If I Could Take One More Step Toward You

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RF2: If you guys started here, go back to Chapter 7.

"Kira Yamato/Suletta Mercury!" - Normal Text.

"Strike/Aerial!" - Some Random-Ass Bold Text That I Put Just To Make It Look Cool When Other Fanfics Do It Cuz Why Not Text.

"Launching!" - Thinking Text.

"Bruh" - Comms/Mic/TV Audio/ZOOM Meeting/Flashback Text


Outside of the Earth House are the members of the Earth House themselves. Well, Kira and Suletta aren't with them since they're inside the House with Miorine, talking to Shaddiq and Sabina.

Anyways, Till touched the now shattered sign of the GUND-ARM Inc. as the others looked upset at that.

"This is a new low!" Martin said as he looked to the rest, "Are you kidding me? They change the rules just to stop us from starting a company?"

"Is it because we're Earthians?" Aliya assumed.

"Who cares about the rules?" Chuchu said with her arms crossed, "Let's do it anyway!"

Lilique then retorted Chuchu's words, "But if we do that, we could all be expelled!"

Nuno then looked back to their House, wondering what's happening inside, "What do you think they're talking about in there?"


Inside the House, Shaddiq and Sabina are drinking tea, courtesy from Aliya.

"This is quite good." Shaddiq commented as he looked at his tea.

"It's tea from Aliya-san's hometown..." Suletta said with a tray in her arms, "or so I'm told."

"Earth-grown, huh? No wonder." Shaddiq said as he was now called out by Miorine.

"So? What did you want to say?" Miorine asked, with Kira beside her.

Shaddiq put his tea on the coaster, "Why don't you seriously consider what we discussed in private the other day?"

"P-Private?" Suletta stuttered, now curious as Kira looked at Miorine.

"What did you guys talk about?" Kira asked.

"He wants us to join forces with him." Miorine answered Kira's question. Kira was about to say that's a good thing but Miorine beat him to it, "It's not a good thing." Then he went silent. Sabina then put her tablet on the table and slid it to Miorine to show a business transfer agreement.

"Here's the business transfer agreement." Shaddiq explained as Miorine took the tablet and read it, "You'll remain president of the company. Your team will still handle management and operations."

"The rules only apply to new startups." Sabina added, "An already-existing company can get away with it."

"For you, Miorine, it means maintaining the President's trust." Shaddiq then looked at Suletta, "Suisei-chan, get to protect the Aerial." He looked at Kira, "And you Kira Yamato, also get to protect the Strike." Then he looked back to Miorine, "I'm satisfied as long as I get a piece of the Gundam business. Not bad, right?" Then he put an arm on the table as Miorine looked at Shaddiq.

"May I ask one question?"

"Of course."

Then it's time to get to the bottom of this, "Are you the one who rewrote the rules?" Miorione asked as Suletta gasped when Shaddiq just stared at Miorine.

"Why would you think that?" Shaddiq asked as Miorine put the tablet back on the table.

"It's all too convenient. For the both of us." Miorine pointed out, "I know that's the way Shaddiq Zenelli does things."

"And what of it? Do you have a better proposal? Who else will come to your rescue?"

"There is one thing I can do." Miorine countered, "Something unique to this school... could provide a simple solution."

"Oh great..." Kira sighed, expecting what Miorine's gonna do.

Shaddiq just clenched his arm on the table, hoping Miorine won't do what he thinks she's gonna do, "Don't do it."

"Shaddiq Zenelli..." Miorine stood up as Shaddiq had a disappointed glare towards Miorine herself, "I challenge you... to a duel!"

"Damn it Miorine..." Kira sighed.

The rest of the Earth House members are outside, eavesdropping on the conversation as they look at one another.

"For real?" Ojelo gawked.


"Both parties, deposit your souls on Libra's scales." Lauda Neill said as he is now the observer of the upcoming duel.

"The duelists are Miorine Rembran and Shaddiq Zenelli. The location will be the 4th tactical testing sector. Six-member team battle rules will apply."  Shaddiq was accompanied by Sabina and Renee while Miorine was accompanied by Martin and Lilique.

"A team battle?!" Lilique gaped.

"Our House doesn't even have that many mobile suits!" Martin said.

"Making arrangements is part of your dueling prep." Sabina said, but it didn't calm Martin and Lilique down.

Lauda looked at Miorine, "Nii-san never refused a duel, no matter what the conditions. You have Gundams. And one of them is the infamous White Devil of Vanadis. That should be enough."

On the sofas, Secelia and Rouji just watched, "Lauda's making this personal." Rouji commented.

"Brotherly love can be such a burden." Secelia smugly nodded.

"My stomach is churning." Martin moaned as he rubbed his stomach.

"I have one condition." Miorine said as she looked at Lauda, "This duel must be transmitted by live streaming outside the Benerit Group."

"Outside?" Lauda repeated, confused at Miorine's condition.

"Our company's pilots and mobile suits will have crushed all three branches." Miorine proclaimed as she smirked, "What better advertisement could there be?"

Lauda didn't like that as he looked at Shaddiq, "Shaddiq, what do you think?"

"Fine with me." Shaddiq complied with Miorine's request.

"Then it's accepted." Lauda announced, "Miorine Rembran, what is your stake in this duel?" 

"Change the startup regulations back." Miorine declared her stake as she glared at Shaddiq.

"Shaddiq Zenelli, what is your stake in this duel?"

"The ownership transfer of GUND-ARM, Inc." Shaddiq declared his. Now both duelists now declared their stakes, there's one thing left to do.

