Episode 9: Lose You

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Adeline, Ashlynn, Maze and Vaiana are in bed. Vaiana wakes up and gazes at Daria's bed which is empty. She sighs.

ASHLYNN (whispering): She accidentally woke me when she left. She came back pretty late and left first thing.
VAIANA: Any idea where she went?
ASHLYNN: No. But the good news is I don't think she should be able to hide anymore.
VAIANA: Why not?
ASHLYNN: Well, she can't sit at a different table at breakfast, there are only 5 chairs.

Background switches to INT. ESPOIR ACADEMY - CAFETERIA - DAY. Ashlynn, Adeline, Maze and Vaiana are sat at the table.

ASHLYNN: I'm sure she'll turn up any minute now.
ADELINE: Are you? I'm not.
VAIANA: Do we even want her to turn up...?
ASHLYNN: Guys! We need to stick together. We're a team.
ADELINE: She's the one who is avoiding us.

Fred appears.

FRED: Uh... Hey...
ADELINE (slightly panicked): Fred! Nice to see you.
FRED: Brittney and Gemma suggested I sit here... So that Daria can sit with them.

Vaiana sighs and Maze is hurt.

ADELINE: She's with Brittney!?
FRED: I guess... I-
MAZE: So they're her real friends. I feel sorry for her.

Fred sits down.

ADELINE: How are you doing, Fred?
FRED: Oh, you know... Could be better.
ADELINE: Your team's treating you well, right?
ASHLYNN: They just sent him away so that they can sit with Daria.
ADELINE: You have a point...
FRED: Well, they don't appreciate having one of the few fat kids in the school in the team.
ADELINE: I thought the body positivity thing had spread out...
FRED: Well, even though it has, stereotypical guardians are thin.
ASHLYNN: That has a reason. We have to be fit.
FRED: I am fit... I just eat a lot.


The class is sat with their textbooks out. Prof. Salod is just putting down their bag.

PROF. SALOD: Right, class! Some of you may have heard that, like every year, we have reached the point where personality building overlaps with you combat class.
GEMMA (to Daria): Oh no, she's going to ruin fighting for us.

Daria giggles.

PROF. SALOD: Miss Chase! I don't recall having said anything funny.
DARIA: I... Everything you say is a complete joke.

Vaiana, Storm and Adeline are shocked. Gemma smirks, Brittney is entertained.

PROF. SALOD: Miss Chase. Detention.
DARIA: So what?
PROF. SALOD: Anyway, tomorrow afternoon, your normal classes will be cancelled. You will have a combat class with Professor Walson and I. We're going to work on team moves.
BULL: Wooo!

Hayden and Eliana smile at each other.

PROF. SALOD: Each team will be assigned a certain time for a private lesson. Professor Walson will give you these times in your combat class today. Now, let's get started.


Amber, Adeline and Alexander are walking.

AMBER: Seems to be a pretty perfect timing for practicing team moves.
ALEXANDER: What do you mean?
AMBER: You just got your new weapon, idiot.
ADELINE: I wish I could be there with you.
ALEXANDER: We would've made a good team.
ADELINE: Yeah... Which team would you build if you got to choose?

ALEXANDER: Mastus, Brittney, you two and me.
AMBER: You wouldn't keep any of our teammates?
ADELINE: Amber, this is Alexander. When he creates super teams in his mind, they tend to be strategically the best, not the people he cares about most.
AMBER: But he picked us...
ADELINE: Hey Alex, I wouldn't be happy if I were in a team with Brittney.
ALEXANDER: She's a good fighter though.
ADELINE: She makes Daria seem like an angel.
AMBER: Speaking of Daria... Jackie seems to think she's got involved with somebody she probably shouldn't.
ADELINE: Did she mean Brittney per chance?
AMBER: No idea, I was just informed by Eliana.
ADELINE: Fred sat with us at breakfast today because she was ditching us for that team.
AMBER: Seriously? She seems to be in a really bad place right now...
ADELINE: More like she's a jerk or, uh, Laura 2.0.


