Guel's Pride

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"Kira Yamato/Suletta Mercury!" - Normal Text.

"Strike/Aerial!" - Some Random-Ass Bold Text That I Put Just To Make It Look Cool When Other Fanfics Do It Cuz Why Not Text.

"Launching!" - Thinking Text.

"Bruh" - Comms/Mic/TV Audio/ZOOM Meeting/Flashback Text


"You have to win this duel." Miorine said as she guided Kira and Suletta through the corridors or hallways of this place, "So both of you won't be expelled and I won't be forced to marry."

"But I don't want Kira-nii-chan to do it." Suletta refused as Kira and Miorine just looked at her, with the latter asking her.

"What? You're not Kira. It only makes sense for us to fight together now!"

"But my list... I made a list of things I wanted to do with or without Kira-nii-chan when we arrived to school." Then she went on to list the things she wants to do when going to school; with one of them being to going on dates with her brother and have more sex with Kira, in which the two sane students blushed as Kira bonked the pervert's head, "Ouchie!"

"Stop that you pervert, you're making the situation awkward." Kira said as the atmosphere became awkward due to Suletta's innocent yet perverted shit, "Besides, you're not the one fighting. I am."

Then they continued through the corridor.

"But still, cheating is wrong!" Suletta continued while holding her head when Kira bonked her as Miorine looked at her.

"Calm down! It's not going to happen right away." Miorine assured, in which Kira asked her "Why is that?". Which Miriorine replied, "Because the legal age for marriage is 17. Which means it won't happen until my birthday, at least." Then they reached out of the corridor.

"R-Really?" Suletta asked as Miorine looked towards the window showing the deep space.

"I'm going to escape here and go to Earth, no matter what." Miorine declared as she looked at the two pilots, "You two need to play as my groom until then." then she raised her pinky, "Let's make a deal."


With Guel Jeturk, he's in his new mobile suit called the Daribalde as he took off his helmet.

"Welcome back young master." a Jeturk company staff member asked the boy, "How did you like the Daribalde?"

Guel then went out of his new mobile suit, but not before he grabbed the collar of the staff member, enraged at what they did to his mobile suit, "What the heck did you do to this mobile suit?"

The staff member seemed unfazed by Guel as he explained, "We added a 5th generation Decision-Making Extension AI. It's still a beta version, but it makes composite Bayesian predictions from previous combat data-"

This added more salt to Guel's pride, "Am I not skilled enough to win?!"

Then Vim pulls back his son by the right shoulder and slaps him.

Guel then fell to the Darialde, in disbelief that his dad slapped him again, "Dad..." muttered Guel.

"I gathered these staff members as well as the Daribalde just to make you win." Vim said as he looked at his son, "The Strike is a multi-mode mobile suit, meaning it could use one of its weapons in the duel, but Lady Prospera told me that the Aile Pack is present here, meaning that you could be troubled by its speed. So there's no room here for childish pride!"

Guel then looked down, his pride now wounded by his father as Vim continued, "If you want to be treated like an adult, then win and reclaim the title of Holder from the son of the White Devil!"

With no other choice, Guel reluctantly accepted his father's orders, "Yes, sir."


With Suletta, she's currently changing her clothes from that gown into her school uniform, Suletta video calls her mom on her student notebook.

"Say, Mom. What's a Gundam?" Suletta asked her mom.

"What's this all of a sudden?"

"Those people from the Benerit Group say that Aerial's a Gundam. Also, I also heard that they also called Strike-nii a White Devil along with Kira-nii-chan, who was called the son of the White Devil instead. They even call me a witch." She explained as she tried to put on her socks while floating around, "Is it true?"

"I don't recall raising you as a witch." Prospera said, now without her mask on, "But I can tell you about Kira-kun's. We adopted him  when he, his dad, and the Strike arrived at Mercury, right?"

"I think so... I can't remember." Suletta said as she wore her top uniform.

"Kira's dad was the original pilot of the Strike, but as soon as they arrived at Mercury and met us, he died soon after Kira's ninth birthday. " bluffed Prospera, "Of course, I know about that past incident and about Gundams. But you, Kira, Strike, and Aerial aren't like that, Suletta. You're my precious children after all. Your mom will vouch for you."

Now Suletta zipped up her uniform top, now finished changing, "Now, don't you have to leave yet?" Prospera pointed out as Suletta panicked, realizing that she was late.

"Oh, no! Well, good luck at work, Mom!"

"Thank you." Prospera said as we switched to her perspective for the time being, "Good luck to you too. Give Kira-kun my regards, alright? Suletta."


