Trembling World and Lacus Strikes

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"Kira Yamato/Suletta Mercury!" - Normal Text.

"Strike/Aerial!" - Some Random-Ass Bold Text That I Put Just To Make It Look Cool When Other Fanfics Do It Cuz Why Not Text.

"Launching!" - Thinking Text.

"Bruh" - Comms/Mic/TV Audio/ZOOM Meeting/Flashback Text


With all two ships now in space, the Kusanagi is being assembled with its parts by the M1 Astrays while the Gundams couldn't help but be amazed and watched. Once the Kusanagi was now complete, Kisaka and Murrue began to talk to one another inside their respective ships, talking about Cagalli.

"How's Cagalli?" Murrue asked Kisaka.

"She's calmed down somewhat, but it's been hard on her." Kisaka told the worried Archangel, including Miorine, "Right now, I can't really tell her not to cry."

The Gundams decided to enter the Kusanagi. For what reason? Well, Cagalli since she lost her father. Once they were inside, the pilots hopped out of their mobile suits and SUletta hugged Kira for support of what happened recently. They quickly changed into their uniforms (Well Athrun wears the Orb mechanics Uniform) and then they reached the room where Cagalli spent her time weeping.

They entered her room to try and console her, and Cagalli used this chance to tackle Kira and cry on his chest.


Murrue, Mu, and Miorine (Ladies and Gentlemen... meet the M's!), who decided to tag along to reunite with Suletta and Kira, were given a tour by Kisaka of the Kusanagi, meeting the Astray Trio along the way. They reached the bridge where they met Erica Simmons.

"Head for the L4 colony group?" Miorine asked as she and Murrue looked at Kisaka once he told them about their next plan. 

"Neither the Kusanagi nor the Archangel will need supplies for some time...but there are limits. Water, in particular, could become a problem fairly soon." Kisaka informed as Cagalli and the Gundam pilots entered the bridge, "The colony group at L4 was damaged and abandoned shortly after the war began. Though uninhabited, the colonies will be useful as water sources."

"It reminds me of something we've seen before." Murrue said, recalling a certain mission Kira Yamato and friends did when they were deployed to find water and supplies in a colony... Junius Seven.

Mu looked back to Murrue, knowing what the brown-haired captain was referring to, "It'll be alright. This is different from Junius Seven."

"Junius Seven... I read about that. It's..." Miorine began and Athrun finished it for her.

"Yeah... it's tragic. My mom died there."

Miorine gave Athrun a sympathetic look, "My condolence."

Athrun gave Miorine a smile of gratitude, "Thank you." then he decided to change the subject as his expression became serious, "There are still a number of colonies functioning in L4."

This information was new to everyone as they looked back to Athrun, "Long ago...after receiving information about a suspicious group residing here..." Athrun began to explain, "ZAFT came here to research the area. There are no longer any residents... but there should still be some colonies with operational facilities."

With a nod Kira looked back to the rest, "Then it's decided."

"But..." Mu started as he looked to Athrun for confirmation, "...are you sure you're okay with this? And not just you....this question's intended for the other ZAFT soldier as well."

"Commander..." Murrue muttered when Mu was referring to Athrun's comrade, Dearka.

"I saw you fight at Orb and your actions spoke for themselves." Mu continued as in the Archangel, Dearka was being given instructions by Murdoch about maintaining his machine, "But I can't help noticing that uniform you're wearing. And, depending on how things progress...there's a chance we could be fighting against ZAFT. It's not like what happened in Orb."

The crew then looked back at Athrun with worried looks, "Are you prepared for it? You're Patrick Zala's son, right?" Mu asked with a serious yet worried expression and tone.

"Why should it matter whose son he is? Athrun is..." Cagalli started trying to defend Athrun.

"Leaving one's own forces is a lot more serious than you might imagine, you know." Mu pointed out as he looked back at Cagalli, "Not only that. Imagine your own father being in charge of the nation. Unless you believe in your side's cause, you can't possibly fight a war."

Cagalli looked down and gritted her teeth, but Mu was making a good point.

"It's not so simple when you turn that belief around. Unlike Kira or Suletta, he's officially a ZAFT soldier. I hate to force this upon you...but if we fight together, can I rely on you?" Mu asked, "Well? Can I?"

Everyone was silent for a moment, waiting in anticipation for a response from Athrun, until he finally spoke up, "While at, even in the PLANTs and on Earth...I saw, heard, and thought about many things. But what's right and what's wrong? What do I understand, and what don't I? I don't even have answers to these basic questions." Athrun admitted, "The only thing that is clear to that the world I hope for is the same world that you people hope for." Then he looked back to Miorine and Suletta, "The same thing goes for yours, right? I heard that your Earth's people are having a bit of trouble with these so-called Spacians." Then he looked back to the rest, "Right now, that's how I feel."

The crew smiled and nodded happily at hearing what Athrun said, leading Mu to go so far as to comment, "You're very strong-minded. Nothing like Kira."

"I agree if my time being with him is correct." Miorine crossed her arms and looked at Kira with a tsundere look, "Isn't that right? My idiot groom?"

"Please stop calling me that..." Kira sighed with a sweat drop as the crew just amusingly looked at Kira. Then he looked at Athrun, "But you are right though... we were different since we were little."

Murrue and Suletta smiled at Kira and Mu then continued, "The responsibilities Orb has entrusted us with are enormous."

"Yes." Murrue nodded as she looked at Mu and smiled at him.

"And we only got these two vessels. Frankly, it's practically impossible." Mu kept on going and Murrue nodded at his statement, "But you still okay with this, are you?" Mu asked Athrun once again.

Athrun glanced up to answer when he noticed Cagalli staring happily at him. When the blonde noticed this, she quickly glanced away in an attempt to hide the quickly growing blush, getting Athrun more curious, and causing both to almost miss Kira saying, "We have faith. Even if it's small, a bright light will not disappear, right?"

"There are people in the PLANTs who think the same way." Athrun pointed out as Kira looked back at him and asked.


"Lacus." Athrun answered as Kira did an "Oh" expression.

"That pink princess?" Mu asked as he gained questioned looks from Miorin and Suletta.

""Pink Princess?"" Suletta and Miorine repeated in unison as Athrun answered them.

"She's my fiancee... or ex-fiancee rather." Athrun said as Kira and the rest looked back to Athrun with surprised expressions. Athrun decided to answer their not-yet-asked questions, "She's currently being sought after as a traitor. By my father."

"Eh? Why's that?" Kira asked in curiosity and concern.

"My father implemented a mobile suit development project. The same project my Justice was at... mobile suits equipped with N-Jammer Cancelers." With this information, almost all of the people present in the bridge gasped.