Maze is stood in front of a door. The bell rings. A few people walk out, including Daria.

MAZE: Daria.
DARIA: What is it?
MAZE: You've been avoiding us.
DARIA: Look, I'm sorry about what I-

Daria notices the Gemma waiting for her in the distance.

DARIA: I need to go.
MAZE: I'm not telling you to dance on rainbows with us but we're a team.
DARIA: And? We've got a co-worker relationship.

Daria walks off. Maze watches her, hurt.


Amber is reading. Eliana is polishing her shield. Hayden is shifting from side to side.

HAYDEN: Amber!
AMBER: What?
HAYDEN: I... Uh... Haven't you wanted to read Running to the South for ages?
AMBER: Yeah.
HAYDEN: I hear they've got it in the library now.
AMBER: Cool.
HAYDEN: Aren't you going to borrow it?
AMBER: I'll check later. I've got this book to finish first.
HAYDEN: Oh... Amber!
AMBER: What now?
HAYDEN: I think Adeline was looking for you earlier.
AMBER: If you want to get rid of me, just say.
HAYDEN: I want to talk to Eliana... Just her and I for a moment.
AMBER: Wow... I didn't expect that to hurt that much...

Amber walks out with her book.

ELIANA: Why couldn't you tell me with Amber here? Has Alex asked someone out?
HAYDEN: No. At least, not as far as I know.
ELIANA: Oh good, we won't have to deal with more heartache around here.

Hayden looks into Eliana's eyes.

HAYDEN: Eliana... Do you feel it too?
ELIANA: Heartache? Yeah, I do...

Background changes to INT. ESPOIR ACADEMY - HALL - DAY. Amber is walking and sees Ashlynn.

ASHLYNN: Hey, Amber. How are things?
AMBER: Your twin just forced me out of my own room because she wanted to talk to Eliana alone.
ASHLYNN: Shoot! I forgot to tell her!
AMBER: You forgot to tell her what?
ASHLYNN: About Eliana and Nicolas. Amber, we have to save her from humiliation!
AMBER: What's going on?

The background changes to INT. ESPOIR ACADEMY - ROOM 35 - DAY. Hayden is talking to Eliana.

HAYDEN: Eliana... I want us to be more than friends.
ELIANA: Best friends?
HAYDEN: Not quite.
ELIANA: Cousins?
HAYDEN: I want you to be my girlfriend.

Eliana laughs.

HAYDEN: Oh, you were overreacting as a joke.
ELIANA: Wait, this isn't a joke?
ELIANA: Hayden. Why-

Ashlynn bursts into the room.

ASHLYNN: Hayden! Do you want to feed the gecko?
HAYDEN: I'm having an important conversation.
ASHLYNN: I really think you should feed the gecko.
ELIANA: I can't believe this.
ASHLYNN: The gecko prefers being fed by Hayden. That's why-
ELIANA: No, Hayden just-
ASHLYNN: Shoot. I thought I was on time. I'm going to escape now.

Ashlynn slams the door before fleeing.

ELIANA: I don't like you that way, Hayden! I'm straight!
HAYDEN: But... All those signs you gave me...
ELIANA: What signs?! Signs of friendship, by any chance?
HAYDEN: Well... Like when you said I was the most attractive.

Eliana sighs.

ELIANA: Sorry, Hayden, that was a lie. I just said it to get you to be nicer and get more involved.
HAYDEN: You lied to me! You lead me on!
ELIANA: I was nice! That's all.
HAYDEN: Who's causing your heartache then?
ELIANA: Nicolas.
HAYDEN: Nicolas!? OH MY- (door slam)

Hayden has stormed out.


Maze and Adeline are sat talking.

