team 9-
HAYDEN: Brittney?
HAYDEN: Then Jackie?
HAYDEN: Oh, the weird one.
ASHLYNN: Yeah, well, Daria was challenging me on the fact that we've had everything served to us on a silver platter.
HAYDEN: No way. Sure, maybe we had bodyguards and... Do you think other people don't have holiday resorts?
ASHLYNN: Yes. What, did you think all the servants had some?
HAYDEN: No; but, these people arvjds- Whatever! But no. Because, sure, we were rich, but we also missed out. We had to be the perfect children. This (she gestures to her hair) got me a lecture on responsibility and reputation. Not to mention Heather.
ASHLYNN: True... Maybe I'll say that to Daria. OH MY GOSH, LOOK AT THAT ONE!
HAYDEN: You're weird.
ASHLYNN: We're getting that one... It's a peace offering though.
HAYDEN: Me getting you a gecko is a peace offering? Why do I need to offer you peace?

SHLYNN: No, I meant... I wanted to come out today so that we can make sure that we're cool. I need you wanted to be team leader and it's stupid that Alex got to be and not you, but please don't hold the fact I'm team leader against me. I had no control over it. I know you tend to be a bit irrational and hot-headed-
HAYDEN (angrily): I'm not- I'm fine. It's cool. Everything's cool.
ASHLYNN: I can see it's not. But we'll get there, won't we?


Daria and Vaiana are sat.

DARIA: You've been hiding all day but no one can save you now.
VAIANA: Save me from what?
DARIA: You've got to tell me what's been bothering you. I told Ashlynn I'd be a good teammate, so I'm giving it a go. Urgh, she really does get everything.
VAIANA: What if I don't want to tell you?
DARIA: I didn't want to tell you why I became a guardian, so we'll be even.
VAIANA: Will we?

Vaiana sighs.

VAIANA: Fine, I give in. You're awfully persuasive.
DARIA: Not really. You're just obviously pretty weak minded.
VAIANA: I can still change my mind...!
DARIA: Sure.

Daria just stares at Vaiana.

VAIANA: Urgh, stop it! Well... It started back when I was eight. Well, technically when I was a child. I was born to a couple in the village of Garinol. My father was a farmer. My mother was a healer. My father died when I was little. And... Like my mother, I became a healer.

While she talks about her father, we see her father working on a field, her mother watching him. At the mention of her mother, we see her mother treating somebody's wounds. When she mentions her fathers death, we see her mother crying and young Vaiana sad but not sure about what's going on.

VAIANA: I had a friend. Lorsten. When they declared war, he had to become a soldier.
DARIA: Who's they?
VAIANA: The Dustial tribe. Have you heard of them?
DARIA: I think I've heard the name before. And I guess that stops me from questioning whether you made this up because, I mean this is book material, not real life. But I guess fiction's based off something and based on my experience of novels and the fact that you brought him up, I'm guessing you and that Lorsten guy had a romantic relationship.
VAIANA: Daria. We were children.
DARIA: I know that some tribes have different customs. No offense intended. But different regions have weird customs too.

Vaiana sighs.

VAIANA: You're on the right track, of course... But there wasn't much romance involved. His family owed mine a lot. So much that paying it back would leave them with virtually nothing. Mine didn't want that, so... They made a deal. Lorsten would marry my family's first daughter, since he'd inherit their home, their possesions, so he could repay us like that. With their own money and security for their daughter. Then I was born. He didn't know we were going to get married. I did.
DARIA: I see... I didn't know that sort of thing still happened anywhere.
VAIANA: There's a lot of things that happen in this world that most people don't know about.
DARIA: But it doesn't even make sense! Oh, we gave them crippling debt. Oh well, let's just make our unborn children marry.
VAIANA (irritated): Do you want to know or not?
DARIA: Sorry. But why's this got you so stressed now?
VAIANA: Five years ago I was out on the battlefield as a healer for the fourth time. My mother was there to guide me, along with Hamara Alline, another kind soul who'd helped me with my education. I was thirteen years old... The horrors... They were unimaginable... Or they should've been. The fighting didn't really bother me, just the death.

Background changes to EXT. PYRENINE FOREST - NIGHT. Soldiers are fighting. Teen Vaiana arrives with Mrs. Evergreen and Hamara. They greet Flork and Wistera.

