G 2.30

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After a moment of breathlessness she in took a sharp breath which flared her nostrils. A tear touched her cheek and stopped at the thin line of her lips.

Her life always seemed volatile. She did not knew in this path of life where was she heading.

"It was really the best one Sanskar but sorry I'm not in a position to laugh. Instead what I feel is slap you hard for playing this prank on me" she said and her gaze intensified.

"Ragini aunty" Ansh screeched happily running into her. He hugged her legs. She moved her eyes from him and looked up at Sanskar blankly.

"Champ.. How many times I have told you to not to jump off the car door" said Sahil complaining and walked inside.

"Ohho dad. I was so excited to meet my new mom" said he and Sahil moved his horrified gaze to Ragini who had the same expression on her face.

"Ansh" Sahil dragged him away from her. "Day dreaming is bad champ. We came here to meet Mamu as he again forgot to attend your birthday yesterday" said Sahil looking at Vikram who was all shocked.

"You are really so stupid dad. Chachu brought you here to get my new mumma that is Ragini aunty. Oops Ragini mumma" he gave a wide smile.

"Ansh" Sahil's loud voice jerked him a bit and Ragini walked to him covering Ansh. She wiped her already streaming tears and knelt in front of him.

"Wanna have some chocolates?" he nodded his head and she walked to Vikram's room lifting him in his arms. It broke Sanskar's heart when she did not even look at him.

And his heart cursed him saying he deserved every inch of it.

She handed a chocolate to Ansh and rushed to her room to let out her emotions. She closed the door with a bang and leaned to the door sliding down collecting the broken pieces of her heart. Biting her hands to control the painful yell she hyperventilated.

"Ragu" Vikram walked to her room and banged on it. "Bhai" she suppressed her cry. "I'm fine" said she with shaky voice. "Are you insane Sanky? Did you brought me here for this?" asked Sahil angry.

'And I was so happy that whatever happens at least you will not brake my sister's heart so soon' Vikram looked at him disgusted and thought.

He surely wasn't prepared for his sister's this state.

"Ansh needs a mother Sahil" said Avantika. "He doesn't need anyone mom" Sahil looked at Avantika controlling his flood of tears.

"He doesn't need anyone. Neither do I" he shot her a glare and then turned to Sanskar. "You did so wrong Mr. Sanskar Rawat. You did it so wrong. How could you behave like you don't know what Kumud means to me. how could you" he fumed and walked to Vikram's room to get Ansh.

Sanskar wanted to go back of him but then his eyes stopped at the closed door of Ragini's room and he walked to it and stood in front of it.

He was about to knock but stopped and instead placed his head on it and placed his hand over it.


She placed her hand in line with his hand and covered her face controlling her tears.


Her whispering tears pierced his heart which was already broken and smashed the pieces more.

"Ansh" Sahil walked inside Vikram's room. He looked around and found a frame on the study table. He moved to it and turned it and the Asthana family was in front of his eyes. He remembered how Vikram had pleaded him not to reveal the truth of his family to Ragini when they met in park and Ragini met Ansh for the first time.

Lying on that hospital bed Her heart beat picked up speed when her eyes opened and remained unaffected due to the light. She closed her eyes slowly then and the machines attached to her heart beats rose suddenly and gained the normal speed.

In that fraction of time.

"Champ" said Sahil sitting beside Ansh who was munching on the chocolate. "See mumma gave me my favorite chocolate" said he grinning at Sahil.

"Ansh" he controlled the pitch of his voice and gulped the anger in. "She is not your mother" Sahil spoke clearly. "I know she is not now. But when she will be married to you then she will..." "Stop it Ansh" he screamed jerking Ansh.

"She is nobody to us. Got that? Not only she no one can fill your mother's place neither in my life nor in your life" a tear tripped his eye.

Ansh burst into a bitter cry looking at him. Vikram heard him scream and rushed to his room. Avantika Harish and Sumi rushed behind him.

Ragini opened the door only to be crashed into Sanskar who was still standing unmoved. She stopped and looked up at him painfully.

As his hands traveled to hold her cheeks the barrier to her tears broke again and she closed her eyes painfully.

