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| February |

"So, how much did I miss, boss?"

The big boss chuckled quietly as I sat down in his chair with a wince, in front of his desk where piles of paperwork seemed to create towers of redundant answers for me.

"It's good to see you back on your feet, Caleb. You've been missed."

"Yeah, well, no need to miss me anymore. I'm ready to take down some bad guys," I enthusiastically announced. More so, I was ready to finally have a decent night of sleep without night terrors taking my mojo away. "Catch me up."

The boss pursed his lips ever so slightly, but then lowered his gaze. "The Russian mafia is getting more and more aggressive. They took down Agent Santino and they took down you in their search for the USB. You're both lucky to have escaped alive."

I nodded once and absentmindedly let my hand fall to my bad knee. Vince had gotten his taste of the Russian mob as well, a few months back while everything was still going on. Thankfully, unlike me, he was a trained agent and had felt them keeping tabs on him. He had hidden the USB with Agent Rya Wilkins shortly before they got to him. They had roughed him up as well, but like me had escaped within an inch of his life.

It appeared the fight for power was on, and the Russians wanted to be in the lead. C.E.N.T.U.R.I.E.S were hiding their knowledge too well, except for me, Eli, the boss and now Rya and Vince. We were the exceptions who knew what was going on, which meant we were their prime targets. The question was, how had they known who I was?

"How did they find me?" I asked, looking over the Boss who sighed and leaned back in his chair with a deep frown. "Do you think the people from C.E.N.T.U.R.I.E.S could've leaked my identity to the Russians somehow, in hopes they might take care of me for them?"

"It's a possibility, but it's thin," He acknowledged. "As much as I'd like to deny it, the Russians aren't stupid. They know if C.E.N.T.U.R.I.E.S leaked a name after being airtight for years about their business, it would mean they were setting up some kind of trap. The Russians wouldn't fall for it. On the other hand, If C.E.N.T.U.R.I.E.S did send those Russians after you somehow, that meant they would've had to cut some sort of deal with them. And as you know C.E.N.T.U.R.I.E.S is not too happy about making deals. In any case, why would they leak your name knowing full and well they would've lost information through you?"

The boss made a good point; If C.E.N.T.U.R.I.E.S had given me up to the Russians, it wouldn't exactly have been a smart move on their side. They wouldn't risk their information getting into the wrong hands—or risk those who knew about them spilling all their secrets.

But if that was the case, then we were back to square one.

"So how did they discover me, if not through C.E.N.T.U.R.I.E.S?" I gritted, feeling both angst and frustration build up. "They called me out by name, said they knew I worked for you and what I did. How could they possibly know if not through them?" I was a ghost. To the world, I didn't exist, neither as Caleb or Zachary Montrell. I was a nobody, so how had they found me and known who I was?

The big boss narrowed his eyes, the wheels in his head spinning just as hard as my own were. If we had a security breech somehow and we didn't catch it soon, all our lives could be at stake. Me, Zoe, Elana...

And everyone else involved.

"I don't know," He finally spoke up. There was a note in his voice, one that grated with frustration and anger. "I will figure it out, though, I promise you," He vowed, sitting up. "No one will get hurt on my watch again."

I gave a small smile, not doubting his word. He'd never gone back on a promise. The dark circles under his eyes were the proof. The guilt in my chest immediately built up, realizing my departure from the game had probably overloaded his already massive work load.

But there was one thing I hadn't let go of.

"I kept up with the secret project," I quietly voiced. I watched his body stiffen for a quick moment, yet his face softened almost delicately. "In my absence... I kept it running, just like I promised."

"Thank you," He replied, his voice suddenly graveled. He turned his eyes away and seemed to struggle. I therefore quickly changed the subject.

"So now that I'm back, what can I do?" I spoke up, looking at all the papers on his desk. "What do you need? My services are at your full disposal." Why did that sound slightly prostitute-y?

