The Plan

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"The Stone reacts to anything organic. The bigger the target, the bigger the power surge" Gamora said. "All Ronan's got to do is touch the Stone to the planet's surface and zap. All plants, animals, Nova Corps" Peter said. "Everything will die" Gamora said. "So Ronan does not make the surface. Rocket and Y/N will lead a team to blow a hole in the Dark Aster's starboard hull. Then, our craft and Yondu's will enter" Peter said, showing two big spaceships on one of the screens. "Won't there be hundreds of Sakaaran soldiers inside?" Kraglin asked. "I think of Sakaaran as paper people" Drax said. Kraglin smiled and playfully punched Drax. Drax looked back at him seriously. Kraglin just looked away. "Once they know we're on board, Ronan will isolate himself behind impenetrable security doors on deck. Which I can disable by dismantling the power source" Gamora said. "We'll make it to the flight deck, and I'll use the Hadron Enforcer to kill Ronan" Peter said. "Once Ronan is dead, we will retrieve the Stone. Use these devices to contain it. If you touch it, it will kill you" Gamora said. "I'll contact one of the Nova

officers who arrested us. Hopefully, they'll believe we're there to help" Peter said. "There's one more thing we need to complete the plan. That guy's eye!" Rocket said as he pointed to a random Ravenger. You chuckled. "No! No, we don't. No, we don't need that guy's eye" Peter said frantically. "No, seriously, I need it! It's important to me" Rocket said with a chuckle. Peter started to walk away. Yundo grabbed his shoulder. "Remember, boy. At the end of all this, I get the Stone. You cross me, we kill you all" he said, then he walked away. Gamora walked alongside Peter, who was then joined by Drax, followed by you and Rocket, and Groot who followed from behind. "Let's go get 'em, boys!" Yundo said. The bottom of his spaceship opened, and a ton of mini spaceships flew out, which was led by Rocket, as you sat in the seat next to him inside the spaceship. "This is a terrible plan" Gamora said. "Hey, you're the one who said you wanted to die among friends" Peter said.


The Ravengers stopped their spaceships in front of The Dark Aster. "Fire!" Yundo commanded. All of the Ravengers shot at the Aster. "Cover it down. Submerge!" Yundo said. "Rocket, Y/N! Hurry!" Peter urged. Rocket led The Ravengers over to the Aster, and you and Rocket, along with The Ravengers began shooting at the Aster. "Come on!" Kraglin said, then he shot the Aster once more. "Quill! Yondu! Now!" You shouted. Yundo's spaceship was shot and began falling. "Hell! I'm going down, Quill! No more games with me, boy! I'll see you at the end of this!" Yundo said as his spaceship fell. "There are too many of them, guys! We'll never make it up there!" Gamora said. Drax looked around at all of the mini spaceships from the Aster. Suddenly, more spaceships appeared and began flying towards the Aster. "Peter Quill. This is Denarian Saal of the Nova Corps. For the record, I advised against trusting you here" Denarian said. "They got my "dick" message!" Peter said. "Prove me wrong" Denarian said. A hole was shot right through the Aster and Peter drove his spaceship inside it. "Yes!" Drax cheered as he laughed. Peter pulled the handle on his spaceship, which slid across the floor, and eventually stopped. Gamora smiled. "We're just like Kevin Bacon" she said. Rocket flew the spaceship under the aster, and looked up at the battle of spaceships from above. "Oh, man" he said.

Peter, Gamora, Drax and Groot stepped into the aster. "I can barely see" Drax said. Groot opened up his hand, and out came thousands of little lights, that began to light up the dark room. "When did you learn to do that?" Drax asked. "Pretty sure the answer is "I am Groot"" Peter said. "The flight deck is 300 meters this way" Gamora said as they started walking again. "I want you all to know that I am grateful for your acceptance after my blunders. It is pleasing to once again have friends. You, Quill, are my friend" Drax said. "Thanks" Peter said. "This dumb tree, he is my friend" Drax said. "And this green whore, she, too..." Drax was cut off. "Oh you must stop!" Gamora said. Nebula grunted as she jumped in front of them. "Gamora, look at what you have done. You have always been weak. You stupid, traitor..." Nebula was cut off when Drax shot her down with the blaster. "Nobody talks to my friends like that" he said. "Head to the flight deck. I'll shut down the power to the security doors" Gamora said as she started to walk away. Peter, Drax and Groot walked away.