MAZE: Well, Amber was right. I'm pretty sure Daria is being controlled in some way.
ADELINE: What happened?
MAZE: She was nice and all. Then she saw somebody and said she had to go.
ADELINE: Was it Brittney?
MAZE: I don't know. She just suddenly spotted someone behind me and wouldn't look me in the eye afterwards.
ADELINE: I'm tired of this drama. It's affecting the whole team.
MAZE: Yup. But while you might not care as much, Vaiana definitely does. If we don't try to help Daria, Vaiana will also hate us and Ashlynn will order us to pull ourselves together. And I don't want to lose her too.
ADELINE: Wow, you've thought about this a lot...
MAZE: Only that scenario. Not sure whether it's worst case, best case or inbetween. But either way, I don't want to lose Daria either.

DELINE: So, what are you going to do?
MAZE: I'm not sure yet. But I definitely need to find out who's involved.

Ashlynn enters, panting.

ADELINE: What's up?
ASHLYNN: It doesn't matter!
ADELINE: If you say so...


Gemma and Daria are doing homework.

GEMMA: See, I told you the whole Exzutica thing would be both easier and more fun with me.
DARIA: Sure. Uh, I've got to go. Detention.
GEMMA: Oh, stop feeling bad about that.
DARIA: I snapped at a teacher, Gemma! No wonder I'm not teacher's pet. Just... Eliana and Clara.
GEMMA: You know, I know some... Unsavoury information about them. I could easily bring them down.
DARIA: What do you mean?
GEMMA: Well, have you ever noticed that Eliana's pretty friendly with Bull, Danny what's his face and-
DARIA: Look, it doesn't matter, I don't want to- Teachers shouldn't like me. I'm not...
GEMMA: They just don't see your inner beauty.
DARIA: Oh please, like you're the sort to fuss about inner beauty. But... I just... Why do you even like me?
GEMMA: Daria! How could you say such a thing? I-
DARIA: I'll catch you later.
GEMMA: Daria-

Daria's left. Change to INT. ESPOIR ACADEMY - HALL - DAY. Storm sees Daria.

STORM: Daria! Just who I was hoping to see.
DARIA: Hiya... Look, I need to go to detention.
STORM: Sure, sure, but don't forget the mythology thing.
DARIA: I thought Gemma's partner had told you-
STORM: I don't care what she said. We were assigned as teammates and we'll stay it.
DARIA: I'll... I'll meet you after detention. We can do it then.

She walks off.


Ashlynn and Hayden are sat.

HAYDEN: So... Did you know?
ASHLYNN: Yes, I knew that Eliana likes Nicolas.
HAYDEN: Then why didn't you flipping tell me!?
ASHLYNN: I forgot... You need to talk to Eliana though.
ASHLYNN: You can't let this affect your relationship.
HAYDEN: You think it's possible for this not to affect our relationship!? How wrong can you be?
ASHLYNN: Hayden... Sure, it'll affect your relationship... But try to minimise the effect.
ASHLYNN: Let her know that it's alright that she doesn't like you back and you don't need to be in a romantic relationship with her to be happy. Say that a friendship is good.
HAYDEN: Yeah... Maybe it'll work.
ASHLYNN: You don't sound convinced.
HAYDEN: And? You didn't exactly hold a persuasive speech.
ASHLYNN: Look- Just try.


Eliana and Maze are sat.

ELIANA: Thanks for giving up your time...
MAZE: Hey, that's what friends are for... But why are we in Nicolas and Alexander's room?
ELIANA: Nicolas is hanging out with Jackie... And Alex is in a sparring match against Amber, Adeline and Vaiana.

MAZE: I was wondering where Vaiana was at... So, why did you want to talk?
ELIANA: I just needed a distraction.
MAZE: What's up, Eli?
ELIANA: Hayden likes me... In the romantic sense.
MAZE: Oh, that's who! Uh, I mean, why the heck didn't she tell Nicolas she was a lesbian to stop his flirting? I mean, um, are you alright?
ELIANA: I'm just... She was my best friend... In my team... And now... It's ruined.
MAZE: It doesn't have to be. If you try, you can salvage the friendship.
ELIANA: But she wants more than friendship... She'll always want more.
MAZE: No, she won't. In a while, she'll be crushing on somebody else.
ELIANA: But I'm not sure I'll be able to look at her the same again... Knowing that she...
MAZE: Eliana, you've just got to get over it.
ELIANA: I... I don't want to talk about it. How about we watch something.
MAZE: Night of the Flare?


