˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ The Heroine

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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ general

Alexandria Brooks

Alex, Andie, Ann, Ria




zodiac sign

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ appearance


Blasian (Chinese-Black mix)


body type

Curly, black, reaches her shoulders.

Hooded, crescent-shaped, up turned, black


- Standard pierced lobes

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ personality

Alexandria is a very nervous, jumpy person. She's always been the cautious and introverted type. There's only been a few times she's stuck out her neck, and it's to stand up for those she considers loved ones. She's also very creative and quick on her feet due to her anxious nature. Able to find ways out of peculiar situations most wouldn't be able to.

+ Video games
+ Space
+ Dogs
+ Graphic tees

- Thunderstorms
- Rats
- Heights
- Yelling

- Poetry
- Nature walks
- Acrylic Painting
- Binge watching shows
- Star gazing

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ personal

Biological mother and father - deceased
Biological grandmother - deceased
Biological grandfather - alive

Penny Garner
Yvonne Walker
Tristan South

A Great Dane named Jan

Alexandria's been raised by her grandparents since she was small. She enjoyed living with them. In fact, she always got on very well with family. Kids her age though... Not so much. Alexandria's been through harsh bullying ever since she was small, finding it hard to stick up for herself.

Her grandmother was the backbone of the family. So when she died, Alexandria didn't know what to do with herself. Luckily, she had the support of her family and some friends she'd made during middle school.

Alexandria had never been a brave person and she knew this, but she'd been brave one time. One special, peculiar time. She'd been on an overnight trip to the woods with her class. Some muscle heads came by and forced Alexandria and her friends into the woods. Alexandria was furious seeing her friends getting harassed. She threw a punch. The first punch she'd ever thrown.

It didn't work, not really. All it did was give her friends a chance to flee. The bullies stayed with Alexandria, teaching her a proper lesson for her outrage. Then they left her. Alexandria remembers staring up at the stars. Remembers seeing one star get particularly... Close.

Then she remembers waking up in a hospital. Everything hurt and her grandfather was sobbing at her bedside. He immediately called for doctors when she woke. Alexandria, apparently, had been struck by a meteor. A small one, but one strong enough to pack a punch.

Alexandria's life was never the same after that. Strange mystic abilities started manifesting, things she had no control over. She knew she needed to get a grip on them though, or they'd go out of control. So she put on a mask and began to run around abandoned places of the city to practice. It just so happened crime runs in those circles. So she got caught up with that and... Suddenly she was "Starlight". The vigilante heroine of the city Petersburg.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ misc

- Alexandria has a very strict set of abilities. Like short teleporting (usually happens when she's freaked out as she doesn't have the best grasp on it yet). She also "explodes" like a dying star when her powers well up too much, which is really just a big energy wave bursting fourth from her body. It never happens anymore. She doesn't let it get to that point. Alexandria's powers are stronger during the night, much much stronger. She's honestly pretty normal during the daytime.
- Alexandria uses technology she makes to help her control and properly use her powers. They... Need a lot of tweaking. All of the time. She was never into robotics.


˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ scenarios ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ one
You had just moved to Petersburg, and just transferred to Petersburg High. However, you already knew about Starlight. Having heard a lot about her through kids at your school. You never expected to meet her though. No, not really. The city was so big, after all. One snowy afternoon as you were going home from school though, you were pulled aside by some shady fellows. Who promptly put a knife to your neck and demanded your money. You struggled and tried to scream, but there was no need. "HEY!" A loud voice caught the men's attention, and there stood the masked Starlight. "What do you think your doing?!"
"Sh*t," hissed one, "let's get out of here."
"Nah, we can take her." Said the other. "She's just a girl, look at her."
That was when Starlight let fourth an energy wave. Which rattled the ground and sent the men on their butts. She ran forward and grabbed you, running past.
What hadn't been expected was for there to be no exit. She gritted her teeth and put you behind her. "Stay where you are, I'll handle them." Starlight told you.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ two
Alexandria had been your friend for years, since before she inherited her powers. Lately though, she'd been distant and spacey. Like she was never fully there. It was beginning to worry you, as her friend. Up until she noticed your worry and suggested you two hang out. Wether she needed to convince you or not, you eventually agreed. So you two were together after school. "Where do you want to go?" Alexandria asked, swaying back and fourth as she looked around a bit nervously. There were crowds of students piling past you two. You?

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ three
Make it up!

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