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You're welcomeeee

Third P.O.V

Delirious got out the car, going to greet Cartoonz but Cartoonz wasn't focused on him. He tried look pasted Delirious only for his view to be blocked by Delirious.

Delirious kept blocking Cartoonz's view keeping him from whatever he wanted to see and tried to get Cartoonz's attention.

"Yo, Cartoonz" Delirious stood before him and Cartoonz step aside to get a better view. Delirious turn around trying to see what was worth Cartoonz attention. It had to be good since Cartoonz never really shown interest in anything.

Delirious saw the car, no one was outside and Vanoss had his head down.

Delirious turn back to Cartoonz to see if he had found what he was looking for. Cartoonz was staring at the car with his arms cross and a wicked smile seeing Vanoss.

Cartoonz knew who Vanoss really was and he was damn proud of this.

"What's going on?" Delirious waved his hand in front of Cartoonz face earning his attention.

"Mini needs you. Vanoss and I will take care of the body" Cartoonz inform Delirious.

Cartoonz? Taking care of the dead body?

Delirious became suspicious, Cartoonz has a sensitive nose so him being around powerful smells like a dead body is very rare.

"Where's Moo?" Delirious asked, looking around. Moo always came to get the body showing where to place it.

"Getting the table and his supplies ready" Cartoonz said. Cartoonz made Moo stay, he wanted to try to get close to Vanoss, wanted to taunt him.

"I'll help" Delirious offered. Cartoonz knew what he was implying.

"Delirious, I'm not going to hurt him" Cartoonz explains.

"Then what's going on?" Delirious question, he hated to be the one asking that question.

"Mini will explain" Cartoonz put his hands on Delirious shoulders and nudge him deeper into the woods.

Vanoss looked at the two talking, he saw Delirious looking back at him before turning around to continue walking.

Vanoss groaned when he saw Cartoonz coming his way. He wished Delirious was with them so he can contain him from killing Cartoonz.

Vanoss opened the car door, getting out. He couldn't wait to hear the first stupid words Cartoonz had to say.

"Soo, Vanoss" Cartoonz cross his arms

"What?" Vanoss looked at Cartoonz weirdly.

"Why do you want the red folder?" Cartoonz question.

"It's none of your business" Vanoss snap at him and continue to stare at him. What was his problem? Cartoonz seem that he wanted nothing to deal with him

"Hey, it's just a question" Cartoonz defended himself. Vanoss ignored Cartoonz behavior and closed the passenger door.

Cartoonz walked at the back of the car, popping open the trunk. Cartoonz waved the smell away from him as he back away.

"Oh god, that smells horrible" Cartoonz scrunch up his face and held his nose.

"No shit, it's a dead body. Did you expect it to be flower scented?" Vanoss rolled his eyes.

"Listen up, you ass. I know-"

"Is this the bag?" Moo came behind Cartoonz, cutting him off. "Considering the smell, they died about 2 months ago then again, I need to see the body to make sure"

"Moo" Cartoonz greeted him through his gritted teeth.

"What's up?" Moo smiled at Cartoonz then gave a little wave to Vanoss who just smile at him. "You forgot the bag" Moo lifted up a bag that has a company with soil and flower print on it.

They use the bag as a cover up for dead bodies they found. Terroriser would mostly help him, Cartoonz has a very sensitive nose. So it was a surprise to see him volunteer and for Cartoonz to tell Moo to stay.

Of course, Moo knew something was up and the bag he left just gave him a perfect excuse to go after Cartoonz.

Vanoss and Moo managed to get the body in the bag as Cartoonz kept watch. They dragged the bag into the woods then took a small stop to try to convince Cartoonz to carry it.


After leaving Cartoonz, Delirious made it to the waterfall and he took a breather from everything that was happening. Delirious focus on the water as it rush down and made it to the pond. It calm him, the sound it made.

Delirious open to the door to the base. He walk in hearing the door close behind him. It was silent, his footsteps echo throughout the base.

When Delirious turn the corner, he was met with Mini, Wildcat, Terroriser, Lui & Nogla. They were around the middle table, waiting for him. Mini rush up towards him and grab his wrist.

Mini looked around the corner, quickly making sure Vanoss wasn't behind him.

Mini couldn't help it, he need to tell Delirious everything.

"What's going on?!" Delirious question again. No one was telling him again, it started to annoy him on how much he used that question today.

Mini pull Delirious to the table where everyone was standing at. His laptop was open and the projector was on.

Mini places Delirious at the very end of the table, giving him a perfect view from where the projector was projecting.

"Listen well and pay attention" Mini commanded him. He knew saying it was pointless but Mini tends to ramble and talk quickly.

"Get on with it" Delirious snap at him, growing impatient.

"Well, we were looking through the red folder. It didn't have that much information so we stuck with the idea that it wasn't exactly like a government folder" Mini explained.

"It had enough information to be some kind of application. It seem that Jackson over here-" Wildcat's hand had a black small remote and he pointed to the wall that had Mini desktop.

Wildcat pull up a photo of man. His hair was long enough to be a mullet and his eyes were dark brown.

"Was joining something" Wildcat finished. "We began thinking he joined Night Crew or could have been the other gang"

"Did we have a run in with him?" Delirious asked. He couldn't take his eyes off of Jackson.

"That's what we thought too" Lui said.

"Let me see the folder" Delirious demand. Mini reached down and brought the red folder on the table before sliding it to Delirious. Delirious open it and started to read.

