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Delirious P.O.V

"They could be a new soldier" Wildcat suggested.

When Moo came rushing in, he told us about Vanoss's little meeting with Will and Jake then told us about a soldier name Basically who orders people around.

We all gather at the planning/meeting table where we are now discussing who the hell is Basically?

"But Vanoss specially said 'They was ordering Jake around'.... somewhere along those lines" Moo said.

"Why haven't we heard from them then?" Terroriser question.

"They probably just joined" Lui said, referring back to Wildcat suggestion.

"Exactly" Wildcat huff.

"But they are already ordering Jake around, no one doesn't that except for Will, Henderson or-"

"Someone in a powerful position" Nogla add to Cartoonz sentence.

"They was probably in hiding for all this time" Mini spoke. "But why come out now?"

"We can only wait for them to find us" I said. "We don't know enough about this person to find them, they could be dangerous than we thought. We know this for sure so we have to prepare."

"Even if they were a newcomer, they are powerful enough to start ordering and if they were coming from hiding, it means they were too 'valuable' for the public; those are the only options we have" I explained.

"What do we do for the time being?" Moo asks.

"Take a small break, go to school... live normal 'lives'" Moo shrug his shoulders.

"Speaking of school, it's already the morning and I didn't do our homework" Mini pout and Lui pats his head.

"What about Vanoss?" Wildcat questions.

"He is staying" I simply said.

"What do you mean he is staying?" Terroriser groan.

"We don't trust him, Delirious." Cartoonz pointed out.

"What do you want me to do with him, Cartoonz? Let him off so he can join Night Crew or give an anonymous call." I explain.

"What is he going to do? We can't babysit him 24/7" Moo examines.

"School is an option" I said. "Or I can drop out and stay here"

"Yeah right, Delirious." Mini narrow his eyes at me.

"School it is then. Mini, switch around his classes to the point where at least one of us are in each class and then I want all the camera feed footage to see which way the other gang left" I bang the table twice and left to the infirmary where Vanoss was being held.

Instead of knocking, I swung open the door. Vanoss was sitting up, looking right at me and I grunt at my lost of speech. I avoid his eyes, glancing down to the tray seeing the half eaten plate.

I rose my eyebrow at it before grabbing the tray and placing it right above his lap. Not caring about the looks he was giving me.

"Eat" I order but I knew it wasn't imitating since I wasn't looking directly to him.

The awkward silence was lingering, the fork sounded against the plate.

"We figure that Basically is in a powerful position due to the fact they are ordering Jake which only Will and Henderson can do that." I inform him and he gave me an approval hum.

Talk for once!

"What about the folder?"

Thank you

"The other gang has it, we haven't been able to exactly pinpoint them" I answer.

"Okay, what do we do now?"

"What do you remember from the folder?" I been meaning to ask. Vanoss eyes drifted to the ground.

"I can't really understand it nor can I remember such a thing, I didn't want to either just in case I was in this kind situation" Vanoss scoff. "Now, my question: What do we do now?"


"Nothing!?" Vanoss drop his fork on the plate "We can't do nothing!"

"Then what do you expect us to do? We are at square one unless you care to share the information how you got the folder in the first place" I suggested.

"I got it from a friend" Vanoss snap at me.

"Give him a call then" I snap back.

" I can't just give him a call, he won't answer. I need to visit him" Vanoss explained.

"Well where is he? We can all go"

"But he owed me one and I asked for a lot. He gave me the one thing that can get him kill" Vanoss glared at me. "He'll kill us all if I brought a unfamiliar face, even worse, faces"

"Where is he?" I repeated my question.

"Florida, you must let me and me only go"

"Wait a moment-"

"Trust goes both ways" Vanoss hum.

"I'll go with you" Vanoss eyes widened, ready to protest. "That or no deal, we will sit here and do nothing- you won't get the red folder"

"Fine, I'm getting tired of these deals. They keep stacking up" Vanoss pushes the tray away from him. "What time is it?"

"It's already morning, take a nap"

"I'm not sleepy" Vanoss pointed out.

"Then don't" I shrug. "Moo, will check up on you. Don't give him a hard time" I pick up the tray from his lap and place it on the cart before walking through the door.

"So what did he say?" Wildcat approached me.

"We didn't really get on that topic but we are going to Florida" I inform him.

"Sweet!-" I held up my hand to quiet him.

"Me and Vanoss" I saw his eyes narrow at me. "We are going to see his 'friend' to get the folder"

"What?! Another decision without any approval from us? What if it's a trap? How do we know if he is even telling the truth? I think you are putting a little too much trust into him, Delirious!" Wildcat yelled and it alerted the rest of the team.

"What's going on?" Mini step forward, hanging his backpack hanging off one shoulder.

"This douche bag over here made another choice all by himself." Wildcat turn to Mini then back to me. "If you are going to do everything by yourself then why don't you go solo?!"

"He doesn't mean that-" Mini try to soften the comment.

"Like hell I don't" Wildcat cut Mini off.

"What choice?" Cartoonz question.

"Going to Florida, BY HIMSELF with Vanoss just to get another fucking folder" Wildcat inform everyone. "How is another folder gonna help?"

"I was thinking not having the folder will save us time because Night Crew focus will be all over the other gang giving us time to come with a plan" Moo suggested.

"This is the plan" I snap hating the fact everyone was ganging up on me.

"What? Going by yourself, clueless with a 'master' thief?" Terroriser scoff.

"They will be coming for us, we know that. We also know we have to be ready once they do, we have questions to be answer" I explained.

"Still doesn't explain why you are going by yourself" Lui said.

"If I take everyone and it is a trap, I can't afford to lose y'all" I nervously rub the back of my neck.

"And letting y'er go is a better option?! To a place where we can't do anything if something goes wrong?" Nogla lifts his hand up in the air.

It wasn't the real reason. Better yet, letting them come will gives me a better chance at surviving but Vanoss said not to bring anyone.

Since when did I start following a criminal's orders?

"Alright, sorry Mini. We are skipping hell, I have a plan" My statement made everyone pay close attention to me all expect for Mini who was yelling nonsense and Wildcat who was trying to calm him down.

Made you look¡
1271 words

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