"N-Jammer Cancelers? You don't mean...!" Miorine started, having read about this timeline's history and knowing about N-Jammers.

"Yes. My Justice is a nuclear-powered mobile suit. And the same goes for the mobile suits in that project of his." Athrun explained, "The reason Lacus was declared a traitor is that... she and her supporters stole the sister unit of the Justice, the one where my machine was supposed to fight with according to Chichiue... the ZGMF-X10A...Freedom."

"Freedom...?" Kira muttered and repeated the mobile suit Lacus stole, "And the fact that it's nuclear powered... I can't believe your father decided to do that."

"Chichiue wants to finish this war as soon as possible, which is why he gave the go-ahead for this mobile suit project. Also..." he gave a serious look to the crew, "I don't want you guys to get your hands on the N-Jammer Canceler of my machine. If you guys do, I have no choice but to shoot you guys."

The atmosphere around the bridge was silent as the crew looked at Athrun with worried expressions. Kira then nodded at this threat, "Alright. We won't."

Murrue did the same as well, "Same goes for us."

Mu smiled and gave Athrun a thumbs up. Cagalli and the Orb natives nodded as well. Then Suletta smiled at Athrun and Miorine just gave Athrun an understanding nod.

With these nods of understanding, Athrun gave them a smile, "Everyone... thank you."


After that briefing at the bridge, everyone went back to their separate ways. The Archangel crew went back to the Archangel, leaving their pilots at the Kusanagi, who were helping at the hangar in their pilot suits. Suletta and Kira are giving tips and tricks to some Orb pilots, the Astray trio are either doing maintenance on their Astrays or getting some instructions from a mechanic.

In the observation area of the hangar, Athrun was there as he began to recall Uzumi's words about the mastermind of the attack on Orb. The Blue Cosmos' leader, Muruta Azrael. And the PLANTs current chairman and pro-Natural hater... his father, Patrick Zala. Because of this, Athrun closed his eyes in shame.

"Athrun." Kira called out to his friend as he and Suletta entered the observation area with their helmets on their arms, "Things seem to be under control here, let's return to the Archangel."

Athrun looked at him as Kira continued, "It doesn't really make much difference, but this ship's full of M1s." then he noticed Athrun's expression, "Athrun?"

"Kira." Cagalli came in as the pilots looked at her, "Have a moment?"

"Then I'll see you later./See you later, Kira-nii-chan." Athrun and Suletta said as they were about to leave... until they were stopped by Cagalli.

"W-Wait!" Cagalli said as she grabbed Athrun's arm and Suletta paused as both pilots looked back to the blonde, "You two just stay here! Or, um, please stay!" Then she looked at SUletta, "You also need to stay here as well since you're his sister. So... all three of you deserved to know this."

"What is it, Cagalli?" Kira asked as soon as Cagalli approached him.

Cagalli hesitated for a moment before she reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out the photograph that her father had given to her before he died. 

"This." Cagalli told Kira, handing him the picture.

"A photo? Of who?" Kira asked as Suletta and Athrun approached the brown-haired Coordinator, taking a look of the picture with curious expressions.

"Other side." Cagalli whispered in reply.

Kira then flipped the photo over as Cagalli had said he should and all three pilots gasped in shock when Kira saw both Cagalli's and his own name written on the back.

"Kira-nii-chan... and Cagalli-san...?" Suletta gasped as the Gundam pilots looked at Cagalli. And she thought she was Kira's ONLY sister. One and ONLY sister. Well, guess not.

"Otou-sama gave it to me just before we took off on Kusanagi." Cagalli explained, already feeling the tears coming to her eyes. "He said I wouldn't be alone. That I'd be with my brother!"

Cagalli finally started to break down and cry again as she latched onto Athrun for emotional support, which Athrun provided somewhat hesitantly at first since he was still in shock over this fact as well. As she cried a bit, Cagalli moaned, "What's all this supposed to mean?"

'Yes... that's right. What's this supposed to mean? Kira-nii-chan is Cagalli's brother... even Kira-nii-chan is not even aware of it...What's this supposed to mean?! Wait no, happy thoughts... happy thoughts...' We all know who thought that. While Suletta was having a mental crisis in her mind, Kira began to whisper.

"I don't know. I haven't a clue."

Athrun looked back and forth between the two as he tried to process it all himself, realizing that his best friend had a sister that not even Kira knew about, and not just a sister at that either. "Twins?" Athrun breathed out.

Well after that whole fiasco, the Gundam pilots decided to go back into their Gundams and prep themselves to return to the Archangel, with Cagalli watching them from the observation area... recalling the aftermath when she and Kira were revealed as twins.


"In any case... this doesn't tell us a thing." Kira asked as he looked at the picture.

"Who's this holding the babies?" Athrun asked.

"If you and I are siblings, then what does that make me?" Cagalli asked, getting everyone to realize what one thing she was really confused about was. This revelation made Cagalli question her identity as a person and whether or not she was a Natural or a Coordinator.

"Thinking about it now isn't going to help, Cagalli." Kira reassured Cagalli, "Besides, even if this is true...that doesn't change the fact that Uzumi-san is your father."

"Kira..." Cagalli muttered.

"Also, I am sorry to say this, but... I'm the older one between us two. Heck, even you two!" Kira decided to take this path as Cagalli growled, "I mean... I'm chronologically 21 years old!"


With the flashback now done, Cagalli couldn't help but chuckle, "Heh... you bastard. Are you sure that you didn't change?"

"Kira." Athrun called him out as Kira looked to one of his monitors to see Athrun's face, "Shouldn't you be with her? I mean... you are technically the older brother now."

"No." Kira said as he looked at Cagalli's image on his monitors, "Being with her is only going to make her think this more."

"I see." Athrun nodded as all three back-pack equipped Gundams were deployed from the Kusanagi and now they're on their way to the Archangel.

On their way, the Justice put his hand on the Strike's shoulder, "Kira. Once we return to the Archangel, do you think I could borrow it's shuttle?"

"Athrun?/Athrun-san?" Both pilots of the white Gundams repeated.

"I want to make a visit to the PLANTs." Athrun said as Kira and Suletta's eyes widened, "I feel I must sit down with Chichiue for a serious talk."

"But... Athrun..." Kira started.

"I know! But... he is my father."

Kira stared at his friend for a moment, seeing how serious Athrun was about this, and he could tell that Athrun needed to do this for many different reasons.

"Then go, Athrun-san." Suletta said as Kira looked at Suletta with a surprised expression.

"Suletta?" the unison voices of Kira and Athrun came.

