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"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Yo! Ranger Rick! What are you doing? You can't take apart my ship without asking me!" Peter said. "See? What is this?" Peter asked as he bent down to pick it up. "Don't touch that! It's a bomb" you warned him. "A bomb?" Peter asked. "Yup" you said. "And you leave it lying around?" Peter asked. "I was gonna put it in a box" you said. "What's a box gonna do?" Peter asked. You grabbed one that was wrapped up. "How about this one?" You asked. "Whoa! No hey! Leave it alone!" Peter said as he grabbed it from you. "Why? What is it?" You asked. "Shut up" Peter said. "Hey!" You said. "What is that?" Peter asked. "That's for if things get really hardcore. Or if you wanna blow up moons" Rocket said. Gamora walked into the room. "No one's blowing up moons" she said. "You just wanna suck the joy out of everything" you said. "So, listen, I'm gonna need your buyer's coordinates" Peter said. "We're heading in the right direction. For now" Gamora said. "If we're gonna work together you might try trusting me a little bit" Peter said. "And how much do you trust me?" Gamora asked. "I'd trust you a lot more if you told me what this is" Peter said as he took the orb from her.

"Because I'm guessing it's some kind of weapon" Peter said. "I don't know what it is" Gamora said. Drax picked up the orb. "If it's a weapon we should use it against Ronan" he said. "Put it down you fool you'll destroy us all!" Gamora said. "Or just you, murderess!" Drax yelled. "I let you live once, princess!" Gamora said. "I am not a princess!" Drax yelled. "Hey!" Peter shouted. "Nobody is killing anybody on my ship! We're stuck together until we get the money" Peter said. "I have no interest in money" Drax said as he tossed Peter the orb and walked away. "Great. That means more money for the four of us" Peter said. "Hmm?" Groot asked. Peter sighed. "For the five of us. Partners" he said. "We have an agreement. But I would never be partners with the likes of you. I'll tell the buyer we're on our way. And Quill, your ship is filthy" Gamora said before walking away. "Oh she has no idea. If I had a black light, the place would look like a Jackson Pollock painting" Peter said. "You got issues Quill" you said.


"Heads up! We're inbound!" Rocket said. "Whoa" Peter said. "What is it?" Drax asked. "It's called Knowhere. The severed head of an ancient celestial being. Be wary headed in rodents. There are no regulations whatsoever here" Gamora said. "Hundreds of years ago, the Tivan Group sent workers in to mine the organic matter within the skull. Bone, bran tissue, spinal fluid. All rare resources, highly valued in black markets across the galaxy. It's dangerous and illegal work, suitable only for outlaws" Gamora said.


"Well I come from a planet of outlaws. Billy the kid, Bonnie and Clyde, John Stamos" Peter said. "It sounds like a place which I would like to visit" Drax said. "Yeah you should" Peter said. "Watch your wallets" you said as young children walked around begging others for money. Groot made a flower with one of his branches and gave it to a young woman. "Can you spare some units?" A kid asked. "Get out of here!" Peter said. "Your buyer's in there?" Rocket asked. "We are to wait here for his representatives" Gamora said. "This is no respectable establishment. What do you expect us to do while we wait?" Drax asked.


Orlonis ran across the rink as people cheered. Groot looked horrified as a bigger Orlani devoured a smaller one in one gulp. "Yes! Yes!" Drax shouted. "Yahoo!" Rocket cheered. "My Orloni has won! As I won at all things!" Drax yelled. "Now let's put more of this liquid into our bodies" Drax said. "That's the first thing you said that wasn't bat shit crazy!" You said.


