G 2.32

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Sanskar's eyes gleamed when he saw the mail in his inbox. He couldn't define his happiness. Finally there was a relieving thing in his life. He looked outside his cabin at Ragini's desk. He did not knew why always his eyes wanted to see her when he was happy or sad.

She was casually working on her system. Face faded and eyes lifeless. Though she was trying all her will to punish Sanskar Ragini had herself become a lifeless body in this time. The marriage preparations were going faster than expected. As the sun rose everyday only thing bothered her was her steps are getting away from Sanskar and getting closer to Sahil.

If it was Sanskar's decision she was suffering without her fault. And she was weakening emotionally with every second. "Ragu" she looked up to find Kavya who was giving her a wide smile. No wonder Kavya was lucky enough to get her love at the last step of the hope but Ragini did not expect the same miracle to happen in her life too.

But if it was meant to happen how we plan then destiny had no role to play. Ragini initially struggled but returned a weak smile to Kavya. "I'm so happy we both will be in the same house after your marriage" she screeched happy and Ragini mocked at her fate.

A tear was at the edge of her eye which she wiped without Kavya or anyone letting know of it. But it squeezed a person's heart across the glass door of the cabin - Sanskar. "Kavi. Go and call Sahil Bhai. You know if I call he will never agree" Yohan walked beside Kavya and she walked to Sahil's cabin nodding her head.

"Hey Dumb girl" Yohan smiled at her weakly. She did not retort but smiled weakly. "Why don't you talk to Sahil Bhai? Why are you doing this?" he asked leaning to her. "What will I tell him that I love his brother who is not even ready to accept that he loves me?" she looked up at him painfully.

"You want me to talk to Sahil Bhai?" Yohan asked concerned. "I wish it was as simple as it looks Yohan. But in my case the person whom I love is not ready to stand beside me" she controlled her emotions. Yohan's eyes moved to Sanskar who was watching them.

Sanskar drifted his gaze to Laptop. "I wish it was easy for him also to confess" he whispered and walked to Sanskar's cabin. "Hey Yohan when did you come?" Sanskar got up from his seat to greet him but was stopped by Yohan's hand. "Seriously Sanky Bro you did not realize when I came. Oh sorry I know you were busy staring your assistant" he said mocking Sanskar.

"Yohan" Sanskar's voice shivered. "Oh yeah correction your soon to be bhabi. Isn't it?" he asked looking straight in Sanskar's eyes. "Yohan please" Sanskar pleaded him. "That is what she will be to you in some days bro. And if you still can't subside your feelings for her. You are gonna suffer more" Yohan held Sanskar's shoulder.

Sanskar bent his head feeling helpless. "Why are you doing this Sanky bro? Don't prove that Dumb girl that you are really a Dumbledore. Nobody is happy in this. Neither you nor Sahil Bhai and what's Ragini's fault in all this mess tell me ? You very well know Sahil Bhai will never give Kumud Bhabi's place in his life to anyone." Yohan's eye filled with tears.

"Tell me one thing are you ready to give Ragini's place in your life to anyone? Leave anyone are you ready to give Ragini's place to even Diya?" asked he and Sanskar's breath hacked in that moment.

"You can't. Ragini has crossed all the barriers to your heart which you thought only beats for Diya. Ragini is near to your heart than anyone. She made you feel your emotions and made your heart, beat when you did not wanted it to. If Diya touched your heart then Ragini had touched your soul bro. You can't deny it" Yohan looked at him painfully.

"Please Yohan. I have promised Ansh and this is my only way...." he stopped his words midway. 'To make Ragini out of her guilt in future if her memory comes back. I don't want her to suffer thinking that she snatched Ansh's mother' Sanskar closed his eyes feeling helpless.

"Only way to get out of your guilt isn't it?" Sanskar turned his face away. He was used to the blames now and it never mattered to him that anyone considered him the culprit.

"But you know Sahil Bhai always fought for you. Though he had to fight you also he fought to prove you non guilty. And what are you giving him in return? A life full of pain?" Yohan asked and Sanskar just smiled at him.

"I'm sure the way Ragini made her place in my life she will surely make her place in Sahil's life also" he smiled looking at Ragini.

"She will not do it for Sahil Bhai and you very well know the reason. She loves you and where as Sahil bhai she doesn't have slightest feeling also for him" said Yohan determined.

"She will love him some day" Sanskar looked hopeful. "Love happens Bhai. It can't be forced. And she loves you and her attempts to get out of this mess proves that she loves you and only you. She will never love Sahil Bhai not only him. Not anyone except you. I know my Dumb girl" he said proudly.

"Bye" said Yohan and walked out of the cabin to Ragini's desk where Kavya was waiting for him with Sahil and Ragini on her either sides.