The siblings are currently heading to their class, but they're also met with gossip from their schoolmates.

"Look, there they are./The Mecurian Siblings./The one who cheated?/Ah shit, it's the son of the White Devil./I heard the duel's being redone." The two tried their best to ignore the gossip and continue on, but they were greeted by Nika Nanaura.

"Kira Yamato-san! Suletta Mercury-san!" Nika greeted as she approached the two, "Good morning!"

"Morning to you to, Nika-san." Kira greeted back then he looked at Suletta, who tried her best to communicate by stuttering, "T-Thank you for your-"

"I was watching it!" Nika cheered as she took out a pen and tablet, "Your mobile suits were amazing! And Kira-san your mobile suit is even more! I don't care if you are the son of the White Devil, but that machine of yours is cool!" 

The two are dumbfounded as they respond with an "Eh?" to the mecha geek, who begins asking them questions about the Gundams.

"What kind of layer structure is it using for its swarm control? Is it conventional?" Nika asked as she then looked to Kira for her question, "Kira-san, from what I remember, the White Devil can change its weaponry by the use of its backpacks. Is it true? Oh! Oh! What's the armor plating on your machine's called and what's it made of?" then she looked to Suletta, "Or that swarm control is based on simultaneous spatial concept?"

"My mom said something about "using successive spaces concurrently..."" Suletta said as she repeated what Prospera told her about the Aerial.

"So that's it! Now I understand the concept-synthesizing schema! It enables it to clear the friction!" then she looked back to Kira, waiting for his answer. Kira was reluctant at first, but he was about to reply in the end until he was called out by Guel Jeturk's voice.

"Oi! Mercurian Bumpkins!" The three students looked at the direction as Guel and the Jeturk House members walked toward them, "Our last duel was voided. Now we'll settle things for real." Once they reach the three, Suletta hides behind Kira.


"W-Well, if that's the case, then..." 

"That brother of yours will fight me."

The Suletta sighed in relief, "That's a relief."

"A relief?!" Guel did not take kindly to those words as he yelled to Suletta, who hid even further behind Kira, who began to defend his sister by extending his arm.

"Hey, hey, hey. Let's calm down and let's talk this out like civilized adults." Kira said as he tried to calm down Guel, "I heard from Miorine that I'll be your opponent. My sis and I beat you before, I wouldn't mind beating you again."

Guel, whose right eye is twitching, didn't like that, "Don't get carried away, you fuckin' bumpkin!"

Before this could escalate any further, the class bell rang, in which both siblings used this to escape.

"Ah! Suletta-san! Kira-san!" Nika called out to the fleeing siblings as Guel and co just looked at them with Guel clicking his tongue following afterwards.

The scene changes in Vim's office as Prospera hands over data she had on the assassination attempt on Delling to Vim, sarcastically thanking him for his help in the inquiry.

"Your help in the inquiry was invaluable." Prospera sarcastically said as she handed over the USB, "Thank you very much."

Vim accepted the USB as he looked at the device in his hand before him then looked back at Prospera, "You blackmailed me. Don't be sarcastic."

"Let's not meddle in each other's business from now on." Prospera then tried to leave the office as Vim called her out.

"How did you know about the assassination attempt?" Vim demanded, wanting to know how Prospera knew about his motives, but Prospera replied, "Call it a trade secret."

With Shaddiq, who.'s outside, he video calls his father on his student notebook

"Why didn't Delling object Shin Sei's request?" Sarius asked, curious as to why Delling didn't object to Shin Sei, "Vim Jeturk's defending them bothers me, too."

"Prospera Mercury, representative of Shin Sei Development Corporation." Shaddiq read out the data that appeared in his notebook about Prospera, "She belonged to the Mercury Development Group, married in the field, gave birth to Suletta Mercury, and became Kira Yamato's adopted mother after the death of his father, the White Devil." then he continued, "Injuries to half her body from a resource mining accident... So that explains how Kira got the Strike and how Prospera got that headgear and right arm."

"She's officially in charge of development, too." Sarius added as Shaddiq chuckled, wondering how Prospera got the funds.

"How would she find funds and infrastructure in that backwater?" Shaddiq wondered, "There's no record of her registry as a mobile suit engineer."

"In that case, who could have built that machine?" Sarius asked, "The Strike was built by Vanadis according to Prospera when she and the members looked at the OS."

Shaddiq spots Miorine riding a scooter from afar and is ordered by his father to look into Prospera's daughter, which doesn't go unnoticed by his father.

"Shaddiq. You look into the daughter."

"Yes, Tou-san." he hung up the call as he laid his back down on the artificial grass, "Things are getting interesting."