His lips lifted a little, but quickly turned serious again. "For now, I need you to keep regaining your strength and slowly work your way back in. I've been monitoring all the usual places, keeping my ears tapped on every location they might strike. I've managed to intercept a few kids—"

"Let me help there," I cut in, sitting up in my seat. "Let me run the interference. I can do it from home while recuperating. It'll give you time to figure out how those fuckers made me and knew who I was." Even as a person who didn't exist, they had spotted me and had known exactly who I was. How? The Russians had their connections as well, sure, but my identity had been hidden better than the lost ark.

"Alright," He affirmed, after a moment of thought. "You can run interference. I'll start by digging into the Russians and see how they've been getting their information. I might be able to get AISE's assistance once more." I nodded and had already arisen to leave when his voice halted me again, "And Caleb?"

"Yeah, Boss?" I asked, giving him a little grin.

He gave me a hard stare. "Don't work too hard," He gritted his teeth and turned his head towards his computer screen – the screen stacked tightly away between mountains of work.

I saluted him enthusiastically before walking out. Working too hard, my ass. The only thing I did too hard was love, and I was pretty sure Smurf didn't mind that.

And speaking of which, I had a date with a jeweler I couldn't wait to retire on commission.


"Smurf?" I called into the apartment, hearing music blasting from the bedroom. "Smurf? You in there?"

"Yup!" She shouted over the loud blast. "Just getting ready! What took you so long?"

"Elana wanted to stop by the ice cream shop on the way," I explained, throwing off my jacket and kicking off my shoes. My knee was aching, which it always did when I walked too much. "But she finally settled in with Eli and Mia in the hotel room."

Eli and Mia had flown in from L.A for a little celebratory engagement dinner tomorrow night, and for Elana's birthday, which was coming up in a few short days. Since we had one whole night before then, Mia had offered to babysit Elana for the night so Smurf and I could have some private-adult time. After months of stress, rehab, and plain old anxiety, she thought we could use some time alone without a kid around. You know, to reconnect.

– If Eli didn't marry that girl, I was going to hack his online records and marry them myself.

"I bought some wine, like you asked," I said, limping further into the apartment, towards the bedroom. "You wanted red, right?"

"Yeah," Smurf replied, just as I entered the bedroom. A stupid smile instant fell on my lips.

All dressed in black, she was wearing my favorite leather skirt of hers, along with a cropped black holed top over a black lace bra beneath. Her short blue hair was diffused with something that smelled heavenly, and right now, she was glued to the mirror in front of our dresser, applying one thick coat of liner around her eyes.

Oh, man. She had done herself up for our big night.

I halted in the doorway and simply stared at her with a dumbass smile. My girlfriend. My fiancée. The woman I was gonna live the rest of my life with, looking like a whole meal as she stood there, drawing on her war paint. How the fuck did this actually happen to me?

"Christ," I whispered to myself, shaking my head in disbelief, before slowly making my way forward. I came up behind her and put the bottle of wine on the dresser, before wrapping my arms around her waist. "How the fuck did I get so lucky?"

"Well, you had a big dick so it wasn't a hard decision," She murmured sarcastically while finishing up her liner. She leaned back a little, staring concentratedly at herself, before giving a little nod of satisfaction.

I snorted a laugh, before lowering my lips to her shoulder. God, she tasted good, too. Like honey and some kind of fruit. If I wasn't already planning to eat her later, I would eat her right this moment.

Huh. Just why the fuck was I waiting?

I kissed her shoulder and slowly started moving my mouth up her neck, tasting the silky skin showing through her shirt. I softly pushed the fabric away and made more room for my lips to play, the same time my hands slipped under her shirt and cupped her tit. The soft skin and the puckered nipple was like weed to my anxiety. I brushed the taut bud with my thumb, feeling smurf squirm ever so slightly in my hands.

"Caleb," She whispered, breathily.

"I've missed you," I rasped out, like I was confessing to God. Because I was. Goddamn it, I was. Ever since the incidence, we hadn't been together much. My knee had hindered us for sure, but that hadn't been the biggest cockblock. No.

We had both been too close with fate and it had shocked us. Things were moving fast, and for a moment, it had seemed like...