"Did you call Sanky?" asked Sahil to Yohan. "Um. He seemed busy so I did not" Yohan shrugged his shoulders. Sahil sighed rolling his eyes and walked to Sanskar's cabin.

After a lot of convincing Sanskar gave up and agreed to go with them.

In the car Kavya sat beside Yohan before Sanskar can sit beside in the front. He sat in the back seat where Sahil was sitting beside Ragini. He glanced at Ragini who was sitting beside Sahil and leaning to the car window. She closed her eyes not willing to look around her.

Her head touched Sahil's shoulder and he jerked her. "Control your head na Ragini" he said annoyed. "Sahil" Sanskar stopped him. "Like you control your brain and tongue" Ragini rolled her eyes.

"Yeah I control them better than you at least" he said looking at her. "I know Mr. Control freak" she said looking other side. Yohan folded his lips controlling his laugh looking at Sahil's annoyed face when he could not reply back to Ragini.

Sahil fumed looking front. "Yohan stop the car. I'm not coming anywhere" Sahil patted on Yohan's shoulder. "Bro don't be sick. Just for such a small thing you are over reacting" said Yohan. "Will you stop the car?" Sahil screamed. "Yohan even I don't want to go on any shopping with this jerk stop the car" Ragini fumed.

"You both are impossibly immature. Guys grow up" said Yohan turning the steering wheel. "Stop the car" both of them screamed at a time and Yohan jerked due to the loud noise.

He banged the breaks. Ragini got down from the car and Sahil stepped down after her. "Finally I can breath" he said fuming. "Bina break ka Lava. Huh?" Ragini flipped her hair.

"What did you call me?" asked he looking at her. "I said truth though but you were behaving like I was standing on the oxygen pipe of yours" she said crossing her arms.

"That's called wind pipe" Sahil pointed at his neck. "Oh you have a working wind pipe I thought you lost one so using an oxygen cylinder on whose pipe I stepped in the car" she screamed the last word.

"Damn girl" Sahil covered his ears. "Can't you speak softly?" asked he annoyed. "No... I'm dumb and I cannot hear alright" she said screaming more. "Oh yeah I know you lost your hearing powers in the first world war" said Sahil and Ragini fumed.

"First world war ke zamane ke nai nai. Mummies ke zamane ke tho tum ho bhatakti atma" she showed her hand to him. "And you are a antic of Harappa Mohenjuduro time" said Sahil crossing his arms. "Oye half mental it is Mohanjadaro. I don't know how you passed your elementary also" Ragini rolled her eyes.

"She is just awesome" Yohan whispered standing beside Sanskar who was watching them helplessly. Sanskar glared him and he smiled at him widely.

"And you tho were thrown out of the school remember?" he mocked her. "You" Ragini searched across the road to find a big stone. She picked it up and was about to attack Sahil. He closed his eyes in fear. "Ragini" Sanskar approached her and she glared him.

"Please" he pleaded her and she dropped the stone. "She is gonna kill me after the marriage for sure. I can't tolerate her for a minute and here people are expecting me to spend my life with this chudail" said Sahil looking at her horrified.

"Haaw" Yohan and Kavya closed their mouths and Sanskar squeezed his eyes. "You called me chudail?" Ragini glared at Sahil. "Abhi chudail ko chudail hi bulayenge na" said Sahil shrugging his shoulders.

Ragini smirked at him and in next second what she did surely nobody expected. She held Sahil's hand and bit it. "Ouch ouch someone save me. She is a cannibal. She will eat me" said Sahil trying to get out of her teeth hold. "Ragini" Sanskar dragged her away from Sahil who stood wincing in pain.

"I think I need to get a Rabbis injection now" he looked at smirking Ragini horrified. "And you taste worst than Karela yuck" she made a weird face.

"Truce" Sanskar screamed and both halted looking at him. "Gosh" he sighed with relief. "You both are getting married do you even realize?" asked he annoyed.

"And all thanks to you" Sahil and Ragini fake smiled at him.

"Fine" Sanskar rolled his eyes. "But are you going to be like this all life?" he asked helplessly. "For sure I'm not gonna compromise to this Dumb girl" said Sahil nodding his head.

"Mind you call me that name. Only Yohan calls me that and even I won't compromise to this day vampire" she said flipping her hair back. "You called me what?" Sahil was about to attack but was held by Yohan and Ragini was held by Sanskar.

"You deserve it from birth" Ragini spat at him. Sahil groaned in frustration. "Yohan you take Sahil with you. I don't think these two will fit in one car today" said Sanskar holding Ragini. "Yeah right. This Genda needs the whole car" she smirked at Sahil.

"And you moti hathi" said Sahil showing his tongue. "Yohan take him away. I will call my driver to get the car or arrange a cab" said Sanskar dragging Ragini away.

Yohan complied and made Sahil sit inside the car and drove off after Kavya sat beside him.

