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🎶There's nothing holding me back ~ Shawn Mendes

The following day

Tara Afua Henrie●

Bustling past the pantry doors, I stepped into the kitchen. As usual, it was a whirlwind of activities mixed with the aroma of freshly cooked meals that instantly made my mouth water.

As I navigated through the maze of activity, greeting Maria and Zazu along the line, my eyes caught sight of a nearby tray filled with freshly baked conchas. The bread rolls just sat there, unattended, almost as if they were begging me to come consume them.

I shot a quick glance around. They all seemed super busy.  No one would notice if one went missing, right?

Unable to resist, I quickly grabbed one, feeling the warmth seep into my fingers. I took a bite, the sweet vanilla topping melting in my mouth, and I couldn't help but moan. "Mmm."

"I should sue you for that."

The familiar voice had me whipping around.

Pam stood behind me with a hand on her hip.

"I was just tasting them," I mumbled before shoving the last bit into my mouth.

"Yeah right." Her lips pulled into a small smile, and then she stepped past me to pick up the tray. "What are you doing here anyway? Aren't you a bit too early for your band rehearsal?"

"Yeah, and there's a reason. I was hoping to talk to you before the others show up." I followed her to an unoccupied workstation, where she carefully arranged the baked treats on a large, rustic wooden platter.

"Really? About what?" Pam placed a small bowl of hot chocolate in the centre of the platter.

"I don't know how to say this..." I sighed, scratching the back of my head. "But umm... I need your help convincing the others to turn down the contract."

Pam turned to me, surprised. "The contract? You mean the two-million-dollar one? Why do you want to turn it down?" Her forehead creased in wonder. "It seems like a good deal."

"Why is everyone focusing on that part alone?" I huffed. "Look, Pam, if we sign the contract, the Originally Afro-Mex Night of Music will become a thing of the past, which I can't let happen. This place means so much to me, it's my starting point. As a singer, I've grown so much here; it feels like home. I just don't want to lose that."

My sister's expression softened, and then she picked up the concha platter and handed it over to a passing waitress. "Take this to table three, please."

The waitress nodded and hurried off with the platter. 

Pam then turned back to me. "Come with me." She led the way to her office.

As soon as the door closed behind us, Pam turned to face me, perching herself on the front of her desk. "Alright, Tara. Tell me." She crossed her arms. "What's holding you back?"

"Nothing, it's just..." I rubbed my temples. "This... this contract, this change is a lot to take in. I always wanted a big break for me, Jax, Eden, and Carlos, but I didn't think that we'd have to give up what we already had to pursue greater things. This restaurant has been more than just a gig for us. It's where we found our sound, where we connected with our audience. We've built something special here, something that feels real and authentic. I don't want to lose that by signing a contract that could take us away from it all."

Pam listened quietly, and I continued, ignoring my trembling voice. "I know this contract is a huge opportunity, but I'm scared that we'll lose our identity. That we'll become just another manufactured band, losing touch with what makes us unique. I love playing here, with you and everyone else. This place feels like home."

When I finished, Pam leaned back, her expression thoughtful. "Do you know what your name means, Tara?"

My eyebrows dipped into a frown. "What has my name got to do with--"

"Just answer the question," she instructed, and I shrugged.

"Not really, no."

"It means 'star'.  Papa named you Tara because he believed that you could accomplish all the things that he couldn't, that you could become the person that he couldn't. That's why he taught you how to play the guitar. He saw himself in you, and that's why you were his favourite. I have to admit, it irked me sometimes." She twisted her lips. "That I didn't have that flair for music like you did."

"Really?" I asked in surprise, drawing close and seating myself next to her.

"That was at first." Pam shot me a smile. "But as I grew older, I realised that music is what made you, you. Papa saw it in you—he saw how bright and full of potential you were. He wanted you to reach for the stars, to achieve greatness. And I think this contract is just the right opportunity to do that and make him proud."

Hearing her speak about my dad and the things he would have wanted for me made a lump form in my throat. 

"Tara, this is your chance to shine, to reach the heights that our father always dreamt of for you. It's what he would have wanted. Yes, the Originally Afro-Mex Night of Music is special, but you have the chance to take what you've built here and share it with the world. Don't let fear hold you back."

I swallowed hard, her words resonating deeply within me. "But what will happen to the Originally Afro-Mex Night of Music?"

"Well, Roberto and Areli came up with this idea to leave the Saturday nights vacant for performances, something like an open mic night. That way, undiscovered singers have a chance to display what they've got." Pam paused, hooking an arm around my shoulder and pulling me to her side. "I don't want me or my restaurant to hold you back, Tara. You have absolutely nothing to lose if you take this deal, so stop holding back." She rubbed my arm.

Pam had definitely convinced me to take the deal, and it made me sigh. "This is not how I was expecting things to pan out."

"But you have to admit, this is a hundred times better than what you wanted," She smiled. "Sometimes in life, we have to let go of what we already have to gain something better." 