"We'll talk to Murrue-san and the others about it. Besides, Okaa-san told me that family is important."

The male pilots just looked at her as Kira nodded at Suletta's words and smiled. The same goes to Athrun, "Thanks. Suletta."

A short while later, the Gundam pilots entered the Archangel and left their mobile suits. Kira and Suletta told Murrue and the others about Athrun going back to the PLANTs to talk to his father. Murrue understood Athrun's intentions as she gave Athrun the go-ahead. The pilots went back to the hangar to see Murdoch and Dearka readying the shuttle.

"If I don't return, I want you to pilot the Justice." Athrun told Dearka.

Dearka gave Athrun a look, "No way. You're the one who should be on that thing."

Before anything else could be said between any of the four pilots, a voice called out, "Wait a minute! Athrun!"

Everyone looked to see Cagalli rushing towards them, or at least the closest thing to rushing that one could accomplish in a zero gravity environment, until she was right in front of Athrun, practically tackling him away from the shuttle as she demanded, "What's going on? Why?"

"Cagalli!" Athrun gaped.

"Why are you going back to the PLANTs?" Cagalli demanded.

"I'm sorry." Athrun stared, but he soon found out that an angry Cagalli was not someone you start saying something with an "I'm sorry" to.

"Sorry doesn't cut it! What'll happen to you if you return without that?" Cagalli asked as she turned to the Justice.

"The Justice would be put to better use here, now that we have two mobile suits that could indefinitely use Phase Shift and beam weapons." Athrun said as he gave Cagalli an assured look, "If worst comes to worst, Kira will take care of it."

"That's not what I'm talking about!"

Finally, the two collided with the wall that they had been floating towards, which sent them rebounding in the direction that they had come from as Athrun stated, "I know... but I must go."


"I can't leave things as they are."

Kira then felt it was time for him to step in before things got out of hand and floated over to the pair, placing a gentle hand on Cagalli's shoulder as soon as he reached them and softly said, "Cagalli."

"Kira." Cagalli said as both of Kira's friends looked at him.

"You understand, don't you?"

Cagalli looked between Kira, then at Athrun for a moment before she finally and reluctantly complied.

A few minutes later, the left front leg of the Archangel opened as Athrun's shuttle was deployed.

"Strike, launching to escort shuttle." Kira stated as he pressed a few buttons on his Strike, which is being outfitted with his modified Aile Striker Pack.

"Very well. Be careful, Kira." Miorine said as the Strike Gundam was deployed to escort the shuttle that Athrun was to its destination... the PLANTs.


At the PLANTs... Patrick Zala pretty much declared Martial Law. A lot of soldiers are on the roads, currently on the lookout for Lacus Clyne, after the public speech that she did while she was in one of the safe houses. Of course, she was safely escorted out of the safe house by DaCosta and Co. Oh, did I also mention that while that speech happened Zala's men infiltrated one of the safe houses that Siegel Clyne's staying at and killed him and his men? No? Well, there we go. Then after that speech and massacre, Patrick Zala declared Martial Law... of course, there is one of his supporters live on TV trying to persuade people to "save" Lacus Clyne from the Naturals. According to them at least, but thats obviously a lie.  Anyways, that's the brief summary.

"Yeah, that's right. Le Creuset returned with the information." Patrick informed to his follower/comrade as he watched various clips that were shown during the battle of Orb, "I have no idea how the Strike ended up with Orb, but what we do know is that Codenamed: Witch can equip those weapon packs the Strike uses. We also assume that Codenamed: Witch is built based on the Strike. And also, Orb has another Strike in different colors." Then he pinched his nose bridge, "Athrun might know something... but I've yet to hear anything from that fool."

"But it's a top-secret mission, isn't it?" his comrade guessed, "Careless communication is one way information can be leaked."

"Those overconfident Naturals have been flocking to the moon." Patrick growled as the Alliance were currently on the moon according to the information that gave him, and they were currently maintaining their mobile suits, "We must crush them this time. Completely. I understand."

Then we're at the mysterious Coordinator that Patrick was talking about, "I shall give every effort to repay Your Excellency...for giving me another chance at life."


Then in a ship that Rau and Yzak are at, in the hangars Yzak took a look to the successor of the GINN and CGUE thanks to the data that ZAFT had gotten by the stolen G Weapons. The ZGMF-600 GuAIZ.

"This is the new model GuAIZ?" Yzak questioned a mechanic doing maintenance to the machine.

"Yes. It's the latest standard model from MMI." the mechanic replied as he looked back to Yzak for a moment, then back at the machine, "This guy's becoming more and more common on the assembly line. If the manufacturing progresses smoothly...we'll eliminate the Naturals from space in no time, right? We're counting on you-Huh?" he looked back to see Yzak walking away.

In Rau's room, he took a drink of his medicine while Flay was just there with a tray of medicine and water. Once the girl left, Rau took out a floppy disk that holds the data of the ZGMF Gundams that he somehow got thanks to one of his comrades he met in a bar recently. He inserted the disk into a disk player then a holographic screen that shows the data of the Justice and Freedom were shown. But what interests him is the most are not the weapons but rather...

"N-Jammer Canceller. How interesting." Rau mentally smirked once he got hold of this information.


DaCosta then ran to the current safe house where Lacus and the others are staying at as a Clyne supporter quickly opened the door for him, then looked around and closed it.

"Whatever!" Pink-chan cheered while hopping on a desk with... a lot of electronics on it.

"Thank you for your efforts." Lacus thanked DaCosta and the rest as she looked at them, "How are things in town?"

"Not good." DaCosta informed as Lacus approached him and the rest, "Ezalia Joule's performance has left the citizens at a loss."


"Is that so." Lacus said with an upset tone and expression.

"The information about Siegel hasn't been released to the public yet." DaCosta informed again as the supporters looked at each other in worry.


"Yes." DaCosta nodded to what Lacus is gonna say next, "Though it's sooner than we planned, I think we should get moving." 

"I understand." Lacus complied to DaCosta, "Perhaps the time has come for us to go."

"I won't accept that!"


With Athrun and Kira, a line was connected to the shuttle and the Strike's beam rifle while they were on their way to the PLANTs.

"Kira." Athrun called out, which got the attention of the pilot of the white mobile suit, "We'll reach the defense network of Jachin Due any time now. You should return now."

"Okay, I'll wait for you here." Kira said that caused Athrun to be taken aback by Kira's intentions.

"No. Please go back." Athrun insisted.

Kira had to look up to one of his monitors that showed Athrun's insisted face.

"Athrun." Kira started, "You cannot die yet. You know that, right?"