At the greenhouse, Miorine is done doing things to her plants. That is until she notices Suletta brings two bags of fertilizer to the entrance.

"I'll leave the fertilizer here." Suletta then placed down the fertilizer.

"Bring it to me." Miorine said, now she does not mind her coming in.

"You don't mind if I come in?"

"Go ahead, I already didn't mind your brother coming in here as well."

Once Miorine said that, Suletta then began to interpret that they were already best friends, but Miorine declined.

"Well, whatever we are, if Kira loses that duel, it's over for us."

"Have faith in Kira-nii-chan. He's the best mobile suit pilot that I've ever known."

"I'll believe it when I see it."

Then out of nowhere, Elan approaches Suletta calling out her name.

"Suletta Mercury." Elan called out as Suletta looked back to the boy, recognizing him.

"Elan-san, right?" Suletta said as Miorine looked back to the girl, turning on her electric garden shovel, "Th-Thank you for..."  She tries to thank him for their previous encounter, but Elan comes here with a different agendas.

"I came here to summon your brother to a Dueling Committee meeting." Elan said.

"A committee?" Suletta replied, not knowing what that is as Miorine decided to help her out while in the greenhouse.

"This guy's a member of the Dueling Committee." Miorine explained.

"I didn't know how to reach you or your brother." Elan admitted, "May we exchange contacts?" then he reached for his notebook. Suletta did the same as their notebooks are now to one another and their contacts are now exchanged.

Suletta feels glad as she has accomplished item 12 on her list; exchanging contact info with someone, "Number 12 on my list came true."

"Your list?" Elan enquires on what else her list is.

"Exchanging contact info with someone." Suletta said, "It was something I wanted to try when I got to school."

"What else is on your list?"

"Making friends, calling them by nicknames..."

"Going on dates. Marrying your brother, and making babies by having intercourse without his consent." remarked Miorine as she was at the entrance, which Suletta called her out while blushing.

"I hope... you'll fulfill many wishes on your list." Elan said as he began to notice that Kira was not with them, "Oh, where's Kira Yamato?" Suletta then answered him saying that Kira's at the hangar.

"He's at the mobile suit hangar, do you want me to inform him?" Elan nodded at that as Suletta began to contact her brother and inform him about the meeting.

"Hey, Kira-nii-chan. Elan here told me about a meeting-"

"I'm already approaching there, Suletta." Kira said revealing to where he is now, "Secilia-san approached me while I was talking with Nyla-nee at the hangar. Now I'm being escorted by her."



Now Elan and Suletta take the elevator up to the Dueling Committee Lounge. As the elevator doors opened, they were greeted by Shaddiq.

"Welcome to the Dueling Committee Lounge." bowed Shaddiq as he approached Suletta, "My name is Shaddiq Zenelli." he then grabbed Suletta's hand for a handshake, "Nice to meet you, Suisei-chan."

"Nice to m-meet..." She respectfully introduced herself to Shaddiq until she saw Guel at the sofas as she ducked down, much to the irk of the said boy. The elevator doors opened to reveal Kira and Secilia.

"Hey, are we late? The hangar section is too far from here." Secilia said as she and Kira entered the lounge.

"Not quite, in fact, you guys are just in time." Shaddiq said as he approached Kira and shook his hand, "It's nice to meet you, son of the White Devil. I am Shaddiq Zenelli." Kira nodded at Shaddiq as he bowed.

"May I ask what am I here for exactly?" Kira asked, having no idea why he and Suletta were here.

"The oath, boyo." Secilia said as she smacked Kira's back, who yelped in pain as he rubbed his back, glaring at her.

"That's right." Shaddiq confirmed, "The oath for the duel."

Now, Guel and Kira stand facing each other with Elan explaining the terms and location of the duel.

"Both parties, deposit your souls on Libra's scales." Elan explained, "The duelists are Guel Jeturk and Kira Yamato."

"The location will be the 7th tactical testing sector. The one-on-one code will apply. Any objections?"

"Y-yeah." Suletta raised her hand on the sidelines, accompanied by Shaddiq and Secilia, "Why am I here?"

"Because you're new here." Shaddiq said, "And so you could have an idea how duelists plan the duels."

"Oh..." With that out of the way, Elan asked if there were any objections.

"None./None." both pilots answered.

"Kira Yamato." Elan called out, "What is your stake in this duel?"

"A stake?" Kira asked as Shaddiq answered.

"Our duels require you each to place something on the line." Shaddiq explained as he counted his fingers, "Money, an apology, a woman or man..."

"You're the only one who'd bet women." Guel remarked to Shaddiq.

