1: Communities/genres

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Know it or not wattpad actually has communities/genres.Some might not be legit but they're still there.

I'm currently new to the art community,but I first started out as a writer for fantasy,then into humor as I'm pretty ridiculous at times,then into the random community.

The best community in my opinion would be the art community, as most accounts there are rather friendly,it'd be a good place to start off.


Well I've been on Wattpad for over three years now I think? And yes I have gotten followers and reads but never once has a reader ever pmed me or talked to me (some did but that was the minority).But almost immediately when I found and joined the art community I was more active with my followers and closer to them.

If you decide to post an art book after voting on others and befriending em,most likely they'll support you to the end as you did for them.It's a really neat way of meeting new people and making friends,as well as supporters.

I hated being that account with over 1K followers and barely ever had much on my message board.Call me immature  but it did.

The random community is really fun also,(art is sorta in that as it's not an actual genre although it should be) there is from roleplaying to dank memes all the way to crack! books!

The humour co. is super fun and hilarious(obviously) Good communities to start off with.

So that was chp 1.If you found it helpful vote ,comment and follow!

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