"Enough of this. Necrocraft pilots, enact immolation initiative" Ronan said. His spaceships began heading towards Xander. "They're dive-bombing the city! Denarian Saal, should we break formation?" One of them asked. "No! Hold your positions" Denarian said. Rocket flew his spaceship towards Xander. "Keep Ronan up there, Saal. We'll take care of the people down here" you said. "I can't believe I'm taking orders from hamsters" Denarian said. Rocket flew the spaceship towards the water. "Everybody shoot them before they hit the ground" Rocket said. Then he tilted the ship upwards. The Ravengers did the same, and began shooting at the ships. "Whoo!" "Come on!" "Xandar! You stand accused. Your wretched peace treaty will not save you now. It is the tinder on which you burn" Ronan said, as he pointed his axe towards the spaceships that surrounded the Aster. And one by one, each spaceship blew into pieces with one more dying. "Rocket! Y/N!" Denarian shouted. "Hold on, Saal, just..." Rocket was cut off by the explosion of Denarian's and many other spaceships. Your eyes widen as you watched in shock. "Quill, you gotta hurry. The city's been evacuated, but we're getting our asses kicked down here" you said. "Gamora hasn't opened the door!" Peter said as he banged on it.


You screamed as Rocket crashed the spaceship inside The Dark Aster and caused a giant explosion. Afterward fire was everywhere burning the aster. Peter walked over to the spaceship and grabbed you and Rocket. Gamora grabbed Drax and dragged him over. Groot frowned as he looked around, then more branches appeared around his body and began to form a circle of branches around the six of you. You grunted and slowly opened your eyes as Groot formed his protection circle around you. You realized that Peter was holding you and Rocket, as Gamora stood next to him, and Drax had been knocked out. Lights began to appear on the inside of all of the branches. You looked around, tears threatening to fall as you realized what this meant. "Groot, no!" You cried. "You can't. You'll die" Rocket said. "Why are you doing this?! Why...?" You asked. Groot took out one of his thinner branches, and wiped away one of the tears from your eyes. You looked at him. "We. Are. Groot" he said. You sniffed, and rubbed your teary eyes. Then the dark Aster crashed into the ground on Xander. Drax could barely stand. Gamora was looking around at the rubble, and Peter was slowly getting back up. Rocket was holding a twig that was left of Groot as you stood next to him comfortingly. "I called him an idiot" you said shamefully as you wiped more tears from your eyes. Rocket looked at you, then back at the twig. People from Xander began approaching and surrounding you and your friends. Then Ronan appeared from his spaceship and you and Rocket turned to him. Rocket sent him a death glare.

"You killed Groot!" He shouted, then lunged himself at Ronan. "Rocket no!" You cried. Ronan blasted Rocket off with the stone, and Rocket crashed into the spaceship and fainted. "Rocket!" You cried, then you looked back at Ronan frantically. "Behold! Your guardians of the galaxy. What fruit have they wrought?" Ronan asked. You ran over to Rocket, then you saw one of the broken spaceship pieces, and ran over to it, starting to create a new weapon. "Only that my father and his father shall finally know vengeance. People of Xandar, the time has come to rejoice and renounce your paltry gods!" Ronan said. Ronan held the axe with the infinity stone in the air. "Your salvation is at hand" Peter stood in front of Ronan and started singing. "Ooh, child. Things are gonna get easier. Ooh, child. Things are gonna get brighter. Listen to these words. Ooh. Child. Things are gonna get easier. Ooh, child. Things will get brighter.