Like we weren't going to make it through.

"I love you," I whispered against her neck, feeling her lean back against me. "I love you so much, Smurf."

"I love you, too," She murmured back, before turning around in my arms and looping her hands around my neck. "I love you so much, you stupid, silly man."

My lips automatically turned up and I chuckled hoarsely, before dragging her with me towards the bed. I pushed her down, but before she could try and drag me with her, I shook my head. "Hold on. I got something for you."

With a confused expression, Smurf then got to watch me wince as I carefully lowered onto my good knee, holding on to the bed for support. "Caleb, what are you—"

"A fucked up knee is not gonna keep me from keeping up traditions," I promised her, seeing her grow even more confused when I groaned, supporting my weight on my good knee while I dug into my pocket. "Even if it means fucking up my good knee too and giving up doggie all together." After all, I only planned on doing this once in my life. I was going to do this right.

"Oh, my God. Caleb," Her hand flew to her mouth when the lightbulb finally lit up in her head. Or, it could've been the black ring box I procured from my back pocket and held out to her, opening it up for her with a nervous beat in my chest.

"From the moment you tried to hack me, you had my interest," I solemnly spoke, seeing Smurf's charred eyes well up with tears as I took her other hand and squeezed it in mine. "And from the moment I saw you, you had my heart. I've never met a girl like you, Smurf, and after you, there are no other girls. You're just it, Zoe," I whispered, lifting her knuckles to my lips. I pressed a soft, but deep kiss against them. Shit, I was welling up too now. "So with this ring, I promise you you'll never have a day with me where you won't be loved. I wanna make cute as fuck babies with you some day, and I wanna log out of this world with you when that day comes," I said, cracking a half smile when she let go of a little emotional sob. "So do me the favor of marrying me, Smurf. Please?"

"You stupid man," She sobbed out, while laughing and nodding her head rapidly. "You didn't have to go and make this so emotional. Crap, and I just put on my mascara!"

"Well, the plan B version was that I was gonna propose to finally get rid of the condoms by putting a ring on you instead, but I figured—"

"You're the one who insist on those, and yes, I'll definitely marry you, just like I said I would," She pushed out and shook her head. "Now get up off the floor before I have to pull you up and break my back, you Neanderthal."

"Actually, I might need your help," I winced, just as I tried to move my body up; I got nowhere. "Oh, God. Is this what eighty is going to be like?"

"No, but get up here and I'll show you what ninety-six will be like," Smurf replied, leaning down and pecking a lingering kiss of encouragement to my lips.

Well, what do you know; I could love her more.

Grabbing the back of her head, I didn't let her pull away as I grabbed the edge of the bed and hauled myself up with a hard groan. I hardly sensed the pain, because the next second I was tipping into the bed with her, feeling Smurf roll us over and climb on top of my lap.

"Wait-wait, hold up," I tried to speak between kisses, her lips fervently attacking mine already. My baby was good to go. "The ring." I was still clutching the goddamn ring box. I forgot to put it on her. Nice moves, fuckface. You had one job.

"Oh, come here with it then," Smurf rushed, taking the box from my hand. She snatched the ring and slid it on her ring finger. "But I won't hear any fucking complaint if this thing gets cum stains on it."

I burst out laughing, throwing my head back into the mattress. Seriously. I needed to marry her faster. "Fuck, Smurf, how am I gonna survive you?"

"How did I ever survive without you?" She whispered against my lips, so quietly I wasn't sure if she meant for me to hear it. Her lips came down on mine a moment later, cutting off any reply I might have.

You'll never have to live a day without me again, Smurf. I promise you that.

Kissing her back fervently, my tongue clashed with hers as we lost ourselves in the kiss. I couldn't pry my mouth from hers, didn't fucking want to, wanting to eat up her sweet moans as my hands slowly slipped down and cupped her ass. The taut flesh was taunting me, my palm itching to turn it red. Her skin was so pale, it would only take a single spank. God, I could already picture it...

"Smurf," I groaned against her lips, "I need you naked. Right now."

