G 2.21

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"Bhai take this Sehra and try it" Yohan forwarded the Sehra to Sanskar. "You still will not tell me right Yohan?" Sanskar turned to the mirror again.

"What Bhai?" asked he confused. "Or are you waiting for your best friend cum love of your life to end her life?" Sanskar looked through the mirror.

Yohan's eyes widened and he looked at Sanskar shocked. Sanskar's lips curved up to form a smirk. He dragged Kavya who was near the balcony hiding. She was staring the ground.

"This" he forwarded a poison bottle in front of Yohan. "I don't think I need to explain it to you Dr. Yohan how dangerous this poison is? If I wouldn't have gone to her room to meet her she would have consumed it and by this time ended her life" he said furiously looking at Kavya.

"What?" Yohan's heart felt broken. He looked at Kavya painfully. "She is born dumb. What was wrong with you Gadhe. Why didn't you tell her about your feelings? And look at her how lately she has realized it. Dumbo" Sanskar hit on Kavya's forehead. "You dumbledore" she said hugging him.

"Gosh and that biggest dumbo. I mean how did she not revealed it? By the speed her tongue works I doubt she can keep such things to herself" said he remembering Ragini.

Then he remembered Ragini telling about Yohan's love for Kavya and how he was then told that Yohan and Ragini like each other and are dating.

"Damn. She sure told me" he said widening his eyes. "I was really a dumbledore that I did not understand her" he said caressing his neck.

"But Bhai" Yohan was stopped from saying further. "You know I'm hell angry on you right now and I will show it once we get out of this mess" he warned Yohan.

"Bhai" Yohan resisted but Sanskar made him to get ready in bride groom's attire. "You will get your punishment after the marriage now stop thinking and do as I say" Sanskar covered Yohan's face with the Sehra.

He made Kavya reach her room from the back side and was about to leave the place when she held his wrist. "You still are Mandh budhi aren't you?" she dragged him to a warm hug. He patted her head and walked out from there.

On the way he saw Pari feeding Ani who was refusing to eat. "And Chachu will not break his promise Princess. I will find a way out of this" he smiled through his tears and walked away wiping them.

He surely was hell bent on marrying Kavya to save his little niece's life but then Kavya was his childhood friend whom he could not see in that vulnerable state. He sure was tough but definitely not heartless.

***Flashback ends***

Dayal stood in front of Sanskar and in next moment what he did surely shocked Sanskar. Dayal folded his hand and was about to touch Sanskar's feet. Sanskar stopped him holding his hands.

"You saved my daughter Sanskar where as I on the other hand was using your necessity for money to buy her happiness. Still you saved her. I will still invest in your company." Dayal looked at him emotionally.
"Mamu um can I call you that?" Sanskar asked looking at him with a question in his eyes. Dayal nodded his head and held Sanskar's cheek.

"Before every relations there is one relation. Which is above all? And that's friendship. And whatever we do in our life the only people who will not judge are our friends. And Kavi is my one such friend. When the whole world was not with me she was still with me beside me. And as a friend I should do the same right?" he smiled at Dayal.

'And I failed as a friend Sanky. I did not tell you about your best friend' Kavya looked at Sanskar painfully thinking in her mind. "Hey Kavi" Sanskar shook her bringing to the world.

She looked at him and that wide grin on his face brought the tears in her eyes. She immediately hugged him to cover her emotions. 'And I don't want to snatch this smile on your face Sanky. Never will I do that' she closed her eyes as he patted her head.

Finally the storm had stranded or it looked so where as on the other hand in Asthana House there was the eye of the storm which was developing into a tornado.

"Ragu bacha" Vikram entered Ragini's room. She had covered herself still with the quilt. She was unusually quite from last night. He cursed himself for letting her attend Kavya's marriage functions. He did not wanted her to discover any of connection with Rawats.

"Ragu don't you want to attend your best friend's marriage?" he sat beside her and she moved under the quilt. "Ragu" he pulled the quilt away and Ragini faced her back to him.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked her confused. "Bhai" she sat in front of him and when he saw her he was scared out of worry.

"Hey Ragu what happened?" he looked at her tears brimmed face. "I saw a photograph in Sahil sir's hand" his heart beat was at race now and eyes tried maintaining the seriousness not letting his emotions out.

"There was a girl he was speaking to. He called her Shona" she said and Vikram's heart for a moment refused to beat. And next moment it matched the speed with the time.

"And you know whose photo it was?" she looked straight into his eyes. He was losing the battle with time. "The same girl whose photograph you hid that day" she said sobbing.

And his world seemed collapsing around. She got out of the bed and pulled a carton box out from bottom. "How much more time you need to explain this to me?" she asked holding a picture frame.

A happy family where Ragvi stood beside Kumud, Sahil. And Vikram in between them.

"Bacha" he neared her and she back walked. "That day you were arguing with Sanskar on the road. You knew him" she looked at him painfully and he closed his eyes pained and took a deep breath.

"Who is she Bhai?" she pointed at Kumud in the picture. He looked at broken Ragini who felt deceived at the moment.

"I know I have no relation with you Bhai but don't I deserve a truth a mere truth" she asked him painfully.

"She was my sister my blood related sister" Ragini's eyes widened in shock. "That means Ansh is your nephew?" asked she and he nodded his head in yes.

