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"You've got to be a tad bit careful now don't you, Subhadra?"questioned Dau, sarcasm dripping off of every word.

She smiled at him sheepishly, "I am being careful, O Foremost Wielder of the Mace, Mighty Balbhadra."she said pressing longer than necessary on each syllable.

"No you aren't and stop calling me that, I feel odd. Dau works perfectly fine."he retorted.

"I don't wanna go inside. Please, I've been locked up for god knows how long, and I think I'll end myself out of boredom if you send me indoors again."she pouted.

Rolling his eye Balrama spoke, "Oh hush now, you're going to be a mother soon, you need to act like it. And plus, Sutasoma is looking for you."

"Soma is asleep, brother dearest."she eyed him.

"Umm well, get inside anyways, you can not hop around anymore now, you might trip or something. And I'm not rambling, I have a perfect account of your not so hidden clumsiness."

Groaning she trudged forward, but not before she said, "I saw you hiding in the pantry, feeding yourself with butter, Bharata Krishna's pot to be precise. That's not the behaviour of a man who has three kids."

He flushed with embarrassment and mock glared at her, it wasn't his fault. Between the two foodies and the kids, he remained a bit famished, a damsel in distress, whose food was slurped by many others than him.

"Is this a discussion I was uninvited to?" pained Keshava, popping in the conversation out of the blue.

"Ah well, you need not know about everything that goes around here, do you brother. Farewell, Damodara. Farewell, Mahabali."saying so, she walked away, a hand kept securely on her swollen tummy.

Krishna raised an eye at his elder brother, seeking an explanation for her odd behavior and uncommon addressals.

"Do not stare at me Kanha. She's always been too much. All thanks to you."he said, the corners of his mouth slight upturned, the girl never failed to amuse him, he had to give her that.

"Ah well, I am proud she takes after me."he replied, wiping away fake tears.

"I can't take the drama anymore."saying so, Dau pulled him into a headlock, while the latter laughed and grumbled all at once.


"Veer Mata!"shrieked Shrutasena, having just learnt how to talk.

"Yes, Veer Mata."nodded Shrutkarma.

"Why have you taught him to call me that Karma? Is it because I'm the mother of you five brave young men?" she smiled, taking him into her arms.

"Maybe, but we call you that because Veer means brave, and you are our brave mother. You're our hero."smiled Soma.

Her eyes glistened as she pecked him on the cheek, "Anything for you darling."

Meanwhile Shatanika came forward and started tapping on her bloated stomach, "When are you thinking of coming out? I can not wait! Are you my brother or sister? What are you doing in there?"he spoke to the unborn child.
She couldn't help but laugh at his words, he had animised the baby way too much.

"The baby will come when it's supposed to."she said pinching his cheek.

"Woah, look Ma, the baby just moved."he exclaimed, having felt it kick in response to his voice.

"Oh I can feel it."she groaned, her unborn child was very active, always moving about. And that added to her sore muscles.

"I'm so very excited to meet my sibling." smiled Prativindhya.

"I wish it's a girl though. It'll be so fun. And much better than brothers of course!"giggles Charumati, hugging Subhadra. She immediately aimed a ton of kisses on her face, while the boys groaned. They just couldn't understand what would keep their sister eternally pleased.

"Bua! You're just like Pitashree."said the girl giggling.

"There's a reason they are brother and sister, you silly!"chuckled Pradyumna, almost in his preteens. She couldn't help but admire how fast he'd grown up, it was yesterday that she held him for the first time, and felt her brothers eyes look back at her. He'd taken completely after him, the sweet boy.

"Jyesth, don't tease her! Have you forgotten the aftermath of the deed?" Sambha whisper shrieked, having gotten in trouble way too may times now.

Charu smiled evilly at them, and O behold a second later, her eyes were full of hot heavy tears as the daughter of Damodara pouted and ran out of the room, calling her dad.

Subhadra chuckled, as she hugged Bhanu who was smiling from the start of it all.
"Oh boy and now we are eternally doomed."he said, having figured out the sequence of events beforehand.

And that's how the children spent their afternoons in courtyard of the golden palace of Dwarka sitting by the water fountain with Subhadra, crafting thousands of memories and tucking them safely in their kitty.


Every alone moment was spent in the thoughts of the mighty archer, his shadow dwindling beside hers. She very much like the youngest Madreya, was an enchantress of words. What couldn't be said out loud, went on the papers. People float over each other's depths, but if one would come across her, they'd drown.