"Now who's being impatient?" She murmured back.

"Smurf, I'm serious. It's naked now or I'm getting the scissors and cutting this off." I smacked her leather skirt. I loved that thing, but I needed it off right this instant.

With a crooked purse of her lips, she sat up and began tucking off her top, revealing her black little lacy bra. I could spot her nipple piercings through the thin fabric, the sight making my mouth water. When she unclipped the little, should-be-illegal bra and tossed it away, I sat up instantly, unable to stay off any longer.

"Caleb—shit!" Smurf moaned out when my mouth closed around her dusky little nipple, sucking the metal piece between my lips and teasing it with my tongue. I felt her shudder on top of me, gripping my shoulders and letting her hands smooth up through my hair, gripping on tightly. "Ohh... God..."

"Did I tell you to stop undressing?" I breathed against her skin. I let my eyes flip up to meet her flushed cheeks, seeing her eyes widen. "I told you; Get fucking naked, sweetcheeks. You're only halfway there."

She gulped, slowly. "Caleb..."

"Get. To. Work."

My mouth returned to her tits and didn't stop sucking, rolling her stiffening buds against my tongue. A garbled moan ripped from her, but I still felt her hands come to the long zipper on the side of her skirt. It was the kind of zipper that zipped all the way down. Just one swift tug and it was falling from her body, quickly ripped away by my demanding hands that now smoothed up her bare ass.

Hold on...

"Where the fuck are your panties?" I growled out, looking down to see she wasn't wearing anything underneath—not a single fucking thing.

"I figured I wouldn't need them tonight?" Smurf innocently replied, biting into her lip. I cursed under my breath and had to calm myself down.

You're already marrying this woman. So why the fuck doesn't it feel like enough right now?

"God, Zoe," I rasped out, rubbing my hands over her hips, sliding them behind her to cup her small ass. "You make me want to possess you... do things I never thought I'd wanna do."

"I..." Her breathy voice turned elated and husky as she leaned down, just as my fingers begun digging into her skinny little ass. "I'm... not stopping you."

"Fuck," I hissed out, but then yanked her up, the same time I pushed myself down on the bed. Smurf yelped and almost fell over forward, but managed to catch herself on her palms. I dragged her body up, until her sweet pussy was right above my face. "You're gonna make me go mad."

And with that, I buried myself face deep in her cunt.

Smurf let out a soft scream, instantly clamping her legs around me as my tongue delved between her wet folds and found that little piercing—my favorite piercing of them all. It was dripping wet and covered in her juices, just begging to be sucked on.

Gliding my tongue over it, I slurped up her juices and then moved down and pushed my tongue into her core. I could feel her trembling and hear her moans above me, despite the fact that her thighs were trying muffle my ears. The sweet sound of her wet pussy against my lips was also audible, her arousal dripping down my chin as I started licking, grinding my tongue into her cunt.

"Oh, fuck!" A sob broke from her mouth, followed by a cry of pleasure. Her hand was suddenly in my hair, gripping a tuft of my blond locks. "Oh, fuck, Caleb!"

I didn't relent, not even as I felt her clit pulse against my tongue, not even as she drenched my lips, just as an orgasm built up and exploded inside her. The result was my mouth drinking up an endless stream of her honey, gulping loudly and groaning as she nearly fucking drowned me in them.

That's right, baby. Fucking waterboard me.

"Caleb!" She panted breathlessly and tried to move away from my mouth when I kept hungrily licking her, even after her orgasm ended. "Please—it's too much—"

I smacked her ass and she jumped, hiccuping. She wasn't going any-fucking-where until I was done here. And I had only just begun.

"Please remain seated during the entire performance," I muttered into her cunt.

"Caleb!" She shrieked when I began lapping away at her slit, getting more of her freak juices. "Oh... f-fuck!"

In no time I had her spasming in another orgasm. Her pussy was throbbing, shining and absolutely slick from front till back. It wasn't until I heard her whimper, I finally rolled us over and laid her out on her back.

