Chapter Twenty-Four

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The Letter

BOTH Lisa and Raven gasped as Pablo fell to the ground. The phone dropped from Hugh's hand and Miles picked it up to see a picture of Pablo and Lisa kissing in her car.

Lisa didn't care to see what had made him mad but she had a good guess. Instead, she decided to separate Hugh from Pablo before further damage could be done.

"Hugh! Hugh!! Stop it!!!", she yelled and he immediately looked at her, hands paused in an incoming punch.

He roughly pushed himself off Pablo and stormed towards Lisa causing her to take a few steps back.

He paused and ruffled his hands in his hair. He turned and snatched his phone from Miles and shoved it into Lisa's hands making her look at the picture.

A picture of a moment she would also remember. One that Hugh wasn't meant to know about, at least not like this.

"Tell me it isn't true? Tell me!!", he yelled and she flinched. Tiny tears formed in her eyes as she looked at him and Hugh got the message in her eyes loud and clear.

"Oh God.", he said and turned back ruffling his hair with much force.

"How long was I gone Lisa, how long and then you go and do this!!. With my best friend. How could you, how could..."

"Don't you put all the blame on me.", she said with a small voice, the tears threatening to fall any moment.

And he gave her a look of incredulity.

"All the blame?", he said and came towards her

"You were the one who left. You just up and left. You left me confused. Everyone was thinking if you were...."

"No. Don't you say that!! I didn't kill Sarah and you should have trusted me. And what does my leaving have to do with you kissing Pablo? You're my girlfriend my....",

"Was I? Cause if I was as important to you as I thought, I'm sure you would have at least told me you were at my best friend's house on the evening of her murder."

"Oh please, Lisa. I didn't do it and you should have trusted me. Trust Lisa!! You should have trusted me. I left, that's all. I was gonna come back and I didn't expect you to see the first sign of me leaving and use it as an opportunity to jump the next guy who just happened to be my....",

He didn't finish his statement cause she slapped him. And the tear dropped.

"I did not have sex with Pablo and if you really knew me, you would know not to say that. And you talk about me trusting you but did you trust me!!", she yelled.

"No! You didn't!!!", she said. The house was quiet as Hugh went to his bar and poured himself a drink. He took a huge gulp and finished it.

The next thing he threw the glass to the floor and Raven flinched. Lisa whimpered and left the house. She got into the car and drove away.

It was until she reached her house that she stopped the car and started crying. She cried and cried and when she finally stopped she stayed in the car for a long while.

She got down but paused as she was about to open her door when she realised it wasn't hers but Sarah's.

Since she knew Sarah, anytime she argued with Hugh she would immediately go to Sarah's. It was out of habit that she arrived at her door.

Surprisingly, it was unlocked so she opened it silently and entered. Then she did what no one would have thought she would do at a time like this. No one but Sarah.

She started baking.


Ian and Madisyn stepped into the house. The policemen had left since they took everything they could to forensics. For now it was closed to the public but they still had access to it.

The house was quiet. Very. Not a sound could be heard.

"Why is it that once someone is murdered in a house it begins to have this eerie feeling with it.", Ian said.

"That's because a soul left its body here. For all we know it could still be lingering around.", Madisyn said.

"Oh please, don't tell me you're gonna make this a horror thing now.", he said as he wore his gloves.

"What, you don't like horror?", she asked.

"No I don't.", he said.

"But you never said so anytime I called you to come watch with me.", she said.

When they were in New York, Madisyn had started this kind of tradition that whenever they solved a case he would come to her house and they would watch a movie. Whoever had gotten the idea that solved the case would be the one to pick a movie.

Ian was bad at picking because he would pick at least five and couldn't settle on one leaving Madisyn to choose for him.

"That's because it was you.", he said and she looked at him. They shared a moment before he spoke again. "Plus watching horror movies with you has its perks.", he said.

"Like?", she asked.

"You love them so much but you get so scared every time. Is there any horror movie we've watched that you haven't held on so tightly to me.", he said and she groaned out of embarrassment.

"Oh just shut up.", she said.

"Or wait is it 'cause you actually like doing that?", he asked and she gave him a flat look which he returned with a big grin. It took all of her not to return it.

"Let's just do what we came here to do. I'll check the room and you check here.", she said and left.

She entered the room and it was still the same. She gently started checking things, she didn't want to scatter things. She got to the drawers and started searching. She searched everywhere before she went to the closet.

She searched and was about to close it when a note fell from one of the jackets. She picked it up and read it.