Vaiana, Ashlynn, Adeline and Maze are sat.

ADELINE: Vaiana, are you sure you're alright?
VAIANA: It's just a cut, okay!
ASHLYNN: What actually happened? Based on what Adeline said, you just sort of zoned out?

VAIANA (trying to change the subject): I guess Fred'll be joining us soon.
ASHLYNN: Vaiana-
MAZE: Speaking of which, while it's still just us four... If anybody wakes up when Daria arrives and I'm asleep, wake me.
ADELINE: What are you going to do?
MAZE: I'm going to lock her in and hide the key.
ASHLYNN: Shouldn't I do that, being team leader and all?
VAIANA: Is imprisonment the right approach?
MAZE: She's avoiding us. It's the only way to talk to her. And... We need to sort this out.
ADELINE: I have a suggestion. Anybody who's awake locks her in.
MAZE: Well, I was going to try to stay awake.
ASHLYNN: Let's do it in shifts then.
MAZE: Alright.
VAIANA: Let's just hope she doesn't attack us to get out.
MAZE: Why'd you say that?
ASHLYNN: Is she the reason you're having trouble fighting?
VAIANA: Look, can we just talk about something else? Like, the gecko?
ASHLYNN: Oh my gosh-

View changes to team 8. Nicolas is just passing his teammates food from the food truck.

ELIANA: We should think of team move names!
HAYDEN: Yeah, Eli, what should we-
ELIANA: Nicolas, have you got any ideas for ours?
NICOLAS: Um, well...
HAYDEN: Eliana, I've got a-
ELIANA: Well, let's think about it. I'm... Defensive and logical.
AMBER (to Alexander): Any idea what's going on?
ALEXANDER (to Amber): I won't get involved unless it affects us in combat.
AMBER: Sure, but what's going on?

Alexander shrugs.

ELIANA: Oh Nicolas, you're so smart.
HAYDEN: Nicolas, aren't you lucky to have a friend like Eliana. She's the best friend someone could ask for!
NICOLAS: Yeah, she's nice...?

Nicolas shoots Alex and Amber a confused and scared look.


Daria creeps into the room. The rest of team 11 are sleeping.


Ashlynn, Adeline, Maze and Vaiana are awake.

ADELINE: Wait, why isn't Daria here?
MAZE: I was never woken for my shift.
ASHLYNN: Me neither.
ADELINE: But... I woke Vaiana and then went to sleep...

Everybody looks at Vaiana.

ASHLYNN: Vaiana? What about you?
VAIANA: I had my shift and then I woke up Professor- Oh. That was a dream then...
MAZE: You fell asleep?! I thought this mattered to you!
VAIANA: It really does but... I'm tired...
MAZE: We're all tired!
ADELINE: Just so everyone knows, I woke Vaiana up.
ASHLYNN: Don't worry, Adeline, we're not doubting you.
MAZE: Do you want Daria back in our team?
VAIANA: Of course!
MAZE: Then why didn't you push yourself to stay awake!?
VAIANA: I tried-
ASHLYNN: Maze. Calm down.

Maze stands up.

MAZE: Is it so wrong that I want my team back together? You're all I have!

She storms out.

VAIANA: I wish I'd never come.
ASHLYNN: Isn't that a bit dramatic?
VAIANA: Well, I got here, fake-died, then Daria helped me get over that and then she metaphorically stabbed me in the back. So no, not really.


Alexander is texting, Nicolas is polishing his sword. He looks at Alexander.

