Feed/Mission #2

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I got bored so I made another chapter. I was going to spilt it into two parts but I'll let you have this one. Ignore my mistakes or point them out, it might be easier to edit it later on.

Delirious P.O.V

The gang and I stood around the main table. We stared at the wall where the projector was projecting on.

The green bright light, the tracker, was moving down the street. It was going a low speed considering the tracker was in the car.

"Camera visual?" I requested.

"I'll get something" Mini said. A couple of windows pop up, street cameras. Another window open, it was the parking lot of Sand Bar. I noticed the doors busted in and a car in the middle of the empty parking lot.

"Can you zoom in?" I asked.

The screen was brought closer to the car and it was the exact same rental car, the one Vanoss escaped with.

"Go back to the tracker" I commanded.
The window that was brought up had the map of the city and the green bright light. I watched as the tracker kept going down the street until it made a sharp turn down an ally.

"Do you have feed of the street?" I questioned. Another window was brought up blocking the map. Two blacks trucks, almost blending in with the darkness but their headlights gave them away, were stopping right at an opening- ally.

"That's Night Crew" Terroriser examined.

"What's up with the tracker?" Lui asked. "Why isn't with the car? A car can't fit in an ally"

"Vanoss must have noticed it and-"

"Mini, the tracker" I cut off Wildcat. The window with the map blocked the camera feed.

"He probably stuck it on a Night Crew soldier, he could be playing us" Nogla suggested.

"How did they find him?" Moo questioned.

"Street camera" I said as the green light turned right. Which only leads back to the street of Sand Bar-

They made a mistake or it was their intention.

Another window pop up. The street was empty and I kept my eye on the opening. A figured ran out, crossing the street before they started to zig-zag.

"Pause it" I ordered. The camera froze and the figured was almost off the screen. "Play it back" The figured started to go backwards and I made Mini stop when they were in the middle of the road. "Zoom in" The figured started getting bigger but I couldn't make anything out of it due to the darkness and the bad quality.

"I got it. Hold on" Mini noticed the camera frame. The brightness was brought up and soon it started to become clearer. "Am I not the best?"

"Shut up" Terroriser rolled his eyes.

The feed was bright, clear and it made me know who exactly was in the road, Vanoss.

"Yo, Delirious" Cartoonz leaned towards me. Cartoonz had been silent during the whole meeting so he must have something important to say.

Putting my angry aside, I leaned closer towards him. Cartoonz probably has something to say that he doesn't want the others to hear. "Yeah, what's up?"

"I'm sorry" Cartoonz apologized. After what I had to find out from Vanoss, I confronted Cartoonz. He's been terribly sorry for the few couple of hours.

"Cartoonz, I was hurting my family. I deserve to know especially not from a villain" I whispered. I was slight piss off at him but I could tell he felt bad about it. "It's fine, we'll talk later" I leaned back towards the table, focus on the meeting.

"The tracker is with Vanoss?" Lui questioned with a scoff.

"Go back to the live feed. Give me visual of the parking lot" I demanded.

A window was brought up, the parking lot was there but it wasn't empty with only just a car. The two black trucks were there and a green bright car- the other team. There were some soldiers dressed in black that were laying on the ground.

"Holy shit, a lot is going down" Moo was stunned at the situation at Sand Bar.

"Please tell me, we are leaving!" Wildcat begged.

"Wait! Try not to get too hurt because we do have school tomorrow!" Craig pleaded.

"I thought we got kicked out due to our many absences and our low grades!" Brian groaned. "Tell me your reason on having school as our 'cover-up'?"

Craig opened his mouth to say something but closed it then opened his mouth again. "Doesn't matter"

"Ohh, you little asshole!" Brian said through his gritted teeth. "Don't give me that! I think you own me a fucking reason"

"Guys-" I was going to cut them off before things got out of hand until Craig interrupted me.

"I'm not going to explain something to that little brain of yours. It will be a complete waste of my time. I have better things to do like planning your murder!" Craig hissed.

"You cunt! Your ass must be jealous of all that shit that comes out of your mouth" Brian fumed.

