Chapter Twenty-One

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The Sheriff

LISA walked slowly and once she opened the door she paused mid-swing when she saw Raven. 

"Woah Lisa you wanna hit me or something?", Raven asked, confusion etched over her features.

"Oh what was I thinking.", she muttered. "Raven I'm so so sorry. I thought... Please come in.", she said and Raven entered still looking at Lisa like she had two heads.

Raven carefully watched Lisa as she set the baseball bat down. Then her expression changed to one of concern.

"I hope you're not getting any threats or something?", Raven asked.

"No no. I don't know why I... it's just when Sarah... oh forget it.", she said and sat dow but Raven was still not convinced.

"Lisa if anything is bothering you, you can tell me. I'm here for you and you're here for me remember.", Raven said.

"Yeah, I'm just, sorry. Really, I don't know what came over me.", she apologised again.

"It's fine though. But don't tell me that's your baseball bat since sophomore year?", Raven asked.

They were both on the female baseball team when they were in high school. Raven had stopped before she graduated but Lisa continued till she finished.

"Actually it is. I didn't still think I had it. It was just lying somewhere when Sarah had found it and she asked if I could teach her baseball and...", she trailed off.

They were both silent for a while.

"I wish you taught her. I wish she had learnt it before...", Raven stopped.

Lisa looked at her and her expression was blank. Raven was very good at hiding her emotions and Lisa knew this. But sometimes she wished Raven would show something, anything.

She sat beside Raven.

"So why did you visit this early? Is there something you wanna tell me?", Lisa asked and for the first time, Raven looked troubled, very troubled and this concerned Lisa.

She was just wishing Raven would show an emotion and now she did she was worried she was showing emotion.

"I'm... I'm staying at Laura's house.", she said and Lisa gave her a puzzled expression. Was that what worried her?

She knew Laura to be a school teacher also.

"Is... Is there something wrong?", she asked.

"No, it's just her place is closer to school and with those extra lessons I'm giving it's helpful. I felt I should tell you.", Raven said.

Lisa narrowed her eyes a bit.

"Is that why you came to visit me, on a Sunday morning?", she asked with a bit of suspicion in her voice, but Raven didn't notice.

"No, I... uh just wanted to spend some time with you. It's been long and you know, just to catch up and know what you're up to.", Raven said.

Lisa was considering telling her about the diary. That would require a lot of explaining and she might get angry that they kept it from her and...



"I'm off to the toilet. Why're you so in your head?", Raven asked before she stood up and left. Lisa was contemplating telling Raven when Raven called her to the room.

"What's that?", Raven asked and Lisa saw she was pointing at the diary which was closed and the back side facing up.

On second thought, maybe some other time, Lisa thought and hurriedly went to the diary.

"It's uhm a report on uh something related to work.", she said and clumsily put it in her drawer.

"A report in a book? Aren't they usually in files or something?", Raven asked folding her arms.

"Yeah but this one is different so uh... never mind it. It's not important.", she said and Raven humphed before entering the toilet.

What are you doing Lisa, she's your friend. She's Sarah's friend she has a right to know.

Lisa's thoughts were interrupted by her phone's ringtone and some moments after, Raven came out.

"Who's calling? You should answer.", she said and sat on Lisa's bed. Lisa checked it. It was Pablo, was he calling to tell her something he had discovered? Or was he calling about their kiss?

She answered anyway.

"Hey Pablo what's up?", she asked, her voice sounding different which Raven noticed.

"Miles has been arrested."

"What? What for?", she asked.

"Ana's murder.", he said and Lisa's hands went to her mouth to stop her from screaming but the scream didn't come out.

Raven stood up looking worried.

"Uhm... where..."

"Just come to the station if you can."

"Oh okay.", she said and looked at Raven in shock.

"What's wrong?", Raven asked.

"Miles had been arrested for Ana's murder.", Lisa said and Raven gasped.


Miles was furious, he was beyond angry. He was just waking up and getting ready to go to the construction site. He was already pissed that he had to work overtime this weekend and that emotion increased when he heard the police siren blaring in the distance stop at his doorstep.

He got out and before he could ask Robin what was going on, Robin grabbed him forcefully and turned him around before handcuffing him.

As he forced him into the car, Robin said he was being arrested for the murder of Ana and read him his rights.

He had a flurry of emotions. Anger, shock, concern. He couldn't believe Ana was dead. He just saw her yesterday. He even had a small talk with her at her house before he left her. Alive.

He started asking Robin questions but he didn't get any answer and instead Robin told him whatever he said would be used against him in the court of law. But Miles didn't care as he kept complaining.

They reached the station and Robin roughed him to his cell and locked him up. He didn't even allow Miles to have a phone call.

Miles looked up when he heard his cell opening and it was Robin.

"Are you here to release me because you've realised how big your mistake is.", Miles said but Robin have a humourless chuckle.

"No.", he said and cuffed Miles again before he started taking him out. As they were going he saw Pablo.

"Hey, Pablo get me outta here. This guy is crazy I didn't...",

"Don't worry bro I'll get you out.", Pablo yelled back as Miles was taken out of his sight.

Robin led Miles to a room where there was a table and two chairs on opposite sides. There was a wide mirror on one side of the wall and Robin made him sit to face that side.

But Miles knew better that on the other side of that was not a transparent glass in another room.

"You ready to talk now.", Robin started.

"Yeah, I am. I'm gonna tell you how innocent I am.", Miles said angrily.

"No that's not what I want to hear.", Robin said.

