Chapter 1

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Marriage is a sacred relationship blessed by Allah, according to Islam. It is a pledge of love, respect, and companionship made by a man and a woman for the sake of Allah. Marriage is regarded as proof of faith in Islam since it meets one's natural desires while also maintaining one's chastity.

The concept of soulmates is prominent in Islam, and it is believed that Allah created each individual with a spouse who completes them. It is also believed that Allah has chosen the perfect companion for each person and that they will eventually meet and marry.

Finding a soulmate, according to Muslims, is a process of prayer and supplication. Unlike in several other cultures, Muslims are encouraged to find their own match. Parents or guardians, on the other hand, are involved in the process, and their ideas and advice should be valued.

Islam advises getting to know one's potential mate before marriage to establish compatibility and avoid future misunderstandings. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stated, "When one of you proposes to a woman, if he can look at that which will encourage him to go ahead and marry her, let him do so."

Marriage in Islam is more than just a physical union; it is also an emotional and spiritual commitment. It is a relationship founded on love, trust, comprehension, and mutual respect. According to the Quran, "And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy." There are indeed indications for those who think." (30:21)

To summarize, marriage and soulmates are important notions in Islam that emphasize the necessity of a loving and committed relationship between a man and a woman based on Allah's guidance and blessings. It is a special relationship that brings calm, love, and fulfillment to life.

Finding the proper spouse is an essential decision in Islam that is considered a key aspect of a Muslim's life. According to Islamic teachings, marriage is a holy pact between two people who want to build a life together based on mutual love, respect, and understanding.

Choosing the proper partner in Islam necessitates great consideration and contemplation. Muslims are encouraged to look for a companion who shares their values, beliefs, and virtues. The Prophet Muhammad recommended his people find a partner who is devout, kind-hearted, and respectful and who will help them live a decent and holy life.

In Islam, the concept of love is also an essential consideration when selecting a partner. While compatibility and similar ideals are important, Muslim couples are urged to form a deep and lasting emotional relationship based on mutual respect and understanding.

Arranged weddings are still common in many Muslim societies, although it is vital to highlight that forced marriages are not tolerated in Islam. Muslims have the right to pick their own mate and to exercise their free choice.

Overall, the decision to choose the correct spouse in Islam is acknowledged as a personal and essential decision that can have a significant impact on an individual's life. It necessitates serious analysis and thought, as well as the advice and support of family, friends, and religious leaders.

Aisha has always adored Ramadan. It was her favorite time of year, as a devoted Muslim, because it was packed with community, dedication, and tradition. She had grown up in Malaysia, where the mosques were buzzing with activity throughout Ramadan, and her family had always made it a point to attend the nighttime prayers and break their fasts with the community.

It was no different this year. Aisha's family had gathered in their humble home to prepare for the evening's festivities. They had spent the entire day cooking, cleaning, and decorating to ensure that everything was perfect for their visit to the mosque.

As the sun began to drop, Aisha's family put on their best clothing and prepared to go. Her father led the way, followed by her mother, elder brothers and sisters and younger siblings. Aisha walked with her head held high, proud of her beliefs and delighted in the opportunity to spend time with her family and community. 

Aisha could hear the adhan, or call to prayer, resounding across the air as they got closer to the mosque. The mosque itself was spectacular, with a high minaret and a domed roof. The soft glow of lanterns and the pleasant aroma of incense greeted Aisha as they entered.

The mosque's interior was magnificent, with elaborate patterns and motifs adorning the walls and ceilings. The flooring was covered with soft mats, where worshippers would kneel and pray. As she glanced around at the tranquil surroundings, Aisha couldn't help but feel a sense of serenity sweep over her.

As her family made their way to the women's area of the mosque, Aisha noted that it was already crowded with other women and children. The atmosphere was charged with excitement and expectation as everyone anticipated the call to prayer.

Finally, as the sun began to set below the horizon, the imam began to pronounce the adhan. As they prepared to pray, Aisha and her family stood shoulder to shoulder with the other worshippers, their hearts throbbing in one.

The prayers themselves were passionate and emotional, overflowing with love and devotion to Allah. Aisha's family performed each prayer and prostration with care; their minds focused on the words and how they could strengthen their faith.