 "I'm not as bad as you think." Shaddiq defended himself, "And I know they'll always demand I give the girls back."

Suletta then looked at the two bickering as she now thought of a stake for her brother, "Kira-nii-chan, how about apologizing to Miorine-san." That seems to be a good idea as he told Elan his stake.

"Guel Jeturk, what is your stake in this duel?" 

"Same as last time." Guel said.

"Alea jacta est. The duel is approved." Elan formally approves the duel with a clasp of his hands.

"How nice for you, Guel-senpai." Secilia called out as she sat down with Rouji, "When you have powerful parents, you can even undo the results of a duel. You'll have no excuse if you lose this time. If I were you, I'd reconsider." mocked the girl which Guel didn't take that very lightly.

"If you want to duel me, just say so, Secelia!" Guel threatened in which Secelia waved it off.

"I'm giving you advice!" Secelia joked, "I don't want to see your market value drop any lower. Or has it already bottomed out?"

Upon hearing her joke about Jeturk's market value, Guel approaches Secelia but Suletta cries out.

"Stop it! No!" Suletta cried out as the people present in the lounge looked at her, "L-Laughing at someone who doesn't run away is... It's wrong!"

Then the three pilots take the elevator down from the Dueling Committee Lounge.

"Why would you say something like that? Don't you want to laugh at me, too?" Guel asked thinking she laughed at him, too.

"It's because "If you run, you gain one." Suletta said as they left the elevator, "F-For example if you're facing a strong enemy, by running away, you'd gain safety and security."

"I wouldn't run." Guel said.

"But if you fight, you might lose!"

"I wouldn't lose!" Guel said as he looked at the siblings, then specifically to Kira, "I wouldn't care if you're the son and pilot of the White Devil. The last time was a fluke."

"But it wasn't a fluke." Kira said.

"If I hadn't let my guard down, I would have won, even if it's a 2V1." Guel kept on.

"Which is another way of saying you lost, right?" Guel didn't like what Kira told him, but Kira kept on going with positive words, "But either way, it's fine."

"What? What's fine?"

"Kaa-san told me that if you move forward without running, you gain confidence in yourself, or experience, or recognition. You gain a lot more than you would by running." Kira explained, "Or basically, just learn from your mistakes."

"Ah. That's why "If you run, you gain one."" Suletta continued, "And, "If you move forward, you gain two.""

"That's quite a philosophy." Guel mockingly praised as Suletta told him that said philosophy is from their mother., "A good parent huh?"

Guel concludes she has a good parent and walks away before she can finish her next sentence.

"I don't get him." Suletta commented as Kira just patted her head.

"We'll understand him soon enough, but for now." Kira then twisted her head and body to the other side, "Let's go to our dorms and get some sleep. Or room, because for some reason we shared a room." Kira then went to his destination, with Suletta following him. Once they're in their dorm, Suletta pushed Kira to the bed and...

(Okay, so I was about to put a lemon here but....too lazy and I'm a fucking amateur. Maybe next time.)


Today's the day of the duel, and hopefully, Kira recovers from his sister last night. Damn, she's fucking loud. Good thing that nobody heard that. Or maybe the room is soundproof? Hopefully so. Or else he and Suletta will be expelled for sure. Now in his grey pilot suit, the Strike is now being outfitted with its Beam Rifle, now on the side skirt, and Aile Striker Pack. Once they're equipped, Kira then looks at his monitors, inspecting the equipment the Strike has.

"Aile Striker equipped. Beam Rifle equipped. Armmounted Beam Cannon equipped." Kira noted as he looked at the Strike's monitor and then at the OS, "Systems, all green. And recovering from Suletta last night... better than never."

Miorine appeared in his notebook, which was placed in the middle, "Kira?"

"Eh? Miorine?" Kira asked, not knowing how she got into his contacts. Miorine then answered his question by registering herself in Kira's and Suletta's contacts, "Oh. How could you just... Oh wait, you probably registered yourself when Suletta gave you my notebook that day."

"Never mind that, don't you get it? Your future, Suletta's future, and mine depend on this duel's outcome." The Strike was then put inside the container, surprisingly it fit despite the Aile Striker Pack being equipped, "Don't forget the deal we made, okay?"

"Hi Kira-nii-chan!/Yo, lil bro! You better kick some ass!" Suletta and Nyla then appeared behind Miorine, now wearing space suits, as they waved to Kira good luck, which Kira accepted as he smiled.

"Don't worry. I won't." The container of Kira was launched to the battlefield, now in nostalgia, "It's been a while since I was launched like that." muttered the boy, making sure Miorine didn't hear that.