Gamora grabbed Drax by one of his shoulders. "Stop it!" She demanded. You glared at them and expended your gun towards Gamora and Drax. Peter ran towards you. "Whoa, whoa! What are you doing?" He asked. "These vermins speak of affairs they know nothing about!" Drax claimed. "That is true!" Rocket agreed. "They have no respect!" Drax yelled. "That is also true!" You agreed. "Hold on! Hold on!" Peter shouted. "Keep calling us vermin tough guy! You just wanna laugh at us like everyone else!" Rocket said. "Rocket, you're drunk. Alright? No one's laughing at you or Y/N" he said. "He thinks we're some stupid things! He does! Well we didn't ask to get made! We didn't ask to be torn apart and put back together over and over and turned into some... some little monsters!" You sobbed. "Y/N no one's calling you a monster" Peter said. "He called us vermin!" Rocket said as he pointed at Drax. "She called us rodent!" Rocket said as he referred to Gamora. You glared at them. "Let's see if you can laugh after five or six gun shots through your frickin face!" You yelled as you aimed your gun at them. Peter put his hands in front of you. "No, no, no, no! Four billion units! Y/N! Come on Y/N! Suck it up for one more lousy night and you're rich" Peter said.

You calmed down your breathing and exhaled before giving in. "Fine. But I can't promise when all this is over I'm not gonna kill every last one of you jerks" you said quietly. "See? That's exactly why none of you have any friends! Five seconds after you meet somebody you're already trying to kill them!" Peter said. "We have traveled half way across the quadrant. And Ronan is no closer to being dead" Drax said before walking off. "Drax!" Peter called. "Let him go. We don't need him" Gamora said. A young girl stepped into the room. "Millady Gamora. I'm here to fetch you for my master" she said. She led you into another room. "Okay, this isn't creepy at all" Rocket said as he looked around. "We have the galaxy's largest collection of fauna, relics, and species of all manner" the girl said. You growled at a dog inside one of the glass cages. "I present to you, Taneleer Tivan, The Collector" she said. Tivan turned around and walked over. "Oh, my dear Gamora. How wonderful to meet in the flesh." Tivan said as he kissed her hand. "Let's bypass the formalities, Tivan. We have what we discussed" Gamora said. Tivan looked over her shoulder at Groot. "What is that thing there?" He asked. "I am Groot" Groot said. "I never thought I'd meet a Groot. Sir... You must allow me to pay you now so that I may own your carcass. At the moment of your death, of course." Tivan said.

"I am Groot" Groot said as he nodded. "Why, so he could turn you into a frickin' chair?" You asked. Tivan turned down and looked at you. "They're your pets?" He asked. "His what?!" Rocket asked, grabbing his blaster. You put your left paw on his right shoulder. You felt Rocket stiffen for a moment, but then relax. Tivan chuckled. "Tivan. We have been halfway around the galaxy, retrieving this Orb" Gamora said. "Very well, then. Let us see what you brought" he said. Peter took the orb from his jacket, which almost dropped to the floor, but Peter quickly grabbed it and held it up for Tivan. "Oh, my new friends. Before creation itself, there were six singularities" Tivan said as he opened the orb to reveal a small purple stone inside. Then screens appeared above them, showing images of outer space, which turned into images of all of the other stones. "Then the universe exploded into existence, and the remnants of these systems were forged into concentrated ingots. Infinity Stones" then each screen showed a picture of each infinity stone. Groot waved his hand through the screen that showed the blue Infinity stone. "These stones, it seems, can only be brandished by beings of extraordinary strength. Observe" Tivan said. The screen began showing images of strong beings in possession of the infinity stones. You and Rocket both sighed in annoyance. You could really care less about the history of some stone. "These carriers can use the Stone to mow down entire civilizations like wheat in a field" Tivan said. The powerful being then stomped his staff with the infinity stone on the ground, which wiped out the entire planet.