Following the prayers, the community came together to break their fast. Plates of dates, fruits, and delicious meals were handed around among the worshippers, with laughter and discussion filling the air.

It was a night Aisha would never forget. She felt more connected to her family and her faith than ever before, and she knew she would treasure these precious moments spent in the mosque during Ramadan for the rest of her life.

Aisha inhaled deeply and closed her eyes. She was aware that Allah was the most kind and compassionate of all and that He was constantly attentive to her pleas.

"Ya Allah," she said, "please guide me to my naseeb. Please assist me in locating the person who will be my companion both in this life and in the afterlife. If he is already in my naseeb, please make our meeting easy and blessed. If he is not yet in my naseeb, please write him for me and arrange for our paths to cross at the appropriate time and place."

Aisha prayed with all her heart, not just for herself but also for her future spouse. She prayed for him to be just, kind, and compassionate, to have strong faith, and to always seek to please Allah.

 "Ya Allah," she said, "give me the strength and patience to wait for my naseeb and to trust in Your plan for me. Please give me the insight to recognize him when he appears and the fortitude to pursue a halal relationship that pleases you."

Aisha continued in supplication for a while, pouring out her heart to Allah and begging for His guidance and blessings. She felt a sense of serenity settle over her as she ended her prayer. She knew Allah had heard her and that He would respond to her prayers in the nicest way possible.

Aisha went about her everyday life with renewed trust and optimism, recalling that Allah was directing her towards her naseeb and that He had a plan for her that would lead to happiness and fulfillment.

The Imam spoke with zeal and conviction, his words reverberating throughout the mosque and striking a chord in the hearts of the worshippers. He emphasized the importance of establishing and maintaining halal partnerships based on Islamic principles and guided by the teachings of the Prophet (PBUH).

He reminded the crowd that marriage was more than just a source of sensual pleasure; it was also a method of achieving piety, mutual love, and tranquility. He emphasized the need to be honest, respectful, and patient in relationships, as well as seeking acceptance from parents and elders.

The Imam also warned against engaging in haram partnerships for the sake of lust, passion, or social pressures. He discussed the spiritual and emotional suffering that such partnerships could cause, as well as the societal harm that the collapse of the family unit could cause.

The Imam also warned against engaging in haram partnerships for the sake of lust, passion, or social pressures. He discussed the spiritual and emotional suffering that such partnerships could cause, as well as the societal harm that the collapse of the family unit could cause.

As the Imam finished his talk, he led the assembly in a prayer, asking Allah to bless their relationships, guide them to righteousness, and protect them from anything that was bad. Worshippers departed the mosque with renewed hope and purpose, eager to put what they had learned into practice in their daily lives. 

Aisha took a look at the charity box on the table before leaving the mosque. She recalled the significance of giving during Ramadan and considered how she could help. She stepped toward the box, deciding to donate the little money she had with her.

Aisha prayed as she placed the money in the box. She prayed to Allah to bless her with a pious and loving husband and to allow her the opportunity to meet him during her future Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca.

As she ended her prayer, her heart was filled with hope and pleasure. She smiled as she went out of the mosque, still basking in the calm and quiet that came with the Tarawih prayer.

Aisha's family had always urged her to seek Allah's counsel in all aspects of her life, and this was no exception. They had taught her that supplication, prayer, and charity were vital pillars of a Muslim's life, especially during Ramadan.

Aisha and her family resumed their journey home after saying their goodbyes to the Imam and thanking him for the magnificent tarawih prayer. It was a bright summer evening, and the streets were desolate because most people had returned home following the prayer. The street lamps lit the road ahead, casting lengthy shadows of trees and buildings.

Aisha recited Ayatul Kursi, the passage of the Quran that is read for protection, as they went. Her voice was gentle and rhythmic, and her family recited along with her. It felt soothing to recite the verse, especially in the middle of the night when everything was silent. 

The only sounds on the street were the occasional automobile engine or a dog barking in the distance. Aisha's father took a step forward, his gaze examining the surroundings for any danger lurking in the shadows. Aisha's mother gripped her younger siblings' hands tightly, holding them close to her.

