G 2.07

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It was a beautiful kids play ground. The kids played and enjoyed their Sunday. The sun had just raised and cool breeze of morning was pleasant. The happiness on the kids faces were worth watching.

It relaxed any anxious mind. They were in their own world. Unaware of the tensions a life offers as you grow up.

Their smile was so contagious that anyone watching them will have a huge bright smile on their face. Among the people who watch them to forget their pain was one person who's figure had become fragile.

His body had lost the reflex over the time. Hair had turned a bit shady.

His lips curved into a smile when he was admiring a smiling small girl who was playing on the swing.

"Dadda some more time na please" a small girl pleaded her dad. "Bacha not anymore. See the sun has raised enough and you might fall sick" the man pleaded.

"Please dadda only half an hour more after that pakka promise I will come with you. Ladoo Pwomise" she pinched her neck cutely.

Her cuteness plead made the man's heart melt and he smiled looking at her. "Okay fine. Just half an hour more and I'm strict dadda this time" he said looking at his watch.

"You are the best dadda in the world love you" the girl gave him a flying kiss and sat on the swing and continued her play and the man sat on the bench admiring his little bundle of joy.

Though you fight the world a smile on your kid's face is just what your heart needs at the end of the day to forget all your struggle and feel content.

Middle class families hide their joys in such small small moments which they treasure all their life. He wasn't any different.

"Dadda ice cream" the girl pulled his kurta. He took his purse out and looked at the only note he had. He thought of his travel the next day.

He smiled and lifted her in his arms and walked to the ice cream stall and bought her favorite ice cream.

She ate the ice cream and the satisfaction on her face was the biggest prize for his walk the next day to his work place. And he did not mind sacrificing his bus fare for his little princess.

"Arrey" the girl who fell from the swing and started crying brought him to present. He rushed to her and brushed her dress and face to wipe off the dust.

Her mom rushed immediately and grabbed her in her arms and consoled the kid. "Arrey beta nothing will happen. Don't cry" he tried consoling the kid which cried bitterly.

The lady patted the girl's back and walked from there excusing herself. "I miss you Ladoo bacha. Where are you?" he said as he saw the girl disappearing with time.

Some one kept a hand on his shoulder which brought a huge smile on his face. "Dr. Smriti" he turned and found a girl smiling at him.

"Shekar Paa I have told you many a time don't call me like that at least here" she complained. "On one condition" he said and she looked at him confused.

"Can I eat Lado's favorite ice cream today. I'm missing her a lot today" said he with a slight glitter in his eyes. Her eyes turned painful.

"Okay but you have to exercise for half an hour extra" she chuckled to lighten the situation. "This diabetes will take me some day with it" "Paa" she glared him and he stopped.

"What is left for me in this temporary world which will be permanent. I'm just passing the days" he said sad and walked.

"You have to live Paa for the people in your life" she said walking beside him. "And what about my life which has left me?" he asked.

"She did not leave you Paa. She is always with you. Here" said and showed his heart.

"Till she is here she will not let anything happen to you. You have to live to take care of her" said she and smiled through her tears.

"Winning you in arguments is just impossible" said he and smiled and they continued their walk.


"She asked me about Shekar" said Sumi and Vikram looked at her shocked and she nodded her head. He looked around. "She is still asleep" said Sumi which relaxed him a bit.

"And what did you say?" asked he. "I couldn't answer her Vikky. Thank god she fell asleep sobbing more precisely she fell unconscious. I don't know how to answer her" said Sumi worried.

"Mom" he placed his hand on her hand. "Mumma" Ragini screamed as she came out of her room. Her hair fully messed up like a crow's nest.

"Ragu first wash your face I can't see a chudail early morning" said Vikram and closed his eyes.

"Bhayyu. I hate you" said she and walked to Sumi.

"Tell me something new" said he as he bit the apple.

"New thing is I want to go play ground" said she and Vikram coughed listening her. "Maa I think she hit her head to something very hard" said he after relaxing as he gulped the water. "Vikky" said Sumi glaring him.

"And may I know why has that khurafati idea came to your mind?" asked he looking at her. "I don't know suddenly feel like going to the play ground. Please na bhayyu" she pleaded him.

"I think this is the best way to divert her mind" he thought to himself.

"But what about your office?" asked he. "Bhayyu today some national holiday so we are not working" said Ragini yawning.

