ೃ⁀➷ Chapter 7: i need a job

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Park Sunghoon used to be a talented figure skater. The way his feet moved along the ice and how his body bend and twirled was beautiful and almost magical. He was like a fairy on the ice—very elegant, beautiful and breathtaking. He was astounding. He was one with the ice, hence the nickname Ice Prince.

Sunghoon won several prices in the past. He could've been the new star in the male figure skating competition—until the day he retired. He didn't know why he decided do stop competitive figure skating. He just knew it was time to move on and do something different.

His parents were shocked with his decision. Especially his mother. She had seen the next Yuzuru Hanyu in him. But Sunghoon had enough of the glittering and emotional world of professional figure skating. He wanted to live like a normal nineteen-year-old teenager.

His glass heart had been broken way too many times and even though his parents tried to support his new decision of becoming a ... normal South Korean citizen, it was hard for them to understand Sunghoon's decision.

Especially when Sunghoon only hung around at home or was with his friends.

Sunghoon barely managed to graduate high school. He didn't take a single entrance test to a college or university and didn't even have enough credits to pass those entrance tests. All he did was lounge at home, watch stupid shows on Netflix and annoy his parents.

And one day his mother had enough. Throwing the tea towel on the floor she glared at her son. "I have enough of your lazy ass" she said, "you gave up a career just to sit at home and do nothing? We didn't raise you like that!" She was visibly angry and the Sagittarius only gulped. He knew he went a bit too far when he asked his mother to cook him Ramyeon, while lounging in the couch.

"I want you to move out" his mother spoke sternly and Sunghoon widened his eyes. "M-Move out?", he asked, his eyes widening. "Mum, you don't know what you're saying... this is the anger speaking out of you—"

"I watched this for way to long, Hoon-ah" she said and pushed a black curl out of her face. "You don't do anything in the house. You just sit in front of the TV watching stupid cartoons and eat junk food. You don't even help Yeji with her school work or anything!"

Sunghoon gulped and wiped his hands on his grey hoodie. This seemed to make his mother even more furious. "And you always wear this dirty old hoodie! Do you even shower?" She moved her hands through her neck long black hair and looked up at her son.

"Until you figured out what to do with your life I want you out of this house, Hoon-ah." Her voice was cold and Sunghoon gulped. "But I have no place to go, Mum... You can't kick me out. I'm your son" he tried to squabble but his mother chuckled.

"You retired from ice skating when you knew that you barely graduated high school. You knew that there was nothing for you outside of the figure skating world. It was your decision to retire so you have to see what to do with your life from now on." She turned around. She was frustrated and Sunghoon's awkward demeanor didn't make it better.

"But—" he started but when his mother turned around and glared at him, he closed his mouth. "I'm really sorry, Sunghoon. But please try and fix that lifestyle of yours" she sighed, "I know I'm acting unreasonable, but I hope you'll be gone when I come back from buying groceries." She walked past him and sighed.

"You're really kicking me out?", asked Sunghoon and watched the shoulders of his mother tremble. "I don't have another choice, Sunghoon. Until you manage to get your life back together I have to be this Mum." She left and Sunghoon bit the inside of his cheeks. Did his mother seriously kick him out?

He didn't know what to explain when he stood in front of his best friends one-room-apartment in the south of Seoul. Sim Jaeyun, mostly known as Jake, stared at Sunghoon and his two suitcases with big eyes.

"What are you doing here?", he started and pointed at the suitcases. "And what's up with the luggage?", the Australian asked and Sunghoon gave him an awkward grin. "My mum kicked me out and I thought I could crash until I find a job and a place to live?" Sunghoon cocked his eyebrows and Jake sighed.

"She seriously kicked you out?", he asked and Sunghoon nodded. "Said I was doing nothing but being annoying so she kicked me out." Jake started laughing. "How did the Park Sunghoon sink so deep?", he asked but made way for Sunghoon to enter his small apartment.

"You know my place isn't big and I can only let you stay for a few days, right?", he asked and Sunghoon nodded. "I know, Jake. And I'm sorry for disturbing you. I know you're busy with your work." Sunghoon stood awkwardly in the middle of Jake's room and looked around.

"You can take the couch" the Scorpio said and walked into the bathroom. Sunghoon nodded and awkwardly sat down on the couch. "Jake" he called, "how do I get a job? Does the zoo need a hand or two?"

A chuckle came from the bathroom and Jake's head peeked out from the door frame. "I'm an apprentice, mate" Jake said and finished washing up. He walked over to Sunghoon. "I'm not just a part-timer" he said. Sunghoon nodded. "Sure, makes sense with you getting paid a proper sum and having a full schedule and stuff."

Sunghoon wanted to go back home. He wanted to lie in his bed and continue watching Spy X Family. But here he was, intruding into Jake's four walls because his own mother kicked him out. A sigh left his lips, when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

He pulled it out. It was a message from Lee Heeseung. A friend he made when he was working part time at a convenience store a few months ago—before everything went downhill with him.