"Alea jacta est. The duel is approved." Lauda said as he clapped his hands and Martin and Lilique sighed in relief, now that shit is done. Until Reena called out Lilique.

"Lilique Kadoka Lipati!" Reena called out.

"Yes?" replied Lilique.

"I want you to join the duel." Reena then went near her face, "It's time you learned which one of us is better." Then she ran to Shaddiq and Sabina, who were leaving the lounge.

Miorine and Martin looked at them as Martin looked back at Lilique, "Lilique, did you do something to her?"

"Beats me." Lilique replied as she looked back to Martin.


"Whoever thought people would be gambling on us?" Ojelo commented as he and the rest of the Earth House are in a classroom.

"Grassley House has never lost a team battle." Nuno added, "Even I'd bet everything on them." he admitted as he looked at Chuchu.

"We don't even have enough mobile suits. What a pain." Kira pointed out as he sighed.

"I'll ask Belmeria-san for help." Miorine said as Kira's eyes widened at that name and looked at Miorine.


"We'll borrow the Pharact or something when I'm gonna ask Belmeria-san." Miorine said.

"What about pilots?" Aliya pointed out in which she was correct, "We only have Kira, Chuchu, and Suletta."

"You do it, Maritn. You're the House Leader." Ojelo suggested as Martin quickly declined that suggestion.

"No way! Gundams kill their pilots!" Martin cried out, "Even if I use the Strike, I can't control it due to that outrageous OS!"

"Th-They do not!" Suletta objected. Then Lilique raised her hand.

"I was asked to join, so I guess I will!" Lilique volunteered.

"You never hesitate, do you?!" Martin cried out to Lilique.

"Why, thank you."

"That wasn't a compliment!"

Then the rest of the members began to argue or talk to one another. Before they were quitted down by Miorine.

"The meeting is adjourned!" Miorine shouted, "I'm going to think of a strategy. If you know anyone who could be a support pilot, then ask them."

They complied with her.

Then Chuchu noticed a certain blue-haired mechanic mecha nut was not present, "Where the heck did Nika go off at a time like this?"


In the training sector, Nika's there. Along with Shaddiq.

"You're disgusting." Nika said, "Everyone was motivated to do their best for the company."

"I never wanted to duel." Shaddiq admitted.

"Then why-" Nika looked back at Shaddiq.

"That doesn't concern a go-between." Nika then calmed down a bit as she looked down.

"Forgive me." Shaddiq apologized as he approached Nika and put his hand on her shoulder, "I'll try to persist in talking a bit more." Then he left.


"Support... Support... Support... Support..." Suletta muttered as she and Kira went outside, walking through the park section of this school late in the evening.

"Elan-san!" Suletta said as she looked at Kira, who shook his head.

"Nope, he isn't back yet, remember"


"Watch where you two are going..." Then they stopped as Guel is right in front of them, "country bumpkins."

"We're back to the insults huh?" Kira deadpanned as Suletta quickly panicked and hid behind Kira, apologizing.

"Oh, I-I'm so sorry! I was lost in thought."

"I heard what happened to you at your House, sorry for that." Kira said as he apologized, hearing of what happened to Guel after his fight with Elan.

Guel just looked away from Kira as he humphed, "Don't be. It already happened anyway." Then he decided to change the subject, "So I heard your House is gonna duel with Shaddiqs."

"How did you know?" Suletta asked as she poked her head from Kira's back.

"This school loves to gossip." Guel explained which both siblings "Oh'd" at that. While Guel's here, Suletta realized that Guel's a pilot, seizing this chance if she could ask him.

"E-Excuse me!"

"What?" Guel looked back to Suletta.

"P-Please... help us with the duel! We.... We don't have enough pilots." Suletta said her reason why, "So we're looking for support..."

"Suletta. He can't help us." Kira said as Suletta looked back at him then at Guel.


"My father..." Guel started as he didn't look back to Suletta, "has forbidden me to duel."

Then a long pause happened between the three until Suletta broke that.

"Your otou-san... He's important to you, isn't he?" Suletta then unhid herself from Kira's back, "I understand. You love him... right? I love my Okaa-san too. We'll do the best we can! Sorry to bother you."

"See you next time, Guel." Kira waved as he and Suletta then left Guel.


At Miorine's greenhouse, Miorine herself is inside watching her tomatoes on a table, and Shaddiq himself is at the entrance.

"There's still time to call off the duel." Shaddiq told to Miorine, "I find it hard to believe you care about Gundams that much."

"Your words... just don't sit well with me." Miorine said, "After transferring the company... I'll remain the president... You say it all with a smile like you're helping me. But in reality..." she playfully rolled her tomato, "You only want me to be the symbol of the company. That way, the rest of the group can't interfere. Just like my lousy father and the others." She raised her tomato from the table, "You only see me as an ornament."

"That's not true!" Shaddiq retorted since he doesn't see Miorine that way.

"Stay out!" Miorine shouted, "I can't trust you."


Because of this, Shaddiq left with an upset expression on his face. There he crossed paths with the Gundam pilots.

"Huh? Are you coming from Miorine-san's greenhouse?" Suletta asked, wondering if Shaddiq really came from Miorine's greenhouse.

"Talk some sense into your bride." Shaddiq told the two.

"What do you mean by that?" Kira asked as Shaddiq approached the two.

"The only one who can protect Miorine now is you two, her grooms." Shaddiq said as he walked past the two, "Don't let her fight a battle she can't win."

"If I'm her groom... Isn't it a groom's job to have faith in their bride?" Kira said with determination as he looked at Shaddiq.