Athrun's eyes widened at Kira's words, "Kira..."

"You and I... cannot die yet."

"Not yet?" Athrun asked.

"Not yet." Kira affirmed.

Because of this, Athrun begins to have flashbacks about Nicol, killing Tolle, Lacus, and Cagalli giving him the necklace for a moment. Speaking of necklaces, said the necklace was still present under Athrun's suit, who put his hand on his chest where the necklace was.

"Right. I'll remember that." Athrun reassured Kira, giving him his word.

"Don't forget it." Kira said as the line that connected his shuttle and the Strike's beam rifle disconnected. With that done, the Aile Striker Pack's thrusters went in front as the Strike then reversed back, leaving Athrun alone on his journey to the PLANTs.

With the shuttle now gone, the Strike turned around and was SUPPOSEDLY to return to the Archangel, but he couldn't. He had a feeling that Athrun might be in danger. So he had to stay here and be out of sight. That is where a certain little sister of the mobile suit appeared and approached her older brother... with no Striker Packs equipped.

"Eh? Suletta?" Kira's eyes widened at the familiar mobile suit in confusion, "What are you doing? I thought I-"

"I-I know! But Mu-san told me to come and find you when the Alliance attacked us!" Suletta explained and that caught Kira's expression.

"E-Eh? The Alliance does?" Kira repeated, "They managed to come to space that quickly?"

"H-Hai! It's just like this..."


A few minutes after Kira and Athrun left, we saw the Aerial, equipping the Strike's Shield, in the MS Catapult.

"Suletta Mercury! Aerial, ikimasu!" Launching out of the Archangel, the Aerial quickly stopped and turned around, looking at the same catapult as she saw the Strike Kai being equipped with the newly built Lightning Striker Pack, and on the other side of the Archangel's front leg was the Buster, launching as well.

"Dearka Elsman! Buster, ikuze!"

"Mu La Flaga! Strike Kai, deru!" And now, it was the Lightning Strike Kai that was launched. The Strike Kai then drew out its Type 70-31 Fenrir Electromagnetic Cannon from its arms and went beside the Aerial as the Gundams went a little far away from their mother ships.

"Mu, how's the Striker Pack?" Erica Simmons asked the Strike pilot from the Kusanagi.

"A bit surprised!" Mu chuckled as he looked at his Gundam's monitor a bit eye-widening at the Strike's current energy capacity and choice of weaponry, "You weren't kidding about the 150% energy capacity you told me about!"

"Hmm... That's good."  Erica hummed with a small smile of expectation, "Dearka, try hitting that debris. Your Mobile Suit's going to be our test subject for the Lightning Striker's features. Make it as low as possible, or even drain the Buster's power. Mu, try firing in any random direction."

"Roger!" Dearka smirked as he let the Buster's weapons loose to the debris.

The Strike Kai aimed the Fenrir at one far away debris from the Mendel Colony they're at that Mu took an interest in and fired... and his eyes widened at how far the rail gun bullet reached when he saw an explosion.

"Damn!" Mu gaped, "Was it because we're in space that the gun reached that far?"

"Yep." Erica nodded at Mu, "On Earth, the Fenrir's shot can reach up to 120km, while in space... it can reach up to 10, 000 km."

"Hot damn!" It was Dearka who exclaimed, "Old man, it looks like you're trying to put my Buster to shame!"

"Try going into Ultra Long Range Mode, Mu." Erica added that caught the interest of both Mu and Dearka, "You'll hit something up to 380, 000 km now that we're in space."

Mu is having a field day as he can't get his excitement to calm down now that he knows about the Lightning Striker's purpose as a sniper, "Now we're talking!" The Strike Kai aimed its Fenrir again as the red crystal on the chest began to glow.

In Mu's cockpit, it began to zoom in as Mu was agape at what he was seeing. Then his face shifted into alarm when he saw a squadron of Strike Daggers coming their way. Not behind them is a damaged Draje-class ship where the bridge/cockpit section... has a hole in it. I think we all know why the Strike Daggers are coming their way.

"Uh oh. The Alliance is coming." Mu said as Erica, Suletta, and Dearka gasped, "A squadron of the Strike's mass productions and a Drake-class ship with a hole... I think that's my fault." He sweat dropped at that last sentence.

"Oh, Mu..." Erica sighed.

"Oh man, and when I already made the Buster's battery low." Dearka clicked his tongue in annoyance at the bad timing he and the rest were now getting.

"Well, that is where the Lightning Striker's gonna be." Erica chuckled as she switched the channel to Mu, "Mu, if you please."

"Sure thing! Kiddo, turn around for me, will ya?" The Buster did as it was told as the left thruster of the Lightning Striker opened to reveal... a charging claw-like from the Archangel when they charged the Strike. The claw went over to the Buster's "butt" as it began to recharge the Gundam.

"Oi!" Dearka looked at Mu.

"Shut up and look at your battery, Kiddo!"

Dearka looked at the Buster's battery as it went to 100%.

"Woah..." Dearka gaped then smirked, "Now that's more like it!"

Combining both projectile weapons into the Hyper Impulse Long-Range Sniper Rifle, both Lightning Strike Kai and Buster began to support fire the Aerial by firing their projectiles to the Strike Daggers that were firing, while the Aerial just charged straight through, dodging every beam the Strike Daggers fired at.

Igniting her beam saber and beam blade on the Beam Rifle, the Aerial kept on dodging

"Wait a second, isn't that mobile suit the other unit that can equip the Striker Packs?!" one of the pilots realized and asked his comrades.

"It is! But it's fast even without any Striker Packs-GAHHH!" the other pilot couldn't even finish as a blue beam blade met him.

The Aerial then flew back and spun around when the two remaining Strike Daggers fired their beam rifles at the Gundam.

Aiming her beam rifle, along with the Strike Kai's Fenrir and Buster's Sniper Rifle, all three Gundams pulled the trigger as they successfully killed the remaining Strike Daggers.

"Okay..." Suletta sighed in relief as she opened her visor to put off the sweat forming on her head, "I think that's all of them."

"I'm not detecting some on my end-GAH!" One of the thrusters of the Lightning Striker was blown up as the Buster immediately pulled the successor of its sister unit away, "Don't tell me there's more of them?!"

"There are 2-No! 4?!..." Dearka grunted as he looked at the Buster's monitor and his eyes widened. He was expecting the Strike Daggers but no... this Strike Dagger looks different as it looks more like the Strike thanks to the Striker Packs it's using. And they are using the Aile Striker Packs and one of them uses... the Moebius Zero. AKA the Gunbarrel Striker Pack, "But it's no ordinary water down Strike look-alike either... it's a literal mass-production version. One of them uses the mobile armor you're using." 

