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Make your life a masterpiece, imagine no limitations on what you can be, have or do.

- Brian Tracy -


You know that moment when you wish you could disappear from the surface of the earth? That was how I was feeling. It turned out to be Gladys who was calling probably asking him when he would return.

If only she could see what we were doing a few minutes ago.

After showering, I made myself busy with packing since we were leaving tomorrow. When I was done, Allie called me.

"Hey, did I wake you?" Allie said.

"No. But I want to know what made you call me at this hour."

"I need your help. Can I come over?" She asked.

"Uh, let me see..." I replied.

"Kate, I'm going out to see Nathan and I will not be back probably. So, see you tomorrow." Adam said.

Something fishy was going on. I mean Allie wanted to see me and Adam wanted to see Nathan.

"Kate, are you still there?" Allie asked.

"Yes, I was just checking if it was alright with Adam and it seems he is going out so." I told her.

"Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes."

True to her words, she came a few minutes later looking unbelievably distraught. As soon as I opened the door she hugged me tightly.

"Allie, what's wrong?" I asked with concern.

"Sit down because I'm going to tell you something that happened tonight."

"Well, that makes two of us." I mumbled.

She made herself comfortable on the couch in the living room while I went to make hot chocolate for us.

She looked at me for a long time before she said, "I kissed Nathan."

"What? How did that happen and when?" I blurted out.

"Well, you left us at the restaurant and he offered to drive me back home. I refused at first because I didn't trust my control, but there were no taxis at that hour, so I accepted. The drive was quiet and awkward but he surprised me when he asked me out on a date."

"And you accepted?"

"Yes. It's not every day that you see a hot guy asking you out. So, when we reached my apartment, I looked at him to say goodbye to him but the way he was watching me made my insides melt. And me being the idiot I am, I let my hormones take over and before I knew it I was sitting on his lap and kissing him."

"And how did he react?"

"Like every person would. He was shocked at first but he kissed me back at the same rate. I swear we were going to end up doing it but then my butt hit the honk and we both stopped, breathless. When realization hit, I scrambled out of the car and ran towards my apartment. The end."

Was I watching a movie right now?

"Damn girl. Well, Adam and I kissed too. I don't even know how we went from conversing to groping each other. I mean one moment I was eating cherries and the next moment I was on sitting on the kitchen counter kissing him. But then Nathan called him." I told her.

"What a coincidence! I guess we need to drink that hot chocolate and watch a movie to remove this embarrassment from our minds. I think I'll never be able to look him in the eyes."

We chose to watch a movie on Netflix, however, it happened to remind us even more of the earlier events. In the end we talked about the days when we were working at that coffee shop. We laughed our asses off all night after we finally dozed off on the couch.

♣ Third Person POV ♣

Steve cautiously entered into a restaurant, constantly checking behind his back as if he was hiding from someone. Meanwhile, Gladys was doing the same inside the restaurant. When she saw Steve entering, she waved at him and he walked towards her table.

"Why did you choose a restaurant? This is too risky and you know that." Steve said as soon as he sat down.

"Come on now, nobody knows us here. Besides, Adam and Kate aren't back yet, so no worries." Gladys replied sipping her cocktail.

"Well, if it wasn't this urgent, I would not have come. So tell me what are we going to do since things have become complicated?" Steve replied.

"I think we should stick to the plan. You make sure that Kate doesn't approach Adam and I will do that same." Gladys responded.

"But how? They have history, they have a past."

"Well, use your brain! Unless you want us to fail. Cause me? I'm not ready to go back into poverty. And we can't back out now, especially when we've come this far."

"You're right."


Hey lovelies,
Hope you are enjoying this as much as I am.

What do you think is going on between Steve and Gladys?
Keep up to find out more. 😅

__Quick question: do you want a POV of Adam? And if so choose two chapters. The ones which will be chosen, I will update a POV of Adam on them. 😜🙃__

See you next time.

Much love 🧡


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