"I'll believe in my bride." Suletta agreed as she also looked at Shaddiq.

Shaddiq just looked back at the two, and of course, he was not smiling as he used to, "In that case, I won't hold back any longer." He closed and opened his eyes, now filled with determination to defeat the two, "Suletta Mercury. Kira Yamato. Your Gundams and your bride... I'll take them all."


"Hey Kira, are you sure that equipping the Strike with all of its Striker Packs is a good idea?!" Ojelo called out to the pilot as the Strike was being equipped with all Striker Packs.

"This is gonna be a 6v6, so yes, it's a good idea!" Kira, in his pilot suit, as he is rewriting the Strike's OS so it could implement its use of the Multiple Assault Striker, "I know that it will decrease the Strike's mobility, but I can just detach a few parts like the shoulder units."

"Alright then." Ojelo nodded as he, Till, and Nuno began to fit the Strike's weapons.

"Forgive me. Three Zoworts is all I could send you." Belmeria apologized through the comms as Miorine is inside a Peil House Vessel containing said mobile suits along with the Strike, which is currently being outfitted by not one but three Striker Packs, Aerial, and Chuchu's Demi Trainer, "The Pharact is still under maintenance."

"Not at all. Thank you for talking to Peil's management." Miorine thanked Belmeria.


"Good luck." Belmeria said, inside the testing room, as she hung up, 'And please give Kira my regards.'

"There's no way you can give them the Pharact." Elan Ceres commented, "If they found out about us, there'd really be an uproar." Belmeria looked back at him as he continued, "I also have a message from the old ladies. If you insist on helping them, you'd better bring back results."

"I know." Belmeria replied.


Then in the changing room at the Grassley House, the girls are changing into their pilot suits.

"Maisie, you don't think I'll get in the way, do you?" Ireesha asked, worried.

"Ireesha's such a scaredy-cat. Look!" Maisie playfully said as she zipped up her underclothes.

"It's true!" Renee agreed as she put on her lipstick, "Her hands are shaking already! Is it because we're fighting the son of the White Devil?" then she took out her notebook, "...a victory party? All together? That's a promise!"

"Renee, no calls before a duel. Don't make me repeat myself.." Sabina scolded her teammate as she tied her up, much to the irk of Renee who clicked her tongue in annoyance and left. while Henao's just doing stretches.

"Where's Shaddiq?" Henao asked.


In the hangar, Shaddiq is inside Michaelis, which is being transferred inside the container.

"Giving the Michaelis a final tune-up." Sabina said.

"Conducting sensor integration data processing check." informed an operator to Shaddiq, who was tying his own hair, "No problems with link to control system."

Once he's done tying up his hair, he smirked, "Shall we begin?"


Then Grassley House and Earth House containers containing their mobile suits were launched. While they were launched, multiple students commented about the duel, more specifically students who simped the girls in the Grassley House.

Then both containers from both Houses arrived at the sector.

"Arrived at designated point." Nuno commented as he was watching from one of the monitors inside the vessel, along with Miorine, Ojelo, Aliya, and Nika, "No objects in vicinity. All units cleared for launch."

"Roger. I'm opening the MS containers." Aliya replied as she did just that.

"It's now or never." 


"I'm ready for this" 

"Let's do our best!"


"I never wanted to be a pilot."

We can all guess who's who said that.

"It's a good thing I'm not picked for piloting a mobile suit." Ojelo commented as he chuckled, that Lady Luck gave him her grace.

Then the mobile suits of the Earth House jumped off of their containers, the Zoworts, Chuchu's Demi Trainer, the Aerial, and of course... the heavy-armed Perfect Strike.


"Oh wow..." Nyla commented, who's at the hangar watching the duel in her notebook, "Kira's using all Striker Packs at once huh? That's intimidating, not gonna lie."

"He's using all Striker Packs, huh? This should be interesting." Prospera commented in her office.

"Kira..." Belmeria muttered as she watched the live stream in her office.

"Huh." Guel commented, "That mobile suit could pack that much in his back huh? How interesting."

"Hey, isn't that a bit too much for a Mobile Suit?"
"It's intimidating, to be honest."
And etc. comments from the students who noticed the Perfect Strike.


Then the Grassley House Mobile Suits also jumped off from their containers, revealing the successors of the Beguir-Bue. The Beguir-Pente and the Michaelis. Because of those mobile suits, Kira gasped, specifically at the Michaelis, remembering the Beguir-Beu that he fought 13 years ago.

"Those mobile suits... and that white one... No way. Are they based from the Beguir-Beu?" Kira muttered.


"With mutual consent by both parties, we will now begin the duel." Lauda announced in the lounge, "The observer shall be the leader of Jeturk House, Lauda Neill." 

"Ohh boy, the Strike's now a heavy-armed huh? I wonder how Kira-boyo will do. From the looks of the Strike's current armaments, it might be heavy." Secelia commented as she noticed the Strike.

Then Sarius in his office watched the duel as his eyes widen at the Strike's current armament, "The White Devil can pack that much?"

"Six-member team battle rules will apply. Victory will be determined by breaking the blade antenna of a team leader. Both parties, face off." Lauda said as Miorine and Shaddiq then recite the oath.


"Victory is never decided by mobile suit performance, alone." Miorine started as the face of the Strike Gundam was shown, indicating that Kira's mobile suit is the leader.

"Nor by the skill of the pilot, alone." Shaddiq responded as his Michaelis' face was shown, obviously, he's the leader. Then the sector began to change.

