Safe zone

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Sorry for the late update, I got busy

Vanoss P.O.V

I fell to the ground as a fist made contact with my face.

"Did you just fucking punch me?" I stood up quickly before getting lightheaded and balance myself on the wall.

"You insult my family" Delirious reason hit me more than the punch did.

Family? They think of themselves as a family?

I stood silent for a moment letting the words flow through me and memories with my brother come back.

"Family?" I scoff. "They will never have your back, all they do is make you weak and slow. They hide secrets and get themselves kill then what happens? You are left alone"

"You got the wrong explanation about family, Vanoss. I let you slide once but I won't again so I recommend you shut your mouth." Delirious snap at me.

"Yeah yeah, didn't know I pressed a soft spot" I roll my eyes and walk out of the room.

The trip to the other rooms were silent, me killing him multiple times in my head and he just quietly walking behind me. My jaw ache and I tasted blood, my tongue pushed against all of my teeth making sure I still had them all.

I heard Delirious chuckle behind me, reminding me he was still here. My hands turn into fists, preventing me from turning around and punching Delirious but that would most likely go south.

A smell filled my nose, a familiar one. Looking behind me, Delirious scrunched his face sniffing; he notice as well.

"Smells like your house" Delirious said. I didn't say anything back because it was true, too true and I already knew what it was- a dead body or bodies.

"Find it" I panic. I dash straight forward, going deeper in the hallway. Checking every room, that comes across me and yelling "clear" once I analyze it.

I stop at my tracks when I reach the end of the hallway and the smell disappears. I ran back looking for the smell again once I found it, it was in the same spot where me and Delirious spilt.

Delirious comes back and shakes his head before I can ask the question.

"Where is it coming from?" My eyes looks at the ground and my eyes widen. "The floor"

"Or the walls" Delirious suggested.

"We will do that later" I command. I walk back to the main space before grabbing the same wooden plank that I trigger with the trap when I heard a noise from beside me.

I look over seeing a wall with stains before I walk back to Delirious, looking down to the floor studying it.

"I think the wall is better" I referred to Delirious suggestion and Delirious gave a hum without a comeback or a little "I told you so", surprisingly.

I toss the plank in my hand before giving a good swing at the hallway wall. It made a huge hole and I grab the edges before pulling it down, making the hole bigger for me to see.

I heard a bang behind and I see Delirious taking his foot out of a new hole.

"Taking out your anger? Who else insulted your family?" I snicker.

"Vanoss, you been knock out multiple times. Don't let me add to it" Delirious grab the edges pulling it up, ripping the whole wall off and the smell got worse and thick. "Shit, what did they do to them?"

Delirious moves away and a clear body bag was visible. Blood splatter from inside so I couldn't see inside well, I don't even know if it's him but i'm pretty sure it is.

"Can we go to the vault now?" Delirious comes back.

"Yeah but we are leaving with the body" I demand.

"Who said we were leaving it?" Delirious said. "Come on, we will be out of here faster if you aren't standing there" I push past him, bumping his shoulder but it didn't move him nor did it make him flinch.

I walk pass the traps and walked out the house before going to the back of the house where the "basement" doors were with chains wrapped around the handles.

I stood in front of them, waiting for Delirious to stand near it.


"Here?" I walked towards the man in front the wooden locked doors.

"Yup" His voice sounded cleared, deep and raspy as if he just woke up considering it was him, he probably did.

"Weird spot to place a vault" I said.

"Would you even do a double take on this house?" He ask.

"No, if i'm being honest" I sigh.

"You know what's the worse thing you can do?" He questions me.

"Eat someone's gummy worms?" I said but it sounded more like a question.

It's was weird for him to change subjects

"That too but if you insult their safe zone"

"I'm sorry?" I look at the ground, thinking about what he is trying to say.

"What i mean by 'safe zone' like family, house even a pet. Someone or something you feel safe. Tell me, Evan" My head snap at up, hearing my name. "What's you safe zone?"

"I don't think i have one" I whisper as my mind went straight to my brother, Jackson.

"Everyone had one for me, it's this house. I will never leave it, i'll go down with it" He walked to the brick wall and pats it like a pet while smiling.

Flashback end

"Here?" I heard Delirious voice beside me. I thought back to when he punch me because of what i said. Never insult their safe zone


"What?" Delirious step beside me.

"Nothing but yeah, this is it" I said.

"How are we going to open it?" Delirious ask and i smile brightly. I walk back into the house after telling Delirious to stay and i look through the junk in his house. I walk passed the body bag multiple times, looking for anything thin but strong.

For a fuck up house like this, you would think you can find something so simple.

I groan in frustration, I kick garbage out of the way with my foot trying to search the place.

I lean down, dusting the dirt away when I heard a sound but right under me.

A rat? Possibly a raccoon

Me being a paranoid person, I started stomp on the ground. Most likely scaring the animal away or leading the person right to me.

"Vanoss" I heard a voice behind me. I turn quickly, startled but only to see Delirious. "What's taking you so long?"

"Nothing, why aren't you beside the doors? Like I told you to" I stated.

"I don't listen to you plus I was bored" Delirious shrug.


I narrow my eyes at him.


"What?" I question.

"I was bored" Delirious repeat.


A gang member or leader is bored by standing outside to guard doors? A GANG MEMBER IS BORED. That's not a fucking reason. You cannot be bored and walk around in a mission. He is lying to me! I won't let him get away with that!

"Oh okay" I said

Made you look¡
1197 words

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