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Hachishakusama carefully set the red haired woman down at the futon while silently cursing those old fools that currently run that despicable village. Though there are good people still residing was clear that there were far more many that just had wicked and cruel hearts. Once she thought of this, a certain Uchiha instantly popped into her mind. That last Uchiha was too arrogant and believed that he was the greatest thing on this planet. Always talking about how Naruto was the dead last and would never amount to anything while his pink haired howler monkey cheered him on (sorry to all howler monkeys).

They were surely celebrating that their dead weight was finally gone and they would have the world at their finger tips. What a joke. She knew that they would never amount to anything with their sensei teaching them. He wasn't focusing on that sorry excuse of a kunoichi and was just trying to honor his friend, who was still around by unknown means, by just focusing on that brat. 

POPOPO...if those fools think that they'll become great ninjas then they have another thing coming. I will make sure that loyal followers will become stronger than them in many ways. 

She knew that she could produce strong followers by focusing on their strengths and weaknesses. Weaknesses that could've been taken care of if their sensei's bothered to help them. It was no wonder why there was so many ninja hopefuls dying after setting pit on their own. Hachishakusama could've continued thinking about the failures of the ninjas currently teaching the next generation, but she had more work to do. Starting with getting Yugito and capturing the blonde fangirl from Konoha.

At the same time, a group of people were sitting down while discussing these turn of events. They were the Akatsuki who planned to track down and take the jinchuriki and combine them to make the Jubi. Though things have changed since the nine tails has disappeared out of their reach.

"Zetsu, you had some news concerning three of the jinchuriki." Pain began to say.

"Yes. It seems like they have disappeared." Zetsu said.

"Disappear? How could they just disappear without anyone noticing?" Kisame said.

"It may be the work of forces that we have yet to hear any information about." Zetsu said.

"Whoever is taking them will kneel before their true god." Pain said while Konan started to think about who or what is stopping Pain's plan. Though when she discovers who it is...she would wish that she never got curious about them in the first place.

Meanwhile, Yugito was on a mission when she felt something off like someone or something was watching her. 

Yugito, is anything wrong?

Matatabi's question was left unanswered due to Yugito's uneasy feeling about her surroundings. For several seconds, she was on edge...however, nothing happened. So, Yugito slowly calmed down and finally answered Matatabi.

"It's nothing, Matatabi. I thought that someone or something was...." Yugito started to say until she heard an unsettling laugh followed by a taunt.

POPOPO...It seems like I found a cat lost in the forest. How unfortunate.

Yugito was about to shout at the voice before she heard Matatabi speak once again. Instead of the usual calmness of her voice, Matatabi sounded panicked which greatly concerned Yugito.

Yugito, run. This presence is way more powerful than either of us can handle on our own.

"But what about...." Yugito started to say before she felt two hands on her shoulders.

Come along now, Cat...your new home awaits you.

"New home? I don't want to go with you. Let me..." Yugito said before she was taken away. Several days later, she would be reported missing...alerting Kumo to a potential threat that is currently walking around freely. Speaking of her, Hachishakusama stared at the sleeping form of Naruto. She heard that he was jailer of the nine tailed beast...a beast that probably hated humanity. A fact that would make her a potential ally especially since the fox hasn't tried to hurt Naruto. Not like the fox would considering how cruel those civilians of Konoha were to him. They always preached about their will of fire yet cruelly turned their back to Naruto thinking that he was the tailed beast. Sighing...she quietly placed her hand on the seal on Naruto's stomach and disappeared...

Coming face to face with the fox.

Author Note:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋

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