"The result itself is the only truth." Both duelists finished as Lauda said two words to officially start the duel.

"Fix release."

The duel started as the Earth House mobile suit squad then dashed through the grounds.

"Miorine, is it even wise for me to be the leader? I mean, the Strike's currently equipped with the Multiple Assault Striker, and its overall mobility was decreased." Kira voiced out his concerns.

"Well the Strike's antennae are small so I had to use that advantage. And you have Suletta protecting you"

"Umm... Miorine-san. Are you sure you want me in the vanguard?" Suletta asked in concern.

"Our opponents are the top guns in the piloting department." Miorine replied, "Without you on offense and defense up front, we have no hope of winning. If things get hot, use Martin and the rest as shields." The Earth House members in the vessel just gawked at Miorine as Suletta affirmed.

"You people are cruel!" Martin cried out once Miorine said that.

"Chuchu, support everyone from the rear!" Miorine instructed as Chuchu went to the high ground and in her monitors, she locked on 5 mobile suits.

"Yeah, yeah. I get it!" Chuchu said but her mobile suit alarmed her as Chuchu just gawked at that. Chuchu looked at the top to see the Michaelis flying towards her.

"First, take out the sidekick." Shaddiq said as he aimed his Beam Bracer at Chuchu's Demi Trainer and fired, causing Chuchu to move back, but the platform she was in collapsed.

The Strike and Aerial are back-to-back from each other as Suletta deployed the GUND-Bits. The GUND Bits went in front of the Aerial to block the beams from Sabina.

"They stopped moving! Renne, Henao, Maisie!" Sabina ordered as the mentioned girls complied as they jumped on one of the structures that they went past Aerial.

"They got past me?" Suletta asked but more beams began to shoot towards the Aerial, which was blocked by the GUND-Bits.

"Don't be mad at me, okay?" Ireesha said as she kept on firing at the Aerial.

"Suletta, switch!" The Aerial then went behind the Strike, who got his Agni ready and aimed at Maisie as he fired a few rounds.

"Eh?!" Ireeshathen jumped off from the structure that she used to slide as the Agni's beams hit the structure, causing it to collapse, "Sugoi, it has that much power!" She dodged more beam shots from the Agni as she fired back, but those beams were blocked by Suletta's GUND-Bits when the Aerial was at the front of the Strike.

"They're coming our way? Help!" Martin cried out as he, Till, and Lilique fired at the three approaching Beguir-Pente, but the beams didn't hit them.

"If you play fire, you get burned!" Maisie cheered as she was now in front of Martin's Zuwort, who was too shocked to react. Maisie then kicked away Martin's beam rifle as her claw leg grabbed the head and forcefully decapitated him when she jumped up. While she jumped, she aimed at Till's Zowort and fired, but Till managed to evade the beams and dashed away from her, "Woah, he's good! But at least I got one!"

Lilique's Zowort fired at Renne's Beguir-Pente, but every shot was either missed or Renee blocked it.

"Lilique Kadoka Lipati!" Renne roared as she lit up her beam saber and jumped to Lilique's Zowort. Lilique lit up hers as both beams sabers parried, "I'll show you what happens when you lat hands on another girl's man!"

"Wh-What are you talking about?!" Lilique asked, having no idea what this girl was talking about.

"John Van Simmons!" Renne reminded her, "Number 12 on my list of backup boyfriends!"

"Umm..." Lilique tried to remember, until she remembered, I think, and told her, "Oh, if you mean the lunch invitation, I said no."

This annoyed Renne even further, "Where do you get off embarrassing my man?!"

"What!?" Before their parry could escalate even further, Till arrived to save Lilique as he fired beams at Renna, who pushed Lilique away and jumped away before the beams could hit her, "That was close!"

"Till-senpai!" Lilique shouted to her saviour, who landed.

"Lilique, run!" But as soon as he landed, he was tackled away from Lilique by Henao's Beguir-Pente.

"For a mechanic, you've got good instincts. However..." Henao Jazz commented on Till's piloting skills as they crashed through the wall. Till is now on the ground and Henao with her beam saber stabbed the head of the Zowort, "Two down."

"Till-senpai!" Lilique cried out as she was pinned down to debris beside her by Renne's shield, which Lilique's Zowort is now defeated

"That's three! How's it feel?" Renne cheered and mocked Lilique.

"They didn't last a second." Nuno commented as the girl's eyes widened at how easily defeated Martin, Till, and Lilique are.

"How are Martin and the others?" Miorine asked, worried for the others.

"They're fine." Aliya informed Miorine, "But all three machines are disabled. Their weapons were taken out, too."

Miorine just looked back at the duel, now hoping Kira and the rest could hold their ground.


At Guel's campsite, Guel's just contemplating why he's watching this as he just looked at the results of the current duel through his tablet.

"Why am I..." Then his notebook rang as Guel took it out to see who was calling him, but his eyes widened, not expecting this person to call him of all people, "Tou-san?" Then he stood up as he accepted the call, "Tou-san! I..."

"Guel..." Vim said, "I've made arrangements for your withdrawal."

This confused Guel, but Vim kept on going, "A position awaits you at one of our subsidiaries. You'll learn how I do business from there."

"Wait a minute, please!" Guel exclaimed, "What about the duels? Do I just give up on Miorine?"

"I can't have faith in you after three losses." Guel gaped at his father's harsh words to him, "I have a backup plan. Don't be so presumptuous as to question my decisions." Vim then hangs up, leaving a stunned Guel.