With Lauda, he walks his dad down a corridor.

"Dad, only students are allowed to be involved in duels." Lauda said as Vim just waved that off.

"This is company business." Vim said as he went straight to the point, "Anyway, did you make the arrangement?"

"Yes, but..." Lauda said but he's still hesitant.

"But what?" Vim repeated, having a good feeling as to what his son was going to say.

"Nii-san doesn't need tricks like that to win." Lauda finished.

Now around the school, the students of Asticassia are waiting for the live stream to start as several students now ask one another "Who's gonna win the fight?"?

"With mutual consent by both parties," Elan said as he was the duel's observer and accompanied by the Dueling Committee, "We will now begin the duel." The containers then opened to reveal both mobile suits, the GAT-VX105 Strike (The current model number of the Strike) and the MD-0064 Daribalde, "As always, victory will go to the first one to break the blade antenna of their opponent's mobile suit. The observer shall be Elan Ceres from Peil House."

"You can come out of your MS container." Miorine told to Kira, "State your name and student ID number."

"Roger." Kira nodded at the operator's info, "LP010. Kira Yamato. Ple-No, that's not your name anymore. Let's start again." Kira then took a deep breath in and out within him and his eyes now flashed with determination, "Kira Yamato. Strike! Let's do this!" The Strike jumped off its container.

"Both parties, face off." Elan said as both pilots were now ready to fight.

"Kira Yamato." Elan called him out through comms.

"Yeah?" Kira replied as Elan told him to recite the vow, "Oh yeah!.. Victory is never decided by mobile suit performance alone."

"Nor by the skill of the pilot, alone." Guel quickly replied, now tired of waiting.

"The result itself is the only truth." both pilots finished reciting as the battlefield changed.

"Fix release." Elan said, now the pilots are now good to go.

The Strike's Aile thrusters activated as it jumped off the ledge and flew to its destination. Once he was near, the Strike landed on top of one of the ledges, Kira then looked at his monitors to see Guel's new mobile suit, hiding in a corner. Surprised at this, the Strike aimed it's beam cannon to the Daribalde and fired three rounds to the Daribalde. Inside the Daribalde, Guel commented at the Strike's Aile Striker Pack, "A jetpack? Is that supposed to be the Aile pack Tou-san's talking about-Ah!" before he could finish, the AI took control of the Daribalde as the mobile suit itself comes out of its hiding spot and charges at the Strike, "What the..." Guel said, flabbergast at the events.

As the Daribalde's nearby dodged every beam, the Daribalde jumped as the forearm holding the Beam Javelin detaches and launched at the Strike, which blocked it with the Ursa Minor small shield by swatting it upwards. The Beam Javelin bounces up in the air and plummets vertically into the ground. This didn't go unnoticed by Kira as he pulled the Strike back before the Beam Javelin could hit him.

"What just happened?" Kira asked, but his monitor notified him about Daribalde, who was a few meters away from him in the air. The Strike then aimed its beam cannon at the Daribalde as he fired five shots at it before it was out of ammo.

"I'll be hit!" Guel said but one of the shields of the Daribalde deflects the incoming beam shots.

"He deflected it?" Kira gawked as he made the Strike disregard the cartridge in the cannon and replaced it with the one currently strapped in the arm.

Inside the cockpit of the Daribalde, Guel just glared at the monitor that was showing him the activated AI, "This thing..."


Miorine, Nyla, and Suletta, both equipped their helmets as they watched the duel through their individual notebooks.

"Eh? Guel's not using the bulky mobile suit?/It's not a Dilanza?/So the boy's not using the bulky one eh?"  came the confusion of Suletta, Miorine, and Nyla.


With Vim and Lauda, he's telling Lauda about the mobile suits.

"Understand that an outdated Gundam is no match for our company's Daribalde. Even if its the White Devil itself he's fighting." Vim stated as we went back to the battlefield, the Daribalde's visor glowed.

"Not a Dilanza? So a new mobile suit?" Kira asked as he zoomed in on the Strike's camera feed to the Daribalde.

"That just means they're serious." Miorine commented as the forearms with beam lances and the two shields detached from the Daribalde, "Don't let your guard down!"

"No need to tell me that!" The Strike aimed its beam cannon at the Daribalde and fired 2 beams at the Daribalde, who jumped down to slice the Strike but the Strike fell back. Kira takes the Strike around to shoot the Daribalde's head from behind with its cannon but the shields block his shot, "No way!" the Strike jumps back while blocking the attacks with its shield.