MRS. EVERGREEN: My, you two look shattered.
FLORK: It's been a long slaughter. Four casualties so far, seven injured.
HAMARA: You have to wonder how they keep going.
MRS. EVERGREEN: Vaiana, have you got everything?
FLORK: Good luck, Vaiana. We'll see you tomorrow.

They walk off. While Vaiana narrates, Teen Vaiana is unpacking the bags, Hamara and Mrs. Evergreen are examining the patients.

VAIANA: It was dark. You could only see because of the torches. The battle had already been going on for an hour. Lorsten joked that they were all too bad to injure somebody. For the first half an hour Hamara was the lookout, fetching people off the field. It's a dangerous task.
DARIA: You've gotta be inspired by their endurance though, haven't you?
VAIANA: Maybe. But being there... There was nothing inspiring about it. After Hamara had been on the field for thirty minutes, it was my mother and I's turn. We... Headed onto the battle field... All I could hear was crying, calling... The sounds of swords clashing against each other... And then...

While she's talking we see teen Vaiana guiding an injured soldier to the sort of shelter they had built for the injured. Teen Vaiana looks at the battle scene. For the next bit we see exactly what she describes.

VAIANA: My mother went to fetch a dying soldier. Our side was losing... Then suddely...

Mrs. Evergreen is hit by an arrow around her chest.


Teen Vaiana runs to her mother, sobbing. The flashback stops.

VAIANA: She died just like that. I couldn't save her. Nobody could have.
DARIA: I'm sorry.
VAIANA: Don't be. She's the reason I'm here now.
DARIA: I don't understand.
VAIANA: After she died, I began questioning. I couldn't save her, not with healing. I spoke about fighting. Hamara tried to talk sense into me... The war ended... But so much had already been lost. I felt like I couldn't do anything useful for my tribe... And then... Lorsten and I had a... A talk.

Flashback. EXT. GARINOL VILLAGE - VAIANA'S HOUSE - NIGHT. Lorsten is talking to teen Vaiana.

LORSTEN: Do you ever want to escape, Vaiana?
LORSTEN: You know... You'd keep a secret for me, wouldn't you?
TEEN VAIANA: Oh, Lorsten, of course I would!
LORSTEN: Well... You see, Vaiana... You know how I've been make so many spiritual trips lately?
TEEN VAIANA: Yes. Chief Garinol is thinking of making you Mashdek's apprentice.
DARIA: Who's mashed potato...?
VAIANA: He was our spiritual leader at the time.
DARIA: Okay. Continue.
LORSTEN: Well... They haven't really been to connect with our gods.
LORSTEN: Vaiana, I've been away to see the world. The cursed civilisation. I've found a girl, who I love, and a lifestyle I ache for. I'm leaving tomorrow.
TEEN VAIANA: That's...
LORSTEN: I know. But Vaiana, do you want to come with me? Please say you will.
TEEN VAIANA: Lorsten... I...
LORSTEN: I should've known.
TEEN VAIANA: No. It's time I leave them behind me. I won't stay with you. But let's start our journeys together. Now, what's this lifestyle you say you've found?
VAIANA: Lorsten told me so much. He told me about the wonders of technology, the peace which has ruled you for so many years... He mentioned guardians and from that moment, I knew what my future would be.

While Vaiana narrates, you can see them talking. It then goes back to the present.

DARIA: And now you're here.
DARIA: But there's something missing. How did you learn how to fight?
VAIANA: I wasn't the only one who needed to escape after the war. His name was Vilinos Kavarda. He was a retired soldier. He taught me to fight for a year. I learned quickly, it was all I had to concentrate on after all. The next three years I fit in as many combat classes as I could.
DARIA: Where did you live? What did you eat?
VAIANA: I stayed in the forest. I knew how to survive... And... When I left the village, I took some things with me... I had the advantage of being an orphan - everything my parents owned was mine. I had jewellery of my mother's that I could sell and I had plenty of clothes. I sold some of them, remade others and kept the rest as they were.
DARIA: Do you have any money?
VAIANA: I have enough.
DARIA: What will you do in the holidays though?
VAIANA: I'll find something, but... What if this was a mistake? I-I... I couldn't even survive evaluation.
DARIA: Look... Talk to Ashlynn or Maze. They're good at comforting people. I wish I could help but there are a hundred sarcastic comments I'm having to surpress right now.
VAIANA: The fact that you're surpressing them I appreciate. Urgh, what is speaking? But... You can be nice. Give yourself more credit.
DARIA: You can't change a person in a couple of weeks.
VAIANA: Hayden suggested maybe I fight with someone I trust to try and get over my fear.
DARIA: I guess I do like fighting. But... You trust me?


