˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ The Matchmaker

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You met Val when you two started college. She was always so sweet, and almost always down to do whatever you wanted to. You two got along, and began growing closer and closer over freshman year.
By the time sophomore year rolled around, you two were closer than ever. And now, Val was more affectionate than ever. She did so many sweet things, like come over and bake you cookies cookies at 1 AM because you couldn't sleep.
It wasn't a surprise you began developing feelings. You hadn't even noticed at first, but when you did, you panicked. When Val and you had first met, she had told you relationships weren't for her (despite Val's attempts to recon that, she couldn't do it. Not without setting off alarms that she quite possibly had a crush on you).
So you began avoiding her. On purpose at first, and then because of midterms. Val tried to contact you, it hurt reading the messages and hearing the voicemails. She sounded so sad and distressed. So you blocked her.
For awhile there, she didn't come and find you in real life. In fact, she seemed to purposely avoid you. Until one day, you were coming out of your classroom, just having wrapped up your last midterm.
Leaned against a wall stood Val, who perked up when seeing you. She'd never let you see her eyes before, so of course she was wearing rose tinted glasses, but... Something in you knew how her eyes must've lit up, seeing how the rest of her expression did. Then, suddenly, it dropped. "(Y/n)," She greeted. Sounding happy but clearly saddened at the same time. She approached- you?
(Feel free to ask for anything to be changed before we start. I tried to keep the Senpai's feelings and actions vague and to a minimum, but I know this won't work with all characters)

(The Yandere perspective was purposely left vague so you could decide on all of that. Ex: when the Yandere began developing feelings, if at all. How they felt about all of this. Etc. )
You weren't quite sure how you and Val had become friends. Maybe it was a twist of fate, or destiny, or even just pure chance. No matter why, it certainly happened. Val didn't hesitate to try and befriend you, despite how cripplingly shy she was. She invited you out, especially with her other friends, often. Always texted you good morning and goodnight, and was always there when you needed support. You two even ended up falling asleep on each other often when studying together (always an academically unsuccessful endeavor).
It'd been about three months since you met, but it seemed like so much more time had passed. At the moment, you'd just arrived at some sort of art fair Val had invited you. Since it was her- you accepted. She'd spotted you a few seconds before you spotted her, and that was all Val needed to glomp you. "(Y/n)!" She greeted happily, hugging you tightly. You?

Make it up!

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ general

Valentine Galanis

Val, Vally


Over 25,000


zodiac sign

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ appearance


- Valentine's eyes have a hypnotizing effect. When someone who is not already in love look into her eyes (for a few seconds at minimum), they will instantly fall deeply in love.
- Valentine can shift her appearance. She can't shape-shift into animals or anything, but she can change her features (body, height, hair, eyes, etc)
- For all intents and purposes, she's immortal. Valentine cannot be killed by illness. She could even survive a bombing if the bomb doesn't fall on her. If someone stabs her though, she'll die. She's not truly immortal. She can be killed like any other human.

Ancient Greek


body type

Long, somewhat wavy, fades from light pink to dark

Round, down tilt, pink (pupil is a white heart shape)
Valentine wears colored contacts so her eyes look blue to normal people.


- Pierced ears
- Lighting scars that travel down her body from her head.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ personality

Valentine is a very friendly and motherly person. She wants everyone around her to be happy and will do anything in her power to make sure they are. Valentine is extremely patient and can put up with a lot, as she's gotten too old to care about things that seem pointless. Like if somebody robs or slaps her. Saying that, she's an extremely selfless person. However, because of this, she takes her loved ones sadness far worse than they do. Brief sadness from them will ruin her for ages. Valentine can be quite obsessive about making sure people are happy.

+ Animals
+ Baking
+ Art

- Tears
- Lightning
- Cemeteries
- Britain


˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ personal


Mars Warden
Sophie Johnson
Percy Steph
Joshua Millbrook

- A fluffy, white Pomeranian named Snowflake

Valentine was an entirely normal human at the start. In fact, back then, she went by Psyche. She lived alone in the woods, not remembering much about her parents. Only that they said they'd be back when she was small and never did come back. So she was alone. For a long time.
Then she met Eros. The god of love. Who fell from the sky like a shooting star. An arrow had pierced his wings. Panicked and worried for this strange male in strange robes before her, Valentine brought him home. Patching him up as best she could, crying all the while.
He woke up in the morning. They spoke for the first time, and Valentine already found herself encapsulated by him. He stayed with her for a long time, even when his wings had healed. Eros stayed. Finding beauty in this life of hers.
They fell in love before they knew it.
And Eros brought her before Zeus, begging him to make her a goddess so they may be together forever. Unfortunately, his mother Aphrodite had caught word of what was happening.
Things went so downhill as soon as she entered, claiming Valentine had seduced her son.
For this, Zeus tried to strike her down.
She still remembers the way lightning coursed through her veins, and still has the scars.
But she didn't take the blow, not in full. Eros did. Sacrificing his life and godhood to save her.
It was a debt she could never pay off.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ misc

- Valentine has lived many different lives as many different people. She tries to keep as many mementoes of the past as she can. Rings from past marriages, photographs, outfits, etc.

- Valentine wears colored contacts to make sure people don't see her eyes properly. In the past she wore things like glasses and cloth in the far distant past.


˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ scenarios ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ one
( Senpai Valentine )
Valentine and you had been friends for awhile now. A couple of months, though it felt longer with how much you two hung out. Wether it be on the phone or real life, just taking a nap together or going to amusement parks. You always found time for one another. Just like today, where she invited you out to an art fair. To which you'd currently just arrived. You'd been about to text her to see if she was here when you were tackled from behind. "(Y/n)!" Her familiar, giggly voice greeted happily.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ two
( Yandere Valentine )
Valentine had fallen for you. Hard. And you'd fallen for her. Neither of you knew of the others' feelings. She knew how easy it'd be to make you fall for her, but she refused. She didn't want you hypnotized, she wanted you to really love her!!! So she went about in efforts to make it happen.
You dodged.
For you see, at the very beginning of your friendship, before the love, Valentine had confided in you. She told you she had a horrible past with love, and never wished to be in a relationship again. That was something Valentine was never able to retcon.
So it turned from you dodging her flirting attempts, to you denying going on dates with her to...
You two drifting apart.
It hadn't been on purpose. You'd gotten busy, hadn't been able to make time for her as a friend or love interest. Her saddened texts hurt your heart so you muted her.
It'd been months.
Months of no contact with you. Valentine hadn't felt so distraught in years- centuries-
Since she'd lost Eros.
That's how she ended up at your doorstep in the middle of the night. All but banging on your door, needing to see you.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ three
Make it up!

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