"Well, that's deep," I said, feeling a small smile tug at my lips. "Since when did you become so philosophical?"

"Since I started reading fortune cookies," Pam quipped, making me chuckle.

"Thanks, Pam. I really needed this," I said. After listening to her the relief and determination I felt was overwhelming and it only grew in size when Pam pulled me into a tight hug. "You'll do great, Tara. Now, go out there and make our dad proud."

Just as we pulled away, my phone buzzed. I glanced at the screen to see a message from.

Jax: Where are you? We're all here. We wanna talk about the contract before we start rehearsing. 

"Looks like the band is here." 

Pam nodded and stood up. "You should go join them then. I still have some rounds to make in the kitchen."

So, we both exited the kitchen, with me heading backstage while Pam returned to the kitchen. 


The next day

"Ready?" Jax asked in a steady voice, though the excitement in his eyes betrayed him. 

I turned to the gleaming building in front of me. Somewhere in there, a piece of paper with our signatures was about to change our lives forever. 

I sucked in a deep breath. "As ready as I'll ever be."

"Great, then let's go!" Carlos led the way into the lobby of Glow Records. The cool air-conditioning welcomed us from the heat outside. After exchanging formalities with the receptionist, it didn't take long for us to reach Refugio's office floor. We had just made it to her door when she called out from behind.

"Well, if it isn't my favourite band." Refugio approached us with a smile. "So glad you all made it in one piece. I heard the traffic is getting worse by the minute."

"You have no idea," Eden responded. 

"Anyway." Refugio clasped her hands. "I know you guys only came here to sign the contract. But there's someone interested in meeting you today, so follow me."

Exchanging curious looks with my bandmates, we quietly followed Refugio to another elevator, which transported us to an even higher floor of the building. When the doors finally opened, we were greeted by a spacious, modern office with floor-to-ceiling windows offering a stunning view of the city. 


A woman who appeared to be in her early sixties stood up from her desk, her presence commanding yet warm. 

"Tara, Jax, Eden and Carlos, I'd like you to meet Maggie Fernadez. The CEO of Glow Records," Refugio introduced us. "Mrs. Fernadez, this is GuiTara and the Stars of the Future." 

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you all." She stretched out a hand. "Refugio has been talking my ear off about you four."

"All good things, I hope," I said, shaking her hand.

"Oh even better than good. She says you're the next big thing, and looking at the success and talent Refugio has brought to my company over the years, I don't doubt it."

"Oh, you flatter me, Mrs. Fernadez," she chuckled.

The elderly woman brushed it away. "Have a seat, have a seat, and let's get down to business." She gestured for us to sit around a large conference table, where a meticulously organised stack of documents awaited. 

"First of all, congratulations. Refugio told me she's been following your journey since the beginning and we're thrilled that you have decided to join the Glow Records family," Mrs. Fernadez began. "I hope the contract terms are clear and satisfactory. But before we get into the formalities, I'd love to hear how you're feeling about this next big step."

Carlos turned to me, expecting me to take charge, and I cleared my throat. "Well, despite some uncertainties we had in the beginning, I think we're ready for it. We're excited and grateful for this opportunity. It's been a long journey, and we're ready to take our career to the next level."

Jax nodded in agreement. "Yeah. Minus Tara, all three of us have had some experience working in the world of music. And though it didn't end well the first time, we're happy, eager, and determined to make things work this second time."

Mrs. Fernadez listened attentively, her eyes twinkling with enthusiasm. "It's wonderful to hear that. We believe in fostering a collaborative environment, so your input and vision are incredibly important to us. We're not just signing you on as individuals; we're welcoming you as new partners into our creative family."

I smiled, feeling a bit more at ease. 

"Now, I know Refugio has already done this, but let's go over the contract details one more time," she continued, pulling out a few key pages. "I want to make sure everything is crystal clear and that you're all comfortable before we proceed."

We spent the next half hour reviewing the terms, asking questions, and clarifying points. Once we were through, Refugio pushed the contracts towards us, accompanied by a set of elegant fountain pens.

"If everything looks good, all that's left are your signatures," Mrs. Fernadez said.

Jax was the first to pick up a pen, followed by Eden and Carlos. I was the last. My hand hovered over the sheet of paper. Hesitation. Hesitation was holding me back. Then I remembered Pam's words from yesterday. 

Sometimes in life, we have to let go of what we already have to gain something better.

Gripping the pen tightly, I scribbled my signature on the dotted lines with a flourish. Here's to greatness, Papa.

As the last signature was penned, Refugio stood up, and Mrs. Fernadez clapped her hands together. "Welcome to Glow Records, GuiTara, and the Stars of the Future! This is the beginning of an incredible journey. I can't wait to see what we accomplish together."

We all stood up, shaking hands and sharing hugs. The atmosphere was electric, filled with the promise of new beginnings and endless possibilities.


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