"There's a little pee coming out of me right now" Peter said. "Once, for a moment, a group was able to share the energy amongst themselves, but even they were quickly destroyed by it" Tivan said. The screens showed an image of beings standing in a circle, sharing the energy in the infinity stone and then were wiped out by the stone. The orb fully opened, revealing the small purple stone. Carina watched the stone carefully. "Beautiful. Beyond compare" Tivan said as he admired the small stone. "Blah blah blah. We're all very fascinated, whitey. But we'd like to get paid" you said impatiently. The screens disappeared from above and Carina began walking towards the stone. "How would you like to get paid?" Tivan asked. "What do you think, fancy man? Units!" Rocket said. "Very well, then" Tivan said as he pulled out a small drawer. Tivan then spotted Carina getting closer to the stone. "Carina. Stand back" he said. You turned around in shock to see the young girl only inches away from the stone. "I will no longer be your slave!" Carina said. "No!" Tivan shouted. Carina grabbed the stone with her hand, which caused explosions to shoot out from the stone around the room, breaking things and knocking things over. You and Rocket ducked, and tried to crawl away, and Groot quickly grabbed you and Rocket and ran out of the room. Carina disappeared and the stone exploded the entire room. Gamora ran over to the orb and quickly closed it. "How could I think Tivan could contain whatever was within the Orb?" Gamora asked as she and Peter both walked out of the room. "What do you still have it for?" You asked. "What are we gonna do, leave it in there?" Peter asked.

"I can't believe you had that in your purse!" Rocket said as he pointed at him. "It's not a purse, it's a knapsack!" Peter said. "We have to bring this to the Nova Corps. There's a chance they can contain it" Gamora said. "Are you kidding me? We're wanted by the Nova Corps. Just give it to Ronan!" You protested. Gamora looked at you in disbelief. "So he can destroy the galaxy?" Peter asked. "What are you, some saint all of a sudden? What has the galaxy ever done for you? Why would you wanna save it?" Rocket asked. "Because I'm one of the idiots who lives in it!" Peter argued. Gamora put a hand on his shoulder. "Peter, listen to me. We cannot allow the Stone to fall into Ronan's hands. We have to go back to your ship, and deliver it to Nova" she said. "Right, right, okay. I think you're right. Or we could give it to somebody who's not going to arrest us, who's really nice for a whole lot of money" Peter said as he tried to take the orb from her but she moved her hand away. "I think it's a really good balance between both of your points of view" Peter said. Gamora glared at him. "You're despicable. Dishonorable. Faithless!" She snapped as she began to walk away. Then she stopped as she saw giant spaceships landing. "Oh No" she said. Drax laughed manically as he held his two swords. "At last! I shall meet my foe and destroy him" Drax said. "You called Ronan?!" You asked. Suddenly Yundo spotted Peter. "Quill! Don't you move, boy! Don't you move! Get out of the way!" He shouted as he shoved people out of his way. Gamora ran to a mini spaceship and Peter followed behind her. "Gamora! Peter! What are you doing?!" You asked as you ran after them. Gamora opened the door to the spaceship, and Peter was about to walk in, until she grabbed him and tossed him out. You gasped, and watched as Gamora walked inside the ship on her own. 'Is she crazy?!' You thought to yourself.

You quickly ran over to another spaceship, and climbed inside. Meanwhile Rocket had found one, and Groot was standing beside him. "I told you you can't fit. Now, wait here. I'll be back with Y/N" Rocket said as he climbed into his spaceship. Groot looked worried. Nebula followed Gamora in her spaceship. "The Stone is in the furthest pod. Bring it down!" Nebula said. The other spaceships soon began shooting at Gamora's. Peter flew in between you and Rocket. "Rocket, Y/N, keep them off Gamora until she gets to the Milano" he said. "How? We've got no weaponry on these things" Rocket said. "These pods are industrial grade. They're nearly indestructible" Peter explained. "Not against necroblasts, they're not" you joked. "That's not what I'm saying" Peter said. "Oh" you said. You and Rocket flew your spaceships, attacking Ronan's army and keeping them away from Gamora.

Peter landed his spaceship on one of their spaceships. "Let me borrow your ride" he said. The spaceship turned around and Peter began shooting lasers at the other spaceships. Meanwhile Gamora was surrounded by the army of other spaceships. "Quill, I'm trapped. I can't make it to the Milano. I have to head out" she said as she began to fly out into space. "Wait! These things aren't meant to go out there!" You shouted. "You are a disappointment, sister. Of all our siblings, I hated you least" Nebula said as she flew behind her. "Nebula, please. If Ronan gets this stone he'll kill us all" Gamora begged. "Not all. You will already be dead" Nebula said as she targeted her spaceship. Then she shot her spaceship and her spaceship exploded. Gamora floated in space along with the orb, which was levitated into Nebula's spaceship. You watched in shock. "Quill, come on. Her body mods should keep her alive a couple more minutes, but there's nothing we can do for her. These pods aren't meant to be out here. In a second, we're gonna be in the same boat" Rocket said. Rocket started to fly back to Knowhere. You were about to follow, until you heard Peter. "Damn it" he cursed under his breath. "Quill?" You asked, concerned. Peter pushed a button on his spaceship and began to message Yundo.