"What do you wanna hear then?", he asked.

"I'll be the one asking the questions here.", Robin said and sat.

He didn't speak for a while as they both stared hard at each other.

"After you dropped Ana at her house you spent some time inside with her. What did you do?", he asked menacingly.

"Alright, at first I was driving, on my way to Michael's house when I saw Ana walking on her own. She looked sad and like she had been crying. I offered to take her home and I also asked her what was wrong but she said she didn't wanna talk about it.", he said.

"What were you doing with a car? When did you get a license?", Robin asked.

"It was Michael's car. He had just bought it and asked me to help him take it to his place because he was busy.", he explained.

"And your license?", Robin asked.

"I don't have one but...",

"So you don't have a license yet you drove a car.", Robin said.

"Yeah but it's not like I killed anybody.", he said.

"Do you think that's why you're meant to take a license.", Robin said.

"What's the point? It was just one drive and no policeman was..."

"Oh so you think because the policemen aren't on the streets, you think you can do anything you want.", Robin said and wrote something down.

"Are you looking for reasons to arrest me or what?", he asked.

"Again, what did you do in Ana's house?", Robin asked.

Miles sighed angrily and continued.

"I followed her inside so I could console her. I was one of the few friends she had and it was what a friend should do. I asked if people were getting to her with their words but she didn't tell me anything.", he said.

"And then?",

"And then I spent a little more time with her. Since she couldn't tell me what was wrong, I decided to just cheer her up instead, it felt like all I could do, so I did that. When it was getting late, I decided to leave. I couldn't spend the night over but she seemed better than before to me, so I thought my job was done for the time being. By the way, where was she found..."

"Since you're not ready to admit what you know. You'll be going back to your cell till you're ready.", Robin said and took him roughly back to his cell against Miles' protests.

On his way back to his office Pablo called him.

"Hey Sheriff, what's going on? Miles didn't do anything and you've got no proof that he did, so why are you keeping him locked up?", Pablo asked furiously.

"You do not have any right to talk young man. You once lied to me but I looked past it. I am not looking past this.", Robin said.

"Looking past what? The fact that you're treating him unjustly. I'm sure you didn't let him make a call or get a lawyer even.", Pablo said and Robin turned to leave.

"What you're doing is not right. Miles is innocent and deserves the right to get a lawyer."

"That is very true.", someone said behind Pablo which made Robin stop in his tracks.

They both recognised that voice, anywhere, anytime. Pablo turned back to see someone he had never expected to see.

Hugh. But he was standing with another tall man who was also in sheriff's uniform.

Pablo stood rooted to the spot as Hugh and this man came closer.

"Good day sir. I am Sheriff Moseley. I have been assigned to be the new head of police affairs and the sheriff of this town by the commissioner of this district.", the man named Moseley said.

"He had been notified by this young man by my side...", he said referring to Hugh. "...That you were not performing your duties properly. He got in contact with some police officers that are here and after some talks, he decided to appoint me the new sheriff.", Moseley said to Robin who had a dumbstruck look on his face.

"And so as the new sheriff. My first action would be to arrest you for the misuse of your authority and poor function of your duties.", he said and that's when Robin gained some sense of speech.

"Who... who did you say you are?", he asked.

"You will be in jail till you pay a fine of one thousand dollars.", he said and turned numb and shocked Robin and cuffed him.

He signalled a police officer, everyone was watching what was unfolding. The policeman came and Moseley directed him to release Miles.


Lisa and Raven left as fast as they could. Lisa changed from her shorts to pants and left immediately with Raven in her car.

They couldn't believe what they just heard. Raven looked very pale. She was very worried. How could Ana be dead?

She wasn't very close to her but she knew her well to know that she didn't deserve to be murdered.

No one deserved to be murdered.

Lisa on the other hand was thinking if it was Robin that gave the go-ahead for them to arrest Miles. What would make him go and arrest Miles knowing that Miles was one of the few friends Ana had? It wouldn't make sense for Miles to kill Ana, he cared for her like a friend would.

All in all, the ride was silent. Lisa didn't even bother to turn on the radio. Once they arrived. They both left and entered the station to see Pablo seated and talking with Miles.

Was he already released? Was the issue resolved?

"Miles.", Lisa called and he stood up before she hugged him. While Pablo gave Raven a side hug.

"So what happened? Why did Robin arrest you? Is Ana really dead? And how come you're out?", Lisa asked

"Woah calm down okay.", Miles started. "Yes Ana is dead.", he said sadly. "But I've been released from the injustice Robin was giving me. Everything just happened so fast.", he said and Lisa and Raven gave him a puzzled look.

"You were released. I don't understand how....", Lisa paused in her statement when she saw him. Standing right there. He was one of the last things on her mind but the sight of him had brought him to the forefront.

"Lisa.", he said and came closer to pull her into a hug. His name barely came out from her lips as she slowly raised her hands to hug him back.

He pulled away but still held her and looked at her.

"I've missed you so much.", he said and then kissed her. In front of all of them, in front of Pablo.

Oh my gosh!! This chapter had been very. Wow. From Miles being arrested to Lisa hiding the diary from Raven to Hugh coming back and now this. If you're feeling overwhelmed Sorry, but I did tell you guys this was gonna be a bombshell.

So what do you guys think about Hugh waltzing his way back into their lives and what would that mean for Lisa and Pablo?

To know more you can follow me for updates. And please vote, it'll let me know if you guys love my story. For all those silent readers it would mean a lot if you guys would hit that star icon :D

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