˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ The Demons Deal (Multiple Yanderes)

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" Well, you know what they say- god works hard but the devil works harder, precious. "


• name •

• nickname(s) •
Kal, Li

• gender •

• zodiac sign •

• age •
(20's in human years)

• sexuality •


• species •
Fourth Circle Demon
(A demon of Greed)

• ethnicity •
Appears South Asian

• height •

• weight •
135 lbs

• body type •

• hair •
Straight, long, black. Usually pulled back in some fashion.

• eyes •
Almond-shaped, bright green

• skin •
Mocha colored

• markings / piercings •
• Kali has a ton of piercings all over her body.
• She also has a snake tattoo-like marking that runs down her left arm


• traits •
+ Witty
+ Competent
+ Confident

= Extroverted
= Inquisitive
= Quiet

- Greedy
- Selfish
- Obsessive

• likes •
+ Diamonds
+ Gold
+ Big houses
+ Black cats

• dislikes •
- Governments
- The homeless
- Getting her hands dirty
- Sharing

• hobbies •
- Kali really doesn't have any

• habits •
• laughs at inappropriate times
• Sways
• Loud talker


• immediate family •

• love interest / partner •
(Y/n) - Crush

• friends •
"Friendship" is a foreign word to Kali.


• backstory •
Kali was a demon born in the fiery pits of hell. She was born, specifically, on the fourth level. A demon of greed- and greedy she was. From day one, she wanted more than what she had. It wasn't enough to be the most powerful demon in the fourth circle, to have her very name feared by all, to live like a god down in the depths of hell. No, that wasn't nearly enough for her. She wanted more, so much more.

Perhaps it was this ambitious, greedy, selfish nature of Kali's that made her such a formidable foe. Perhaps it was why Lucifer accepted her request to go to the human realm. When she got up there, when she was free of all the responsibilities, she still wasn't satisfied. So she learned the ways of humans and built an empire of her own on their world as well.

Kali got into a rather respectable business, nothing illegal by any means. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Kali had opened a law firm. Now it's become one of the biggest in the country, which leaves her with endless amounts of money. Being the demon she is, Kali isn't afraid to spoil herself rotten either.


" Aren't you cute...? "


• name •

• nickname(s) •
Mal, Kai

• gender •

• zodiac sign •

• age •
(20's in human years)
• sexuality •


• species •
Guardian Angel

• ethnicity •
Appears Spanish

• height •

• weight •
180 lbs

• body type •

• hair •
Dyed blond, a bit wavy-curly, usually messy

• eyes •
Almond-crescent shaped, dark brown

• skin •

• markings / piercings •


• traits •
+ Level headed
+ Intelligent
+ Polite

= Introvert
= Observant
= Chatty

- Selfish
- Immature
- Apathetic

• likes •
+ Good food
+ Summer
+ Challenges
+ Expensive things

• dislikes •
- Winter
- Empty spaces
- The quiet
- Being alone

• hobbies •
+ Violin
+ Collecting

• habits •
+ Bites nails
+ Touchy
+ Gets quiet when angry


• immediate family •

• love interest / partner •
(Y/n) - Crush

• friends •
- He has acquaintances, but nobody he'd actually consider "friends"


• backstory •
Malakai grew up without knowing a lot of warmth. There weren't a lot of peers around to interact with. The full grown angels were always busy as well. Whenever they would pay him mind, it would be to correct behavior or preach. Because of this, Malakai grew up lonely and with a strange coldness in his heart.

When it was revealed to him he'd be going down to earth to become a guardian Angel, Malakai was ecstatic. He'd never seen earth before, maybe it was better. Malakai still doesn't know if he was right about that. Even now, after years of watching over humans.

His latest assignment led him to you. As, well, it was you.

-» MISC «-

• other •



# scenario one #
You'd been friends with Malakai for years now (all While never uncovering the secret of what he was- even if you had suspicions he was hiding something). He first entered your life a few months after your graduated high school. The two of you were quick friends. About a year ago, for one reason or another, Malakai and you ended up moving in together. It was nice, having such a good friend nearby. Recently though, you've been coming home later and later. Some nights you didn't get home until one or two AM. That was because you'd been promoted at your job at Kali's law firm. Now you were suddenly working directly under Kali, and it was taxing. It was about the end of your shift now, you'd completed all your work on time for once and were packing up to go home. That was when there was a knock on the door to your office. You looked over to see Kali leaning against the door frame. Her arms crossed loosely over her chest and a soft smile on her face. "You going home?" She asked. You?

# scenario two #
"I told you to back off, filthy demon!"
"Oh? And what are you going to do about it, dove?"
How had you ended up here, between two bickering immortals? On your front was Malakai, holding your hands and trying to get you away from Kali. Who was on your back, her arms around your torso. He was beyond angry, and she was beyond amused. Malakai had been your friend for a little while before you uncovered he was a guardian angel. Which had only happened because you were attacked and Malakai came to your rescue. White wings and all. It wasn't too long after that Kali appeared. You and her kept running into each other at random times, and eventually she asked if you wanted to hang out properly. You accepted for one reason or another. You'd met with her a few times before Malakai found out. When he did, he was absolutely disgusted and requested you quit seeing her. Not understanding why, you continued to. Maybe that was why you were hear, sandwiched. Because you'd gone against him and seen her again (she'd asked you to see a movie with her), and now he was taking matters into his own hands.
"Well, no matter. You were just heading home, weren't you?" Kali asked with a snicker. You?

# scenario three #
Make it up!

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