"If I wanted to listen to an asshole, I'd fart" Craig snapped.

"Go ahead, it's gotta smell better than your breath" Brian sneered.


"PAY ATTENTION! EVERYONE GEAR UP" I shouted over them, cutting their argument off and making them jump. "We got a long night ahead of us"

"Aww, come on. Just when it was getting good" Lui pouted. No one took it seriously, they fought all the time but I knew they both had each other's back in the field.

"Shut up, Lui!" Craig and Brian shouted.

"Okay!" Lui putted his hands up in surrender. Tyler and Brock went straight for their best friends after the redness their face drain down.

"Let's go crash this party!" Nogla cheered.


We all gathered in the Insurgent Pick-Up. Lui was driving as Mini ranted about school in our ears. Terroriser and Wildcat were arguing about who will control the turret cannon.

I rolled the sleeves of my blue hoodie, looking at my phone that was connected to Mini's computer.

I looked at the window where the map was and the green light hasn't moved. I didn't like the feeling I was getting, it was the same one I get for my family- worry. But this was for a villain and a hell of a lot stronger.

Please, don't die.

"You are approaching" Mini pointed out through the coms.

"Y'all ready?" Cartoonz asked. He sounded serious but I could see excitement through the darkness. Cartoonz pulled the hood of the his red hoodie over his head and rolled up his sleeves.

"Is that even a question?" Terroriser fixed the collar of his leather jacket.

"I can't wait for you to play with your new eye!" Mini squeal. Terroriser's eye lit up red and Terroriser moved his head, everywhere.

Back to Mini and Terroriser

"Holy shit!" Terroriser whispered.

"You're blinding us!" Moo smack the back of Terroriser head.

"Hey!" Terroriser grabbed the beak of Moo's bird mask.

"I'll help you control it throughout the mission" Mini informed.

"Just don't let it take up all your attention, Mini" I warned.

"Guys! We're here!" Lui voice was muffled through his monkey mask as we pulled up to the driveway. I pulled my mask down and adjusted the straps, making it tighter.

"Let's fucking do this!" Wildcat slipped his pig mask on and placed the strap of a black bag filled with bombs over his shoulder.

"GET DOWN!" I yelled as gunshots filled the air. The window cracked but it wasn't enough to break. However it was just a matter of time before it does.

"GO GO GO" Wildcat shouted as he opened the car door. I clocked my gun and placed my knife in it's holder that was clipped to my belt.

Moo helped to lift Terroriser up to the turret cannon. I waited for Moo to leave the car before I could go, wanting to see where everyone was at.

Cartoonz were behind the rental car, Nogla was on the side of the green bright car, Wildcat was in front of the soldier trucks and Lui was behind the light pole.

Moo grabbed my arm to lead him out. I put my hand on Moo's head to help him duck down and used my body as a shield for Moo as bullets flew around us.

Me and Moo hid behind the truck and Moo kept looking up, not paying attention to his surroundings.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and Moo's attention turns towards me. I gave him a glare and Moo mutter a small "Sorry". Moo's worried about Terroriser, I get it but I can't have Moo distracted on a mission.

"Guys, we got a sniper" Mini gulped.

"Terroriser, get down from there!" Moo yelled. Moments after the door flew open and Terroriser was climbing out. He joined us at the back of the truck.

"I'll handle them" Lui announced. "What building?" I put my back against the truck and peek out seeing soldiers hiding behind their own trucks.

"The hotel, Uptown Inn. It's 5 blocks away, floor 58" Mini informed Lui.

"Nogla, Terroriser, cover me" Lui demanded. I watched Lui rush towards the exit dodging bullets while Nogla and Terroriser tried to shoot the soldiers who were aiming at Lui.

A soldier collapsed on the hood of the car, one. A soldier was shot to the ground, two. A soldier made Nogla score a headshot, three. A soldier made their way to Lui just for them to get shot from behind by Terroriser, four.

Once Lui was out of reach, Nogla went back to hide behind the car and reload and Moo passed his own gun to Terroriser and Terroriser gave Moo his to reload.

