˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ The Time Traveler

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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ general

Chava Gaelic



(He's mentally around 22)

Bi Asexual

zodiac sign

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ appearance

Possessed Human

Colombian-Italian-Irish mix


body type

Soft and fluffy, slightly wavy. Dark brown. Longer on the left side than the right.

Round-oval. Green and bright.

Light tan

- Large bite scar on his shoulder, like a whole chunk of it was ripped out
- Pierced lobes
- Pierced nose
- Pierced snakebites (lips)

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ personality

Chava is.... A firework of energy. He has /boundless/ ends of it, always bouncing off the walls. Chava also a huge instigator and loves causing chaos. That isn't to say he's reckless or anything, oh no. Chava knows exactly what he's doing. He's just an asshole who doesn't really give a flying duck about other people's lives. Those who he does care for though, he's pretty loyal to. In his own unique way.

+ Green
+ Space
+ Cats
+ Explosions

- Being alone
- Darkness
- Dogs/Wolves
- Spicy food

- Traveling
- Collecting
- Photography

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ personal

Unknown biological parents
Sapphire - the demon he plays host to, alive

Mirage Juniper Willow
Izri Breeze
Liza Brooke


Chava doesn't remember his life with his biological parents at all. Not a single thing. He was taken from them long before he could remember. Which was where he met Lowell and a girl named Adara. Lowell was the strongest of the three, and always protected them from their captors. Chava looked up to Lowell- a lot. He'd do anything for the boy.

And he did. He willingly played bait and almost died for Lowell. In fact, Chava would've died had he not met Sapphire. A demon who'd taken pity on him and took him in. She nursed him back to health and offered him a deal once he was well.

What she offered was beyond his wildest dreams. Apparently she was something called a Time Demon, an ancient subspecies of demons that specialized in the dark magic of time travel. Being just a boy, Chava agreed. So the two became bonded.

Together they saw the stars, saw millions of stories and influenced hundreds of worlds. Chava even found love with a woman named Nicki. She was an adventurous spirit that made his head spin. He loved her, well and truly. Enough to marry her and be content for a good 20 years.

Then she was killed. Taken from him before he was ready. It sent him into a downward spiral. Causing him to go... Well, crazy. He wasn't as bad as he is now, years later.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ mis other
- Chava has an emotional attachment to his hoodie. He will physically bite anybody who tries to take it from him. (It was the first thing he ever owned)
- His earring is a gift from Sapphire!! She has the other one! <3


˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ scenarios ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ one
Okay, this was officially the weirdest situation you'd ever been in. You'd been trying to get out there, and your friend hooked you up with a blind date. Well, he was nice. Charming and careful with his words, even asked to take you home. You declined. He pushed. You declined again, this time stepping away. He pushed further, and stepped forward.
It ended up with you running away. Him yelling and chasing after you.
You went around a corner and ran into a crowded street. So you tried to get away. Eventually arriving at an abandoned lot. Out of breath and exhausted, you put your hands on your knees.
Only to hear him behind you. When you turned though, he wasn't quite human anymore. Not at all. He looked... Monstrous. Like something out of a nightmare.
That's when Chava came in. As the monster-man went to pounce on you, Chava took him from behind. Twisting his head clean off before the man could lay a finger on you. The body fell limp to your right and Chava looked at you with a neutral expression. Like he hadn't decapitated a man with his bare hands. You?

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ two
You worked in some type of retail. A restaurant, cafe, even a grocery store or clothes store. Often, you had a man come in. A short one with an eccentric personality. He always talked to you, and wether you liked it or not, you listened to his stories. All bizarre and confusing, some of worlds that don't exist. He just... Liked sharing his two cents with you. The stories never had any meaning though. They always left you dazed and confused. Today was another one of those days, but it was different as well. Chava had just finished telling you about the first time he saw snow (and how he promptly choked on it, somehow), when he looked at you with wide and curious eyes. "... How are you today, by the way?"
This was a first. He never asked about your day. Just told his little stories and scattered off like nothing ever happened. (Of course he would buy something if demanded)

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ three
Make it up!

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