Inside the Daribalde, Guel lets go of his joysticks to find them moving on their own, "Are you saying..." Guel muttered as his disappointment got the better of him, "You don't need my will at all?"

A sprinkler emerges from the ceiling and sprays water. The Strike switches to its Beam Rifle, needing more fire rate than firepower as he fires the Beam Rifle but the water dissipates the beam before it even reaches the Daribalde, surprising both pilots.

"It dissipated." Kira muttered, not expecting a sprinkler, as he made the Strike look up, "Is this water?"

At the Dueling Committee lounge, Shaddiq asked Rouji if it was the heat management system that was doing it, to which the blue-haired boy affirmed that it was.

Back at the fight, Kira tried to fire again to make sure but it dissipated again as Vim's plan had worked. Because he rigged the fight.

"Take a good look!" Vim cheered that his rigged plan worked, "My plan was right on the money!" Lauda has a displeased face, not liking his father's plans.

The detached parts attached back to the Daribalde, "Too bad for you." Guel's voice echoed as the Daribalde prepared its Beam Javelin, "Lady Luck is on my side this time!" Then he charged at the Strike to prepare for a thrust. The Strike put the Beam Rifle to the side skirts as Kira pulled out its Armor Razor to deflect the thrust. 

The beams met each other, but the Daribalde's Beam Javelin shook off the Armor Razor's beam as it hit the shoulder armor of the Strike, completely destroying it to expose its white armor, now without any protection. 

"Sugoi, the beam output is better than the Strike's!" Kira cursed at the predicament he was in as he made the Strike to fall back, "I need to be careful!"


Vim however was laughing at the Strike's inferior technology, "Hahaha! Take that White Devil! You can't defeat our new and powerful Daribalde!"


With the girls, Suletta cried at Kira.

"Kira-nii-chan! Strike-nii!" Suletta cried at Kira and the Strike, now worried.

"Why the hell's the heat management system working?" Nyla asked, "The match's probably been rigged by those Jeturks."

Miorine then made an assumption, "There's no way the system would start spraying water without an anomaly. Those Jeturk House thugs. They'd really go this far?"


The Daribalde then prepared for another thrust, but Kira decided to purge the front skirt armor as he pressed a few buttons to do that. Once he did, the front skirt armor was purged, surprising Guel and the audience watching it. Kira used this opportunity to kick Daribalde away from him then he made the Strike to go a few meters away from him.

"What the hell's happening." Kira muttered as he looked at the Strike's now exposed armorless arm, "Is the match rigged?"

With the committee, Miorine's face appeared on their monitor.

"Stop the duel immediately!"  Miorine demanded, "You should only resume after you've corrected the system error!"

"Duels are never held on equal terms." Elan said, not giving a shit at the rigged match, much to the woman's irk, he continued, "It's up to students' patrons which mobile suits and which support staff they can access."

The Daribalde then prepared for a slash to the Strike as Kira countered it with its shield. But because the Strike's arm doesn't have any shoulder armor to support the weight and the Dilanza's putting its strength to the weapon causes the arm to stress as the arm then detached from the body, which surprised Kira and Guel as the arm then rolled down the ground.

"Even if this accident were set up on purpose," Elan stated, "That would still be part of his strength."

"In that case, you'll allow us three to be part of Kira's strength, won't you?" Nyla intervened in the conversation, hearing enough and prepared to rig the already rigged match as all three girls looked at a mobile craft.

"Kira do you read me?" Nyla's voice was heard through Kira's notebook, which surprised Kira.

"Eh, Nyla-nee?" Kira asked as the girls entered the craft, with Nyla being the pilot as the girls were just beside the pilot seat.

"We will stop the squall." Nyla said as the mobile craft went on to its destination, "Just hang on until then!" the craft then entered the bowels of Asticassia.

"But how?" Kira asked as he dodged the Daribalde's strike.

"Just don't let him beat you!" Miorine told him through Nyla's notebook, "My lousy father... This time, I won't let things turn out as he pleases!" the Mobile craft grabbed a monorail train going underground. The passengers inside record it with their student notebooks.

""Hanging on" is easier said than done..." Kira sighed as the Strike fired its vulcans at the Daribalde.

"Kira Yamato. If you really are the son of the White Devil...or the White Devil itself..." Elan muttered that last part because he recalled his last meeting with Kira, "You can survive this situation."

The Daribalde then chased down the Strike, preparing for another strike, but Kira managed to kick the staff part away from the Daribalde's hand once the Daribalde did that. The Strike then pulled out its spare Armor Razor, ready to attack. The Daribalde then reached for its weapon again, doing the same. The Strike charged, with the help of the Aile pack's thrusters, as he managed to slash off the Daribalde's arms. But once he did, the Armor Razor was slipped out from the Strike's remaining arm, "No way!" Kira cried out as the Daribalde fired its two forearms aimed at the Strike, in which Kira quickly docked the Strike.

