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"Absolutely not." I say when Catarina walks down the stairs in a short black dress. She gasps and looks down, "why not?" I cock an eyebrow at her and she lowers her head and goes back upstairs. My phone dings in my purse and I fish it out.

wyd tonight?

I roll my eyes at his question before answering.

im busy.

I send the text and put my phone away just in time for Catarina to come down in a black sparkly dress that wasn't short as hell. "That's better." Catarina smiles and gives me a hug. "Let's goooooooooo," Alessio yells out with the keys to one of the SUVs. I give Alessio the directions and he takes off. Catarina, Alessio, and I were in one car, Dante and Marcello in another car, then Stefano, Damiano, and Giovanni in another. Catarina was engrossed in texting Bill, no doubt while Alessio and I were talking in a hushed conversation.

"È morto." I nod at Alessio's words, "prenderemo i soldi domani sera." Alessio's hands tighten around the steering wheel. "Perché non dopo cena?"

(he's dead. we'll get the money tomorrow night. why not after dinner?)

I cut a glare at him and he clears his throat knowing not to defy me. "What's happening after dinner?" Catarina asks while leaning forward, without her seatbelt on. "Get your fucking seatbelt on, Catarina." I snarl out and she huffs out as she leans back and buckles up. The boys were in charge of security, it's hard to hide a Glock in a dress. I still had three throwing knives strapped to my thigh in case something were to happen.

Alessio takes a sharp turn causing one of the knives to nick my thigh. "IDIOTA!" He chuckles nervously as he pulls into the restaurant parking lot. 'ステーキハウス' the sign read. I wasn't too familiar with Japanese but I've visited enough to get by. "It means Steak House." I explain to Catarina. The boys park next to us on either side. One of the boys open the door for me and helps me out. I wince slightly, "stai bene?" Dante asks and I nod slightly.

(you okay?)

We walk as a united force, me in the front and the twins in the middle. I walk up to the hostess who eyed up all of my brothers. I snap my fingers and her face drops as she realizes who I am. "Ms. Armani, right this way." I smirk and let Catarina go in front. I watch everyone as we walk to a booth towards the back. Catarina slides into the booth and I take the seat next to her and the boys fight over where to sit. "Siediti, cazzo!" I yell and they settle down.

(sit the fuck down!)

The waiter comes around with menus. Catarina and Damiano eagerly look through the menu. The noise in the restaurant was silent in an instant, meaning someone was here. Someone important. I make eyes with my brothers and they nod knowing what to do.

I peek around the corner, "fancy seeing you here." I roll my eyes and stand up to face Tom Kaulitz. "Thought I would stop by, you can't resist me." I clench my jaw and walk towards a more secluded area with Tom behind me. I slip my hand into my strap where the knives were. I look around swiftly before pining Tom to the wall. I grip his jaw and put the knife to his sharp jawline.

"I wonder what's sharper, your jawline or my knife." He smirks and leans into the knife and it gives him a nice slash. "Now we know." I smirk back at him and he turns us around suddenly making me drop the knife. He slots his leg in between mine keeping me trapped. "That's better." I glare up at him as he still had the height advantage on me. His hand ghosts my neck and I shiver.

"I never took you for having a choking kink, much less a knife kink." He says tauntingly as he grips my jaw just as I did to him. I snarl even though my body replies differently. He looks down at me and smiles, "nice nipples."

He walks off slowly as I was frozen in place. I look down to see that my nipples were extremely hard, "why didn't I wear a fucking bra."


word count: seven hundred and forty

it's short sorry :(

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