The recitation of the holy verse by Aisha and her family filled the deserted streets with the power of their faith. They walked in companionable silence, soaking in the beauty of the night and the peace that comes with trusting Allah. They found comfort and hope in the verses they recited because they knew they were safe with the Almighty.

Aisha and her family felt a wave of relief flood over them as they approached their house. They were thankful that Allah had provided them with the ability to perform such spiritual acts because the recitation of Ayatul Kursi had kept them safe. 

Aisha felt a sense of serenity sweep over her as she climbed the stairs to her room. Her room was her haven, a place where she could relax and commune with Allah. The warm warmth of the bedroom lamp spread a gentle light across the room as she arrived.

Her room's decor was simple and relaxing. Cream-colored walls with a small gold stripe and velvety beige carpeting created a calm atmosphere. The painting of the Kaaba hung on the wall opposite her bed, reminding her of her religion, and she looked at it regularly.

Sweet musk permeated the space, a tribute to the Prophet (PBUH) and the aroma that enveloped him. The air seemed warm and pure, as if it had been cleansed by the recitation of the Quran. A prayer mat was strategically placed near the bed, and Aisha would kneel on it every day to pray to Allah.

A mound of Islamic literature, including the Holy Quran and Hadiths, sat on her bedside table. Aisha was frequently spotted reading these works, receiving inspiration and wisdom from them. She'd made it a practice to read at least one page of the Quran every day, and it had given her life purpose and meaning.

The walls were covered with images of her smiling and happy family. Each image brought back memories of the love and support that surrounded her. A bookshelf in one corner was stacked with books on Islamic history, literature, and philosophy. Her passion for information and learning had inspired her to read extensively on the subjects.

Aisha felt the weight of the world lift off her shoulders as she settled into her bed. This was her safe haven, where she could be herself and feel near to Allah, her Creator. She considered herself fortunate to have a room that encouraged her to think on her faith and reminded her of the positive aspects of life. 

Aisha sat on her bed, comfortable and reassured by her room's inviting ambiance. She opened her laptop and searched for "Mufti Menk" in the search box. She had been listening to his lectures and tazkiras for a long time and considered his advice to be both useful and insightful.

 She navigated through the list of YouTube videos and chose "Finding the Right Spouse." Mufti Menk's recognizable voice entered the audience as the video began to play. His comments were soothing and reassuring, and Aisha listened closely, taking in every word.

Mufti Menk explained that choosing the proper spouse entails trusting Allah's plan. He underlined that Allah knows what is best for us and that marrying someone is a major decision that demands considerable study and attention.

Aisha thought about her own ambition to find the perfect husband. She had been praying and making supplications to Allah to lead her to find someone who would be a good companion for her both in this life and in the hereafter. She was confident that putting her trust in Allah would guide her in the right direction.

Aisha closed her eyes and took a deep breath as Mufti Menk's sermon finished. She felt relieved and hopeful after realizing she wasn't alone in her hunt for a partner. She was thankful for the reminder to put her trust in Allah and to believe in His plan.

Aisha paused for a moment to appreciate her room's calm and cheerful atmosphere. She felt lucky to have a place where she could focus on her beliefs and connect with Allah. She knew that with Allah's direction and assistance, she would find her way in life and accomplish her purpose.

Aisha closed her laptop and sat on her bed, taking a deep breath once she finished the video. She realized that finding the ideal marriage would be difficult, but she also thought that nothing was impossible with Allah's aid.

She closed her eyes and spoke from her heart as she elevated her hands in Dua. "Dear Allah, I seek your guidance in finding the right spouse." I know you know what's best for me, and I believe in your plan. Please assist me in finding someone who will bring me closer to you and who will be a nice friend in this life and the next."

Aisha hesitated for a time before continuing, "And Allah, I have this dream of meeting my true love in Madinah, where your beloved Prophet (PBUH) is resting." Please allow me to visit Madinah soon and direct my future spouse and me to meet there when the time comes. I know you're the best planner there is, and I trust your judgment. Thank you very much, Allah. Ameen."

Aisha felt at peace and content after making Dua. She put her faith in Allah, knowing that He would answer her prayers in His own time and manner. She smiled, thankful for the chance to connect with Allah and convinced that He would lead her to her true love.

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