Aerial is seen blocking more beams with her GUND Bit shield from Sabina and behind her is Strike, firing his Agni at the other Beguir-Pentes with only 3 battery packs remaining.

The Gundams and Beguir-Pentes are seen sliding from the structure that they are using. The Aerial's shield separated themselves as they attempted to go to Sabina but they were forced not to swarm to her because Sabina's still firing.

"Your swarm weapons will never work!" Sabina said as the Aerial kept on blocking. 

Then in the structure beside the Aerial, Chuchu's Demi Trainer and the Michaelis barged in with Chuchu jumping away and sliding at the structure and the Michaelis flying towards her. Chuchu aimed her Large Beam Rifle at the white mobile suit and fired two rounds, Shaddiq made his mobile suit dodge it, but this made Chuchu realize that the Michaelis' right arm was missing because a single thread was in place of its arm.

"Huh? Your... Where did your right arm go?!" The Michaelis' right arm swerved to Chuchu with its beam claws now activated as it dismantled her right arm and flipped off from the structure that she was sliding at, causing her to fall to the ground.

"Chuchu-senpai!" Suletta cried out, but she blocked more beams from the three Beguir-Pente that Kira was fighting recently.

"Better stay put, Gundam!" Sabina shouted, but she and the others had to jump away from the Agni's beams.

"You're fighting me, remember!" Kira yelled out as the Strike fired its missiles (they're downgraded btw for obvious reasons) at the three Beguir-Pentes, but they were destroyed when the Beguir-Pente's countered it with their beams.

"Don't underestimate Earth House!" Chuchu roared as she charged at the Michaelis with her rifle, acting as a melee weapon, but a beam pierced through her Mobile Suit's legs, causing her to fall to the ground now that her legs were destroyed.

"Forgive me." Ireesha said, because she's the one who fired that, and also she's behind Chuchu's Demi Trainer, "That's four!"

Now at the ground, Strike, with its Agni now unequipped as it's switched for its Schwert Gewehr, and Aerial are now surrounded by the Grassley House as Michaelis aimed his Beam Bracer at the two Gundams.

"This is your last chance. Accept defeat." Shaddiq ordered as the Beguir-Pentes' weapons were aimed at Aerial and Strike, "Miorine's recklessness has endangered your precious family. Will you two risk destruction?"

"How could you say that?" Suletta asked, "Don't you have feelings for Miorine-san?"

"Yeah, and if you truly love her then you should delete that regulation that you installed." Kira added as he and Suletta glared at the Michaelis, "But if it's like that then Suletta and I believe in her!"

"Miorine, you chose wrong." Shaddiq said as he closed his eyes and the Beam Bracer now charging, "Suisei-chan is a sweet, honest girl. She never tells lies. But... she doesn't have the power to protect you. Or the vision to support you." he fired a beam to Suletta, which she blocked it with her GUND-Bits, then at Kira, who blocked it with his Panzer Eisen shield. 

The Aerial then jumped off and fired its GUND-Bits beams to the Michaelis and the other. Using this chance, Strike then charged at Sabina, who jumped back away from the Strike's slash, "She's just clinging to you like a mere child. But Kira Yamato... I had a feeling that you fell for him, and I understand why. A son of the White Devil, but he also has a secret. A secret that none of us know but him." Shaddiq continued as the three Beguir-Pentes flew to the Aerial, surrounding her.

Strike looked back to the Aerial, now realizing what happened, "Suletta! Hold on I'm co-" Sabina wouldn't let him as they parried their beam melee weapons.

"Hey hey, you're fighting me, right?" Sabina mocked as the Strike's alarms alarmed Kira as he realized that Ireesha's behind him, ready to fire.

"Forgive me, White Devil." Ireesha muttered as she fired at the Strike's exposed back. 

The Strike unlocked its parry against Sabina's as he kicked her away and jumped off, barely dodging the beam. Sabina recovered from the Strike as she now flew in front of the Strike, which surprised Kira as he fired his vulcans but he was punched to the face by Sabina, causing him to make an impact on the ground.

"Ireesha, forget about the Strike, lets's rendezvous with Shaddiq. Let's go." Sabina ordered as they went on to join Shaddiq.

"I've cornered her. Take her down!" Shaddiq said as the girls complied and activated their Anti-GUND Format equipment, also known as Antidotes. Once they were activated, they formed a sphere as it reached Suletta's GUND-Bits and Aerial, causing them to deactivate, which confused Suletta.

"No way, Antidote?!" Kira gaped as he saw the Antidote.


"Anti-GUND Format protection...?" Elan amusingly said when Bermelia was shocked to see the Antidote, "Who knew they still had it? Grassley is so persistent."


The Aerial and the GUND-Bits fell to the ground, unresponsive.

"Aerial? Everyone...? What's wrong?" Suletta asked, wondering what had happened until she gasped, "I have to do it alone? But I can't! Not on my own! Ah!" She braced herself as the Beguir-Beu's successors fired their beams as one of the beams hit her arm, dismantling it.

"Without the GUND Format, she's nothing special." Henao commented as the Aerial tried her best to dodge the beams.

"Down you go! Mercurian wench!" Lauda cheered at the Aerial's predicament as Secelia and Rouji are concerned.

"Suletta! Hold on!" Kira cried out as he reached his destination and jumped off while detaching the Combo Weapons Pod and single battery pack of the Strike for increased mobility. Once he was in the air, the Strike equipped its Agni and fired numerous beams at the Beguir-Pentes and Michaelis, which they jumped off to avoid it.

The Strike then slid to the Aerial while firing its Agni to the Grassley Mobile Suits.