"Did Heeseung-hyung text you as well?", asked Jake with his phone in his hand. Sunghoon nodded. "He asked if we're free this Saturday and could help out his sister's band" read Jake. Sunghoon read the text message and smiled. "We're getting paid" he said and Jake chuckled. "I have to check my work schedule first but you go ahead and accept the offer. You said you need money" Jake stood up and walked over to his desk.

Sunghoon nodded. This was a once in a lifetime chance. He had to accept the offer. So he did. And a few days later he was working for GROWING UP IN SEOUL and finding himself enjoying the work.

— 🎸 —

GUIS had just finished their set and Sunghoon was carefully picking up Lee Heereum's guitar and putting it into its case. The people in the crowd were still talking wildly about their performance and Sunghoon had to admit that GUIS was great.

The band had a great stage presence and Lee Heereum's voice was absolutely gorgeous. Plus, the work was fun! He didn't mind the physical aspect of the work. He actually really enjoyed it.

Once he collected all the instruments, he helped Jake to take Jungwon's drum set apart. "Dang, this drum set looks like it has been to hell and back" Jake chuckled, pointing at one of the High Toms. Sunghoon nodded. "That fella gives it his all. The crowd goes crazy for him" he chuckled.

Once the stage was empty, Choi Yeonjun—GUIS' manager—instructed the roadies to take everything into the van before they were free to enjoy the festival by themselves. Sunghoon smiled and was excited to get something to drink. Maybe he still had time to catch Baek Yerin on stage before he was needed again.

He thanked Yeonjun for the free time and walked with Jake, Heeseung and his friend Choi Beomgyu towards the drink stalls. Sunghoon caught the members of GUIS in front of one of the stalls. They were with a honey blonde woman and were happily cheering with her. Maybe it was one of her friends.

"You guys go ahead" Heeseung suddenly said, "I'm going to talk to my sister for a bit." With these words Heeseung walked off and threw his arm around his sister. Sunghoon smiled. He and his sister were five years apart and Yeji was in the prime of her puberty; they weren't as close as Heeseung and Heereum.

Jake threw his arm around Sunghoon's shoulder. "Come on, let's get something to drink" he smiled and Sunghoon nodded. "How'd you like the job so far?" Beomgyu asked once they were in line in front of the stall.

"It's much more physical than I thought it'd be" confessed Jake and chuckled. "But it pays well and the guys are nice" he added and nodded towards GUIS. Sunghoon followed his line of sight and saw Heeseung chat with the honey blonde girl. The two of them chuckled and then ditched the rest of the band.

From the distance Sunghoon couldn't see what was going on, but all of a sudden Heereum was embraced by pink haired Kim Sunoo and the other members of GUIS were around her as well.

Baek Yerin gave her all on the stage and performed Square. "Oh, I love that song!", smiled Sunghoon and quickly paid for his soda before walking closer to the GUIS member to watch Baek Yerin perform on stage.

He stood very close to Sunoo, who was singing along to the beautiful song. "Hey" Sunghoon awkwardly spoke and Sunoo looked over to him and gave him a cheeky grin. "Hey!", he continued to sing along.

"Thanks for giving me work today" Sunghoon awkwardly continued. He wasn't even sure Sunoo was listening to him. "I had fun working for you guys" he continued, but Sunoo seemed to only listen to Baek Yerin and completely ignore him. A sigh left Sunghoon's lips. He just wanted to thank the band for giving him an opportunity to work. His mother would feel proud of him.

"He's in his own bubble, he won't hear you" Lee Heereum's voice suddenly spoke up and Sunghoon flinched. He hadn't realized the black haired girl next to him. She smiled at him—even though her smile seemed forced and tired.

"You enjoyed the work?", she asked and Sunghoon nodded. "It was very physical but I liked being around the instruments and the band. It was exciting." Heereum chuckled and took a sip from her Cider. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

The two of them looked at the stage. Sunghoon felt like this was a good time to ask, if they needed more than just one roadie. He licked his lips and turned to Heereum. "Would you like—"

Heereum had suddenly been pulled away by Yujin. "Riki's taking a picture of us for SNS" the brunette lass giggled and made a V-sign with her hand. Heereum grinned and made the Gyaru pose.

After the little photoshoot Heereum turned back to Sunghoon. "I'm sorry" she chuckled and he moved his hand around. "It's fine" he said. "You wanted to ask something" Heereum nudged him and Sunghoon gulped.

"Would you like to have more roadies?", Sunghoon finally asked and Heereum pursed her lips. "We definitely need more. You saw how much work a concert is and Riki is still a minor so I think we definitely need more. Why'd you ask?", she pursed her lips and looked at him. "Interested in a job?"

Sunghoon blushed and Heereum opened her mouth. "You really are!", she gasped and Sunghoon nodded. "I'm in terrible need of a job and a room" he sighed, "I'm in a bit of trouble with my parents and I need a job asap. And since I enjoyed today I thought why not ask... if you guys need more roadies?"

Heereum chuckled. "Why don't you come and visit us tomorrow and we can talk about this in a quiet environment" she stretched her phone towards Sunghoon, "give me your number and I'll contact you." A smile spread on her lips.