Smurf was panting like she just ran a marathon. She was splayed out, her arms over her head, her body covered in sweat. Her cunt was a healthy pink, slightly red color, still glistening with all her juices. I licked my lips satisfied and smirked when she cracked her wet eyes open.

"I... didn't get to..." She heaved out, looking down at the tent in my pants.

"Change of plans," I simply said. Sixty-nine would have to wait, because I wasn't spending another minute not buried inside her.

Throwing off my shirt, almost ripping it at the stitches, I got my pants undone and quickly stood up to step out of them while Smurf caught her breath. By the time I was naked and coming back on top of her, she had worked herself up on her elbows and was watching me with a horny look, her eyes darkening as she looked down at my cock.

"I want it," She said, like a child in a toy store pointing at a toy she really wanted. I couldn't help but grin.

"You want it?" I repeated, pushing her back down flat on her back. "Where, baby? Here?" I rubbed her lips and saw her nod.

"Yes," She moaned, her cheeks still flush from her orgasm. "Please."

I was tempted to change plans again. One look at her eager eyes, I almost let her have what she wanted.

But her cunt still glistened, wet and ready to take me so fucking deep.

"Later," I therefore promised her, seeing her pout a little. "In the meanwhile, you can suck this."

Pushing my thumb into her mouth, I watched her lips immediately wrap around it, just as her tongue swirled around it and a soft moan came from her throat.

Fuck. I couldn't fucking believe this woman was about to be my future wife.

"Good girl," I praised her when she continued to suck my thumb like she was sucking my cock. I watched her for a moment, pushing my thumb in and out of her mouth, feeling her limber tongue caress it torturously good.

Then her nipple piercings caught my eye again. Her nipples were still pink from my last assault, and unable to resist another taste, I slowly lowered my mouth to her chest and began licking. Smurf moaned softly above me, biting softly into my thumb when I teased her piercing with my teeth.

"I'm gonna fuck you so hard tonight," I whispered against her, looking up and seeing her eyes darken even more, shining with anticipation. "Fuck, I've missed you, Smurf. I need you so fucking bad."

Pulling my thumb from her mouth, I lifted up and claimed her lips in its place. Smurf immediately kissed me back, her hands wrapping around my neck and pulling me down. God, I couldn't get enough of her mouth. Her naughty piercings teasing my own lips with every sweet assault...

Pushing myself onto one arm, I blindly reached into the nightstand in search of a condom. I couldn't wait any longer.

Finding the little foil wrapper, I pulled back only a moment to tear it open and roll the latex over my length. I was back on her before five seconds had even fully passed. Smurf clung to me and opened her legs, already reaching between us to guide me into her.

"Please, please," She breathed eagerly against my mouth. "Please... Caleb..."

When she pressed my tip to her core, I slowly rubbed myself up and down her folds, teasing her just a little further. She whimpered beneath me, her fingers digging into my shoulder. Oh, she really wanted it.

"Caleb," She whined, just as her hand sought out her own cunt. Her fingers began rubbing her throbbing clit, just as my tip pressed into her wet opening.

I gripped her wrist and yanked it away from her pussy. "Don't touch my food."

Her eyes widened in shock. "I—"

Her sentence was cut short by a moan as I pushed myself halfway inside her without warning. Her body bowed out and her eyes squeezed shut, just as a small cry ripped from her mouth.


"So fucking tight," I grunted breathlessly as I kept sinking inside her. I pulled out a little, only to shove myself deeper as I pushed back inside her, earning another cry from her. "So tight and so... fucking soft," I groaned, feeling her velvety insides wrap around me like a vice.

She was like goddamn silk.

"Oh... fuck," Smurf wrapped her arms around my shoulders and clung on tightly as my hips began softly thrusting, pulling back and pummeling back in, quickly gaining speed. Her head tilted back, just as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. "Yes... oh God, yesss..."

My mouth latched onto her throat as my hand gripped her thigh and pressed her closer against me, surging inside her. Her sweet insides were melting like butter around me, sucking me deeper as I began to drown in her.