"Why did you hid it from me?" she asked nearing him. "Because I did not wanted to lose you. The time you entered our life she had left this world and Doctor had warned me not to tell you anything which will stress you out. If we had kept our old family pictures you would have asked why you aren't there in the pictures so I have to bury all my memories with her in that carton box and hide it from you" he said as he collapsed on the ground broken remembering how difficult it was for him to do that.

Ragini sat in front of kneeling and cupped his face. "You had two sisters? She is?" asked she showing another photo where he was in between Ragvi and Kumud.

His fist tightened in anger. "She is nobody to me" he almost screamed. Ragini jerked at his outburst. "She was just a bad memory whom I want to erase from my memory for forever" he said throwing the picture back in the carton box.

He picked up the box and was near the door when she spoke. "What about Sanskar? Why do hate him so much Bhai? After all he is your sister's brother in law?" asked she and his rage had no bounds now.

"Because he killed her" he turned with his blood shot eyes. Ragini had not seen her brother so angry. It surely scared her.

"Because he killed my bacha" said he and his tears were tripping out of his eyes as his brain flashed Kumud's face.

"He snatched Ansh's mother and he snatched his own brother's happily ever after life" he said broken. Ragini's heart started gaining an unusual speed. Suddenly she felt the pace; a destructive pace and she started breathing heavily like she was all breathless.

Her hand held her paining head which started spinning. A flash of head light suddenly blinded her vision and she landed on the ground with a thud.

On the other hand Sanskar felt his heart beat suddenly uneven. "What happened Bhai?" Yohan asked looking at Sanskar who was holding his fast beating heart. Something was surely wrong with a person who was very near to his heart.

He suddenly held his head confused. "I don't know I'm feeling weird" said he pulling his hair. "Now all that ends good let us celebrate" said Sahil and dragged them for a toast.

The family was happy as finally the clouds of sorrow had disappeared from their sky but Sanskar felt it is just that they have changed their direction.

'I don't feel good' he looked at the door. 'Where is she?' he searched her everywhere. But he hadn't seen her from morning.

He remembered how she fainted last night and his heart felt the stingy pain raising within.

'She is... she is surely not well' his mind spoke and heart beat felt alive like it was happy that he understood what it wanted to convey.

"Ragini" a whisper escaped his mouth when all were busy dancing and celebrating weird yet happy marriage.

He excused himself and rushed to his car which was parked outside and sat inside it in a hurry.

He drew his car as fast as possible to reach the Asthana House. His heart was not at rest it was racing and wanted to win the time but only if he knew he cannot win the time. He hadn't driven the car after that fateful night. His hands were shivering but his heart was in no mood to give any heed to it. It just knew one thing he has to see Ragini and that too as soon as possible.

His car halted outside Asthana house with a screech. He rushed inside the compound as soon as he got out of the car.

"Ragini" he screamed entering the house. Vikram and Sumi who were at the dining table looked back and found him at the door.

"Ragini" he was stopped by Vikram who placed his palm on Sanskar's chest. Sanskar looked at Vikram and then his eyes moved down. He again looked up at Vikram.

"What are you doing here?" Vikram held his collar and dragged him dangerously near.

"Ragini" he panted for breath. "Ragini" he said again. "Don't you dare to take my sister's name from your filthy mouth" said Vikram as his eyes turned red.

"Please Vikram once only once let me see her" Sanskar pleaded Vikram. "Why you want to kill her too?" Vikram's anger busted. Vikram's scream was so loud it hit the roof of the house and it hit her eardrums too.

She moved a bit in her unconscious state still lying on the ground.

"Vikky please for god sake just once I just want to know if she is okay or not" Sanskar fell on his knees and was about to touch Vikram's feet who back walked shocked.

"Why do you even care?" Vikram bent at him and looked disgustingly.

Sanskar looked around to revert but his tongue was tied. He did not knew what prevented from confessing what she meant to him.

"I will not let you near my sister. Not at any cost" said Vikram holding his face. "I will watch her from far please Vikky" he folded his hands requesting. "Vikky" Sumi placed her hand on his shoulder.

"He is a murderer maa" Vikram looked at her painfully. Sumi did not knew what made her heart melt towards Sanskar. Was that the geniune care she saw in his eyes for Ragini or was it the past where she had witnessed Kumud and Sanskar's bond. She surely knew her deceased daughter will be pained to see Sanskar in this state.

"Kumud ke liye" said she painfully remembering her daughter as though she was just near her and was in happy tears when her mother called her name. "And just a last chance for you and when I say last I mean it" he said looking at Sanskar.

Sanskar stood up wiping his face and walked behind him when he approached Ragini's room. As the door of the room opened the scenario just stopped their hearts for seconds.

"Ragini" Sanskar screamed entering the room and slid in front of her where she lied unconscious on the ground. As he picked her and held her by shoulders he noticed her face turning pale and bluish and a drop of blood escaping her nose.

His world seemed stopped and heart felt dead. He felt he was falling from a huge mountain and his voice was numb and he tried screaming but could not.

"Bacha" Vikram screamed and entered the room and dragged Ragini towards him. She was not responding and he was in a similar state breathing but dead. Staring blank wall in front of him and Vikram who was patting Ragini's cheek scared.


I hope you have liked the chapter.

Thank you

Love you guys

Sally 😘

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