First Meet

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[Action in sentence]
(Mind or thoughts)
|Technology Communication|

Lorian POV

I found a dirt road and decided to follow it hoping to find another person. But I suddenly heard a faint roar and turned my head to the direction of where that roar was. I squinted my eyes to see a marble-like quartz stone moving in the distance and a female with green hair and weird tracksuit with black headphones or headband.

I couldn't really tell due to the amount of dust blocking behind the girl. Then my eyes widen when I immediately knew that dragon.

(Lorian: Golem Dragon!? Why is it here of all places!?! I thought already killed them off?!)

No One POV

Lorian was unaware of the girl coming in range and she spotted him. She shouted out to Lorian to run but she gotten closer. Her eyes widened as she saw a human and stops a few inches away from Lorian.

???: H-human?

Lorian swiftly summoned his dual weapons and raised it to the Golem Dragon.

The girl was moved out of the way of the human to a safer distance as Lorian fired multiple precise shots of armor piercing to the Golem Dragon orb. The Golem Dragon cried out in pain the bullets chipped away its orb and unleashed a stone spike wave towards Lorian. Lorian dodges the spikes and begins firing at the Golem Dragon from a distance of 50 meters and the wind blowing from east. The girl who just watching was amazed but cautious because she just a human in the plain fields. The girl saw the human's guns ran out of ammunition but to her surprise, he turned his two dual handguns into a single edged sword and rushes to the stone dragon at incredible speed that might even rival hers or Geo.

The Golem Dragon rushed towards Lorian at a decent speed but Lorian must not act cocky because these golems may be slow but they easily beat over a ten thousand men in just in 6 hours with only a few scratches or cracks on its body. Lorian already knew that people will think the orb is the weak spot but the actual weak spot is inside the neck. Lorian blocks an attack and sending him back a bit as skids across the grass, Lorian combines both his swords into longsword and rushes to Golem Dragon then does a vertical slash onto the skull that cracked on impact and the Golem Dragon roars in pain and anger as it swipes its huge forearm at Lorian. Lorian dodges the attack as he ducks down and dragging the sword downwards across the Golem Dragon's tough skin to the grass leaving a visible vertical cut. The Golem Dragon smacks Loriann's longsword out of Lorian's hands and smacks its other forearm to Lorian and sending him flying back to the girl. Lorian's body skids across the grass and onto the dirt road.

Marlow POV

I witnessed the human body skids across the grass and onto the dirt road. The human regains his footing and looks at stone dragon again but before he could stand up. His face expression went from a serious to painful look and he looks down to see a gash wound on his left side of his body. The human stands up slowly and begins walking towards the stone dragon before I could call out him about his wound, I saw his wound sealed back up or healed immediately. The human started speed walking then a few seconds later sprinting to the stone dragon and swiftly grabbed weapons from the ground and the dragon unleashed several stone spikes from the ground to the human. The human swung his sword around as his sword begins to generate a glow and once he swung his sword in horizontal motion and released a powerful energy attack that cut through the spikes and the dragon's tough exoskeleton onto its neck.

(Marlow: What was that?!)

I looked at the human with awe and fear but notice the human snaps his finger and his weapon disappeared into thin air. The human was panting and he turned around then faced in my direction. He walked over to my direction and called out to him.

Marlow: Who are you, human!?

The human stopped and looked at me weird as if I were speaking in a different language.

Marlow: Who are you?!

The human tilted his head to his left and raised his right brow at me. I grew frustrated and walked over to him and stopped a few inches in front of him.

Lorian POV
What he sees:

No One POV

Lorian spoke up and Marlow was stunned because his words were all gibberish but she heard a few words from him.

Lorian: Who... you.. world...

Marlow: What..?

Lorian realizes that she can't understand him, so he summoned a pen and paper which startled Marlow. Lorian wrote down his name and his question then shows it to Marlow.

<Hello, my name is Lorian Stormrider and my questions were who are you and what world is this?>

Marlow reads what Lorian wrote down on the paper and she grabs the and pen from Lorian's hand and wrote beneath his message.

<My name is Marlow Daunagin and this world is called Teora.>

Marlow shows it to Lorian and he nods his head. He desummoned his pen and paper from Marlow's grasp, then summoned a language translator but to Marlow was confused to the strange caller device and earbud in Lorian's left hand.

Lorian puts on the language translator  around his neck and puts in his earbud into his left ear. The translator turns on and Lorian spoke up.

Lorian: Um... hello.. can you hear me now?

Marlow was surprised and she nods her head in response.

Marlow: Yes, I can hear you now.

Lorian: Oh good, now then what was your question?

Marlow: Well you already answered my question of who you are but I have another question. Why is a human like you doing here?

Lorian: Human like me..? Aren't you human as well?

Marlow: No, I am not human but a teoran.

Lorian: Hm... [looks around for a moment and faces Marlow] Okay, anyway where am I?

Marlow: An open grassland field why?

Lorian: No, like what country is this?

Marlow: Oh, you're in the land of Gwain or the Kingdom of Gwain.

Lorian: So there's kingdoms here, uh.

Marlow: Doesn't your world have kingdoms as well?