"A... true mass-produced Strike-nii?" Suletta gulped as her eyes widened at the GAT-01A1 105 Daggers right in front of her, "No way..."

Mu just looked at that specific dagger as a flash of a lightning bolt appeared that made him gasp, "This feeling... it can't be!"

"The feeling is mutual... Mu La Flaga." A voice that Mu recognized called out from the Gunbarrel Dagger, "I was hoping we would meet again as allies."

"Morgan... Chevalier?!" Mu gaped as Dearka also gasped once he heard the name that Mu muttered out.

"Chevalier?! The Moonlight Mad Dog?!"

"Moonlight... Mad Dog?" Suletta repeated, a little curious and more intimidated at the monicker the Gunbarrel 105 Dagger got, "C-Care to explain, D-Dearka-san?" she gulped.

"The "Moonlight" part of his nickname comes from the fact that he excelled at nighttime operations, and the "mad dog" comes from the fact that his maneuvers, which were so far ahead of their time, seemed reckless at first glance." Dearka told Suletta as he readied the Buster's Sniper Rifle towards the Daggers.

"And he also had an accurate grasp of the positions of many of his men and the enemy forces, which was later regarded as an example of his special spatial awareness, and in fact, his operations led his troops to victory many times." Mu added as he aimed the Fenrir railgun at the Daggers as well.

"I'm deeply flattered, pilot of the Buster." Morgan mused with a slight smirk, "But sadly, we have our orders to eliminate you all. Boys."

The Daggers aimed their beam rifles at the Gundams, with Morgan's Gunbarrels deployed and aimed.

The pilots get themselves ready with their fingers ready to pull the trigger and their hands ready to pull a lever back to dodge.

Both forces waited, waiting for whoever was going to make the first move. A second later, the Dagger fired at the Aerial, who gracefully twirled to dodge and returned fire.

Then everyone returned fire as several beams/projectile bullets went past each mobile suit present from far away it was like a party.

As the intense exchange of fire ensued, Suletta skillfully maneuvered the Aerial, dodging beams and returning fire with precision. However, it became increasingly clear that they were outnumbered and outgunned by the mass-produced 105 Daggers and Morgan Chevalier's formidable Gunbarrel Dagger. She saw the Strike Kai dismount the Lightning Striker as the said Gundam fired back at the Daggers with only the CIWS.

Suletta nodded grimly, understanding the gravity of the situation as the Aerial's Luminescence glowed, which didn't go unnoticed by both forces.

"The Aerial... it's-!" Dearka started as his eyes widened in awe.

"Glowing...?" Mu finished with the same reaction as Dearka.

Morgan also has the same reaction, in awe at the Aerial, then he hears one of his squad calling him out.

"Captain, the unknown unit is... I'm taking the shot!"

Morgan gasped as he looked at that one Aile 105 Dagger that aimed its beam rifle at the Aerial.

"Wait, don't!"

It was too late as the beam was fired and went to the Aerial.

The Buster and Strike Kai noticed this as they tried to activate their thrusters to protect the Aerial, but the pace of the beam was faster and their current equipment couldn't reach the Gundam.

As the beam raced towards the Aerial, threatening to engulf it in a deadly blaze, the GUND Bits sprang into action. With swift and precise movements, they intercepted the incoming attack, forming a protective barrier around Suletta and her Gundam.

The sheer speed and coordination of the GUND Bits left both sides in awe, their attention momentarily drawn away from the chaos of battle. Suletta's resolve hardened as she focused on the task at hand, her determination unwavering despite the odds stacked against them.

"Everyone... I need your help once more." Suletta declared, her voice carrying a sense of urgency and determination.

With a swift motion, the sleek remote weapons glinted ominously as they spread out, surrounding the enemy Daggers in a calculated formation.

Morgan Chevalier's expression shifted from confidence to wariness as he observed the GUND Bits' deployment. He recognized the threat they posed and knew that underestimating Suletta and her Gundam would be a fatal mistake.

As the Daggers attempted to evade the encroaching GUND Bits, Suletta, and the Aerial seized the opportunity. With precise coordination, the Aerial directed the remote weapons to unleash a relentless barrage of beam fire, targeting vital joints and systems on the enemy suits.

The battlefield erupted into chaos as the GUND Bits danced through the space, their beams slicing through the 105 Daggers with surgical precision. Morgan's Gunbarrel Dagger, despite its advanced capabilities, found itself struggling to evade the relentless onslaught. The remote weapons swarmed around it like vengeful spirits, their coordinated attacks gradually wearing down its defenses.

Mu and Dearka watched in awe as Suletta displayed the full extent of her skills and the power of the GUND Bits. The sheer versatility and lethality of the remote weapons surpassed anything they had encountered before, leaving them both impressed and inspired.

"Unbelievable..." Mu muttered, his eyes fixed on the unfolding spectacle. "I never imagined Suisei-chan's mobile suit has those wireless Gunbarrel-like weapons, and that it could be so effective in combat."

Dearka nodded in agreement, a newfound respect for Suletta and her Gundam dawning upon him. "She's on a whole other level," he remarked, admiration evident in his voice. "We need to step up our game if we want to keep up with her."

With renewed determination, Mu and Dearka intensified their attacks, providing cover fire and support for Suletta as she continued to press the advantage. Together, the trio of Gundams unleashed a coordinated assault that pushed the 105 Daggers and Morgan Chevalier's Dagger on the defensive.

Despite their best efforts, the Daggers were overwhelmed by the combined might of the Gundams and the relentless onslaught of the GUND Bits. One by one, they fell before the overwhelming firepower, until only Morgan's Dagger remained, battered and crippled.

Realizing the futility of further resistance, Morgan reluctantly powered down his Dagger's systems and raised his hands in surrender. He knew when he was beaten, and he harbored no illusions about his chances against the three skilled pilots and their formidable Gundams.

With the battle won, the GUND Bits soon deactivated as they all returned to the Aerial. The Aerial then approached Morgan's Dagger, her beam saber at the ready but not ignited, as a precaution.

"You fought well," she said, her voice firm but not unkind. "But your cause is not just, and we cannot allow you to continue."

Morgan nodded in acknowledgment, a mix of resignation and respect in his eyes. "I understand," he replied, his voice tinged with defeat. "Do what you must."

With a final glance at the fallen Dagger, Suletta turned away and rejoined Mu and Dearka.

"Suisei-chan, that was one hell of a presentation you got there!" Mu chuckled in admiration at Suletta and the Aerial, "Though, I am a little embarrassed that you're spatial awareness is greater than mine."

