Vampire Kids And The Adventure Kids

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"Alright class, I'm Mrs. Treetrunks and we're going around the room and everyone tell me they're name." The little elephant pointed to the back of the room and it led to the front.
"Kattie, Mark, Oscar, Bella, Leo...." The Next kid was trying to say hid name, but instead sneezed and started a fire in the corner.
"Oh my." Treetrunks said in disbelief. The kids screamed, except for the little boy, he brought back his fire.
"Sorry, when I sneeze that happens. My name is Blake." He smiled at everyone. The whole class was silent.
"Okay, recess." Tt said. Everyone bolted outside.
Gabby and Annabella were playing outside and make believing that they were adventures.
"C'mon Gabby, we have to stop that wicked witch and save the prince!" Annabella said as they were swigging.
"Is he a pretty prince?" Gabby asked.
"Sure, he's beautiful. Now let go." They stopped their swings and ran off to the tubes. "We just need to go through the tunnel and we'll be there."
"Aww man." Said Annabella. Recess was over and it was time for arts and crafts. Gabby put her head in the tube and yelled.
"DON'T WORRY PRINCE! WE'LL SAVE YOU TOMORROW!!" She looked at Annabella.
"I think he got the message." Gabby smiled. They ran over their class and got in line.
Leo and Bella were at the swings when they saw Blake come over to them.
"Hi, I'm Blake. Will you be my friend?" Bella stood up.
"You already told us what your name is, and not right now, we have important vampire business to take care of." Said Bella.
"You guys are vampires?" Asked Blake. Leo nodded he showed him his teeth.
"Your cool. All I can do is sneeze and I burn everything." Blake said upset.
"That's okay." Leo said. "I can't turn into my monster side yet. It just takes patient." Blake smiled.
"I don't that's how your supposed to say it, but cool." He sneezed. "I mean hot." Leo laughed. Bella sighed.
"Alright, you can join our team, but be careful hot head." Blake smiled and sat on the other side of Leo and swung with them.
Gabby and Annabella were playing inside because it was raining outside. Annabella kept looking outside and then back at Gabby.
"How did you do that?" She asked. Gabby was building a tower and smiled.
"Well, I started off with these big blue blocks, then I got some red ones and put th---"
"No, not that. That!" She pointed outside. Gabby gave a confused look.
"Oh no! I broke the cloud?!" Annabella face palmed.
"Earlier you said we'll see you tomorrow to the prince. Then it starts raining, how did you know it was going to rain. It was sunny." Gabby shrugged.
"Look, it's my father." Gabby ran over to Gumball and Annabella walked over too, since he was her ride back home.
"Hey girls did you have fun today." Gabby nooded her head.
"It was something alright." Annabella said. Gumball laughed and took them home.
Blake, Leo, and Bella were inside coloring.
"My favorite color is orange." Said Blake.
"Mines pink." Leo said. Blake looked at him.
"I can tell, your pink all over." Leo laughed a little.
"My daddy said that I was pink little bundle of joy when I was little. I'm still little, so am I still a bundle of joy?" Blake nodded.
"You never knew him when he was a bundle, I did however." Bella said smiling.
"Bella, your younger than me. How did you know me when I was a bundle if you weren't here?" Bella turned her head.
"Look it's your daddy Leo!" He smiled and ran over to him, so did Bella and Blake.
"Hey daddy, I've made a new friend." Leo showed him Blake.
"Hello, what is your name?" Blake hid behind Leo. Bella nudged Marshall.
"Pst, it's your fangs he's scared about." Lee noodded.
"Don't worry, I'm not bad." Blake looked up at him and smiled.
"My names Blake." Marshall shook his hand.
"Nice to meet you."
"Daddy!" Blake said. Behind Marshall was Blake's dad Flame Prince.
"Hey Marsh." Marshall turned around and smiled.
"Hey Flame Prince. I didn't know Blake was your kid." FP nooded.
"Yep, he's my little ball of fire." He looks at Bella and Leo. "Are both of them yours?" He asked. Marshall puts a hand on top of Leo's head.
"Leo is mine and I have another one, Gabby but she's at preschool. Bella is my niece." FP nooded and looked at them.
"Well he's adorable." Blake goes over and hugs Leo. Leo hugs him back.
"Hey, why don't you come over for dinner tonight. The kids can play and we can all catch up." FP smiled.
"We would be happy to." Leo smiled.
"Blake, you can see all my toys and my room and my bed and Gabby, but she's younger than me, so she's not into what we're into." Marshall and FP laughed.
"Alright guys we have to go and meet with your parents, and your sister and dad." Leo waved goodbye to Blake.
"Bye Blake."
"Bye Leo, bye Bella." Blake said.
"Bye Blake." Bella said. They began walking home to tell Gumball and Gabby the good news.

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