Lorian looks down in sadness and Marlow realizes her mistake.

Marlow: Sorry [2x]! For bringing up a terrible question.

Lorian: No, it's alright..

Marlow: But I'm curious about your world.

Lorian: My world was once like this.. lived with many life and filled many gods and goddesses.. but one day the gods and goddesses declared the extinction of humanity out of nowhere which caused a war with humanity and the divine beings... [sigh] the war lasted for 750 years and I was born at the near end of the war.. I fought in the war at the age of 8 and witnessed so many deaths, bloodshed, screams, and violence. Me and along with other people had abilities that be known as blessings, curses, or a gift that can counter the divine beings power and strength or aided our comrades in battle...

Marlow was listening to Lorian's words carefully and absorbed the information into her mind. She knows what pain, suffering, and loss felt like but with Lorian's case.. he faced a much harsher reality and war at a very young age.

Lorian: Humanity was killed off except me, who the last and only line of defense of humanity. After successfully killing all the divine beings and I felt nothing but sadness and sorrow of losing everything and everyone. Soon my body collapsed onto the ground from exhaustion and closed my eyes. After who knows how long, I reopened my eyes and only find myself here in this grassland field then the rest is what you know.

Marlow: I'm so sorry that you had to go through that.

Lorian: It's fine plus I've been given this chance to live a possibly live a peaceful life now.

Marlow: Indeed and what are your abilities, if you don't mind me asking.

Lorian: Not all. Let's see have Re-Equip basically I have my own personal pocket dimension to store weapons, tools, and equipment, making me versatile in various situations.

Supernatural Condition is just my mental and capabilities surpass those of ordinary beings. My strength, speed, agility, and intellect reach high superhuman levels, granting me a significant advantage in combat and other physical endeavors.

Accelerated Healing Factor meaning that I possess a remarkable healing factor that allows me to recover from injuries at an accelerated rate. This ability ensures that I can quickly bounce back from wounds and continue fighting with minimal downtime.

Absolute Weapon Proficiency is just a skill in wielding weapons is unparalleled. I can display precision, dexterity, and mastery in combat techniques, surpassing even the most skilled combatants. With this ability to adapt to various weapons, I can effectively utilize a wide array of armaments in battle.

Superhuman Metabolism operates at an extraordinary rate, granting me resistance to weight gain, illness, injury, and intoxication. This ability ensures that I maintain peak physical condition and enhances my already accelerated healing speed.

And finally, Superior Adaptation allows me to possess the power of quick adaptation and evolution. I can adapt to different situations, opponents, and environments, enabling me to overcome challenges and grow stronger with each encounter.

Marlow was stunned to hear Lorian's abilities but what she most intrigued from Lorian's two abilities were Re-Equip and Superior Adaptation.

Marlow: That's.. I don't know how to describe my thoughts.

Lorian: Yeah, it can be hard to explain your thoughts after knowing my abilities.

Marlow: Wait that weapon that you summoned during the fight against the stone dragon, was did it transforms from a dual handgun to a katana then a longsword. How did you do that or is that another ability to combine or transform weapons into another weapon?

Lorian: It's not another ability but my weapons can shift into another weapon. In my world with the whole war, my people created multiple weapons like a gun into a melee weapon and calling it the mechashift. And those who wield a mechashift weapon are called a Mechashifter.

Marlow: Then your Re-Equip ability must have several mechashift weapons right?

Lorian: Right, most from comrades, friends, families, and lover.. or just me making mechashift weapons in case my weapons break.

Marlow: Can you show me one of your mechashift weapon?

Lorian: Um sure.

Lorian summons a red object into his hand and Marlow was confused of what she is seeing.

Marlow: What is this?

Lorian: This is one of my mechashift weapon but it's right now in carrier mode.

Marlow: There's different types of modes.

Lorian: Yes, this right here is carrier mode basically allowing me to carrier anywhere I go without threatening or terrifying anyone, gun mode is just switching it from carrier to gun, and lastly melee mode, it just change from gun to melee but it'll still have the same property of firing a gun as well. This is gun mode.

Lorian: Then melee mode.

Marlow: A scythe?!

Lorian: Yeah, but I took this weapon as an inspiration from a favorite show that I really love and hate at the same time.

Marlow: Which is called what?

Lorian: RWBY.

Marlow: Ruby?

Lorian: It's called R. W. B. Y. RWBY. A 3D animation that started really scoffed to an improved quality of animation.

Marlow: I see, by any chance you have any?

Lorian: I do have the nine volumes DVD but no ten volume due um.. y'know.

Marlow: Yeah.

(Lorian: Never really like the DC x RWBY.)

Lorian desummons his weapon away.

Lorian: So... um how about you lead the way to the kingdom because you know more than I do.

Marlow: Okay but you need to cover your face because we don't want to draw any attention to us.

Lorian: Sure, let me just..

Summons a kitsune mask and puts it on.

Lorian: How's this?

Marlow: No.

Lorian: Alright then.

Takes off his mask, desummons it away, and summoned visor then it put.

Lorian: How about now?

Marlow: Perfect, now let's go before it gets night.

Lorian: Yes, ma'am.

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