Fuck, I'd never grow tired of this sensation. Never had a pussy been this sweet; this perfectly designed for me. I could feel her insides throbbing all around my shaft, clinging to me like a fucking dream.

I was gonna put all my kids in here someday. Shit, I was tempted to poke a hole in the condom right now.

"Fuck," I groaned hoarsely, dropping my head into the crook of her neck as my hips took over. They began to plummet hard into her, grinding wilder and faster, until the sound of our sexes meeting grew loud and wet. Smurf's moans and cries matched the sound, getting louder and more out of control as I thrust madly inside her.

"Caleb!" She cried out, clawing her black nails down my back until I was sure she drew blood. "Oh God, I'm gonna—I'm gonna—"

Her voice gave out and instead turned into a garbled moan as her insides began fluttering like crazy, before they suddenly seized up and choked me in a vice.

"Fuck," I cursed out, just as my Smurf came apart, screaming my name. I looked down to where we were connected and saw my dick glistening with every surge, coming out covered in her sweet juices. "Oh, fuck, Smurf... that's right, keep coming. Don't stop, baby."

I kept driving into her, my ass beginning to cramp up at the sheer speed I was going at. And yet, I couldn't stop. I could feel my own release boiling in my sac, threatening to lock and load. But I wasn't done yet.

Gripping Smurf's chin, I steered her lips towards me and meshed my own against them. She moaned desperately as I plunged my tongue in and tasted her, fucked her little mouth while I ravaged her pussy.

Hooking my arm under her knee, I then pushed her leg up to her shoulder and pinned it there. Smurf gasped and widened her eyes as I now angled my thrusts and struck against a different spot—a spot that had her mouth falling open and her voice going completely mute.

"F-fuck—" She tried to stutter out a voiceless whisper, but it got choked up and instead all she could do was lay there with her mouth lolling open, trying to moan. My cock was driving into her so hard, I could practically see the black spots dotting her vision. Or maybe that was my own vision.

Holy fuck, I was about to come. And hard.

"Fuck!" I hollered and dropped my face into her chest, panting hard against her nipples as I felt it coming. "Fuck... fuckZoe."

Her core gripped around me tightly, before I suddenly felt the flutters again. She was coming apart as well, only letting out strangled wheezes as she was overthrown by her orgasm. It was just like that, I felt my own release finally explode, shooting out my tip and filling up the condom.

I let out a roar and felt my thrusts turn jerky and sloppy, just as I kept releasing. The condom got filled up quickly, warming her insides even more and leaving us shuddering as we both felt it. Smurf finally gasped for her breath and fell limp beneath me, panting almost as hard as I was.

The last spurts died out and I felt myself follow her lead, feeling drained and completely spent. I collapsed on top of her, unable to move, even though I knew I was crushing her. I simply stayed breathing, catching my breath and letting the post-orgasmic bliss settle inside me.

"I can't feel my toes," Smurf then finally whispered into my hair.

It was then I realized I still had her leg locked against her shoulder. I grinned lopsidedly and finally rolled off her, letting her leg come down. "Sorry."

"Oh God," Smurf moaned and shuddered as I left her sore cunt. I pulled the condom off and trashed it in the bin next to the bed.

"I love you," I voiced, slowly turning to my side and watching her stay flat on her back, still unable to move.

Her head tilted sideways, and a cute little tired, but genuine smile lifted to her lips. "I love you, too. But holy shit."

"Did I hurt you?"

"You may have rearranged a couple of my organs, but no, you didn't hurt me."

My grin widened, and I proudly leaned closer and cupped her face. "Thank you for saying yes to me, Smurf. Thank you for choosing me."

Her face sobered, and she finally turned to her side as well and cupped my face back. "Thank you for being you."

Our lips met, slow and unrushed. For a few seconds, we did nothing but kiss, simply just took each other in. Then...


"Yeah?" I breathed with closed eyes.

"Can I suck your dick now?"

I threw my head back with laughter and flopped onto my back, just as Smurf sat up with a determined face.

Seriously. I needed to marry her faster.

• • •

A little lady who knows what she wants.

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