The sweeping arm of morning lost in quiet. I built a home with you out of breath and body, a cathedral of growth planted where the river divides. Someone will remember us I say, even in another time. The soft parting of your hair across your neck, the saffron robe draped across your shoulder. If not this, caught in memory, then what shall remain of us.


"Oh my no, I can't do it."she shrieked desperately as they laid her down, one holding her hand, another a hand on her head, three of them moved about assembling and de-assembling, two had gone to get the spare clothes, and one was standing with the Lord of three worlds, simply freaking out.

Finally after a span of forty two weeks of holding, the baby was ready to breathe air. The lady of Ayurvedic practice, monitored her, and said, "I think there might be a chance of twins with Yadavkumari."

"What?" gleamed Jambvanti in sheer joy, already bouncing on her feet.

"Subhadra, you might have twins." Rukmini, smiled and looked at her lovingly.

However the latter was not in a situation to rejoice, feeling more pain then death. "For the love of of what's pure in this universe, just get the baby out!"

Rukmini was taken aback by her minor panic attack, the girl was whole lot different in labor.

After about fifteen minutes, came the first cry of a boy, the first flesh and blood of Arjun and Subhadra. Mitravrinda held the child, of hazel brown eyes and a light honey skin tenderly as if he would break with the slightest pressure, she was the universal caregiver.

Another fifteen minutes later, came the heart stealer, a girl of brown tinged skin and dark brown orbs, a replica of her father. A tear of happiness rolled down the moonchild's eyes as she held on to the bedpost, Arjun would've been on top of the world.

Miles away, a man of dark skin sat tying the string to his bow, restless and sweaty. He's never felt so distant and alone as he did now. Like he was missing out on one of the prettiest things life had to offer him.
"Subhadra."he whispered as threw her name into the stars, waiting for her to call him back.

Just as she relaxed her tensed body, she felt a jolt of pain run down her spine, a shout making its way out.

"Oh lord, we have another one incoming."laughed Satyabhama, and this time Jambvanti couldn't help jump on the spot.

"You think this is funny?"she glared at her sister, who found the situation unexpectedly humorous.

Satyabhama kissed her forehead, "Of course, seeing your youngest sister, the girl of sweet words act all feisty and swear like a sailor is once in a lifetime opportunity."

This baby took a whole lot of time to come out, making its way out leisurely. He didn't cry, simply blinked hard at the sudden light, and wiggled to he held. Rukmini held him up, motherly love shining in her eyes, and took him to his siblings.
Finally, Subhadra breathed relief, and closed her tired eyes, as sleep took her.

They triplets were taken out to be seen by the brothers, Krishna smiling wider than ever, and Dau who had had mini heart attacks all the while, sighed.
Keshava held the babies in his strong arms, as Balram caressed their heads, the three looking brightly at the two.
"They are so perfect, Kanhaiya."

"They are Brother, indeed our kids are perfect, just like Bhadrey."he teared up. His arms had never felt so full, as he held the three, both of them placing soft kisses on their foreheads. What a blessing would it be, to be held by the Lord!

"Mahanayak Arjuna's son, he will be the bravest one to have graced the earth, heroic, passionate, self reliant, Abhimanyu the valiant.

This girl, will be the heart and soul of the Pandavas, she will give justice to her brother, the little mare, the blessed one, Aashvi the victorious.

And the youngest of the the grandchildren of Pandu, the harbringer of fresh starts, clean of mind and heart, the dearest to all, the mould Of intelligence, Vibodh the awakened."

Now, here we are after a long time eh? I forgot to tell you guys that since offline schools have started the updates are gonna be weekly now. Probably on Wednesdays.

Now a few points to be cleared.
Firstly, I am very well aware that they had only one son. The other two have been fictionalised for a special purpose. Anything fictional that has been included will be mentioned in the end of the book with a unique justification. And you won't even question me, the end of the book is gonna justify the whole book itself.

Secondly why did I not go with Bhargavi and Ruchiparavn? Well Bhargavi, means the daughter of Rishi Bhrigu and that's that. As for Ruchiparvan, I did not want a discussion on Kirti and Kriti. Moreover, I wanted their names to match exactly with their character traits, so yeah.

Ps. The Veer Mata interpretation has been modified from being a hero's mother to a heroic mother.

And thirdly the end of the book is going to be fantastic ! I promise you wouldn't have read any other story like this. You're going to be crying in the second last chapter, and you'll be shell shocked in the last one. Oh I can't wait to tell you !
That's it, a few things had to be said.

Do spam me with comments and votes ! Inline please !!

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