Sunghoon beamed and quickly put in his contact details into her phone. "It would be great if you could give me a job or something" a chuckle left his lips, "I'll do anything. I promise." Heeruem smiled. "I'll text you about the job. And now enjoy the festival. It's almost 5 Seconds of Summer turn."

Sunghoon looked at Heereum once more and smiled. This was definitely a step forward. His mother would be ecstatic when she'd find out he got a job. Maybe she would let him come back home. He didn't want to annoy Jake for any longer. The boy had enough on his plate with his apprenticeship.

— 🎸 —

It was Tuesday the following week when Sunghoon finally got a text from Heereum. The lead singer had invited him over for a quick job interview. Sunghoon immediately jumped under Jake's shower and put on his nicest denim pants and black button down. He didn't know why he wanted to look formal, but he thought that was the normal procedure for a job interview.

An hour later he stood in front of a beautiful house and waited for the front gate to be opened. He had rang the doorbell twice already with no luck. He bit his lip, when suddenly the gate creaked and was opened by hand.

It was the pink haired bassist, Kim Sunoo. "Don't need to ring the bell so often" he said with a pout—making his soft cheeks even rounder, "we're not that high tech yet." He stepped aside to let Sunghoon enter and the younger male pouted.

"That's quite a look" he said scanning Sunghoon's outfit. "You're on your way to a funeral?" Sunoo chuckled and led Sunghoon into the house. "Don't mind the smell, we just cooked Ramyeon." Sunghoon took off his shoes in the foyer and gasped.

The house was huge. It looked rather traditional from the outside, but the interior was neat and cozy. Here and there was a poster from a rock band Sunghoon had faintly heard of.

"Jungwon and Riki are at school. Heeseung-hyung as well so it's just me, Yujin, Heereum and Yeonjun doing the job interview" Sunoo said and led the older male into the living room.

Sitting at the dinner table, munching on some Ramyeon, were the rest of the band. Sunoo motioned Sunghoon to sit down and handed him a bowl and a set of chop sticks. "Go ahead and eat with us first" the pink haired boy said and Sunghoon looked at the three 03-liner and Yeonjun.

"Go and eat" Yeonjun said before chugging down another portion of Ramyeon. Heeruem smiled at Sunghoon and the lanky boy chuckled awkwardly before filling his bowl with the steaming noodles.

It was quiet while the five of them were eating.

Yujin was the first who finished her lunch and leaned back in the chair. "Ah, that felt good. We hadn't had Shin Ramyeon in so long" she smiled and waited for the others to finish. Sunoo finished and wiped his mouth on his napkin, playing with the glass of water in his hand. Yeonjun was the next to finish. Then it was Sunghoon and lastly Heereum who gulped down the last bit of her noodles.

"Ah, they really tasted good this time" she smiled and drank a bit of water before turning to Sunghoon and smiling at him. "You were interested in a job, right?", she asked and Sunghoon nodded.

"As I already said on the festival, I really enjoyed the roadie work. It was very physical but I think I can get used to this." A weak smile spread over his lips as the three guitarists and their manager exchanged a glance.

"You also said something about needing a room" Heereum added and Sunghoon's face turned pale. He exhaled sharply and looked at his hands. "My mother recently kicked me out. I've been crashing at my friends place the last few days..."

"We have a spare room" Yeonjun said, "you have to pay part of the rent though. This means it'll be deducted from the paycheck you'd get for your roadie work." The 99-liner looked at Sunghoon who nodded.

"You can always work part time next to your roadie work" Yeonjun continued. "Until GUIS is popular enough to pay for all our expenses you need to work two jobs. That's what I'm currently doing."

Sunghoon nodded. "I seriously need a place and a job. And I'll be willing to work extra hard to pay my part of the rent!" Heereum looked at Yujin and Sunoo. "I mean he did the best on the festival" Yujin said, "his pictures were great and he didn't make one mistake with our instruments. I don't see why we shouldn't employ him."

Yeonjun waited patiently for GUIS to discuss and looked at Sunghoon with warm eyes. "You'll be fine" he promised, "they always discuss like this. Don't worry." It would be a lie if GUIS' discussion wouldn't make him nervous.

"So it's settled" Heereum said and stretched her hand towards Sunghoon, "welcome to GROWING UP IN SEOUL!" Her smile was so bright, it almost blinded Sunghoon. "You're giving me the job?", he asked and Sunoo chuckled. "And the room, dummy. I think you'll be a fantastic addition to GUIS. What do you guys think?", asked Sunoo.

The two girls nodded and Heereum turned to Sunghoon. "Welcome to the team" she grinned and for the first time since retiring from figure skating Sunghoon felt whole and content. For the first time he was happy with the decision he made.

— ❄︎ —

A/N: With this chapter I would like to introduce y'all to Jake Sim, the male heroine of my newest Enhypen fan fiction "Attention". It'll be book 2 of my Growing Up In Seoul series. If you're interested and want to know what Jake's book is about, head over to "Attention" now and find out.

𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠!

𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞.

𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮.


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