"Spatial... awareness?" Suletta repeated, having no idea what that was.

"You don't know spatial awareness?" Mu blinked as the Gundams began to hover towards the Archangel, "I thought you knew since you released those bits."

"Ah, that... I didn't activate them. Aerial did." Suletta innocently answered, since she doesn't know about the Aerial herself, yet.

Mu just stared at the Aerial pilot, trying to ask for more, but he let it slide with a chuckle. Accepting her answer.

"Right, right. Aerial did." Mu chuckled.

"Well, that would mean that we must get in our A-Game then, old man!" Dearka added with a smirk, which irked Mu as a tick mark appeared on his head, and the same goes for the Strike Kai.

"Shut up! I'm not that old!"

Dearka and Suletta laughed at the outburst, and then Suletta calmed down as she had a worried look on her face. The battle was over, but Kira and the Strike are not back yet... The same goes for Athrun.

"If you want to go after him, then go." Looking at the video feed of Mu in the Strike Kai from the Aerial's monitors, "I am a little worried as well. The kid can take care of himself, but he is using just the Aile Striker. Don't worry, tell him I sent you. And I can take care of a little reprimand from both Murrue and the little garlic bulb as well."

Mustering a light laugh, Suletta wiped the tears from her eyes as she opened her visor, "M-Mu-san...! I-If Miorine-san-ppfft-hears that, s-she'll kill you-HAHA!"

"I know that." Mu chuckled as he saw the Aerial stop and turn around, "Now go, Suisei-chan!"

"Hai! Arigatou!" Suletta exclaimed with a smile and gratitude as she activated the map in the Aerial installed by Erica Simmons, the Aerial's thrusters activated and went to her next destination. The PLANTS.


"Damn Naturals." cursed Patrick to his natural enemy. The Naturals. Yes, it's a pun. Anyways, Patrick cursed while looking at his mega weapon's data. GENESIS. Then his desk rang as he answered, "What is it?"

"Athrun Zala of the special unit..." the soldier said, "...has arrived alone at Jachin Due aboard an Earth Forces shuttle."

His eyes widened at this information, "What? Aboard an Earth Forces shuttle?"

"Given the circumstances, he's currently being restrained..." 

"Bring him here immediately!" Patrick said as he looked at a picture of a young Athrun and his wife...Lenore Zala. Then soon after, Athrun entered, in his uniform, as he was being escorted by ZAFT soldiers.

"Athrun." Patrick muttered as he stared at Athrun.

"Chichiue." Athrun replied with a salute.

"The rest of you may leave." Patrick told the guards as they complied with a salute and left, leaving both son and father in the room. Athrun approached his father and stopped as soon as he was in front of him, "What's going on? What happened? Where's the Justice? What happened to the Strike and that traitor?"

Athrun just stood his ground with a serious and determined look on his face as he simply told his father, "Chichiue. What are your true feelings about this war?"

"What did you say?" Patrick demanded, outraged at his son's audacity.

"How much longer must we continue fighting?"

Patrick slammed his arm on his desk, "What are you saying? What's important now is the mission you were handed! You're to report on that!"

"I've returned because..." Athrun said with a calm tone, "I felt the need to directly ask you that question, Chichiue."

"Athrun! Damn you!" Patrick cursed, feeling that his son betrayed him and the PLANTs as he stood up from his desk, "Enough! I won't have some kid like you...who doesn't understand a thing, talking like this!"

"It's you who doesn't understand a thing!" Athrun argued back, his voice now raised a bit as his father approached him, "Alaska! Panama! Victoria! You attack because you're attacked...and then you're attacked again because you attack! War and disaster continues to spread!" Now he is face-to-face with his dad.

"Where did you get such crazy ideas?" Patrick demanded noticing that his son was different than before, then he assumed that Athrun was different because of Lacus, "Have you been deceived by that girl, Lacus Clyne? Or that traitor, Kira Yamato?"

"Chichiue. Do you seriously think...that meeting force with force will put an end to this war?" Athrun tried to reason with Patrick.

"Of course it will!" Patrick retorted, "The moment every last Natural is exterminated the war will end!" Athrun's eyes widened at his father's statement as he is now then grabbed by the collar by Patrick himself, "Tell me, Athrun! What happened to the Justice? Be aware that depending on your answer, even you may not be forgiven!"

"Father. Do you really mean what you said...about killing all Naturals?"

"That's the whole point of this war! That's why we're fighting this war! Have you forgotten that?"

Patrick then threw Athrun onto the ground hard, and in the process, Athrun's uniform coat's collar was opened allowing the amulet that Cagalli had given him to be freed from its confines underneath the coat. Patrick went to his desk's drawer, pulled out a gun, and approached the down Athrun.

As Athrun sat up, his father cocked the gun and aimed it at his son, much to his disbelief of Athrun that his father stooped this low to even aim a gun at his son.


"You're pathetic! Stop giving me that garbage and answer me! Where is the Justice?" Patrick threatened but Athrun still didn't answer, "If you refuse to answer, I shall have you arrested as a traitor! Athrun!"

Athrun still didn't give him an answer but a glare. Having no choice, Patrick walked over and hit a signaling device on his desk that called in several armed guards who quickly rushed in to hold him at gunpoint. Athrun looked down and accepted defeat, now Uzumi's words about his father are true as he gritted his teeth and tightly clenched his fists.

"Athrun!" Patrick called him out one last time. Athrun decided to do the unthinkable, he snapped and charged at his father, who didn't expect his son to do that. As Athrun charged at his father, he was shot in the shoulder by his father. Well, only grazed, but it still hurts. 

"Don't kill him!" Patrick told his soldiers, "There are still some things I need to hear from this guy! Take him away! Force him to divulge the whereabouts of the Justice, the Strike, and Codenamed: Witch. If needed, a little violence may be in order!"

"Yes, sir!" the soldiers complied as they took him away, but not without Patrick Zala giving him a few words about how disappointed he was in him.

"Same here." Athrun replied as he was now escorted outside.


While Athrun was being escorted in cuffs to a van by (undercovered Clyne Faction) Guards, he began to about what Kira told him about not dying yet, everyone else in the Kusanagi and Archangel, and of course the person that burns his insides the most... Cagalli. The girl whom he promised that he would come back. He instantly began thinking of an escape plan.

Finally he saw his chance when they had paused before the van that would take him to prison.

"Get in! Hey!" the escort called out as Athrun used this advantage of his opponent's pause, he immediately kicked the one on his right away before slamming the one on the other side away with his shoulder and then made a break for it.

