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"Okay, what the fuck is going on?" Vanoss slams the door to the motel room.

"Be careful just like the rented now stolen car, I don't want extra charges" I warn.

"I don't give a crap, I want answers. I, at least deserve them from being kidnap and all" Vanoss points out.

"Look, we didn't know what was going to happen if we open those doors" I sigh, trying my best to answer without blowing cover.

"No, don't give me that crap. Something is up, I know it with the way you been acting" Vanoss sat on of the beds in the room.

"'The way I been acting?' What are you, my childhood friend?" I snicker and pull out a charger from my hoodie pocket before plugging it against the wall.

"Yes, 'The way you been acting'. We might have just met but I can tell that something is up." Vanoss explains.

"You are barely getting the hang of this lifestyle and you wanna tell me that you can see right through me?" I scoff. I started becoming a little defensive since I am going behind his back and he could tell. I charge my phone and check it, seeing messages.

The next available flight leaves in 9 hours so we are staying at hotel because the boys don't want no cheapy ass motel

By boys, you mean just you?

Doesn't matter

"Fuck off, all I am saying is that I need answers" Vanoss groans.

"Look, we have the body. Like hell, we were gonna go in there just for a folder that will destroy NightCrew" I trail off and placed my phone on the night stand that was in the middle of the beds after setting an alarm for 5:30 A.M. "The whole thing was a bust"

"You were fine with going in-"

"It's been a long day-"

"My ass, why couldn't you call up your little crew and bring them down here?"

"And what were we going to do? Sometimes thing don't work our way and we are going to leave it at that"

"No-" I cut Vanoss off by quickly moving towards him, to the point that our noses were barely touching.

"I'm sick of your questions" My eyes narrow at him as his chocolate ones drifted off elsewhere. "This is what you are going to do. You are gonna shut up unless you would like to join the body in the trunk. Understood?"

Vanoss nodded, eyes going everywhere but me. I hum in approval before leaving his personal bubble and going to the motel bed. I kick off my shoes and left them beside the bed.

I heard the bed spring up and Vanoss going towards the bathroom with his arms wrapped around himself. My phone lit up and sounded on the night stand. I reach over to it and unlock it.

How is everything?

Going good so far

Are you sure? Being in a car for hours with Vanoss seems a bit difficult and annoying

Please, I had worst with your bitchass


I laugh silently and placed the phone back on the nightstand when the door of the bathroom open. I turn away from the nightstand and faced the exit keeping an eye on it making sure no one came in or out.

Good thing, I'm a light sleeper. I might not get sleep tonight.

I heard something hit the floor and the strings inside the bed, streaked as a heavy weight was placed on top.

My mind raced everywhere as I just stare at the wall, not letting me fall asleep. I close my eyes but my mind was still active and jumping all over the place. I tried getting in a comfortable position not wanting to make much noise but with this hard mattress, it was impossible to find a position for me to just fall asleep.

I laid on my stomach, my arms tuck into the pillow I was laying on. A position I was comfortable in. I soon started to drift sleep, finally when I got a uncomfortable feeling below.

I need to pee.


A repeating beep woke me up, confuse. I felt like I only slept for 5 minutes better yet, I don't remember sleeping. I sat up, quickly turning my head toward the bed next to me when I heard the strings again and I see Vanoss sitting up as well.

I lifted myself off the bed and went to the bathroom to use the toilet and to wash my hands and face.

I came out to see Vanoss back in the sheets again. I knock the bed that he was laying in with my knee, making him shoot up. I nudge my head toward the bathroom and Vanoss nodded. Vanoss groan as he got up and left to the bathroom.

I put on my shoes and check my phone, unplugging it from the charger.

Just woke up and went to get something to eat. Our plane leaves in 3 hours.

Text me when you start to board

That's the plan

I unplug the charger from the outlet before tucking it in the hoodie pocket. I go to the Maps app, searching for a diner nearly. The closest one was just 7 minutes away.

The door to the bathroom open, Vanoss came out with his best effort on his hair.

"I found a diner close to here so we can eat before getting on the road" I inform him.

"Sounds good" Vanoss sigh.

We walked to the front and drop off the key to the room. I check on the body, making sure it didn't "run away".

"You can never be too sure" I roll my eyes at Vanoss who was giving me a confused look as I poke the body.

"Whatever you say" Vanoss scoff and opens the car door to get in. I shut the trunk door and open the driver door for me to get in. My phone vibrate in my back pocket and I took it out, unlocking it.

Just heard you were awake. Did you get anything to eat?

On my way to, actually. What did y'all get?

Me and the boys order room service but Craig wanted "something better". I don't know what he is getting.

Did anyone go with him?


Of course, he did.

I placed my phone in the cup holder before starting up the car and driving off.

Made you look¡
1093 words

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