"Yondu! Yondu. This is Quill! My coordinates are 227 K324" he announced. "Quill" Rocket said. "Quill what are you doing?" You asked. "Just outside Knowhere. If you're there, come get me. I'm all yours" he said. Quill put on his mask and flew out of his spaceship towards Gamora. "Quill, don't be ridiculous. Get back into your pod!" You cried desperately. "You can't fit two people in there. You're gonna die. You'll die in seconds!" Rocket said. Peter took off his mask and placed it onto Gamora. "Why do you make me do this, Quill?" You asked yourself quietly. You opened the door to your spaceship, and grabbed one of your devices. "Y/N! Are you nuts?! What are you doing?!" Rocket asked. "I'm saving Gamora and Quill" you said. "But they won't fit in your tiny pod!" He shouted. You flew out of your spaceship towards them, "Y/N! Come back!" Rocket said. You ignored him as you flew next to Peter. You grabbed another mask and placed it onto his head. Peter looked at you with surprise, "Y/N?" He asked. "Come on, let's go" you urged. Before he could respond, a bright light appeared and surrounded you, Peter and Gamora. "Uh oh" you said. The light then pulled the three of you towards a giant spaceship. "Y/N!" Rocket cried. The door opened and you, Peter and Gamora fell inside. Gamora coughed for a moment, and Peter took a deep breath. You looked at him. "You okay?" You asked. He nodded, before looking back at Gamora. "Quill. Quill? What happened?" She asked. "I saw you out there. I don't know what came over me. But I couldn't let you die. I found something inside of myself. Something

incredibly heroic" right when he said that, you immediately sighed and rolled your eyes. "I mean, not to brag, but, objectively..." he was cut off. "Where's the orb?" Gamora asked. "Uh..." you said. She looked at you. "Y/N?" She asked. You only nodded. "It's... Well, they got the Orb" Peter said. "What?" Gamora asked In shock. Suddenly Yundo and the Other Ravengers stood in front of you, Peter and Gamora holding guns. "Welcome home, Peter" one of them said.


Rocket angrily landed his spaceship on the ground. Rocket opened the door and climbed out. "Blasted idiot. They're all idiots! Quill and Gamora just got Y/N captured. None of this ever would have happened if you didn't try to single-handedly take on a frickin' army!" Rocket shouted angrily. Drax looked at the ground. "You're right. I was a fool. All the anger, all the rage, was just to cover my loss" he said. Rocket pretended to look sad. "Oh boo-hoo-hoo my wife and child are dead" he mocked. Groot gasped. "Oh I don't care if it's mean! Everybody's got dead people. It's no excuse to get everybody else dead along the way!" Rocket hissed. Groot gave him a stern look. Rocket sighed. "Come on, Groot. We have to save Y/N. last time I checked she had no weapons on her when she left to go save those other two idiots" Rocket said.

"And from the looks of those Ravengers they're definitely gonna have some weaponry on them. So we gotta hurry" he urged. "I am Groot" Groot said. "What? You're saying that we should rescue the two idiots who put Y/N's life at risk?" Rocket asked angrily. "I am Groot" Groot said. "I know they're the only other friends that we've ever had, but they put Y/N's life on the line. And that is unforgivable!" Rocket said. "Because Y/N is more than a friend, Groot. And even you should know that!" He said. "I am Groot" Groot said. "How are we supposed to do that? there's an army of Ravagers around them. And there's only two of us!" Rocket protested. Drax stood beside Groot. "Three" he said. Rocket growled, and turned around and started kicking grass. "You're making me beat... up grass!!" He shouted.

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