He slowly moved his head to touch her head and she jerked him and walked away from him to the terrace of their home.

He followed her and found her looking at the sky hugging herself. "Ragini" his painful voice sent shivers down her spine.

He stood behind her and she felt his presence. She turned immediately and hugged him tightly.

"Why?" she whispered painfully.
She needed answer.

However angry she was on him but couldn't hold her pain. He so much wanted to cover her but stopped his hand and squeezed his fists as tight as he could.

He dragged her out of the hug and turned to walk but she hugged him from back and he looked up to hold his tears and pain.

"When you love me so much how can you do this?" asked she and he brought her in front of him.

"Did I confessed you that ever?" his question made the weight of heart shift and she looked at him dumbfound. "Did I ever I..." before he could complete he felt a sharp slap on his cheek. He closed his eyes painfully still not meeting her eyes.

"My emotions, my feelings were all just things for you to crush? " she looked at him waiting for a darn answer.

"Tell me. I need an answer. A damn explanation why am I being a victim of all these" she bent to him when he still had not gathered the courage to look up.

And when he moved his gaze to her she was just glaring him. "So you kissed me out of sympathy?" asked she as the limits to her anger broke.

"Oh come on Ragini. Don't make a fuss about that stupidity. Feelings emotions and all that crap. That was the stupidest thing I ever did. If I knew you will start assuming things due to it trust me I would have stayed kilometers away from you. And moreover you covered the distance that day not me" he said casually.

"Oh" she looked at him mockingly. "Thank you so much for letting me know that I have assumption decease. I'm so blessed to have a boss like you who cares so much about my health. But sorry Sir. I'm in all my mental senses that I reject this proposal on your face" she showed her index finger.

He panicked. "Yeah why not and then break that little Ansh's heart who means so much to your brother who has done many things not counting them" she looked up at him.

"You think this is some kind of play?" asked she waving her hands in air. He looked away not able to meet her eyes.

"Sorry. I'm not in this. Yes Ansh is my first priority always. And no doubt I will give him that motherly love he missed and you know you are responsible for thalt and my brother is not a spineless jerk like you who will want to count the things he has done or for that matter to sacrifice what I hold so dear to my heart. " she bit her lower lip as it pained to hurt Sanskar who looked at her with a sad smile.

'Finally. You also blamed me Ragini' his heart cried in pain uncontrollable.

"But I wont pay for your guilt. I loved you and only you. And I don't need your confession. And that doesn't bind me to any vow that I should sacrifice my love for your guilt" he closed his eyes taking a deep breath.

She started moving and he held her elbow and dragged her back. "Yess you are going to pay for my guilt" he screamed and she looked at him horrified. She had never seen him so furious.

"And I will make sure of it Ms. Asthana you will marry Sahil either by hook or by crook" said he leaning to her and suddenly that devilish image of his just made her numb.

She pecked his lips surprising him when his grip on her elbow loosened. "And I dare you. I double dare you Mr. Rawat. Try me. Agar ussi mandap me tumhe apne baju me na bithaya tho mera bhi naam Ragini Asthana nahi. And your time starts now count your days. The day you will be Mr. Sanskar Rawat husband of Mrs Ragini Rawat." she smirked at him and walked back to her home after releasing her hand from his grip.

He stood there numb.

As he walked down he found Sahil with Ansh who was crying miserably.

"And I accept this proposal" she said looking at Sanskar through corner of her eye who was at the door.

Ansh got down from Sahil's arms and ran to Ragini and hugged her legs happy. She knelt and covered him in her embrace.

'I know this will break your heart Ansh but to be your mother I need not bind myself to Sahil. If he ever have loved someone in his life that's Kumud and I know how it feels when your loved ones leave' her mind battled with her heart.

She did not knew she was right or wrong but this marriage will surely put their peace of mind at stake and she surely did not wanted to do that.

She got up turning to Sanskar who watched her utterly shocked.

'YOU SURE DON'T KNOW ME MR. RAWAT' her smirk said it all.


I know I promised an emotional ride but then she is Ragini of course and she has one similarity with season one Ragini and that's her stubbornness 😂

But there is more coming up which surely will soak your tissues

Lots if love

Sally 😘

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