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It was evening when Shivaay heard someone crying. He got scared and ran towards the voice.

S- Oh My God! Is there another ghost here?

Shivaay said while beads of sweat appeared on his forehead which he wiped with curtain beside him.

He ascended the stairs and walked towards the library from where the voice of crying was coming from.

He opened the door of library and searched the library to spot that voice.

Suddenly, his eyes felt on Anika scooped up in a corner of the library and reading a book while wailing loudly.

He sighed and walked towards her.

S- What the hell is going on here?

Shivaay asked her angrily and she looked at him with teary eyes.

A- Tragedy.

Anika said and burst into tears while Shivaay frowned in confusion.

S- What tragedy?

Shivaay asked her in confusion and Anika showed the book to him which she was holding.

A- The hero died while saving heroine. This is the biggest tragedy I've ever read.

Anika burst into tears again and Shivaay rolled his eyes.

S- You know your loud wailing sca... Uhmm Hmm.. made me worried.

Shivaay deliberately omitted the word 'scared' because he knew Anika would tease him about it.

A- Why do you keep such depressing books. Now I'm feeling so depressed. I feel like my life has ended. I know it will end in a few days but still.

Anika was blabbering unnecessarily and Shivaay sighed in defeat.

S- Okay. Come on. I'll make coffee for you. It's just a book so no need to do so much drama.

A- What! You'll make coffee for me? Are you trying to poison me or something?

Anika asked him in shock and Shivaay rolled his eyes.

S- No. I'm not trying to poison you but if you don't stop your drama then I definitely will.

Shivaay said while glaring at her and Anika cleared her throat in fear.

A- Solly!

Anika said in a baby voice and Shivaay frowned in confusion.

S- What?

A- Sorry.

Anika said after clearing her throat.

They were walking down the stairs when Anika decided to ask him something.

A- By the way, when you died so many years ago then how is your book collection so updated?

Anika asked him and Shivaay rolled his eyes.

S- Well, I like to update my book collection from time to time and I can easily take books from the bookstore without someone noticing so it's easy.

Shivaay said and Anika's eyes widened.

A- Oh My God! You're a thief.

Anika shouted in shock and Shivaay glared at her.

A- Uh no! I mean how would you even pay. My mistake.

Anika said sheepishly and Shivaay turned his face to other side to hide his smile from her.

They reached kitchen and Shivaay started making coffee.

S- How much sugar do you want?

A- 5 spoon sugar.

Anika said and Shivaay looked at her with wide eyes.

S- 5 spoon sugar? Are you serious? Normally people drink coffee with little bit of sugar but here I think you're drinking sugar with little bit of coffee.

Shivaay said with a chuckle and anika frowned at him.

A- Whatever. I like my coffee with good amount of sugar. Is there a problem?

Anika asked him and he shook his head in negative.

S- Whatever you need.

He gave the coffee to Anika and she took the first sip and closed her eyes in bliss.

A- Wow! You definitely have some talent. This is the best coffee I've ever had in my whole life. You even failed Ramu kaka's coffee.

Anika said and Shivaay frowned when she compared him to Ramu Kaka.

S- Of course, I'm better than Ramu Kaka. What does he has that I don't?

Shivaay asked her and Anika chuckled.

A- Experience.

S- Well then I'm more experienced than your Ramu kaka because i don't think he was even 5 years old when I died.

Shivaay said with a smirk and realisation dawned upon Anika and her eyes widened.

A- Yeah! You're right.

Anika said and Shivaay had a content smile on his face.

Suddenly, they heard hard banging on the door. Anika shook in fear and scooted closer to Shivaay.

A- What's that noise?

S- Oh! It's nothing just some ghosts who want to enter the house but they can't because there's a barrier around the house which stops the ghosts to enter the house.

Shivaay said and Anika sighed in relief.

A- Thank god.

Suddenly, a loud bang was heard and Shivika turned to look at the door.

They were shocked to see that the main door burst open and now the ghosts were entering the house with sinister smiles on their faces.

Shivaay and Anika's eyes widened in horror.

A- B.. but... You .....sai...said that... They... Can't ....ent...enter the ....house...

S- I guess now they can.

Anika and Shivaay exchanged a worried glance.

Hello everyone.🤗🤗

Here you go with the next Chapter.😁😁

How was it?😊😊

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