"Huh?" DaCosta, disguised as one of the guards along with another on the other side of the van, gawked at Athrun's sudden action. He slammed his rifle into another guard and quickly moved to block Athrun from any enemy fire as he started shooting at them himself all the while shouting, "I didn't expect this!"

He then tossed a few flash grenades at the offending forces as he grabbed Athrun's arm and pulled him into an alleyway where they would be safe for the moment, "This way!" DaCosta said as he and Athrun hid.

Once they were safe for the moment, Athrun slid down and caught his breath.

"Turn your back to me. I'm going to fire at the handcuffs." DaCosta told Athrun what he's gonna do, who complied with his request. As soon as he was freed DaCosta handed him an extra gun he was carrying, "You're being too reckless. Are you trying to get yourself killed? You even knocked over one of our men."

"Who are you?" Athrun asked as he loaded the gun he was just handed.

DaCosta then lifted his helmet a bit to reveal his face to Athrun for recognition, "I'm with the so-calling "The Clyne Faction". This is not going at all according to plan."

"I'm sorry. I had no idea," Athrun apologized, instantly recognizing DaCosta from when he encountered him at the theater where Lacus was at.

"Well, naturally." DaCosta replied until his partner took a step back while firing at their foes.

"DaCosta! Hurry!" his partner roared out as DaCosta nodded to him. Then he and Athrun got ready as DaCosta told Athrun to follow them they both ducked out of their cover and started shooting at their enemies before making a run for it.


"Let's see." the man that Patrick Zala talked to from before grabbed a telephone from the ship that he is currently in. The Eternal. This man is revealed to be Andrew Waltfeld, the Desert Tiger that Kira Yamato thought he killed back in Africa. Andrew Waltfeld has a scar on his left eye, which is why it's closed, "Ahh, our ship is in its final preparations. Got that? Our ship is in its final preparations. Get working!"

Inside the ship's bridge, the lights are off and Andrew informed the ship's workers about its final preparations. Of course, some workers are clueless about this, but they were surprised when some of the ZAFT workers on the ship aimed their guns at them. Then the following thing they did next, they escorted them out of the ship.

"What's going on?" the clueless ZAFT worker asked the soldier in front of him.

"Get off now, and you'll be fine."


"What? How could you let him get away, you fools!" outraged Patrick Zala once he was informed how Athrun got away with a few spies among them, "Issue a citywide warrant for his arrest, at once! Close the port! Notify the military! We cannot let him get away!" then he hung up and tightly clenched his fist, "Damn you, Athrun!"


Later after the shoot out at the PLANTs, Athrun had gotten his wound quickly bandaged up and put in a sling, and now he and DaCosta were blasting out of the PLANT in a shuttle at full speed until they finally reached the vast, starry expanse of Space. Immediately, they were met with the bright pink-colored Eternal. As soon as the ship's captain had told them to enter through the rear hatch and they had boarded as told, the pink ship blasted off at incredible speeds that even Le Creuset's ship would not be able to catch up with.

The two males arrived at the bridge as Lacus, in a new set of clothes that could assume that she's the Commander in this vessel, swiveled her chair to meet Athrun, "Athrun. Are you all right?"

"Lacus?" Athrun gasped in shock when Lacus floated to him. He used his uninjured arm to catch Lacus to stop her.

"Yo! Nice to meet you!" Andrew took a peak from his chair and looked at Athrun, "Welcome to the ship of the songstress. I'm Andrew Waltfeld." he introduced himself to the boy, who was too surprised at what was happening as he looked at Lacus.


Outside of the Eternal, a bunch of missile-equipped GINNs are heading their way to the Eternal. But not that far from the aforementioned two are certain two white, blue, and red Gundams hiding on an asteroid. Suletta looked at her detectors to see unknown dots. Enemies. Now she knew what to do as she informed her brother about what was happening.


Back at the Eternal.

One of the bridge officers announced, "A mobile suit force is approaching from ahead! Fifty mobile suits!"

"Jachin troops? Not that I'm at all surprised." Andrew mused as Lacus went back to her chair, "Prepare to fire main cannon! Activate CIWS!" Andrew then ordered.

"Does this ship have any mobile suits on board?" Athrun then asked.

"Only the Freedom's here, but Lacus was planning to give that to the boy." Andrew looked at Athrun, "This ship will be used exclusively for the Justice and the Freedom."

"Eh? The Freedom's here?" Athrun gawked.

Before Athrun had a chance to say more on the matter, Lacus requested that they open all channels for outgoing communication, and began trying to talk to the enemy units.

"My name is Lacus Clyne. Although I have become enemies with Chairman Zala... because we hope for different futures... I do not intend to fight against you. Please let our ship go. And I also ask each one of you... to think about what we really should be fighting against."

Even if she did her speech and tried to persuade the ZAFT forces to let them go, they didn't seem to budge, even if some of them were a bit hesitant but their superiors managed to stop them.

"It won't be easy for them to change their beliefs so quickly." Andrew sighed, expecting this to happen, "Commence counterattack!"

The Eternal fired all of its missiles at the GINNs to intercept the enemy attacks.

"Please avoid hitting the cockpits." Lacus asked Waltfeld.

"That won't be easy." Andrew replied, "Main cannon! Fire!!"

The main cannon was fired and it miraculously managed to kill six GINNs.

"From Blue Alpha Five and Charlie Seven, six GINNs." DaCosta informed Andrew when enemy units had surrounded them from all sides.

"Here they come! Anti-air!" Andrew warned his comrades. The GINNs launched too many missiles at the Eternal, and the ship itself fired its CIWS to intercept the missiles. Then some GINNs fired more missiles at the Eternal and the CIWS didn't manage to hit them.

"From blue delta twelve, and another four GINNs. Incoming missiles!" DaCosta informed as the missiles were nearing their way to the Eternal. The Eternal countered the missiles with their own, but it's too many because not all of the Eternal's missiles hit the GINNs missiles, "There are too many approaching to counterattack! The missiles are going to hit us!"

Just when it seemed they would be hit, several missiles were hit by a beam blast and another barrage. By who? Well, the Strike and Aerial came in to save them.

Both Gundams came to a stop as they aimed their beam rifles at the missiles and fired.

"Kira? Suletta?" Athrun gawked once he saw the form of the Strike and Aerial. The Gundams kept on firing their beam rifles and successfully destroying them. Because of the explosions, Lacus fell off of her chair but Athrun managed to catch her.

"Thank you." Lacus thanked him as she recovered.

The Gundams split up as the Strike went after the missiles that went toward the Eternal. He fired his beam rifle continuously and managed to destroy a few of them. The Aerial went in front of the bridge, with its back facing.

