Chapter 17

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we zoom the location near l5

Boaz where a huge battle was begining as the ea forces were trying to breakthrough due to them receiveing a strange data last hours

which was a blessing

as the admiral William Sutherland was ordering their forces to deal with Zaft and clear the way for The Peacemakers team to reach the target

as the peacemaker squad reached the target the Moebies armour fire their payload

as nuclear explosives detonated wipeing out Boaz

William:all teams mission completed we wait for our nukes to resupply and we will strike the plants for the preservation of our pure blue world

was heard all throught the fleet exept for the three ace pilots Morgan Rena and Edward were shocked of this carnage the ea unleashed but they knew they must do their duties

Rena:i wonder if i would face her

Morgan:you encountered and ace pilot of the union i presume

Rena:yes her name is Mica all know is she pilots a 105 dagger and is deadly in usuing that machine

Ed:intresting  and who is the leader of this union that you fought

Rena:i didint fight him all i know is he is a natural Name Blagoj and he and the pilot of the freedom were responsible for inflecting heavy casualties on our pilots during the battle of orb

Morgan:intresting i cant wait to meet him

Rena:we might meet them seeing we are heading towards  the plants

as the three pilots continued their talks

meanwhile at the coalition they received dire news

Athrun:hold on Boaz was destroyed how

Blagoj:it seems like Rau knew if the pod was destroyed the data would have been sent the ea has their nuclear arsenal and they used it to destroy Boaz

Erica:it will take them time to resupply their nukes if they want to strike

Lacus:then we must hurry set course for the plants thats their target

Blagoj:full spead ahead

as the rest of the coalition fleet moved to head towards l5

meanwhile in the the hangar many of the pilots from the coalition were meeting to discuss their final battle of the war

Blagoj:so this is the final battle

Mica:it appears so love i cant wait to face her

Mu:who would you face Mica Exactly

Mica:i encoutered an ea buster dagger pilot A Female Named Rena Imelia do you know her

Mu:i know her she was the one that trained those gundam pilots before they were killed and you will face her do not underestimated her she is deadly and know as the sakura blossom

Martin:sir if you encouter a pilot usuing a 105 dagger he is mine to face

Blagoj:let me guess Morgan Chevalier will be there i see Martin you have your orders are to deal with Morgan i Will deal with Mask face if he shows up

Mu:hey im also helping you to take down mask face

Blagoj:fine Mu but becareful my spies reported that zaft has one gundam left in their reserve and that one is for mask face himself

Nicol:playing on the piano a song

Dearka:so What do we expect to face at Jakim due

Ivanov:knowing the final battle will be massive we will be facing both sides plus me and Nora will keep the ea ms distracted the important thing is to deal with the peacemaker squad which carries the nukes

Nora:smiling this will be fun after this Dear you and i will be going on a date

as the talk continued in the hangar all of the pilots and admirals and captains of the union and orb along with the defectors know what would happened if they fail humanity will die

but if they win the war will end

meanwhile at l5 Chairman Zala was not happy Boaz was destroyed what is worse the eternal was not destroyed

and even then then naturals are heading here to end the plants he thought

Rau:sir we are ready for the battle

Patrick:good those naturals will die in this part of space and would learned why us coordinators are superior

Eliza:i will prepare the troops for the battle

meanwhile back at the ea they reached the plants and have begun their attack both sides were slaughtering each other

the coalition on the other hand arrivied just in time

Dune:all ms pilots launch

Natarle:this will be the final battle

Murrue:you are cleared to launch

Lacus:launch the meteors

as the two meteors were opened both Kira and Athrun atteched them and rushed forward to the battlefield

AS for the rest of the pilots launched to deal with both sides

Blagoj was facing Ed the ripper and his sword calamity

Ed:your good

Blagoj:why do you fight for the ea when they oppress the nations of the world and are controlled by blue cosmos as he opened fire on him

Ed:kid i know but how can  i break free from their  clutches

Blagoj:never surrender never give up

is what is said to my soldiers when we fought in the war of three powers

Ed:im impressed kid as he looked to see he was out of power damm you win this round kid see ya later as he withdraw

Blagoj:hmm focus on dealing with the ea ships as he sunk half of their ships and took out half of their ms

Ea ms pilot:he is fast ahhhh

Ea ms pilot 2:he is the reaper no stay back ahhhh as he was taken out

ea ms pilot 3:fall back as they withdraw

meanwhile Kira and Athrun managed to take out all the nukes only for the battlefield to change with a speech from Zala inspiring the troops and for a strange mirror to appear it was genesis