"He's safe!" Martin Upmont sighed in relief as he, Chuatury, and Nika watched the duel, "But it's still only a matter of time."

"It looks like the game is over." Shaddiq commented.

"In the end, the winner is always the one with the stronger backing." Secilia added, "But, that Kira-boyo is skilled, though probably more skilled than Guel."

Petra and Felsi are in normal suits, watching the duel on their student notebooks, "Darn it! That was so close!" Felsi cursed as she and Petra didn't notice the Mobile craft containing Suletta, Miorine, and Nyla floating towards them, "Heck, he dodged again. What? Even if the left shoulder is gone, Guel-senpai needs to destroy the other one to decrease the White Devil's mobility.," Petra cursed again as the mobile craft smashed through the window.  The mobile craft's camera zoomed in on the perpetrators as Miorine cursed, "I knew it would be you two." 

"So it's those two, huh?" Suletta commented, her eyes now dimmed.

"Well you two, looks like you'll be punished. Not by the school, but by us." Nyle said as she cracked her knuckles as the mobile craft's arms reached for the two.

The sprinkler retracts and the squall ends.

"It stopped?" Kira wondered, "So the girls did it. Good job."

"Hey, what happened?" Vim asked his son, who didn't know what to tell his old man.

"Kira." Miorine called him via through her notebook as Nyla and Suletta tied up Petra and Felsi, "All that's left now is for you to win."

"Miorine... thanks!" Kira said as he aimed his beam cannon and fired all of its rounds before running out of ammo again as the Daribalde dodged all of its beams. Because the cartridge is at the back and with no left arm, the Strike couldn't reach it and reload his beam cannon.

"Go! It's 8.6-to-1 odds!" Ojelo Gabel cheered to the Strike, while putting his arm around Nuno Kargan, much to the poor boy's irk. Then Chutuary then joined in, "Blow the Spacian away, White Devil!"

The Strike then charged at the Daribalde with a high speed as he pulled out his beam rifle and fired a few beams while also firing his vulcans at the Daribalde, who blocked it with his shield.

Then soon after, Kira pressed a few buttons in the Strike as the Aile Pack was released and went to the Daribalde.

"You fool! Don't stop!" Guel scolded the useless AI as its shield blocked the incoming Aile Pack, destroying it and making a smoke effect around the mobile suit, which caused the Strike to stop in its tracks still holding its guard up. Once the smoke disappeared, the Daribalde was sitting helplessly, much to the irk of Guel as he slammed his fist on his cockpit, "No way you'd be tricked by a decoy that cheap!"

"Guel!" Vim's face appeared in his notebook, "What are you doing? Finish him off!"

"Tou-san? How did you..." Guel asked in disbelief then he gasped in realization, "Was that heat management thing you're doing? Tou-san! Why won't you believe in me?"

"If you want me to believe, then crush that Gundam!"

"Do you think I can't win if I play fair?" Guel felt his pride shattered, didn't know that he was cheating due to his dad.

"That's the child in you talking. The result is all that matters!"

"Brother, just focus on the battle for now" Lauda informed his brother, much to the irk of Guel, who believed that his younger brother betrayed him.

"You're only saying that for Dad's sake!"Guel yelled out to the traitor.

"Why don't you understand this duel is bigger than just you?"  The forearms that were launched return to dock on the Daribalde, "Children should do as their parents say!"

"Shut up!" refusing to hear any more of his father's bullshit, Guel punched his notebook, cutting off communications, leaving a crack in his notebook, and disabling the AI. The Strike charged at the Daribalde with its beam saber from the Aile, ready to slash, two Beam Sabers emerged from the Daribalde's wrists and blocked the Strike's blade.

"This is my fight!" The Daribalde's thrusters activated, preparing to push the Strike, "It's mine. Only mine!" then he pushed the Strike, with Kira noting that the Daribalde's acting differently.

"His moves are different than before! Then let's try this!" Kira noted as the Strike lay down on the ground and kicked throwing the Daribalde into the air but its foot claws came down on long wires, grabbing the Strike's shoulder and left chest. 

The Daribalde swings the Strike around as the Strike slices the left wire and plants itself on a wall.

"He's strong..." Kira noted, as the Strike looked back at the Daribalde, "I'm not about to be beaten like this!" Kira cried out as he activated the SEED mode (still the first method), revealing his dimmed-out eyes, which surprised the audience watching, except for Nyla and Suletta.

