Q: How to concentrate on Salah.

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"Oh Allah glory be to you, the most high."


Q: I have problem during salah because of vasvasah. I MEAN i couldn't concentrate properly and feel so disturbed. I don't know the solution. Can you help me in this?

I  have got this type of Q a few  times and I answered  all in the Pms, but I thought if i post it here, it will benefit a lot of ppl.
Inn shaa Allah.

Answer :

The realization that something is misisng in our prayer/salah is itself  a great blessing in it.

Alhamdulillah.  Almighty Allah made you realise that and he made you feel guilty about it. And now you wanna correct it.

Blessed are the ummah like you.

Iam not a scholar but I will try to help you all as per my knowledge.

Then first of all dear.. we need to make our wudu with utmost concentration and read all the du'a's  of wudu perfectly. If you haven't learnt the du'as then atleast learn the meaning/translation of the dua.

Subhan Allah. We have dua for every single thing. From washing hands till washing our feet.

I've learnt that doing wudu perfectly helps to concentrate on our namaz/salah.

And reading Tasbihat-e-Fathima  after every farz salah, helps us to concentrate better.

33 times subhan Allah.
33 times Alhamdulillah.
34 times Allahu Akbar, should be reas after every fardh salah.

Also, if you get any thoughts about work or any important things that you wanna say to your mother or siblings, do it before starting your prayer. Coz it will be in your mind as long as you pray thus disturbing your concentration.

Another beneficial  method is to focus on what we are reading.

Yes. We tend to do our salah like machine. We dunno what we are reading, we just go with the flow as if some button has been turned on and complete our prayer without even realizing it.
Subhan Allah.

Focus on every single words you utter.

For example, Surah al-Fatihah is something we all read during salah but do we know what, “Iyyaka na’a budu wa-iyyaka nasta aeen” means? (You {Alone} we worship, and You {Alone} we ask for help [for each and everything]. This Surah is also fairly short and therefore not difficult to remember.

Like wise learn the meaning of subhana Rabbiyal Azeem and subhana Rabbiyal A'laa and all other duas which is read in a prayer.

Also, learn new surah's from the 30th para and incorporate that in your prayer.

For if we keep reciting the ones we know then, we automatically recite that and doesn't even focus on a single hurf (word)

So the best way to read salah with focus and concentration is learning new SURAH'S and learning the meaning of old surah which we already know.

Once we understand what we are reading during salah even if it’s not all of what is read, then we will find that sweetness you obtain from salah {with Allah’s  grace} through understanding what we are saying. This can only allow us to become closer to Him.

Also, understanding the different chapters and verses we read and their translation during salah e.g. Surah An-Nas, Al-Falaq, Al-‘Asr etc., is something that will allow us to achieve a better focused salah. Those mentioned are very short and are about a couple of lines long but are packed with meaning.

You will find that, in the majority of English translations, these Surahs mentioned with the translation but also their background – for example, where the Surah was revealed and after which incident in the Prophet pbuh’s life the verses were revealed.

That is why it is highly recommended to get a copy of the translation of the Quran (the more recent translations include backgrounds) so you understand what you’re reading as well as the story behind it. This will, inshallah, increase the enjoyment we receive from our recitation during Salah.

Try to think of the salah you are about to perform as the one in which Allaah ta'ala will question you about on the Day of Judgement. This should help us to perform the salah with the devotion, concentration and care we are looking for.

Continuously make duaa.

 This is a vital point to consider for everyone. Duaa should constantly be made to Allaah without the help of Allaah and His willing, we will not be able to perform the salah as required. We should continuously ask Him to send blessings on us and if for example we are struggling with remembering the Quran, or concentrating then we should continuously seek help from Allaah.

Also, duaa should be made asking for forgiveness from Allaah  for not achieving the standards required of us even if we feel we possess some levels of devotion, care and quality during our salah.

Finally, duaa should be made thanking Allaah  for all His bounties and giving us the blessings to be able to perform salah and pray to him despite our many faults.

A duaa that should, therefore, be read constantly after salah is, ‘Allahumma innee ala zikrika wa shukrika wa husni ibaadatik’ (Oh Allaah help me remember You, to be grateful to You, and to worship You in an excellent manner).

I sincerely hope this offers you some use which you can subsequently apply in your salah. I apologise for any mistakes made and I humbly request you to make duaa for me. Jazakillah khair.

Assalamalaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu .

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