"Then get ready fast" said he. "You are the best bhayyu" she said and ran from there.

"Yew Ragu. Brush your teeth before experimenting it on me" he said. "Whatever" she screamed from her room.

"Thank God. She did not ask the same question again" said Sumi as she sighed with relief. "I think her attacks have not completely stopped yet. And we have to avoid the truth for some more time" said he and Sumi nodded her head.


"Ragu toofan mail aaram se" Vikky screamed when Ragini rushed inside the play ground like a small kid. He nodded his head and smiled looking at her.

"Bhayyu...." a small girl rushed to her brother. "Kya hua bacha?" her brother asked lifting her head. She found her in tears.

Her tears had the tendency to bring a storm in his heart.

"What happened?" he knelt in front of her. "See na that boy is not letting me play only. He is so so bad" said she sobbing.

"Chal I will see who is that" he walked holding his sister's hand. He stood in front of the guy who was responsible for his sister's tears.

"Vikky Maamu" a boy's voice brought him out of his rage with which he was glaring Sahil who was standing in front of him with zero expression.

Vikram knelt in front of the boy and smiled at him. "Ansh" he caressed the boy's hair and kissed his forehead.

"How are you my champ?" asked he and Ansh kissed his cheek and said "Ek dam super hero mafik". Vikram chuckled hearing him and a tiny tear drop developed in his eye.

"You are just like your mom. Tapori mom's tapori beta" said Vikram. "Mamu" squealed Ansh. "Okay fine" he said giving up.

"So can we have mumu bhanja time?" asked Vikram forwarding his hand. "Yup" said Ansh hitting his hand on Vikram's hand. "By the way when did you come back from Boarding School?" asked Vikram as he lifted Ansh and walked towards the park.

Sahil watched them with a tear developing in his eye. "I'm sorry Biwi still I couldn't mend my ways with your bhayyu. From the day we first met in childhood he thinks I can only hurt you" he said in his mind and the tear tripped out of his eye and he closed his eye letting the pain flow out.

"Who's that kid with Bhayyu" Ragini looked at Vikram who was playing with a boy. She slowed her swing and walked in his direction.

Tinka Tinka dil mera Teri lau me jalta hai
Jaaye thu chahe kahi mere dil me dhalta hai
Katra katra dil mera rah me behta hai
Jaaye thu chahe kahi mere dil me dhalta hai

As she approached Ansh's smile brought a grin on her face and she felt a strange connection with him. The air flew and Ansh felt someone's presence he was craving from ages and his heart beat felt like stopped for a moment.

"Maa" he whispered and dropped the ball in his hand. As he turned he found a lady standing staring him and a tear dropped her eye as she looked at his innocent face. Some kind of unknown feeling crept her heart. She stood in her place unmoved.

Ansh's face fell when his brain realized that the face did not match his expectation. Vikram stood shocked. He did not knew what he will answer Ragini.

"Aunty" his voice brought Ragini out of her trance and she looked at him. "What happened? You look sad" he said standing in front of her. Ragini was still in non reactive mode. "Champ" called Vikram dragging his attention.

Vikram lifted Ansh and stood and Ragini looked at him confused. "Bhayyu who is this?" asked she. Vikram felt nervous not able to answer her.

"Wo Ragu.. he is my friend's sister's kid. I met him after a long time" said Vikram and Ansh looked at him confused not able to understand what he was speaking.

"Oh. He is such a cute kid" said Ragini took him in her arms. "What is your name?" asked she and Ansh smiled at her and said "Ansh". "Wow such a sweet name just like you" said she pulling his cheek.

"As sweet as you Aunty" he said and smiled. "Awww you are so cute. I really want to meet your mom now" said she and Vikram looked at her shocked.

"My mumma is not with us. She went to God ji" said Ansh with a sad face and his sadness pierced her heart. "I.. I'm sorry" she said apologizing. "That's okay" said he smiling and bending his head cutely. "And Papa?" asked she. "There he is" said Ansh showing his finger in a direction and ran to him getting down from Ragini's arms.

Her spinning world stopped when Ansh hugged Sahil's leg who lifted him and threw in air to make him giggle. "Sahil" she whispered and placed her hand on her speeding heart.

"Ragu chale" said Vikram as he wanted to avoid the situation. She nodded her head and walked from there sad as her heart broke into number of pieces looking at Sahil who was playing with his son.

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