NICOLAS: Hey, uh, Alex...?
ALEXANDER (irritated): What?
NICOLAS: Do you have any idea what was going on between Hayden and Eliana yesterday?
ALEXANDER: No idea. Amber and I thought you'd know.
NICOLAS: Well, I don't. It was weird... They're normally best buds... But then again, girls are weird.
ALEXANDER: Don't you get them?
ALEXANDER: That explains your trouble flirting. Girls are simple. There are two types - the ones where you have to make them feel like you'll always protect them and that's all that matters and they'll love you forever and then there's the ones that think they're strong. Give them space, let them fight for themselves and make them think they're in control.
NICOLAS: Okay...? That sounds, uh, a bit sexist.
ALEXANDER: Hypocrite.
NICOLAS: I'm not- Oh... Uh... Which type do you prefer?
ALEXANDER: I don't date.
NICOLAS: Why not?
ALEXANDER: It's a distraction.
NICOLAS: Sometimes you need a distraction.
ALEXANDER: No. We should all just stay focused on our goals.
NICOLAS: If you say so, man...


Ashlynn and Vaiana are talking. Adeline is sat on her phone.

VAIANA: I'm so tired. Some classes just make you want to curl up and sleep.
ASHLYNN: We should probably go down to lunch... And Vaiana... I know Maze was mean but... Forgive her for snapping at you.
VAIANA: I have... But will she forgive me?
ASHLYNN: Was there another reason you were so tired apart from class?
VAIANA: Well... I told you earlier... Stress, I guess... I'm scared I made a mistake coming here... I can't handle fighting... It just-

Adeline's phone rings. She's surprised and checks who's calling.

ADELINE: Do you two mind if I take this?
VAIANA: Who is it?
ADELINE: My sister.
ASHLYNN: Sure, go ahead, I guess.

Vaiana nods in agreement. Adeline answers (it's a video call).

ADELINE: Hey, Lilian... Why are you calling?
LILIAN: I wanted to surprise you... And it's been a few weeks since we last called.
ADELINE: True... How's school going?

Lilian loudly sighs.

ADELINE: Right, I won't ask any questions.
LILIAN: Adeline... I was wondering if you could maybe, uh... Introduce me to your teammates...
ADELINE: Oh, well, uh... They're not all here right now.
LILIAN: Well, which ones are here?

Vaiana is already heading over to Adeline. Ashlynn follows her. Vaiana sits down next to her.

VAIANA: Ah, so that's your sister.

Ashlynn sits down.

LILIAN: Nice to meet you.
VAIANA: You're Lilian... Right?
LILIAN: Yup, that's me! And... You are...?
VAIANA: Vaiana.
ASHLYNN: Ashlynn.
LILIAN: Ah, Ashlynn! You're the one with the gecko!
ASHLYNN: I love anybody who calls me that.
LILIAN: And Vaiana! You're the one from- Oh, um... The one with the staff...?
VAIANA (fierce mom mode): Adeline, did you tell her about...?!
ADELINE: I may have mentioned it...
VAIANA: Seriously!?
ADELINE: She's my sister.
LILIAN: If it makes it any better, I admire you for all you've been through. Could you maybe teach me about some herbs? I want to study medicine and you might be able to teach me some stuff I won't learn otherwise.
VAIANA: Maybe... I don't know how easy that would be.
LILIAN: I'm sure we could find a way! You could describe the herbs to me. Or... Do you know anybody who's good at art?
VAIANA: We'll see.
LILIAN: Thank you, Vaiana.
ADELINE: Well, Lilian, this has been nice but we've got to go and eat lunch. If you want, we can video chat this evening when I've got more time. Maybe Alex can join us sometime. He won't mind... I think.
LILIAN: I do miss you both.
ADELINE: I know. Bye!

The call ends.