Alexander is smiling while texting with someone.

ELIANA: Hey, Nicolas, could you-

Eliana enters.

ELIANA: -lend me- Oh, he's not here.
ALEXANDER: Nope, it's just me.
ELIANA: I can see that.
ALEXANDER: What do you want?
ELIANA: Nothing important.
ALEXANDER: If you say so. Eliana, I wanted to suggest you represent us in the next round of the tournament.
ELIANA: You did? Why?
ALEXANDER: I think you'd do a good job. Could you also get Nicolas to practice with his sword a bit. He'll be fighting in the round after you and he still needs some more training with the sword.
ELIANA: I'll train with him later.

Eliana hesitates for a bit.

ALEXANDER: Is there anything else you want?
ELIANA: No... I just... I wanted to congratulate you on becoming leader. I didn't at the time. I was too focused on Hayden.
ALEXANDER: Thank you.
ELIANA: I hope you use your strength to make our team a strong one.
ALEXANDER: That's the plan.

Eliana walks out and sighs.


Vaiana is a bit out of breath, they've clearly just been fighting.

DARIA: You okay?
VAIANA: Yes. I think... Can we take a break though.

Daria nods and they head over to t

DARIA: I was thinking and... I think you should talk to Principal Ferran.
DARIA: Well... She might have a way to help you.
VAIANA: Why would she?
DARIA: She just might, okay? Besides, I think you've been to paranoid these last few years.
DARIA: Why didn't you get help when you came?
VAIANA: They'd probably take me back to the village.
DARIA: Would they though? Vaiana, you were a fourteen or something year old orphan struggling with trauma. I think they would've got you some help.
VAIANA: I'm not traumatised.
DARIA: Maybe you've come to terms with it more. But I think it's had an effect on you. So, Vaiana, go to Principal Ferran. I don't want to share a room with you after the holidays when you smell.
VAIANA: I knew you couldn't be nice for much longer.


Principal Ferran is filling out some paperwork. There's a knock on the door.


Daria and Vaiana nervously enter.

DARIA (to Vaiana after a small pause): Go on.
VAIANA: I... Uh... My friend thinks I should ask you for help, miss. You see, uh, have my story's a bit different from the other students'.


Maze and Adeline are sat doing homework. Eliana enters and heads towards Maze.

ELIANA: Maze... Can we go outside for a moment?
ADELINE: I won't listen.
ELIANA: I know... But it's quite private.
ADELINE: Oh. Okay.

Maze and Eliana walk out. Background switches to INT. ESPOIR ACADEMY - HALLWAY - EVENING.

MAZE: What is it?
ELIANA: I've made my decision.
MAZE: Oh? I'm glad.
ELIANA: I'm not going to speak up.
MAZE: Why not?
ELIANA: Nicolas wouldn't make the best leader. I love him and hate to admit it-
MAZE: Wait, you love him? You mean like a friend, right?
ELIANA: Kind-of-maybe-slightly as a crush and love is way too strong but yeah.
MAZE: I didn't know that.

ELIANA: Neither did I until I had this problem. I wanted to give this to Nicolas so much... But when I put the team first, I knew he was the wrong choice. Hayden is too hot-headed and I don't think she'd be the best option. Alex, despite his flaws, is a strong and intelligent leader and could bring our team so far. He'll do a good job.
MAZE: If you say so...
ELIANA: You don't agree with me, do you?
MAZE: It doesn't affect me, so I'll keep my opinions to myself. But I'm still getting over the shock of you liking starling man.
ELIANA: Well, I do. So what? It isn't a big deal. People have crushes all the time. It'll probably be gone in a few weeks time.
MAZE: I'd just maybe be careful when it comes to teammates. If that relationship goes wrong, it could affect all of you.


Ashlynn and Hayden are inside with the gecko. Vaiana and Daria entered.

VAIANA: Thank you, Daria. You're nice after all.
DARIA: The suggestion seriously-

They see the gecko.

VAIANA: Aw, it's so cute!
DARIA: What even is that. It's ugly.
HAYDEN: It's a gecko-
ASHLYNN: How dare you insult the gecko! It's the most beautiful thing in the whole world!
DARIA: Well, our team leader is crazy.

Ashlynn rolls her eyes.

HAYDEN: Can't she ever be nice?
VAIANA: Yes. She can.

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