"Suletta! Are you alright?" Kira asked as Suletta's face was shown in Kira's notebook.

"Kira-nii-chan... I think Aerial is angry at me." Suletta muttered in an upset tone, "I always rely on her for everything-"

"She's not mad at you!" Kira corrected her as he grabbed the Strike's Beam Boomerang and threw it to Shaddiq, who dodged it and dodged it again when the Midas Messer turned back. The Strike then caught the Beam Boomerang as he put it back on the shoulder, "Aerial and the others are not angry at you, Shaddiq and the others did something wrong to them."

"How would you know that....?" Suletta asked

"Ask Aerial!" Strike then locked blades with the Michaelis.

"Kira Yamato, please don't make this personal and accept defeat."  Shaddiq's face appeared in his notebook.

"I know. But I can't do that. I'll do everything in my power to make the GUND's original purpose to fruition!"

"I see... then I should also do everything in my power..." Shaddiq muttered as a blue seed mentally exploded in his consciousness where his pupils shrank and his irises expanded, "TO MAKE MIORINE MINE!"

"No way... SEED mode?!" Kira gaped as Michaelis then backed up away from Strike and he fired his Beam Bracer at the Gundam. But the Strike did the same with his Panzen Eisen as both weapons collided.

A beam saber was formed from Michaelis' left arm, via the short shield, and his Beam Bracer also formed a beam saber. The Strike pulled out his own beam saber from the Aile Pack (it's improved now btw. It can now parry other beam sabers.) and both mobile suits charged at one another, ready to attack each other. 


"Shaddiq..." Sarius muttered in shock that Shaddiq now possessed the SEED factor. And other students just commented about that as well, amazed that Shaddiq has that.


Back to the Aerial...

"Aerial, if you are angry at me, I'm sorry." Suletta muttered to her as the Aerial tried her best to dodge the slashes of Sabina's Beguir-Penta and the other girls' beam shots, "But this time... I want to give it a try. For the sake of the company Miorine-san made for us... for the GUND's original purpose to come true for Kira-nii-chan. I want to do my part!" Miorine and the rest inside the vessel just listened in on Suletta's conversation with her Gundam. 

With the Strike and Michaelis, both mobile suits exchanged their attacks every time they went past to another. Kinda like back in his timeline every time he clashed beam sabers with Athrun and co., then they finally parried with both pilots glaring at one another.

"It's not on my wishlist... and I don't know what I can do, but... Is that selfish?" Aerial stepped to the side as the beam saber of Sabina's Beguir-Pente missed the Aerial. And because of that last sentence, the Aerial's eyes glowed as the HUD beside inside the Aerial returned, "I'm glad." A beam shot from Renne almost hit the Aerial, narrowly missing the Gundam and hitting the debris behind the Aerial.

"You're still there." Suletta said as the Aerial's permet parts began to glow blue and her GUND-Bits came to life. The GUND-Bits rose up in the air as they activated, covering up the field around which the Antidote weaponry of the Beguirs suddenly deactivated.

"The Antidote..." Sabina commented on this.

"has been overridden?" Henao finished for her as the now damaged Aerial now stood up, "The constraints aren't working."

"You're just a broken piece of junk!" Renne roared as she charged at Aerial with her beam saber, but unknown to her she was also near the Strike and Michaelis which Kira used this opportunity to throw the Midas Messer at her. He unlocked his parry against Shaddiq as he made the Strike throw his Midas Messer at Renne, but Renne noticed what the Strike did as she halted, "Hah! Missed me-"

"Renne watch out!"

"Eh?" She couldn't react in time as the beam boomerang hit her legs followed by the Aerial slicing her head followed by her GUND-Bits destroying her remaining limbs. The Strike then quickly moved out of the beam boomerang's way once it went toward the Michaelis, which Shaddiq swatted away the beam boomerang with his short shield-equipped left arm as the beam boomerang was now pierced on the ground. 

The Strike then went in front of the Michaelis, which Shaddiq didn't expect him to do so, as the Strike slashed his left arm off with his beam saber then followed by a kick to the chest which caused the Michaelis to skid away from the Strike. Kira couldn't cut the antennae just yet, because Till informed him of a plan recently so he complied with that. With that done, Strike detached the Sword Striker's shoulder and Agni, then flew to Aerial and foes.

"Kira-nii-chan! Strike-nii! Let's help Miorine-san together!" Suletta cheered as Kira activated his SEED mode, now deciding to not hold back anymore. Aerial danced around the battlefield as Henao, on top of debris, aimed her sights at Aerial, but her beam shot was missed by the Aerial.

"Seeing our moves? Huh?" Henao's Beguir-Pente alarmed her as she looked to her right to see the Strike speeding towards her.

"Where next? Here?" Suletta asked as the Aerial was now beside Henao's Beguir-Pente, aiming her beam rifle at the head.

"What is this?" Henao muttered as her eyes widened now that the Aerial was beside her, "You two... are some kind of freaks-AH!" The Strike sliced off Henao's legs and the Aerial then soon fired her beam rifle and her GUND-Bits did the rest.

"Wow." Nuno commented on the two Gundams' teamwork while Nika and Miorine were in awe.

Shaddiq just looked at the Aerial and the Strike side-by-side in fear, "So... they're Gundams?" He then gaped when the Strike set his eyes on Shaddiq as the Strike flew towards him. Shaddiq was ready to fight back but...

"Shaddiq!" Maisie called out as she and Sabina tried to help with Maisie tackle the Aerial.