Dear Robin, there are so many things I want to tell you. Well two things majorly

I'll start with the first which is my feelings for you. I don't know how passionate you feel about me but I know I feel something strong for you

It's more than the friendship I have with Miles or the one of a kind of sisterhood I had with Sarah. It's a lot more.

Anytime I see you even though I don't do very much, I always get this feeling in my chest and I can't stop smiling. Whenever Sandra publishes anything about you which is false 'cause it's never good, I get angry. I never told you this but I once confronted her about this, not that it matters 'cause it didn't change anything about her.

I couldn't have said this personally and I didn't just want to send it in a text. I don't know how you feel about romantic gestures but I do hope that whenever you read this, you would feel the same way I feel about you.


Your only waitress.

Well, this definitely proved the fact of how she felt about him but what was the other thing she wanted to tell him and why didn't this letter get to Robin? She kept it and made a mental note to give it to him.

She searched for another and this time she searched the clothes but she didn't find anything.

"Madisyn, you should come see this.", she turned and saw Ian at the doorway. She followed him as he led her to the backyard.

It was a small one. There were some flower pots but what caught her sight was a piece of clothing. It looked familiar. She picked it up and saw it was the sleeve of a shirt and it had blood on it.

"I know I've seen someone wearing something like this. Haven't you seen it before?", he asked.

"It's familiar but no I guess not.", she said.

He brought out a ziplock bag and he put it inside.

"I wonder how the policemen missed this. Anyways we'll take this to forensics and see what they have on it.", he said.

"You go, I'll head to the station. I wanna see Robin.", she said.

"Oh okay. I'll drop you.", he said.

"Oh don't. The lab is in a whole different direction and if that Moseley guy sees both of us he'll want to know what we've done. So just go.", she said.

"And how will you get there?", he asked.

"I'll call Josh.", she said simply.

"No, you are not calling that..."

"Urgh Ian, what is with you and him? Can't you guys just be cool with each other? You can't say it's because you suspect him because that will be ridiculous.", she said with a smile and looked at him but he had a serious face.

"I don't want you going anywhere with him.", he said.

"Woah! You can't tell me that's your reason.", she said and then a smirk formed on her lips.

"Are you jealous?", she asked and went close to him. "Ian Michael, the biggest flirt I know. First turns down a pretty waitress and then is acting all jealous.", she laughed. "What's gotten in your head?", she asked still smiling.

"You.", he said and that was enough to still her. She didn't even move when she saw him leaning down and didn't react until his lips met with her.

And as her hands moved up to his neck, he remembered and he was sure he had definitely kissed her before.


Lisa kept dialling his number and the fifth time was when he picked up.

"Lisa you shouldn't be talking to me after..."

"That's not what I'm calling you for.", she said as she was still taking in the sight of her room.

She had left Sarah's this morning since she slept there last night, just for her to enter her room and find it in a mess. That was not how she left it and it was very obvious someone had been to her room.

She had checked the diary and her fear was confirmed. It was the murderer. Some pages were torn out and it was obvious they were pages where Sarah would have said something about the person.

But how did the person know of the diary? Was this person so close to Sarah and had known when she started writing it? Or had the person heard her and Pablo discuss it?

"Then what are you calling me for?", he asked.

"The diary. My room. Someone was here yesterday and my room is a mess. I think it was the murderer 'cause some pages are missing from the diary.", she said and Pablo immediately became worried.

If the murderer had been to her house, then the person could come again. Lisa couldn't stay there. It was either he had to stay with her or convince her to leave. And he knew she wouldn't want to do the latter.

"Okay fine. I'm coming over right now.", he said and hung up. He took his house keys and turned to leave. But he jerked when he saw Raven at the door.

"Raven what are you..."

"You're going to see Lisa right.", she said to him with a tone as if he was doing a very wrong thing.

"I uh..."

"Doesn't your black eye hurt, or have you forgotten all that happened last night?", she asked.

"But uh..."

"You're my cousin Pablo. One of the few family members I have. Lisa is my best friend and like a sister to me and Hugh is also my friend. You three along with Miles are very close to me and I won't let you and a confused Lisa ruin all that for me.", she said.

"But I have to...",

"No, you don't have to visit Lisa. You don't have to console her 'cause it's not your place.", she said her voice a little harsh.

"I know you're worried about her and that's why I'm gonna go and talk to her. Okay. And put a pack of ice on that eye, it's starting to look ugly.", she said and left but not before giving him a small smile.

She cared about him.

So Lisa's gonna be surprised when she sees Raven. And finally Ian and Madisyn. I wonder how it's gonna go for them from here. And ooh Ana's love letter, if only she was still alive, it would have been better to give Robin in person don't you think?

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