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Marcaline's POV
Bella, Leo, Gabby, Bublegum, and I were all sitting down eating dinner.
"So, Leo and Gabby how have you been? We really only see you during pick ups at school." B said.
"It's ok. Bella and I met Blake at school and then he spent the night with us during the sleepover." Leo said.
"I've heard." She said.
"Gabby what about you?" I asked.
"Me and Annabella are becoming adventures. Oh no it's dark." She said. We were confused.
"Gabby, it's not--" B was saying and then the lights went off. I looked at her.
"How did---" I stopped. "I'll go turn on the lights." I went up and left to go to the basement.
Bublegum's POV
Marcaline left and I didn't want the kids to be scared. Then I relized that Bella and Leo both have night vision. Gabby doesn't. I got up walking towards her.
"Gabby are you alright?"
"Yeah, but watch out for that chair."
"What ch--ow."
"I thought you didn't have night vision?" Bella asked.
"I don't."
"Very interesting." I heard a click noise from Bella's pen. She wants to be a detective and she writes down all the clues she can.
"Light on!" She said loudly. At least she's getting quiter.
"Gabby, aunt Marcy is fixing the lights." Leo said. Then the lights came on. Marcy then came back upstairs.
"See, she fixed the electricity. So put away your notepad Bella." She grumbled and put it away in her pocket.
"Okay, time to get ready for bed." I said trying to change the subject. The kids put their plates in the sink and went upstairs to get ready for bed.
"She can see the future." Marcy said.
"What?" I asked confused.
"Think about it B. She said the lights would go out and they went out." I nodded.
"While you were downstairs, she said the lights would turn on and they did."
"Tomorrow I'm going to call Marsh and ask him if he knows about this."
"Okay. I'm going to go upstairs and make sure the kids are ready for bed." I turned around and felt a hard slap on my but. I turned to face Marcaline. "Marcy!" She laughed.
"I can't help it. I see a pink, plump butt. So I slapped it." I blushing really hard, Marcy came over and kissed me on the lips. "Love you bubby." I smiled.
"Love you too Marcy."

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