extended summary & cast

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Aithne Greengrass!

Clover Greengrass!

James Potter!


     AITHNE GREENGRASS is sultry and perfect. At least that is what she likes to think about herself. She is the golden girl of Slytherin, after all. She had to get the title somehow, the boys masqueraded and the girls fawned over her. She has long perfect golden hair and gorgeous green eyes. Everyone wanted to be her, and she could not blame them. Her life is perfect! If you were looking at it through a stained glass. Now don't get her wrong, she adores being Slytherin. Aithne couldn't imagine herself in any other house. She fit the role of what Slytherin was supposed to be. She is charming and cunning, who could ask for a better girl to be at the top of the social chain? The only time she was thrown through a loop was when her mates decided to be assholes. The problem was that a lot of Slytherins had the unfortunate habit of throwing out insults like it was candy. Now, she is aware this will come as a surprise (given her last name) but she hated when others judged someone off something they couldn't change.

     She is aware she was brought up and possibly destined for this behavior. Aithne just couldn't bring herself to act or think that way. Surprise, surprise, Aithne is not the golden girl everywhere. Her parents: Elias and Calista were strict to put it nicely. Aithne along with her sister, Clover were held to high standards. Aithne will give a quick lesson on what these standards include. Never - and they mean never - show any cracks in your perfection. You are better than everyone else, act as such. Aithne could ramble on and on about what was expected of her, but to save others from wanting to pluck their hair out strand by strand, she will stop. Her sister seemed to be a lot better than her at believing what their parents said. She wished she could blindly believe them just because they were her parents. Aithne just had a hard time believing she was holier-than-thou, just because she was born with blood that was considered "pure". Did that mean she was better than everyone else? She thought - no, she knew - this was not true.

      Call it whatever you would like, Aithne is not how she portrays herself to be. She never spews out slurs or anything, she is not that big of a bitch. But she definitely could seem like a "bitch" to onlookers. This is not her fault! She is surviving, duh! There is a question she always asks herself: What would your parents think if you denounced the behavior they normalized? She doesn't know, nor have the guts to find out.

     As she dealt with this moral dilemma, there was someone she watched extremely close to figure out how he seemed to be actually perfect. Was he a fraud like her? His name is James Fleamont Potter (do not ask how she knows his middle name.) He is the golden boy of Gryffindor, but she actually believes he is perfect. James is charming and kind, she has never seen him angry. Aithne would believe he is meant for Hufflepuff if it wasn't for his chivalry.

James is always quick to action, it was heartwarming honestly. He cared for everyone fiercely, especially his friends. The amount of loyalty James possessed was astounding. But Aithne would never dare to mingle with a Gryffindor. What would her friends think of her?

That was until one day when Aithne was caught in the act, by no other than Sirius Black. She was observing James in class (it was History of Magic, she had nothing better to do!) when Sirius called her out in front of everyone. Aithne was fuming. Not only had he embarrassed her in front of everyone, but James had finally noticed her. Merlin, help Aithne!

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