VAIANA: Your sister seems nice.
ADELINE: Yes, she's sweet. Though she wastes her intelligence on the purple party.
ASHLYNN: Seriously!?
VAIANA: What's the purple party?
ADELINE: They're very controversial because they have some great policies but want to get rid of guardians.
VAIANA: But who'll protect people without guardians?
ASHLYNN: The purple party suggests that everyone has self defence skills for an emergency but thinks violence isn't the answer.
VAIANA: But what about those who can't protect themselves?
ADELINE: Exactly.
ASHLYNN: Actually, I think there is some form of artificial life in the works to maybe handle that. But let's be real, that'll never work.


Team 8 heads into the arena, just as team 7 is finishing a battle against a second year team. They have just lost but did reasonably well.

HAYDEN: Hey, Eliana, can I have a quick word?
ELIANA: I'd rather not.
HAYDEN: Eli...

They wait until there's some distance between them and the group.

HAYDEN: Look, I know now that I made a mistake by telling you about my feelings but now that it's off my chest, I'll be able to move on. Eliana, I'm happy to just be friends.
ELIANA: Are you really though...?
HAYDEN: Yes! Eli, you are an amazing person and I'd be happy if we could still be friends. So?

There's a pause, then Eliana sighs.

ELIANA: I'll try.

Hayden hugs Eliana, trying to smile but struggling. Hayden lets go and tries to catch up with the group, attempting to hide that she's struggling with emotion (because how dare somebody feel emotion). The rest of the team's already in the main part of the arena with Prof. Walson, Prof. Salod and the second year team. Eliana and Hayden quickly catch up.

PROF. SALOD: Good, the whole gang is here.
PROF. WALSON: So, we're going to be working on team moves. You'll just experiment for a while, then you'll have to try out their effectiveness in battle. This is the team you'll practice your team moves against. They're second years, so we don't expect you to win but you should do reasonably well. Now, are you ready?
PROF. SALOD: How about everybody else?

They enthusiastically nod, apart from Hayden, who lacks enthusiasm when nodding.

PROF. SALOD: Then let's get started.


Adeline, Ashlynn, Maze and Vaiana are sat around.

MAZE: What time's our training?
ASHLYNN: Half past 7 'till 8.
MAZE: Any sign of Daria?
VAIANA: Maybe she'll meet us there?
MAZE: She can't ditch us for that. Besides, she said we're her co-workers...
ADELINE: She hasn't had much trouble ditching us 'till now. It seems to be all she ever does.
MAZE: She'll be there. I know she will.


Team 8 is fighting the second year students. At some point, Hayden and Eliana will do a really awesome team move and take out one of the second years, Alexander will also take out one on his own and another in a team move with Amber but they'll lose over all.

PROF. SALOD: Good job!

All except Alexander look happy (because he will never be satisfied).


Team 8 walks. Hayden and Eliana slow down a bit.

ELIANA: Hayden, I just wanted to say... I don't think it'll be too hard to move past this.

Hayden and Eliana smile.

HAYDEN: Thank you.
ELIANA: After all, I mean, with Nicolas, I... Sometimes it's fine to just be friends.
ELIANA: And who knows, maybe someday we'll be joking about this.
HAYDEN: Yeah. Maybe.


Ashlynn, Adeline, Vaiana and Maze head into the arena, where Prof. Walson, Prof. Salod and the second year team are waiting.

PROF. WALSON: Ah, team 11.
PROF. SALOD: Where's Miss Chase?
ADELINE: No idea.
PROF. SALOD: What do you mean, no idea?
ASHLYNN: We haven't seen her for days. Well, aside from in class.
PROF. SALOD: Miss Vos, it is a-
ASHLYNN: -team leader's job to settle conflict in the team. I know. Believe me, I'm on it. But since she comes back in the dead of night and leaves at break of dawn, it's proving rather difficult.
MAZE (it's finally sunk in that Daria didn't come): No...


Gemma, Jackie and Daria are playing cards.

DARIA: What time is it? I've got to leave at half past seven.
GEMMA: Chill, Daria. It's only seven.
DARIA: Right. Uh, great!

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