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Camp Baker, Cheerleading camp for girls. Twenty miles outside Springfield, Illinois.

The moonlight glowed softy in the night. While the sunlight glowed a bright yellow and gave a sight of peace and joy, the moonlight left a grim feeling and a feeling of being watched.

"Kind've a brave girl, ain't ya, Cassie?" A blonde haired man or teen (Don't know his age.) he was wearing a large, red shirt that said "Coach." He had a blue shirt underneath the red shirt. He was wearing blue pants, and red and white shoes.

"Why do you say that?" The girl next to him asked. She was wearing a blue cheerleading skirt, a white shirt with a yellow vest. She had black hair, blue eyes, and pale white skin.

The male looked at the girl, a bit surprised at her response. "Well, I know. With all those cheerleaders disappearing and all." He said. "I mean, maybe there's some psycho killer, or two, hid'n out there in the woods, just waiting......heh. It's kind dangerous." He said to her.

He was right about one thing, there were two things watching them. Two figures were watching the boy and girl. One was a large, muscular man. Had a gas mask, green skin, and a blue jumpsuit.

The other was (Tall/Short) and skinny. He had a potato sack over his head, wore a green and blue flannel shirt with overalls. He held a bow and arrow in his hand. He was breathing heavily. "It's time to play my favorite game, wack a brat." The man in the scarecrow suit mumbled softly.

"Oh, that's okay. I'm not in danger. I mean, I've got you,...a big, strong coach who likes to sneak off in the woods with young girls. What is there to worry about?" The girl asked.

Dan and the other girl kept walking until they were a good distance away from the camp. If this didn't spell sexual assault or murder, I don't know what does.

"Ah. I think this is far enough okay, Cassie babe." Dan said as he looked at the girl. "I want you to turn around. I got a lil surprise for ya." Dan said as a smirk grew on his face. Cassie pouted playfully. "A lil surprise. But I was hoping for a big surprise." Cassie said playfully.

"Oh, it's big. Reeeeal big." Dan said as he reached in his bag and pulled out a knife and a catcher's mask. He put the mask on and raised the knife. He looked at the girl and started run to her. As he ran and was about to scream, he looked at the corner of the knife. There, he was two figures. One very large and muscular, the other very skinny. The skinny one was holding a crossbow.

Dan suddenly felt something sharp hit his hand. "Aaaahhhhh! Holy S#%&!!!" Dan said in pain and dropped the knife and looked at the arrow stabbing his hand. "Aww crap. I was aiming for the neck!" The skinny one said. Dans eyes widened in horror as he noticed the skinny man and large man. He let out a tiny squeak of horror.

The large man pulled out two large blades. Dans eyes widened and he looked at Cassie. Cassie was looking at him and smirking. "W-w-we gotta get outta here!!!!" Dan said horrified. Cassie just kicked him in the one place no man wants to be kicked.

Dan immediately covered the spot and fell to the ground. Something then kicked him in the face. "I told ya, it's always the tough guys." The make the the scarecrow suit said as Dan spit out blood and a tooth.

Dan looked up at Cassie, who was smirking at him. Dan looked at her and the Scarecrow, and felt something he hadn't felt in years, true fear.

The Scarecrow couldn't help but laugh at Dan whimpering. He removed his mask to reveal a (Skin color.) (Nationality) (Eye color) (Hight) male. His name was Y/N.

"Well this teaches ya something, start dating men or women your own age and not to kill. Or you die a painful death." Y/N said and chuckled. "So what do we do? Turn him over to the cops?" Y/N asked. "No!" Dan said nervously. Prison would be death sentence for someone like him.

"It's simple. Vlad, care to do the honor's?" Cassie asked as Vlad nodded his head gently and proceeded too cut Dan's head clean off. A look of frozen shock remained on Dans face. Y/N pulled out a note and started writing on it. He stuck it on Dans head.

The note read "Next time, take a closer look at the people you hire, you lazy SON OR DAUGHTER OF A BITCH!!!!"

Vlad and Cassie laughed a bit at the note. "Are you two ok? Did he hurt you?" Vlad, the gentle giant, asked Cassie and Y/N. "Ya. I'm fine? Y/N?" Cassie asked Y/N.

"I'm fine." Y/N said and looked at Dan. "This guy is just stupid, wants to be a killer very badly, or just wants to get caught. Like who uses a mask people can see through? Well, Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson, our case of the disappearing cheerleaders is solved. Only question is, who's the dumb ass who hired this guy?" Y/N asked and looked at Dan's head and kicked it like a football.

"I'm not Sherlock or Watson." Vlad said. Y/N chuckled a bit. "Let's get outta here, wearing this outfit is given me the Heebie Jeebies." Cassie said as she, Vlad, and Y/N walked off.

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