Forms: Gundam Pilots

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Hey everyone. It's me, Weeksjmj29. This is the form for those who wish to pilot gundams and mobile suits and experience what the pilots of the mechs experience as they do battle with others. Those who fight and dis for what they believe in.

Now before I put up the form, here is an important notice you need to know. If you wish to do the Story Line rp for regular Gundam pilots, you need to know this. In the story, there are 3 sides. The UFE, the United Federation of Earth, which is also know as the Vexus. The EA, the Empire of Astrana, which is also known as the Astra. And lastly, The OG, the Order of Genesis, which is also Nova.

The UFE, the United Federation of Earth, also known as Vexus, is the main government of Earth. They make the rules as well as keep the peace on earth. To the people of earth, they are kind and just. However, to the space colonies, they are considered to be tyrants. They oppress the people of the colonies and sought to gain from the suffering of the colonists. However, they are oppressed by the power of the EA.

The Empire of Astrana, also known as Astra, is a coalition of space colonists that want nothing to do with earth. So they formed their own sovereignty on the planet Dexa. At first, the sovereignty was unsteady and could've broken apart, had it not been for a woman named Alicia Astrana. She was the gentle soul that rallied people to fight for her. She became the Empress of Astrana, the spirit of love. When the  news of UFE's treatment of the of the space colonist reached her ears, she demanded a meeting with the leader of UFE, Victor Ren. The meeting however was an ambush, as mobile suits and soldiers of UFE tried to assassinate Alicia. She was injured badly and ended up in a coma.

Angered by the attack on Alicia, the Empire of Astrana declared war on UFE. The war would come to be called War of the Seven Stars. A war that would last seven years and maybe even more, if it weren't for the intervention of the OG.

The Order of Genesis, also known as Nova, is a coalition of antiwar sentimentalists who believe that war is never the answer and they sought for peace. A peace they were willing to fight and die for.

And now, we get to the form.

Character Form:









Weapons(outside mech):

Group(the 3 that have been made. If not in the story or want to be separate, choose individual):

Background Story:


Gundam/Mobile Suits:


Gundam/Mobile Suit:

Size(how big your mech is):


Abilities(what it can do):


Special Abilities(what abilities that only the mech can do.):

Special Weapons:

Background info:


Alright. That's it for this form now the others will be up soon. Ciao for now.:)-Weeksjmj29

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