I counted at least 5, plus the sniper, soldiers left standing. I sneaked around the truck, passing Moo who gave me a confusing look.

"Where are you going?" Moo whispered. I opened the door and searched for the goggles Mini had pack for us. I reached under the seat and pulled out a hard square object- night vision goggles.

"Trying to make an opening" I whispered back and tossed one to Moo then to Terroriser. I closed the door before crouching down. "Wildcat, throw one of your smoke bombs. Terroriser cover me. Moo and Nogla cut off the lights. Lui, once you come back, I want you to search their cars. Then report back to the truck to revive goggles. I'm going in-"

"I'm going with you" Cartoonz said, cutting me off.

That was the plan if you could've have let me fucking finish.

I stood up and open the door to gather all the goggles to be right in front of the door so the gang wouldn't have any problems. I also took one for Cartoonz.

"Alright, Terroriser cover us. Wildcat, throw it now" I ordered.

I watched Wildcat, slightly roll the smoke bomb under the truck to reach the front where the soldier were camping at.

I hid my head in my hoodie as I took off my mask and placed the goggles over my eyes as the smoke escaped the metal. I put my mask in the inside pocket of my hoodie. I looked around and saw nothing due to the smoke and I scoff.

Are you fucking kidding me?

"You have a setting. There is a little lever beside your right len to switch to thermal vision" Mini informed me. "I know what I'm doing, Delirious. So don't give me that scoff of disappoint, you prick!"

"Alright, sorry!" I mumbled. I found the lever and set it down. It went black before going to the colors of blue, yellow and red.

I turned to where Moo was and I see his figured as red. I turned to the smoke and see the trucks as blue and the soldiers hiding in front as red.

"Nicely done" I confessed and I heard Mini's tiny snicker.

"Am I not the best?" Mini sing-song. I rolled my eyes before making my way towards Cartoonz. Me and Cartoonz met at the middle and I passed him the goggles for him to put on. "Shit, sniper down"

"Lui, ya good?" Nogla asked.

"Yeah, I took a hit but I'm on my way back" Lui replied.

"A- what. A h-hit?" Nogla stammered.

"Yeah, he send a really good punch" Lui explained.

"Oh, a punch" Nogla sigh in relief.

"Pay attention" I commended. I placed my gun in it's holster and took out my knife for a nice, quiet, slick kill.

"Cartoonz, take right" I whispered as I creeped up against the truck seeing the soldiers heat.

"Shit, dude. Where did y'all these fuckers come from?" I heard a voice whispers harshly.

"How the hell am I supposed to know? I was told it was going to be a 'in and out' mission" I heard another voice.

"Fuck-" Before they could finish their sentence, I made it to my prey and slit their throat. In a mission like this, we have no time for needles.

I quickly lay them down and saw red right beside the dead body when I fully made it to the front of the truck. Their head was moving everywhere trying to see and their hands were gripped tightly around their gun.

I knocked the gun out their hands hearing the gasp that came out of their mouth. I wrapped my arms around their neck and head before snapping it. I laid them on top of each other and I kneel down beside them.

"Cartoonz?" I addressed him.

"I'm clear" Cartoonz informed me. "I got three" Knowing that was 5 soldiers, I went to the next step of the mission.

"Let's move in" I ordered. I placed my knife back in it's holder and got out my gun. The door was already busted in so creeping in wasn't the best idea.

Me and Cartoonz rushed in, I rolled over to the bar as he hopped to the other side. I peeked out seeing the same clothes from the apartment complex- the other gang.

They were standing against the wall, waiting.

"This is our chance" Cartoonz pointed out. I made a low disapproving sound hoping he gets it since I don't want to make any noise. "But Delirious, they are distracted"

Yeah, but why?

I made the sound against but a bit louder letting Cartoonz know I was serious.

"There's more trucks coming!" Mini informed us.

"Delirious" Cartoonz warned me.

"They are 2 blocks away-" Before Mini could finish his sentence. There was a huge crash coming from the end of the hallway.

2442 words
Made you look¡

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