"Leave me Dumbledore" Ragini still struggled in Sanskar's hold. He left her when Yohan's car was out of the sight. Ragini picked up the stone and threw it in the air aiming at the car.

Sanskar nodded his head in disbelief. "Ragini" he held her wrist. She stopped as she felt his caring touch and her eyes were blank. She jerked his hand and walked to the beach where the car had stopped. Sanskar sighed and walked behind her.

"Listen to me Ragini" he was pleading as walked behind her. She just kept taking big leaps in the sand without stopping. "Please" he held her hand at last. She could not hold her emotions anymore. Her eyes turned glassy when he approached her.

She turned and collapsed on his chest. He hesitantly moved his hands to her back and she covered him in her embrace. All his reluctance broke in that moment and he placed his chin over her hair covering her in his embrace.

"Please Sanskar I don't want to marry him" she whispered in between her sobs. He was caressing her hair. It surely pained him.

She looked up at him with those painful eyes. "Do we look like couples? We have zero understanding" said Ragini and he chuckled through his tears.

"But your sarcasm matches" he said and she looked at him in disbelief. "Don't be silly. My sarcasm is far far better than that kg iq leveled idiot" said she scrunching her nose.

Sanskar chuckled at her childish behavior. "Will you ever take me serious?" asked she annoyed. "You look so cute with that deadly anger of yours what to do?" he said shrugging his shoulders.

She fumed and walked away from there. "Hey Dumbo" said he again holding her hand. "In all this I forgot completely. Our company had got a foreign deal. All our financial crisis will end after that and Ani will get the best treatment" said he cupping her face.

"Think about Ani, Think about Ansh, Think about Sahil, Think about Yohan. Why doesn't your brain think about yourself?" she mocked him.

"Because other than thinking about their happiness I have no purpose in my life" he said as tears started forming in his eyes. "Right. I was never a reason you wanted to live this life right?" she asked him and he did not answer her.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't be spending this much time with my to be husband's cousin" she walked from there with that pang of pain in her heart and Sanskar looked at her back painfully.

"Ragini wait" said he and she stopped her steps. "I'm going to be your Bhabi Sanskar. Practice calling me that now onward. Though I'm younger to you by relation I will be elder" she turned and gave him a gloomy smile.

"Can't do that right?" she approached him. "Then why are you pushing me in this Sanskar? Why?" she looked at him helplessly.

"I know you love me. Love me more than I do. But you will never confess it" she placed her hand on his cheek and wiped that tear on it which escaped his eyes while closed them.

He bent his head not able to tolerate his pain. And she caressed his forehead with her other hand. "Ansh will hate me" he whispered.

"You are his favorite chachu not for fulfilling the promises you gave him but because after Kumud dee if he has connected to someone then it's you. He has not seen his mother but his mother's love for you he feels it so he showers you with the same love which his mother left him with" she said looking at him.

Sanskar held Ragini's hand as though wishing for a support. He hugged her burying his head in her hair.

"I love you Ragini. I love you a lot" said he finally and her heart jumped with a bigger leap this time. Finally he confessed that he loved her. The waves touched the sand and those loud noises just did not fade his love.

She left a heavy breath finally hearing what she wanted to hear. A tear tripped out of her eye as the happiness filled her heart.

He could hear her loud heart beat and hoarse breathing. "See it wasn't as difficult you people were saying" Sahil was standing in front of him and smiling looking at them. "Yo bro. I told you na. Making Sanky bhai confess is easier than it looked" Yohan gave a high five to Sahil and Sanskar looked at them shocked.

"You think I will let you sacrifice your love when you did not allow me to do that?" asked Yohan crossing his arms. "And Ragini aunty will be my mumma if she is married to you also na chachu?" Ansh walked beside Sahil and stood. What he feared convincing Ansh was already done by Sahil.

He just stood numb like that for a moment. "And you are a mandh budhi Sanky really" Kavya patted his forehead and he landed in the world.

Suddenly the weight on his shoulder increased. "Ragini see" he brought Ragini front and she was unconscious already. "Ragini" he screamed and patted her cheeks but she did not respond

"What happened to her?" Sahil approached Sanskar and Ragini. "Ragini get up see. Ragini" he patted her cheeks kneeling on the sand.

He dragged her and hugged her and rocked but she did not respond. "What happened to her?" Kavya panicked. "I think again the panic attack" said Yohan looking worried. "Ragini aunty" Ansh shook her but she did not respond. "Her nose... her nose is bleeding" Sahil said panicked.

Her vision was dark. The thing which flashed in her mind just made her heart beat fast this time.

The man she had seen some days before in the hospital was smiling at her wearing a marriage attire.

She jerked in Sanskar's hold.

And you might know by this time that some secrets from the past will be uncovered in the future updates.

The final stage of this story is gonna start

Hope you are enjoying the plot.

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