"W-What the?!" Miorine cried out, not expecting Kira to do that, "Oi! K-Kira, what happened to your eyes!"

"Don't worry about that." Nyla said as Miorine looked back at her, "Kira just entered a factor. The Superior Evolutionary Element Destined-factor. Or SEED factor in short."

"SEED factor?" Miorine repeated as Suletta then explained.

"Kira-nii-chan told me that the SEED mode can be possessed by everyone, including us." Suletta said, "It represents the ability for an individual with the SEED factor to enter into a state of enhanced awareness and peak physical ability. While in this state, the person demonstrates heightened reflexes and extremely quick information processing. This ability is usually triggered by extreme situations or from recalling significant traumas, often arising out of a need to protect someone else in a critical situation."

"There are two methods by which the SEED mode can be activated, one is when we suddenly have the resolve to protect their allies or to strike down their enemies. The other is when a person entered battle with a particular resolve."

With the mobile suits, Guel yelled out to the Strike, "Guel Jeturk cannot lose!"

Strike jumps off the wall towards the Daribalde which wields beam sabers again. The beams parried again as the Strike went over the Daribalde's back, ready to strike, which the Daribalde turned around and did the same. Both thrusters of the mobile suits activated as they charged at one another and attacked at the same time. The Daribalde sliced off the Strike's arm and exposed the cockpit, revealing Kira, but Kira himself, however....managed to slice off the Daribalde's antennae as both mobile suits skid to a halt, now knowing who the winner of this battle is.

"Kira-san, you're amazing." Nika praised the boy, "You're really amazing."

Inside the Strike's cockpit, Kira repeatedly gasped as his eyes went back to normal, "I won." Kira smiled at the victory, now knowing he and Suletta won't be expelled and their Gundams won't be turned to scraps. Elan sends Kira a message of congratulations to his student notebook, docked in the cockpit console, followed by Suletta and Nyla, then he also receives over 33 further congratulatory messages from students he doesn't know. Kira panicked as he changed the settings of his notebook to his registered contacts. After changing that setting, only Elan's, Suletta's, Miorine's, and Nyla's messages remain.

"So. You won. We won. Kira." Miorine told Kira, who smiled at that, "Of course, we won. I wouldn't done that without you guys. Good job by the way."

"B-Baka!" Miorine then blushed at Kira's comment, her tsundere side now revealed, "O-O-Of course w-w-we did a good job! If we didn't get rid of the perps then you'll be expelled! Baka!"

Kira just chuckled as Miorine kept on calling him typical tsundere insults until Nyla snatched the notebook, "Well, lil bro, you did it. I knew you could beat him. Now all that's left is for you to rest." 

Kira sees Guel crawling out of the Daribalde's carcass and standing up. The Strike's cockpit opened as Kira zipped down to the ground and approached Guel, "I underestimated you. You were strong back there." Kira praised Guel, who didn't expect Kira to praise him despite his loss, "Even if the water sprinkler didn't activate, I might be having trouble fighting you again."

It then took a few seconds for Guel to reply because he was trying to find some words, "I could say the same to you, bump-No. Kira Yamato." Guel corrected himself as he raised his fist for a fist bump, "And I haven't had a challenge like that in years. So I declare you as my rival then! Because I won't let you get beaten by anyone but me!"

Kira didn't expect that, but it's a good thing that Guel isn't a sore loser as he returned the fist bump, "Yeah!" Then a vehicle entered revealing Nyla and the girls. Suletta then rushed to her brother and she tackled and hugged him, which Kira expected her to do as he held on his ground and returned the hug. Then Suletta looked at Guel as she began to approach him, ready to praise him.

"E-Excuse me... you were, you know, really strong back there." Suletta said as Guel looked at Suletta and his expression changed.

Guel uses both of his hands to hold Suletta's right and kneels. 

"Suletta Mercury... Will you... marry me?" He makes a marriage proposal to Suletta, which makes the people present puzzled.

"....Eh?" came the puzzled replies of Kira and co.



RF2: Alright, that's enough for today! And I'm also taking a few weeks off from writing because I wrote chapters back in June with no sleep. Why the fuck did I do that? Because I was motivated. Damn, I need to touch some grass. Anyways! What do you guys think of the chapter? Is it good? Bad? Well, I think it's good because of the fight scene, my most proud yet! Also, I was about to add a lemon scene there but, I got too lazy, so much for motivation... I might write a lemon of this chapter soon. Prolly in my "Into the Lemonverse" book. Enough. Anyway, that's all from me! This is RF2 signing off! See you!

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