Jackson Fong

Picture insert

"There's no picture?" Delirious looked up at Mini and he shook his head.



"What's with the second date?" Delirious question.

"We think that that's the day he joined" Terroriser spoked.

"The real question is what he was joining" Delirious whispered. He began to wonder why was Vanoss chasing after a dead man.



Dorms: Room 107

"Dorms?" Delirious asked.

"Could be where he was staying at" Nogla pointed out.

They don't know much about Night Crew 'bases' but they do know where one is located. Other reason to consider Jackson was joining Night Crew

"How do we know this isn't a 'job application'?" Delirious asked. This could be anything

"Vanoss is willing to kill someone and join us for a 'job application'?" Lui scoffed

"Right" Delirious sigh. "What else do we have on Jackson?"

"Well, I dig a deeper into Jackson with my computer and it turns out that's his parents, Lydia Fong and Michael Fong, died in a car crash. Jackson died on April 28, 2006-" Delirious cut Mini off

"How did he died?"

"That's the funny part, actually. It didn't tell, no matter how deep I go. They didn't get up in the system-"

"They?" Delirious question

"Jackson also had a sibling, a brother" Mini nervously looks down.

"Who's the sibling?" Delirious asked and everyone avoided his gaze.

"Evan Fong" Mini nodded at Wildcat who nodded back.

Wildcat slowly rise the remote and pressed a button to pull up a file.

Delirious look back at the wall and he was taken back when he saw the photo right beside Jackson's.

"Vanoss?" Delirious whispered.

They look alike but without the hair style instead Vanoss has a mohawk and Jackson looked older. Delirious basically was looking at future Vanoss.

Delirious couldn't wrap his head around the idea knowing who Vanoss was. All they knew was his name, not his whole life story but at least they do know who Jackson was to Vanoss.

A door slam made everyone turn to the corner.

Three figures came, walking the corner. Cartoonz, Vanoss & Moo.

Moo and Vanoss were carrying the 'bag'. Cartoonz didn't budge no matter how much Moo plead.

Vanoss stopped in his tracks, seeing everyone was facing him. Vanoss looked at Delirious, his dark brown eyes meeting light blue ones.

What's when Delirious realize he knew he had seen them. Now he can't look away.

Vanoss gaze traveled up to the wall that basically had his photo right beside Jackson's.

Vanoss couldn't believe what he seen. Him and his brother. They know. They know

Vanoss's eyes widen with shock and he quickly turn to his right where Cartoonz was standing landing a punch right on his stomach.

Vanoss's privacy was the only thing he had safe, the only thing that kept him sane now it's ruin. He didn't feel safe, they know. He needs to get out of here

Cartoonz fell on his ass, holding his stomach. The gang quickly react, they ran toward, to contain him.

Vanoss grabbed Moo and put him in a headlock making all of them stop in their track.

Vanoss only applied a little pressure around Moo's neck. Vanoss just wanted him for leverage and Moo was going to give me just that.

Moo could easily break out but he knew how this team worked. Shoot now and ask questions later.

"Let him go" Terroriser demand, worried for Moo. Moo kept his eyes on Terroriser, letting him know he is okay.

"How much so you know?" Vanoss questioned. Moo can feel Vanoss's heart pounding, he was scared.

"Not that much" Mini tried to calm him

"Bullshit. You really expect me to believe that" Vanoss scoffed.

"TS" Delirious hear Wildcat whisper behind him.

Tranquilizers Sniper. Lui

Lui didn't ran towards Vanoss like the others, he went to upstairs and grabbed his sniper before loading a tranquilizer. Lui laid his sniper on the railing, getting a good view of Vanoss through his scope.

Delirious slowly nodded his head, he slowly moved a hand behind him and pulled out three fingers to let one fall.

Lui saw the countdown and waited for the signal.

"Just tell me what you know" Vanoss commanded. Vanoss wanted to know how exposed he was, how unsafe he was.

"That you are brothers with Jackson Fong" Mini quickly replied. Mini didn't negotiate on how much the team wanted Vanoss to know, he didn't care.

Mini can tell how scared, embarrassed Vanoss was. They open his closed door without any consent.

"What's my name?" Vanoss asked, they had to know that. They know Jackson's if they know if he was his brother, they had to know his name.

"We don't-"

"What's my name?!" Vanoss rise his voice. Delirious let another finger fall.

"Evan, it's Evan" Mini answered. Vanoss looked down and close his eyes tightly.

Moo felt him shaking so he took the opportunity and elbow him in the stomach, Vanoss knew enough.

If he knew more, he would have fainted from the lack of food and water and from how scared he was.

Vanoss lost his grip on Moo and fell down. Vanoss winced and held his stomach. Moo went to Terroriser who gave him a hug.

"You did good" Terroriser chuckled.

Vanoss look down, his arms still wrapped around his body. Too open, they know.

"My name is Craig Thompson" Mini admitted. Mini felt guilty, he at least needed to give Vanoss something.

"Mini!" Wildcat ran up to placing a hand on Mini mouth. "What the fuck are you doing?"

Wildcat couldn't believe the stupid act Mini pulled. He needs to pick Mini in check. Mini puts his heart out way too much.

Vanoss looked up at Mini and scoffed.

"Y'all are dumber than y'all look" Vanoss looked back down and smiled.

Made you look¡
2027 words

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