"You'll never get Shaddiq!" Sabina then fired her beams at the Aerial, but that was blocked by her GUND-Bits. She was shocked at that, but she then yelped when she was met with a Schwert Gewehr that was thrown by Kira, which destroyed her Beguir-Pente's head. Then the Aerial's GUND-Bits did the dismembering.

"Sabina!" Ireesha cried out to her defeated housemate, but then she was greeted by the face of the Strike, she panicked and reacted too late as the Strike began to dismember her arms, legs, and head with beam sabersSimilar to how Freedom destroyed Saviour.

"Maisie! Draw away the GUND-Bits!" Shaddiq shouted as he then went to the Aerial.

The Aerial was now in the air, dodging every beam from the Beguir-Pente.

"I won't let you..." Suletta muttered as she used Maisie's Beguir-Pente's shield as leverage, "get in our way! AH!" The Aerial's right knee was destroyed as the Aerial fell on top of a tall structure and the Michaelis now aiming his beam bracer at the head as soon as he is in front of the Aerial.

"Suletta!" Kira yelled out, trying to go and help Suletta, but he was intercepted by Maisie. 

"Sorry, Akuma-kun. But I can't let you!"  Maisie said as she charged at the Strike and both mobile suits locked their blades. The Strike then broke their parried blades as he kneed the Beguir-Pente's chest and used his other beam saber to sever the right arm of Maisie's Beguir-Pente. Before Maisie could do anything else, her head was then met by a beam saber to the face.

"End of line, Suletta Mercury. I'm the one who will stand at Miorine's side!" Michaelis' beam bracer now began to charge a beam, ready to defeat her.

Then suddenly, a beam pierced through the Michaelis' head, destroying his antennae. This confused Shaddiq as he looked around his surroundings. He looked at the Strike, but it can't be. The Strike doesn't have any long-range weapons with him. Yeah, there are the vulcans, but they don't do shit! Then he looked at another location to see... the Zoworts supporting Chuchu's Demi Trainer?! Said Demi Trainer also equipped her Large Beam Rifle with her single remaining arm while Lilique's Zowort is supporting the beam rifle because of Chuchu's lack of a right arm.

"Everyone!" Suletta cheered at the other's rescue and Kira just sighed as he smiled, his eyes going back to normal.

"I told you not to underestimate Earth House." Chuchu said with a relieved tone and expression on her face, "Baka."

As soon as she said that, the winner sign appeared behind the defeated Michaelis. Shaddiq just stared at his cockpit's ceiling, contemplating his loss while his eyes returned back to normal and listened to Miorine.

"I thought you'd try to finish the battle with your own hands, even that you surprisingly had the SEED Factor." Miorine said, "You tell me to trust you... when you don't trust anyone yourself."

Then Shaddiq looked at his main monitor to see Suletta coming out from the Aerial, which Aerial's hand was outside of the cockpit in which Suletta could stand. Then she recited the GUND-ARM, Inc. chant. Well, only her part.

"G-Gundam! They can fly! They can dance! Aerial! Strike-nii!" Aerial finished as the Strike now arrived at the tall ass debris and landed beside the damaged Aerial with his beam weapons now deactivated. Shaddiq just looked at Suletta as he closed his eyes, now accepting his defeat.


"This is incredible! Our views are skyrocketing!" Martin exclaimed as the GUND-ARM, Inc. ad's now gained a lot of views.

"It's thanks to the livestream." Aliya said as she, Till, Lilique, and a chicken just looked at Martin's tablet.

"Save the details for later!" Chuchu said as she, Nika, and Ojelo had confetti poppers with them while Nuno's just eating a chicken leg.

"To the official founding of GUND-ARM, Inc...." Nika started as she raised her popper along with everyone else, ready to pop.

"Congratulations!" cheered the Earth House members as the confetti poppers have been popped. With Suletta, she's wearing a different outfit instead of her uniform, as she is wiping the dirt off of Aerial's remaining leg. Beside the Aerial is the dirtied Strike.

"I'm sorry, Aerial." Suletta apologized with an upset expression on her face, "For always doing this to you." She then wiped the tears that had formed on her eyes, but she was then patted on the back by Kira, who was wearing the same attire as Suletta. Suletta looked back to Kira, who gave her a smile. Not a happy one at that obviously.

"Aerial will forgive you, Suletta." Kira said as he tried to comfort Suletta, who then hugged him, "She will forgive you."


With Miorine, she and Shaddiq are in her greenhouse. Miorine obviously inside and Shaddiq was just at the entrance. Anyways, in Miorine's notebook is the signed application of her company.

"All signed up." Shaddiq said then he continued, "I pledge I won't cause any harm to your company from now on."

"Right." Miorine said as she turned around and went to do her thing, "Bye, then."

"I should have dueled for it from the beginning." Shaddiq admitted with a regretful yet happy smile on his face.

"No amount of whining will get you this company now." Miorine countered as she sat down in front of one of her plants with her toolbox beside her.

"Not for that... but for your hand." Shaddiq corrected, but Miorine didn't seem fazed about that, ""I'll become the Holder and protect you myself." If I'd only said those words, maybe you'd have let me in. I'll give that job to Kira Yamato and Suletta Mercury then. You seemed to be more fond of them, more specifically at Kira."

Miorine closed her eyes from that as she opened them again and looked at where Shaddiq was previously at, who now left her greenhouse, "Fool..." Miorine whispered as she grabbed her pruning sheers from her toolbox and took a hold of a green tomato, "Too little, too late." she cut the green tomato, "And how many times do I have to tell you... I don't have any feelings for that idiot." her cheeks then had a tinge of red on it.