Yzak:get away from that thing

Blagoj:all troops clear

as the coalition managed to avoid the blast the ea werent lucky as the three ace pilots were defeated and captured aboard the union new  carrier and placed as pow

Blagoj:to all soldiers of the coalition we face a threat of extinction the ea and zaft wont stop they will exterminate each other but the consequences will be worse both sides will be extincted we will fight to prevent this genocide from happening long live the coalition and the neo soviet union uraaaaaaaa

was heard as they lauched their counter attack on the Genesis as they evaded the second shoot Blagoj explained the plan was simple

Blagoj:Athrun and Cagalli:you are to  get to Jakim due and find a way to shut it off the rest of us will try and figure out a way to destroy it  got it

Athrun:understand come on Cagalli we have to get to Jakim due

Cagalli:got it stay safe bro

Blagoj:got it his newtype abilities activated as he saw three strike daggers being destroyed and he saw a gundam with several remote controlled weapons on board them and seeing Mu face him

Hold on Hawk im coming

as he opens fire on the Providence the gundam evades

Blagoj:Mu are you okay

Mu:im fine kid but my gundam is damaged

Blagoj:fall back i will deal with mask face

Mu:got it as he withdraw

Blagoj:so Rau is just you and me

Rau:your ruined my plans Blagoj i will ensure you die

as they begun to fight each other Blagoj was able to evade his dragoons and opened fire on him as he dodged and rushed towards him blagoj drawed his beam saber and clashed with Rau and his Providence as they were trying to kill each other Rau was shoot from behind by the Freedom

Kira:bro are you okay

Blagoj:Im fine help me kill this mad man

Kira:got it bro

Rau:hahahahahaaha the ultimate coordinator and natural think they can kill me i will end you two and humanity will die you wont stop me

Blagoj:you are nothing but a mad man born  from your greed you will die here

Kira:die as he opens fire at the providence

as the battle contined near Genesis was ready to fire a third time but Blagoj had  a plan for Rau he opened fire with his grappling stinger installed on the Morrigan on one of its arms

Rau:hah you missed

Blagoj:did i mask face check  your power

Rau:no no noooooooo damm you  as he s gundam lost power as the stinger blagoj fired took out the n jammer and without it his gundam lost power and was primed near Genesis

as the two pilots left they looked too see the Strike Rouge

Blagoj:what happened sis

Cagalli:bad news when we got to the Main Control room  zala set them to fire unless he died it will fire at the earth but  Athrun solved that

Kira:so you left your gundam behind

Athrun:it was the only choise i had  it should explode now

as they look too see Genesis firing at the providence and exploding at the sametime

they received a communication from the plants and the ea

Blagoj:its over we won the war Ivanov status report

Ivanov:sir we lost half of our ms are destroyed or damaged we lost many of our space fighters have been destroyed and half of the fleet is either damaged or destroyed

Blagoj:it has come to a cost salute our brave soldiers

after the battle a treaty was signed by the two nations the union on the other hand would remove the ea influence from Eurasia and a new nation was borned the neo soviet union would become a superpower and would modernize the entire nation to follow the ways of Lenin who they believe was the true communist

at the sametime Blagoj and the coalition meet to discuss the plans of forming An Organazation Terminal to prepare for a new war

as the first one may have ended another may start  later

so they would use their time to rebuild the world

Cagalli became the leader of orb While a war trial was held by the union and plants and declared the four zaft pilots innocent and they fought for their homeland  and stopped a mad man from completing his plan

meanwhile in the plants Yzak and Dearka keep their red uniform but Yzak was promoted to commander and  was given a new team

Nicol and His mother moved to orb after his father sacrifieced his life to kill Zala and he still pilots the samurai blitz from time to time

As for Blagoj and Mica they gotten married and invited their friends and members who fought

Meanwhile in the plants A person Named Shin was meeting with one of the union instructor was training him

union ms instructor:so Shin how did it go

Shin:its brutal but still those lesson you taught me would help me in battle also tell your leader i own him my thanks for saving my family

Union ms instructor:dont worry he and his wife are thankful

Shin:he gotten married 

Union ms instructor:yes i  believe you should go your friends are looking for you kid

Shin:thanks mister

Union ms instructor:no problem kid

as the day ends

the ones that fought in the bloody valentine war prepare because they would sooner face a new threat from the ea

the first war may have ended

but the battle for humanity destiny had begun

find out next time

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