Now bring it down hard!" Peter said as he began to dance. "What are you doing?" Ronan asked. "Dance-off, bro. Me and you" Peter said. "Gamora" Peter said as he offered his hand to her. Gamora quickly shook her head, thinking that Peter had gone crazy. "Subtle. Take it back" Peter said as he continued dancing. "What are you doing?" Ronan demanded. "I'm distracting you, you big turd blossom" Peter said. Ronan turned around to see Drax holding the new gun you just made. You glared at Ronan and cracked the two wires you were holding. The gun went off, and the axe exploded, revealing the purple infinity stone. Peter jumped into the air, reaching out to grab it. "No!" Gamora shouted. Peter grabbed the stone. And magical energy from the infinity stone was released all around him. Dust is thrown up all around them in an angry tornado of purple energy. Gamora jumps into the air over to Peter. "Peter, take my hand!" She screams as she reaches her hand out. Peter looked over to her. An image of his mother in the hospital bed appeared in front of Peter. "Take my hand, Peter" she said as she reached her hand out. "Mom" Peter whispered. "Take my hand!" Gamora repeated. Peter reached out and grabbed Gamora's hand. Gamora screamed as magical energy from the stone spread around her body. Drax then fought his way through the energy and grabbed Peter's shoulder. Energy from the stone then crossed into his body. Then Rocket grabbed Drax's hand. You jumped into the tornado of magical energy and Rocket reached out his other paw for you. You grabbed it, and pain surged through your body as the magical energy from the stone passed through. You screamed in pain as you held onto Rocket's right paw. You honestly thought that you were going to die at this point, but suddenly, you managed to survive the infinity stone and all five of you stood still, holding hands as you all faced Ronan.

"You're mortal! How?" Ronan asked. "You said it yourself, bitch. We're the Guardians of the Galaxy" Peter said. Ronan growled, and prepared to attack, until Peter opened his hand with the infinity stone in it, which blasted magical energy from the infinity stone towards Ronan, which quickly went through his body, lifting him into the air. Ronan screamed in pain, and then cracks began to appear around him. Purple lights shone through the cracks, and Ronan exploded, then Gamora reached for the top of the container and closed it, stopping the infinity stone. You gasped, and tried to catch your breath. "Well, well, well. Quite the light show. Ain't this sweet" Yundo said. Ravengers pointed guns at you and the others. "But you got some business to attend to before all the nookie-nookie starts" Yundo said as he walked over. You glared at Yundo and growled at him. "Peter, you can't. Peter" Gamora begged. "You gotta reconsider this, Yondu. I don't know who you're selling this to, but the only way the universe can survive is if you give it to the Nova Corps" Peter said. "I may be as pretty as an angel, but I sure as hell ain't one" Yundo said, before holding out his hand. "Hand it over, son" he said. Peter took a fake orb out from his jacket pocket, and put it in Yundo's hand. Yundo chuckled. Yundo and the Ravengers began to walk back to their spaceship. "Yondu" Peter said. He turned around. "Do not open that Orb. You know that, right? You've seen what it does to people" Peter said. Yundo smiled and pointed at Peter, before turning away and leaving with his Ravengers. "Yeah, Quill turned out okay. It's probably good we didn't deliver him to his dad like we was hired to do" Kraglin said as he stood next to Yundo as they took off on their spaceship.

"Yeah, that guy was a jackass!" Yundo shouted as The Ravengers flew away. "He is gonna be so pissed when he realizes I switched out the Orb on him" Peter said as he took out the real orb from his jacket. Gamora chuckled. "He was gonna kill you, Peter" she said. "Oh I know. But he was about the only family I had" Peter said. Gamora took the orb from him. "No. He wasn't" she said. Peter smiled at her. You and Rocket were both crying at the sight of the twig from Groot. Drax sat down next to the two of you. Drax put his hand on your head, and you instantly froze. You stood still for a few moments, and then relaxed yourself. Drax moved his hand down your back and comforted you and Rocket.

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