"Everyone... please lend me your strength!" Suletta exclaimed as the Aerial's transparent parts glowed as the GUND-Bits detached themselves from the Aerial and went to the incoming missiles, successfully destroying them. 

Once they were destroyed, the GUND-Bits then went for the GINNs as they aimed toward the cockpits and fired. Half of the GINNs were destroyed while some were desperately questioning what the GUND-Bits were as they tried to shoot at it, but the GUND-Bits just dodged them and killed the poor pilots and mobile suits. Some of the lucky ones are also dismembered.

"Woah... so this is the true power of Codenamed: Witch? I'm impressed." Andrew mused once he saw the Aerial using the GUND-Bits, with the rest in awe at the performance. Lacus was included in the reaction as well but upset that those bits had to kill the GINNs.

With their job done, the GUND-Bits returned to Aerial as she flew next to the Eternal, along with the Strike with its job done to destroy the GINNs from the Eternal's behind.

"Strike, Kira Yamato here with Aerial and Suletta Mercury!" Kira's voice echoed through the bridge as Lacus exclaimed happily at Kira, "I-It's you! L-Lacus, right?" Kira gawked as his and Suletta's faces appeared on the Eternal's monitor.

"Yes!/Kira. Suletta." Lacus and Athrun replied in unison.

"Hey, youngster. You saved us." Andrew smirked once he saw Kira, whose eyes widened when he saw Andrew Waltfeld in the flesh.


"Kira-nii-chan, who are they?" Suletta asked.


At the Space Colony Mendel, a colony the Archangel and Kusanagi found and became their base of operations for the time being. The Eternal reverse dock inside while the Astray M1, the Strike, the Aerial, and Strike Kai are acting as guards to make sure that ZAFT or Alliance mobile suits wouldn't attack them. With the Eternal finally docked, this is Kira and Suletta's cue to return inside to meet the Clyne Faction in the Archangel.

"Would it be out of line to say it's a pleasure to finally meet you? I'm Andrew Waltfeld." Andrew introduced himself to Murrue and the rest.

"I'm Murrue Ramius." Murrue saluted and greeted back the Desert Tiger, "But what a surprise."

"Same here. Right, youngster?" Andrew looked at Kira, who had an uneasy expression.

"You have a legitimate reason to kill me." Kira said.

"Kira-nii-chan!/Oi, you idiot! Why are you saying that?" Suletta and Miorine, who were beside Kira, scolded the boy.

Andrew knew why Kira's saying that as he closed his eyes, "We're in a war. Everyone has a reason, and yet no one does."

"Thank you." Kira thanked him.

"Speaking of war..." Andrew started as he looked at Kira, "I heard about Marshall Islands, how did you survive that?"

Kira then sighed once again, having to tell the rest about how he survived and silently praying that this was going to be the last one. Let round 3 of storytelling begin!


A few moments later, Cagalli dragged Athrun to the side so that the two of them could talk for a moment before calling it a night. 

"You're always getting hurt." Cagalli half scolded as she gazed at Athrun's bandaged arm.

"Your amulet saved me." Athrun simply smiled at the blonde.

"Really? I'm glad." Cagalli mused as she looked at the behind of the Eternal in front of her and Athrun, "But to think that she escaped with that huge thing. She's really something."

Athrun threw Cagalli a questioning glance before he saw that her gaze had wandered over to Kira, Suletta, Miorine, and Lacus who were also talking in another room that they could see into through a window the girls were probably introducing themselves to the songstress, "Yeah." Athrun agreed.

"Don't you mind? She is your fiancee, right?" Cagalli asked Athrun.

"Former fiancee." Athrun said, which confused Cagalli, "Because I was such a fool."

"Well, better to realize that now than never." Cagalli smiled at Athrun, who looked back at her, "And I think Kira is just a much of a fool, even if he's having a threeway. It could even be a four-way, heh. Even Coordinators can be fools. There's nothing that can be done about that."

Athrun stared at Cagalli in mild shock at first before he started chuckling and said, "You think so? I guess you're right."

Meanwhile, Kira and Lacus were talking about what Kira was doing when he was at Ad Stella and how he came here with the girls. After that... it led to the topic of how Lacus had found out her father had been killed shortly before she had left the PLANTs herself. 

At that point, the normally happy, hopeful girl finally could no longer hold back her sadness or her tears and immediately broke down into sobs as she latched onto Kira and cried into his chest. Kira simply held her as he tried to make her feel better while he let her cry. 

Suletta and Miorine decided to let the pink-haired songstress cry onto Kira's chest since she needed it because her father died, all the while they could do was give pitied looks to Lacus.

The same could be said for Cagalli and Athrun, they heard about what happened to Siegel Clyne and they couldn't do anything about it now but look down in sadness.


RF2: Yo! Been a while, but I've managed to upload a chapter! Yay! Okay, so quick synopsis, the Kusanagi and Archangel arrived in space, soon followed shortly by the Alliance. Then Kira escorted Athrun to the PLANTs via the shuttle and the Strike itself. Shortly after they left, the Lightning Strike Kai was rolled out for testing with the Buster as the test subject and Aerial as the escort, but the testing became another battle when Mu accidentally fired a stray shot at an Alliance Ship. They met with Morgan Chevalier and his squad of 105 Daggers and they fought again. Then the Aerial's GUND Bits activated for the first time since Ad Stella. Then the Aerial went to the PLANTs to find Kira and the Strike.

There Athrun arrived in the PLANTs but was arrested and was about to be transported to prison, but Lacus' supporters managed to bail him to the Eternal, which is where Lacus and Waltfeld are at. Then the knowledge of the Freedom inside the Eternal was known to Athrun. Then they were chased after by ZAFT once the Eternal was out. Then the Strike and Aerial arrived and defended the Eternal. And they arrived back in Mendel and Lacus cried onto Kira for the knowledge that she knew that Siegel Clyne died.

Did I miss something? No? Good. So anyways! Whatchu guys think? Yeah, the Lightning Striker was short-lived. According to the wiki, Mu dismounted the Striker when it was too damaged from a testing-turned battle shortly after they arrived in space and the Alliance got their hands on the destroyed Striker Pack. Also, had to add Morgan Chevalier in this fic 'cause why not? But dw, we'll see him again sometime in the future. I think. And eyy! Aerial used her GUND Bits since Ad Stella! And another eyy! The Freedom! Kira's one step closer to obtaining this suit! I know how some of you guys are excited so wait! Be patient! I have college to deal with! Deal with it!

Anyways, again! Whatchu guys think? Good? Bad? Mid? Shit? You guys decide! this is RF2 signing off! See you!

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