RF2: Okay then, is this rushed? IDFK. Is the fight scene good? Eh, it's decent in my opinion. Anyways! I decided to let Kira use the Perfect Strike because... He didn't use the Perfect Strike in the anime. Fucking bait, then what the fuck are the eyecatch (more specifically the first one) for?! Eh, at least he used that in the Gundam SEED RE: manga. And it's just the manga! And why the fuck isn't that manga in some manga sites yet???? Oh well, I might buy a physical copy in the future. I really want to read that manga, even if I have to learn Japanese to understand that shit.

Also, I made Shaddiq have SEED mode, and it's kind of half ass and a waste of potential. Which is why I might make Shaddiq make full use of his SEED mode in future chapters, or episodes if Shaddiq fights Suletta. Or maybe an original chapter. Speaking of SEED mode, the reason how Shaddiq activated that? Well, we got Kira's motivation to protect, Athrun getting past his doubts, Cagalli's reservation, Lacus' philosophical shit, and Shinn's anger. So why not add Shaddiq's fucking love (or rather SIMPing) to Miorine? That's a good reason how and why he activated his SEED mode.

Anyways, before I go... enjoy this epilogue first. Yes, there's an epilogue.


It's been 1 month since the team duel of the Earth House's victory against the Grassley House, GUND-ARM Inc. is now open for business, and of course... normal school stuff. No duels, surprisingly so, have been happening, and Kira's Strike is in the hangar, being outfitted with the Perfect Striker, with the Armmounted Beam Cannon, yet again... for some fuckin' reason. Actually, there is. Because...

"Okaa-san said that I'm gonna pick up something in this meeting point, right here." Kira, in his pilot suit, said as he pointed at Miorine's tablet that showed the map of the meeting point. In front of him are Miorine and Suletta, both girls are in their pilot suits as well with the Aerial behind them, now repaired and good to go... for some reason as well, "It's understandable why Suletta wants to join. Because she loves me, and she and Aerial need to recuperate their bond. But do you really need to come with us, Miorine?"

"Of course I do." Miorine said as she crossed her arms, "Prospera-san asked you to get something, so I thought maybe that something could be related to our company."

"I mean, I get your point-"

"Let's just go before I hit you again, Baka."

"Yes, ma'am."

With that, the trio went inside their Gundams, Kira in the Strike, and Suletta and Miorine inside the Aerial, and they launched, now going to their destination.

Little time skip, they've now arrived! Well, nearly arrived, because the Strike suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"Eh? Kira-nii-chan, what's wrong?"  Suletta asked, now wondering why they stopped.

"Suletta, wait here for a bit. If something goes wrong, help me." Kira said in a serious tone as the Strike then flew to the meeting point.

"Wat, what? Kira-nii-"

"You should do as he said, Suletta." Miorine cut her off as she stopped Suletta from trying to follow Kira, "I don't like it either but, he's serious. Let's see how things will turn out."

The Strike then arrived at the meeting point by himself to meet, no one. Just as he expected. He looked around, trying to find that "something" his mom told him about, but he got a call from his notebook instead as Prospera's face was shown, revealing that she was inside her office.

"Alright, Okaa-san. Where's that something that you told me to get? Or maybe... there's no something at all." Kira then concluded as Prospera just chuckled. Evilly.

"That's right, there is no something at all. In fact, you just walked into my trap."

"So you decided to kill me, huh? You stooped that low, Okaa-san... It's a good thing I equipped the Multiple Assault Striker for that."

"Actually no, it's quite the opposite. And it's a good thing you used the Multiple Assault Striker." Prospera said as she smirked, "I'm here to bring you home. Back in the Cosmic Era. Godspeed, Kira Yamato. My son." Prospera's face disappeared as his notebook, then monitors began to glow. The Strike also began to glow as the red crest glowed brighter than the rest.

Kira was too shocked at what was happening and tried to process what the fuck is happening, then his eyes widen as the words "Warp Drive System activated" appeared on his monitor.

"Warp...Drive?" Kira muttered as the Strike's red crest fired off a laser into the space in front... making a blue portal, "What the...Gh!" Kira then felt a gravitational pull from the portal, trying to suck him in. The Strike immediately turned around and pushed his thruster to its limits, but because the Strike is using all of the Striker Packs, it didn't do shit. In a distance away from the Strike is a space vessel... with Godoy spectating the event in front of him. With a remote control button with him.

"Kira... I'm sorry. But it has to be done." Godoy apologized, but he gasped next because he didn't expect the Aerial to arrive as well, "What the?! Aerial?!"

"Kira-nii-chan! Grab Aerial's hand with the rocket anchor!" Suletta cried out as the Aerial extended her arm to the Strike. The Strike then used his Panzer Eisen as it latched onto Aerial's arm, who then used her thrusters to try to pull the Strike away from the portal. Or rather, Warp. It's no use now as the Aerial is also now caught in the gravitational pull of the Warp, "Oh no!"

"Damn it, we better brace ourselves!" Miorine cursed as both Mobile Suits were sucked into the Warp, with Godoy speechless and questioning himself how he's gonna tell this to Prospera.

"Shit." were the words uttered out of Godoy.


RF2: Yep! That is right! The gang's gonna go to Kira's timeline! Cosmic Fucking Era! I've planned this from the very start. Will this affect the story? Yeppers. It will affect Episode 10 and onwards of the Witch From Mercury anime. It will affect Suletta and Miorine, obviously. Anyways, stay tune for the next chapter! This is RF2 signing off. See you!

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